ADDRESS FEATURES N. A. A. C. P!1EE U MAILING EDITION jjpahj^UTHliNBRioSEO"!^ DC - PER COPY- Volume 22 —Number 27 Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, June 28, 1941 PRICE 5c Legionnaires Protest Racial Bias N.C.C.N. ADDS NEGROES TO LAW SCHOOL FACULTY ★ ★★ ★★★★★ ★★★ ★★★ Boy Killed In Freak Auto Accident NEWLY WEDS America Must “Fight For AH” Says NAACP It was 8 mo6t momentous occasion for the Durham social calendar last Friday evening when the b^utiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy became the bride of Lewis Good* wjin of Washington, D. C. The happy couple is seen leaving the church immediately after the ceremony. Police Chief ot Charlotte Lambasts Crime In Radio Address Last Houston, T*x. — ESther Amer ica must believe in and fi«ht for the high principle of “all men” to be free and pairtieipj^^ in democracy, her ideals and admre HifliSP'is right. ^ This was the declaration of Herbert Agar, . editor of the LouiK^’ille, !Ky., Courier Journal in his address opening the 32nd annual conference of the nation al Association for the Advajice- m«nt of, Colored People here *o- night. Mr. Agar, wbo v» hfso m- tioDal chairman of Fi^it for Fi-eedom, Inc., with headquarters in New York, was scheduled to speak on the franchise and the Negro, but broadened his speech to include the great, creed of true Americanismi embracing all citizens. The keynote address fox' the NAACP was delivered tooight by Roscoe Dunjce, editor of the Oklahoma City Black Dispatch. Mr. Dunjee, also a,member of the national board of directors of the association, re-asserted the challer^e of the NAACP to Aiiiel'iiian democracy and demand ed full citizenship status for Ne gro citizens in all phasps of America life. He recounted the sucessful work of the association in several fields and served no tice that in these times of stress the cause of the Negro, Avhich he declared was identical with the cause of democracy, would be loressed unrelentingly by the NAACP- Welcome addresses were given by Mrs. Ora Lee '^er^ for the I (Please turn to Page Two) Law Department At Durham Col. Augmented Dy N^ro Professors a Dur^vam—c^^In keeping with^^itsr >^'|5olicy of expansion an^:d6^1op- Sunday \ p By C. A. IRVIN Charlotte — Chief H. M. Joy ner of the Charlotte Police de partment was the gu€st speaker Sunday morning at 9:30 over the facilities of Radio Station W80C in connection with the Anti- Crime campaign which is being sponsored by the CAROLINA TIMES. Chief Joyner has served with distinction as a member of the Queen City Police depar'ment since 1925, having been promoted to his present office December. 1, 1940. Upon becoming chief, Mr. Joyner said, “Murder must de crease in the city of Charlotte.'’ In his radio message the Ian' en forcing offlcer said “ The offlcers (Please turn, to Pi^je Two) Charlotte Gets Two Negro Policemen President Charlotte — As a result of widespread agitation on t^e part of members of both races in t^is city, the City Council of the city of Charlotte recently voted the addition of two special Negro police, for a period of one year, to its Police Department. The battle for Negro police in Charlotte was instituted several years ago by H. Houston, Editor if the Charlotte Post and Coni- (Please turn to Page Two) ment, the North Caroli^ College for Negroes, Dr. James E. Shep ard, President announced early this week the addition of three full time Negro professors and a law librarian to the faculty of its School of. Law, which opens its second year September 18, 1941. # ‘ : The retinue of the resideit^wf' faculty isi as follows: James. T. Carter, Yates College and Boston University Law Schpol, graduate of Winston Salpm, Chfirles W. Quick, Tallad^a Colleige aftd Harvard University Law School, graduate of'CleVelaad, Ohio; .Al bert L. Tiirfier, ex-registrar ’ at Tuskegee Institute and Adelbert College and Western Reserve University Law School gi’&du- ate, fortnet * Cleveland' ptacti- tioneer, who'has in addition done three years of graduate work in political M'i^ce' at the Univer sity of Michigan, and Daniel E. Moore, fornier Durha-ijiife :and student at .North Carolina Coll ege, a gi^aduafe of Johnson *0. (Please turn to P^ge Two) * NAACP Blasts Mitchell For The Byrnes Endorsement R. L. Shepard, .pron^ent undertaker of Henderson and Oxford who was elected presi- dent of the Qolored ('uneral Dinfcton of North Carolina at tlM anmpal m^tlag held in High Point last week. Mr. . Shepard is a gmduate of N. C. College for Negroes. New York — A barrage ot criticism is aimed at Congressman Arthur W. Mitchell of Illinois this week for the letter he wrote to President Roosevelt endorsing Senator James F. Byrnes of South Carolina for a vacancy in the Supreme Court. Mitchell had read into th'e Congressional Record of June 13 his letter to the President, in which he praised Byrnes highly, with Byrnes’ reply which heg«n ‘ ‘Dear Mitchell, ’ ’ ignoring the Ordinary courtesy of the usual Congressional salutation, ^‘My dear Congre^man,” or “My dear Mr. Wtitchell^” or, £Ven “Dear Mr. Mitchell. , The NAACP, which ha« long ■fought Byrne». for his unsavory Kccord on race ^d laboi^ ques tions, stated that Mitchell toayed his conatltue&cy and the Negro people at America in eyejj eonsidering, eodorsenvnt of a maa who has shown at every point iub* determination not to extend gqH tical social or ect^hmic equally to th,e Negro. A letter like ^ioh ell’s, the Nj^ACP said takes Hts back to Uncle Tom days. . lo the exchange.of oomplimenij Byrnes took pains to point out that the Mitchell letter was “un solocited” perhaps in an effort to (Please turn to Page Two) NBtflW ON SUPEHI^E JJOURT JUftY Durham —^ J. S. Hughson, official of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany, Durham, is sitting as one of the twelve jurist hear- ing evidence in Criminal Cases in the current session of the Durham County Sup erior Court. Mr. Snghson who has, for many years, been prominently identified with the business and com munity life of Durham, is the first r^ce I man elected to serve on a Durham County Superior Court jury in many years. Rev. Prince Receives Degree Charlotte — Rev. A. H. Prince, Joint Field Representative of the Boards of Christian Education and National Missions in the Presbyterian Church, USA was honored by Johnson C./Smith University, Charlotte June 11 with the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Rev. Mr. Prince is one of the outstanding alumnus of the Institution and perhaps the youngest ever to receive this de gree. He graduated from the Seminary in 1927 and pursued further course at the McCormick* Theological Seminary, Chicago. He pastored the Brooklyn church Charlotte, for more than ten years and was called to the pre sent work. Rev. Prince has been an unusual successfl pastor and built a very strong church in the Cfty of Charlotte. ' He has a family, his wife being before marriage Miss Susan Peacock of Wilson, two daughters, Susan C. and Dorothy Mae. BIERNARD RHYNE State Ne^o Veterans Condemn Undemocratic Practices of Armed Forces MERCHANTS PLEDGE AID TO DEFENSE High Point. resolution I pledging absolute cooperation wrtH the national defense pro gram was i>a8esd unaiiinoously here Tuesday, at the closing session of the 39th annual con vention of the North Carolina Merchants Association. The association also pledged all within its power to keep prices, down. George W. Dowdy of Char lotte was elected president of the association for the ensuing year,^ and Raleigh was chosen as the city for the 1942 conven tion. * Other officers.eletced include First vice-president, C. C. Shell of Roanoke Rapids; second vice-president, F ,R. Stout of Greensboro; treasurer, T. C. Hinkle of Lexington; executive secretary, L. Dowell of Ral eigh; field secretary, R. B. Tomilson of Raleigh. ATTmfDS RECITAL Mrs. Helen Parker Thomas *>f Oxford, North, Carolina, is atteml- ing siimnjer school at the North Carolina College for Negr*es. Mi's. Thotuas attended the reei*al by Philipim I>uke Schuyler the nine year old composer . I I)urham, — Divi«on B of th# Xorth I'ariilina American I ifgiott i-liuiasing it* 24th anniuil Coo- venticm with the election of V. jJ. Carnage, Raleigh Attorney, w vit^^e Commander, O. Irving ot i Raleigh, Adjutant, and H. L. Middleton, Faison, Chaplain, went I on refwrtl as opposing the ^xis‘ent jtli.-H rkMinati^in in our defeiiae pkints. Air Caiul in tiie [ Naval liranch of onr armed fcore- ' e«, in a. .series of rrmlatioctb I passed in the corif lading session »>t‘ the day meet here, Toesday [evpninjr June 24. j The Auxiliary «if the Legio», ;comio.sed «>f the Mothers, wires i jind -^i-iters of veterans re|»orted iiiufh |'r«)gre!i-s in i*s prrjgram of H hild Weltare and aid to ve* teranK in hospitals, scattered thf(H!rh(H»t the eonntry. The Convention, presides! over by vice CtMiniiMnder Ormond of Salisbury, j.a.-!.sel reswlu'ion as follows: 4'U 1. We heartily endorse the pro grams for full sjieed IK defense and eivtlian defense ot- ^.•niizations. 2. Be it further r(hsulv«l that more attention In* paid to *h* employoieot •>£ i>ersons in the various types of industry upoll which t»ur national defense pro- grams depend for foil spec dn- head, so Jas to curtail possible so ,.as sabotage a, and that the Xegto, as « loytil ItX) i>er cent Americim be given an opportunity |o pr«par» himself to fit into t|ie sitnatioM ( turn to iS^se Two>, Teacher Successful In Fight For Job il’orfolk — Successfully terminal ing a two year court fight, Miss Aline Black, teacher of this city has been reappointed for the com ing yea^ by the local school board Miss Black was dismissed in 1930 as a result of an adverse decision in the teachers’ salary catse filed in her behalf by NAACP. Our holdings in German plants are estimate at $475,000,0^. CJonvoy sentiment rising af ter Roosevelt talk, a survey in dicatesd Patton’s To Have Gala Re-opening Charlotte. — Fred Patton’s cafe will have a gala reopen ing Thursdayy, July 3. The establishment has been closed for the past few days in connection with general remoNleling and installatiMi of modern fixtures. Upon reopening. Patton’s cafe will be one of the most outstanding show places of this section of the country. The Carolina Times will dedicate a special section to the reopening which will cat^ ry greetings from the friends of the firm. Charlotte Youth Killed When Car Topples On Him After Accident Charlotte. — A 14-year-old | ter of the stroBt with tto boy, standing on Jhe sidewalk [whic|S» was upMt and which fail at Fourth and McDowell Streets on the boy standing on thi» SONO BEOITAL Come, come all, see and hear Mme Fontania, jsresented in a song rccital at the Hillside Paxk High School, Sunday June 29 at J:30 p. m. for the benefit of St. Matthew CME Church. "Kie public is cordially invited. was killed last week-end when a ten-cent taxicab, involfved in a collision with another car,^ toppled over on him. Teh boy, Bernard Rhyne, age 14, of 510 N. McDowell Street, died shortly after re«u;hing the Good ^maritan H(»pital, where he was taken after the acudent. According to tlw poliee re port, a Red & White taxicab, driven by John Jeanes,225 Bal^ win Avenue, was proceeding east on Fourth Street and an automolHle driven by> 1m N. lo gon, 1322 N. Barrill Street, was moving south on IfcDoaptU Street. Police in'Bestigators pot red that Ligon “rushed the light' sidewalk. B. Reid, 210 S. Ifyen Stnetw was a passenger in the eab and was slightly injuzed. Be wm taken to a dobtor's offiee tm treatment. No one dse WM hurt. . Both driven were iHroagitfc poliee hei^nartcrs, irikBM pMted bosda for their aaee in eenrt July 3^ Hmdefaon Axes i» oiQwe to cut ilMe • Arwy posts th«nt»i with seM ftm wriien say tiMV and collided in ^ emof ’va. viyk

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