Warren Palmer Places 2nd In Soap Box NA AC P Blasts Jim Crow On N. Y, Train Si MAILING EDITION I IiSSSSXSSS3StSt«SS5S««S*S»la«a««*«*l»ti Volume 22 — Number 33 U. s. MAY BUILD AIR TRAINED INSURANCE MAN Says Bias Exists On Sontlibound Streamliners - PER copy- PRICE AFMC Saturday, August .2, 1941 $1,000,000 PROGRAM Durham, N. C., Aug. 1. — Although he is a young man, Asa Timothy Si>aulding, the new president of The Nation al Negro Insurance association has had an interesting career. He prepared for insurance and took intensive training beifore entering the ranks within which he has risen rapidly. “Who’s Who In Insurance" gives the follovsWng chronicle of wKat Spauld ing has crowded into his few years: . * “Actuary and assistant secretary, North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance company. Residence, 1068 Lincoln street, Dur ham. Born July 22, 1902, in Columbus county,' North Carolina, and educated at National Training school, Durham; ■■ Howard university, Washington; School of Coitimeroe, Accounts and Finance, New York university; and University of Michigan. BS in accounting, magna cum laude,' NY university; MA in mathematics, University of Michigan, and recipient of several, scholarships and prizes. Charter member, FSN; scholastic so ciety; member, student council, Howard university; Delta Mu Delta, national honorary comemrce scholastic' societ.v, NYU (and member of the executive committee, 1930); Omega Psi Phi fraternity. Director, NC Mutual Life Insurance Co.; Mort gage Co. of Durham; Home Development Co., Mutual Buiding and Loan association; and trustee of White Frf)ck Baptist church; chairman, housing authority of Omega Psi Phi frater nity; member, board of governors; National Society of Ac countants. Began as debit man and in home office; Jiuditor, deparment head, assistant to cashier in finance department, dlaim supervisor; actuary since 1933, assistant sccretaiy since 1935 and director since 1938; actuary N.N.LA. ia‘i4-36 and 1938-40; first vice president, N.N. L A.„ 1940-41; consulting actuary, Winston Mutual Life Insurance Co., since 1934, and qf Dunbar Mutual Life Insurance Society, since 1938. ” Centennial G.O.O.F. Plan Huge Pageant Vuffust, 1042. ' I !],|[| The ri'port of the grand soero- tary showc'd 'thnt Iht' Order is in iK'nltlily condilioii financuilly, and that tllere is iiiuch iinprovc- nient in new lixl^es and rein statement of luenibers, many of whom had fallen oirt (liio to the di’Prension. Phila. — Tile semi annual meet iiip: of the Committee of Mana^re- mont of tlie (Irand United Order of Odd Follows held at Ileadfpiar ters Hnildinp:, July 14--20, was ttotpwt>rthy for ire far renehinp plana ajrreed iiixm f'r tiu* eelehni ty>n of the One llnndred Aii- idversavy of the Order in Amer ica. The eenteiinijj^l eel«>bratioti will he held in coinieetion wi«t!i tho BM(’ the nivtional eonveiition of |Truth is the trial of itself, the Order, in New Voi'k City, ^nd needs no other touch; Rubber Haiti is expeclelTin the fiiliire to supply a ]>art of the riil)ber re- qinrements t>f the United States ,Hs plans have boon made for the eveiitiuill i>lantinf» of 70,0(M) acres of rubber trees. New Vork — The new stream lined, all coach trains from New York to southern cities have broiif'ht in a system whereby Ne- pi-o passenut'rs are segregated nin-th of Washington, D. (’. just as they are in the states haring ^iiii crow car laws. The jim crowing of >igro passengers on these trains hinilcd by th,. I’eiinsylvanirt railroad noi"tli of Washington has been vigorously protested Sy' the NAA CP in letter to A. H- 'haw, Beut'Tal^wmtM^er th« P«ymsylwnia. ■ On the rf!:reamlim«i l-Jew York- Florida trains, and on the new New York-New Orleans stream liner, the Koutherner, all seats must be reserved in advance. Ne gro passengers are sold re'-served seats only in the No. 1 coach ot the train which, as usual, is near est the engine. As long as the train is north of Washington, Negro Piuiseiigers are free to use the club, dining,- and observation cars at will; but as soon as the train leaves Wash ington, they must remain in their segregated coach. The NAACr protest iwinted out that Negx’ocs are not reiuired by law to ride in separate coaches north o? Washington, and that, therefore,” the prat'tiee of restrict ing thetr reser\ ations on these tvains U'> . one car out >f New York if illi*gal. The NAAOP letter said that protests and com- *l)laints to. its otlice in New York, and its oHice in Chicago, where tile pnicticci is in vogue in Chir. ^ago-Florida streamliners, had "rcivu in. volume, and that '‘un less something . is done b.y. the railroads themselves, some action will hafe to lie take in behalf of Negro travelers.” The latest NAACP protest on this practice was occasioned by a complaint . from a colored man who sought to get a resevation to Atlanta by telephone and was told that the train was sold out except in car S-1. He told the reserva- tiKin clerk that he would take a seat in S-1. The clerk, thinking he was white, told him that was the wMored coach.” and he could not sit Inhere. The NAA('P also raised the that even though these stream liners are new and have the same car construction thi’oughout, they do not. furnish exactly e|ual faci lifics for Negro and white pass engers. For example, on the At lantic ('oastline streamliner, the (''hanipion, to Miami, Ncgn)es ar^ assigned a half coach ahead of the liaggage car. In the vhite coachVs on the same train there is a lounge room for women at one end of each far, and a smok- ' Please turn to page Eifht Of Negro Workers begins Employment Sperry Gyroscope New VoJk City — Th« Urban League rccei\el assurances lo*iay that the SjHTry Gyroscope Com pany of Biooklyn, makers of the famous secret bomb sight and other aviation ejuipment lor the Unitt*tl Arxny, already revised itr ra«iai ' policy in ^'ti- ployment aid will integrate large numbers of Negro workers into its plant personnel in the near future. These assurances were given by R. E. Gilmore, President of the SiKyry Gyroscope in con ference w.t.h' Lester B. Granger, Assistant Executive Secretary of the National Urban Leji^^ue, Charles A. Collier, Jr., Indu.slrial Secretary of the New York th-- ban League, and ('harles C. Berk ley. Industrial Secretary of the Bi’ooklyn Urban League. For some months, the New York and the Brookvln Urban Ijea pues have been calling 'the i.tten- tion of Sperry olTicals to the fact that capable and trained jJegro workers were being ignored in their application for employment- Eight Negro Lads Make Good Showing In Fonrth Annual Races In Durham Prepares Legend J. W. IfllTOHELL An educatwaal program to in crease the productive wealth Ne gro famiiie« in Iforth. Carolina l>y at least a millien doUars annually is annouit^' this week in daily i rea| |pf «T- W> mtcbdl, work fos the A^lenltaral Bxisn- tion Service. ^des From St. Paul To Houston In White Day Coach; Relates Details of Journey REV. 0. E. GRIFFIN Recently appointed general secretary of the North Oarplina Baptist Oonvention. He isl pre paring to make his first report at the annual convention in Char lotte, August 5, 0, 7. Silk Hosiery Shortage Due ^n New York — The National As- socintion of Hosiery ers today .served warning ^on American women that they might for 1941 raised 502,002 tons. St. Paul, Minn., — The Kev. Clarence T. K. Nelson, pastor of the Camphor Memorial Baptist church of this city, and delegate to the ii'ind annual NAACP con vention held iu . Houston where he served as chairman of the time and place committee, rode all the way to Texas from Minnesota on (he ‘iwhite” day coach and ar rive there unmolestjcd. His trip he dei*oibeS as being without incident until he ap- pi-oached the Oklahoma border wher a porter asked him to ‘"move to tilt' coach ahead. When he re fused to move saying that he was an inter-state passenger, tlic TJi-ter left him alone, but j>ked another colored passenger, a wo man, if she would move and help ed hor with her bags to the jna- crow car. Told by a whitt woman i ass- enger who said she was interes ted in c*olored people and had solicited funds for a school in Guthrie, Okla., that he “was mak ing it hard for the good colored people of Oklahoma,” Rev. Nel son rcj>lied that “the good colo red people need to be emaiuipa- ted.” He was approached by the ondiictor after the train got in to Oklahoma who said it was all right with the to ride in the chair car, but that it was the law of the state and he might be arrested. Still Rev. Nelson refused to move. ' Later the c(mductor asked him ?or his name ^«d when he finally gave U. s. May Build Air^ Bases In Africa; Nazis Trying To; Dqfflinate Republic Wntihingf(m, (AN'l') — Contr ary to President R(K>sevelt's cle,- elaratiou l^at he had uu inten- tioO if spfiding any more y>vei%jj time, reports circulhfinj' .•eek gave evidence that the Cnft ed States is .seriously considering building on American naval and military base at Liberia on the west coast of Africa. The information that Lilieria under consideration came from an administration conference re port. Adtninistrntion olliciais re fuse to dicuss the matt»“r, but indications are that Liberia has been considered as an alti'rnative to French Dakar, seizure of which has been deemed too risky. Liberal is considered of vital importance now iM'cause ot its strategic position, just below Dakar and ojjposite the Brazil coast. In his May 27 fireside chant the President intimated, that he would seize the Portuguest Azor es, Cape Verde Islands and bakar ill order to forestall occupation hy the Nazi if Hitler" should in- vatle the Iberian penisula (Spain and Portugal). Occupancy of sucli outjjosl.s by the Na^is, the 1 resi lient said, would be a threat to ihe safety of the I'nited States. Liberia, founded in 1820 under auspi^'cs oji^tinerican ' socitie-' in- terestt'd establishing a lony of, freed American slaves, was granted independence in iS47, but it still an American protec torate. Mi'canse of close relations with the United States, Lil)cria is said to be favorable t) tht' Imilding of military ]M)sts. Still Visiting Miss Ciandia Bttrghardt, Petite Coach daughter ghardt of C. College, is ttill at her father’s home town Oreen- Tille, niincAs, visiting. She has been there for the p:st four mon ths. . 'A ?■ 3 BY W. A. Durham — The thoaaoa^ gathered on Univwsily Drire Sunday aftenioon to wilnfs; th* fonrth annual eity widr bu derby were trfBzie«l in tlieir thusiasm as they wntrkeii t’.'ilnier, ot>e of the eiifht lentranis, come within iiwfcn mf tukin" first place aiui the ta ! rcpre'.ent Durham a; the X&ticnr :il Deriiy in Akron, Mltio, 17. Howev«*r, the raenr of fotcmij ; \Vo*mU, u liite, wa» .► I»it stpretticr and Pa|nu.‘£ fniirtinf; first 3^ division ami -'eri>t!d place mt- runner up. The first Xi*ero to •tOfc action on the hvit 1ra#il./ was Kdnard Weaver de^-' l'eat«’»l by Paul tn Ih# tirvt heat. It wus in rfie ■ im* •ed heat that Palmer firs' saw atid .*1,1 n()s»ii out I*a.iJ ilfark; is U!.S seconds. In the toerffi hc«l le was matchel wit’i (>r,j«e$ whom he eliminated in I5.J.5 »:-■ cfuid', the final‘s for Bnr-! I’ Di vision title he oatriui T. Five Hundred 500 Production Jobs In Aluminum Trades If The 0. P. M. Acts Hoover Says F.B.I. Employs Negroes New York — In answer to an inquiry by the NAACP, J. Edgar railroad for him Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the IX*artinent of Justice, writ«‘s stating: “Please he advised that this Bureau has iki ban on the emplay ment of Negroes, and, a« a a.att- him his card, the conductor said-,^" ther« are » autBhcr of am just trying to hold my “I job.” The only other incident , in Oklahoma octurred when he >vcnt into the men’s room and liard two white men say: “Things have changed, haven’t theyf” Please tnm to page Eight Negroes in the employ of this Bureau at the present time. With regard to yonr question as to the positions in which these persons are employed, you are advTsed that they are employed in both investigative and clerical csjiaci- ties. ” New York City — The Natiouai Urban League, in a comiuunica- tion addressed to Sidney Hillman this, week, placed its support be hind the,request of the National BVonze and Ahiminum Foundry Company of Clevelaml for a special allotment of scrap alumi- Mum with which the Company in tends to train 500 Negro woikers for skilled proiluction v^ork in aluminum industry. National Bronze has employed a large number of Negro workers for the past twenty years, but in confer ence with orticials of the I’rban League of Cleveland, the Com pany has worked out plans for training large additional number, provided 700,000 pounds of j-crap aluminum can be obtained for traiBing purposes. It is estimated that the Company mnst wait from four to six months before eqaip- ment will he dellv«ztd fat mse in the production of castiog for taaka gun tonrets, airplanes, ete Na tional bronze plans to use that waitini^ period for training; Ne groes for the kind of preeisioo type easthtg required in the' fense orders .held by the Coii^ pany. Velverton of ILileigh in ;Mi.l ai^ | conds. He rested then until lui race for the city chatupiuusius »vith the winner tif the Class A title. Woods clocked Ibl seeoi!id|ti flat in (refeating Palmer- f After Palmer had won the. Division title, he'”wiis eougrJtii ed by the ^ judges and was vieweil over the air- by W( Woodhou.-.e who was turaatiradt the ev« nt for radio jWDNC. Pahner predicted I Kiifiis King wo;ild lM^ar wst I in the A division. Most of the Negro entrant?' part in thi> clas^s A division Pkaaa ton to pag« Teachers Of Coooty Give To N.A.A.G. New York — In a; of the eampugii whii^ tional AssoeiatioB for tk#. ment of Cplored on and won fur the the salaries of Negro teaehers in Aium the teachers' anmr iatinn ooanty has aiwt a «T>eO to the SAAC^ here. When the test Arundel eonntx wm her 33. 1990, it i that ArBBdwl epmHy, pa^ eavalBp* iunmtate OOQ aana^Uy. Th« hioHflit by Walter priMipaJ i» a fiw at Cimtt ¥urol«, liftiliaa •vinilf