TBE CARChL.IMA TIMES SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1941 PUBUSHCD WBEKLY BY THE OAftOUNA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. s. PBABOOT St. ^ DURHAM. M. C. PHONES N-71X1 *r •>*7871 ■■tercd M Mcond claai mattr at the Post Ofice at Duriuun, N. C. , .Slider tiw Act of March 3rd, 1879. L. E. AUSTIN.PUBLISHER JRFnXIAM A. tLiCR., ManafinK Editor S. k WILUAMSON, News Editor CHARLOTTE OFFICE 420 1-2 EAST SEOOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION RATESt $2.00—Y«ar, fl.Sfi—6 Montis, The Platform of . THE CARO UNA TIMES indudes: Equal salaries fiv Nesro Teachers. N^ro iieliceBieii. Ne^ro jaryMen. ' . ^ Eqnal •educati«HiaI opportnnlties. Hirher wa^es for donestic serrants. Full participation of Negroes in all branches of the National defense. Abolishment of the double-standard wagre scale in industry. Greater participation of Negroes in political affairs. Better hMuing for Negroes. Negro representation in city, county, state and na tion go?eninient8. PECT FOR OUR DEAD Either tl^ city of Durham should close for good the Old City cemetery, located in the northern part of the city, or it, ahould make ^arrangements to keep the grounds in better shape than they ai^being kept now. Not only is the manner in which ■ the grounds'Skce kept a reflection on the city, but the colored population, Jor whom the place Wjas originally set apart, as B»elL The law is dafinite and sure with regards to burial grounds. ilH&d it is not going to be as easy to abandon the Old Qity ceme- many hope it will. There is the mat^^^gE^^tinKnl^ to be reckottadrtwith, . and the ri«:hteousnes8 StiS^ion ^at •rises in the moat dtstant relatives when there is 'tiwlE^ut lis- tarbing their dead. The law recosmizes this deep feeling that exists among survivors of those w^o have passed into the great b^ond, and is slow to do anything^ that would arouse it. We think,however, that until it is definitely decided and arnmgements "Inade-to abandon the place that the same care given other public burial places should be gjiven the Old City cemetery. At present many of the tombstones and grave markers havei been demolished or pushed over. Others have suffered the ravages of time and need repairing:. The grounds have been j allowed to go without attention until the place resembles a wil- rdemess rather than a place where civilized i^eople bury their Because surviving Negro relatives have not enough respect »r their d^ad to keep the place cleared or sec to it that it is ept, those living in the immediate vicinity, supported by usual race prejudice, have no respect for it also, and con- ite what they can to destroy the place and make it unsight* We th^k the time has come to take some definite action thisviKtticular cemetery. Either it should be abandoned th respe^ ^d time and place provided for those desirous of loving Uie' remains of their beloved ones, or it should be litely miderstood that it is not going to be abandoned. If latter ^ewrse is decided on, then funds from public taxes mid be Sfipropriated for its upkeep. FRIENDS IN NEED A Europe controlled by Communistic Russia is no more de by the United States and Great Britain than a Europe con- by Nazi Germany. When democratic forms of gov- get in bed with a communistic form of government world may rest assured that both have become bedfellows ‘use of oecxi and not bccauae of love for one another. Brest Britain is the main source from which most of the hatod in the world originated. Gormany and other coun- 4i^ere it is now found are novices at the game, and con- iy have not learned the art of practicing it without at- attention. Russia where all races, inclufing the Amer- and other Negro ijeople, are given equal opiwrtun- be allowed, without a fight to a finish, to get [ ^l^ucDpe. HSGHT 41ND iSGHT ^ Henry C^y D»ri« In spite of man's acicntific expostulations concerning the origin, function, and cocentricitics of this Earth upon which we dwell there cannot abiA; in the human mind any doubt that it was created by a Being whose omni|)0ten0e is far greater than the combined degrees of actual or assumed erudition ever ac quired by the human race collectively. There is ho discoverable difference in the Divine construc tion and sul»equont usefulness of Earth’s many seas, or it^ multitude of mountains, or its various rivers, or its countless other manifestations of God’s creative genius, and consequent ly we may safely believe that His Divine scheme included no provision for a difference in the construction and usefulness; of human beings whatever may be the color of their skins. The intangible and incomprehensible forces which govern the function of Divine creations are inviolate to man and havd therefore remained constant and impartial down through the ages and when man realized that he could not control, alter, or affect What he calls natural laws he should also have realized that any unjust man-made law designed tp favor some humans and punish others would eventually become retroversive to govern the lawmaker in the same measure as was meted out by him, the law of retribution being also inviolate. The mighty British Empire seems to have been founded and built on the principle and practice of subjugating and despoiling weaker peoples whose hereditary proi)erties containing untold riches in natural resources were seized and exploited, whose customs and traditions were suppressed or changed to serve and convenience of a ruthless and merciless iif^der, and whose slightest infraction of the selfish and unjust laws imposed up on them was sometimes penalized in a most barbarous manner. And now the mighty- and supercilious Britons, the masters of suberfuge, intrigue, and viciousness, are finding themselves faced with the proof either that might is not always right or that if might is right, it is not solely the privilege and propr erty of the British people. If they have been right in their centuries old practice of employing might in their program of conquest, acquisition, and expansion, they have nothing to fear from the inexorable law of retribution, but if they have* not been right all "their invocations for Divine mercy and assist ance and all the secular material aid able to, reach them will be as chaff before the wind. This world will never be free of devastating wars and their terrible consequences until it is first free of avarice, deceit, and prejudice, and until every human being is willing to accoi^ ev« ery other human being the same rjights and privileges he re-* serves for himself. The greatest menace to the security and welfare of any nation is that nAion's own citizens who sub scribe to policies of despoiling, exploiting, and maltreating peo pie less privileged than themselves. Such citizens invariably incur enemies with whom the nation will eventually have to come to an accounting and not always successfully. Histerical records of the gains and subsequent losses of mighty nations and powerful individuals are ample proof that might IS far less conducive to peace, prosperity, and under standmg among men than are the elements of justice and fair play, 1 iTHE LINES mtP HTM'TB'AT WiYT X' bv William Pickens, Spokesman for Cause BY H. BOABDMAli For the Associated Negro Press By Dean Gtordoo B. Hancock THE THEEATLESS WAY hen thg march on Washing ton was called off, there were tho»e who sighed with relief, li; is extremely unfortunate that Furthermore, there ik a ques tion in many, wo»e face was aaved when the Inai'eh on Washington was called off, the administration’s or the uitu'ch there are those who are implying ; sponsors f There have been raised that the march is an ujp the sleeve card to be used at some iubst- quent date, if the objective in defense are not attaijid, so tar as a larger integration of the Ne gro is concerned. and America have sordidly maneuvered Russia l^ing their chestnuts out of the Are, until ifd can get teiijtf to do so with hands proteet- ‘ It-'a a n&stf' game, and they who play it " Read the “Rape of Africa"'by Lamar get a close up of European integrity t*o-«mng at the 4ime, iwt ag t^ age of puberty it too began to rape distance. Ijlyalf the dfaty>gaek« whare .all wen are going to see Ei^rope cfnt^rollad by a uaent «^h^r-all mm .of «1I races aoon ^ co|iypkte9 the role fee '^itwuTOr^ or fought out.^ ‘SB^&BTope. Should she defeat Germany herarif at vmr ai^in«t the same people IgtoiW- Aa aoon as the need of Ru£sia When President Kooscvelt made his statement there was no far ther place for the nijutn on Wa?li ington. The dramatization of the Negro’s dissatisfactioa and plight with his (lefense opportunities is about all that a march could ac complish. The President’s deUvc’’ ance on the matter was far more efl'ective than any march could have beenj and so the cause advanced. But Negroes should le ward of intimating that Roo^evtlt was “smoked out” as some er roneously imply. Roosevelt ueeds; no “smoking out” on the race question. His stand has been no manly and heroic that “smoking out” tactics are utterly out of plaoe. Moreover, the Roosevelts are the type that will not be “smoked out.” The Roosevelts are fearless and what conviction will not do to a Roosevelt intimidation can not do. For more than eight years. Republicans have tried to force' him to make a statement for the anti lynch bill; and he has re fused to be coerced. He knew that a statement from ,his 'would mean nothing hut conflict with the Southern constittfency of Congress upon whom he nius^^ de pend for the promulgation of Policies the triumph of which will be more lienefici^l lor the Negro cause than any deliverance on the anti lynch pronouncement. Roose velt would be less than a great statesman to alienate to large part of his support to Placate flie Negro race who are practic ally voteless in South. But Roosevelt has a better way than merely . ‘‘t»lkiug” his in terest in the Negro race.'He tries to formulate poU^;ies that will not work •ivithout them and which will be a general blessing in which the Negro must shfife. r beware of the , ■ ioft||icationb of those Negro leaders ^ho'' always hold the N^ro up aa a threat. If^^roea are not in a position in this country to do much “threat- ing.” The psychology of threats serious qustions, as to the num ber that would have marched. The fundamental question raised as to letting the march drift into the leadership of subversive ele ments prejudiced many conscien tious Negroes against the march tatties. Our communist comrades have a way of “running away with the show” and so caution was in order. Our leadeiShip should be wary about using the Negro as a threat. As a threat the Negro and his best ett'or; are strictly limited. ^t;^|^t^tiou ij the word and offers the more effective threatless way. Vansitart says graatest U. S. aid will be in new A. E. F* President asks more daylight time to save,power for defense. William Green supports forced saving for defense workers. Railroads show revenues rise of 30.2 per cent for June. Evidences ,«ven Hitler u against the Negro's interests. Jhis htnds. Will somebody tell the world why Hitler is not in Moscow or Leningrad or Kiev? What we want to know is why Germany continues to captnre the same cities and annihilate the same armies w.hen Bussia has so many other cities and aimiea that might be captured to Ger man advantage. When Germans captored the son of Stalin they captured thi wronf Stalin. The one that is giv ing the trouble is still at large. The Germans «re not going to get far captnriog the wtongman. FoQt troublos will cease when P097 hranans pay less attention to number and more attention to fit. A hitch in time may also save nia'e. _ • i . A shortage on informaition of ten result^' in a “longage" of argument. are Qiultiplying that has plenty war on The first and most lasting im pression one receives u\)on tnling with Mr. Pickens is that the de fense savings plans is to hini a genuine cause. He lives with it, dream it, and is COljiVINClCiD with wholehearted couvyetioii that it ijs a heaven sent opportunity for a Negro American to help their country and themselves. He glows with ferver as he suys, ‘‘For our group it is NECESSARY that Hitler should be defeated. We know that a Hitler victory means servitude for all the minority groups and the weaker peoi>les. This defense savings plans has been devised so that E\'i£KY American may participate in the defense against Hitlerism to what ever extent he is able; uad that his particii>ation may be to his own permanent and substantial advantage.” \ Aw, propaganda! mutters the oppostionj but he does not say it aloud in Dean Pickens’ hearing. What the dean is saying is no empty lip service due to the job he has undertaken. “It is true,” he says, “that the tree of de mocracy has n5l reached its jua- turity in America. It is a slender plant, or slow growth, and the day is still ahead when its wide, .strong brandhes will shelter al mankind. The d*^ is still to ,’oiue bat it will come, if we nourisli and train and *eare for that youug growth. The fool says, because it is weak, because it does not yet protect us, let us cut down! the ool, who lets himself be used by those who want mankind to have no Protection save that of their own mailed fists!” In less figurative language Mr. Pickens went on to say that, what ever the faults of our government lay be, it is one of the few re maining on earth which giants the right to protest, the right to demand changes, the right to maintain rights. (^uite recently this was illustrated when the ex clusion of Negroes form defense dustries brought a gigantic wave of protest from Negroes in all Parts of our country. \Vithout constraint of any kind they voic ed their protest. Without fear they organized to give their swelling indignation form and substance by a mass march upon our seat of government. the President of the United Stat es recognized the justice of their demand and, “ by i virtue of the autjiority in him /,vc64^vby the constitution, ’ ’ issued ’ an ’cAler with *rrangemeat8 ■ for ■ its strict! enforcement, to bring to an end' all discrimination in defenso in dustries. What would 'Hitler ^ say—to that? What we Americans say is, cheers for democracy! And while we are cheering, let us give one for this appointment of Dean William Pickens in the treasury department, another manifesta tion oi that same democracy. His ^uU .tjtlo, lot ^ be irecord- ed here oi>ce alid -for all, is “Principal Defense Securities Promotion Specialist on the De fense Savings Staff of the Utlice of the Secretary of the Treasury. Hereinafter he will be known as staff assistant a designation chosen by himself and in keeping with his character. His wokr may be described with equal simpli city. He goes about the country wherever called for, so far as that is humanly possible, si)cak- at meetings held to put the de fense program before the peoi)le; His own part is to explain iii his own graphic, humorous and cry stal—clear language al of the defense savings plan, from 10 cents stamp to $10,000 bond; the pur}H)se i^nd the use of these in vestments, to the national and to the individual. Aside from his ow^ tmjjiuajas- tic belief in the"8e#?fise savings plan, there are other reasons why the appointment of Dean Pickens i« peculiarly appropriate. One of these is the fact that he is a popular speaker with white aa well as Negro audience. Ah’cady requests are coming in from white communities whei'e he has has spoken before asking for Dean Pickens for their leading speaker at mass meetings held to acquaint the jmblic with the de fense program. And when colored groups feature him at their own local assemblies, a large section ot' the audient-e is aj>t to be white. In other words, this appoint ment is a happy example of tiie right nian for the place. Dean Pickens knows his peojde. He understands their lives and their needs and he can give to tl\^m and to their Avhite neighbors, in his own persausive way, the philosophical and practical rea sons for supporting the defenfe savings plans. Van Metis, state draft director. i ]^K*al boards re{x>rted that they have had a few instjuices in \hieh men got married after they Avere order to rept>rt for- examination and then asked to be placed in class 3. Under the new reguktion no consideration would be given de ferment of such cases unless the registrant had indicated on his i]Ut>«tionnaire or by supplement ary informati(m that he was en gaged and gave the date of the approaching wedding. There might be^other conl;tions^ the bulldtin, said, which would ob viously temi>er the modification of jK)iicy, such as pr>of that the wife was pregnant, or conclusive evidence of absolute dependence wherein the wifp would suffer undue hardshii> if compelled to live on the registrant’s income' as a soldier. , Marriage Offers No Escape Under Present Draft Law Registrants with the selective service boards V\yho * get jnarried 3n the eve of thjgfr-induction or after being order*ed" to re]>oi-l for [ihysicaT examination will do so at their own risk, according to a bull^ti^irepeived by Alamajice’s two • boards • today from General J. Angier Ex-Slave D{es In Raleigfh Burial rites for “Aunt” Ade line McAllister, former slave belonging to the John Green family of near Angier, Harnett county, were held at Garner Wednesday* where some of her kinsmen, now all dead, resided a number of years ago. The aged woman, who was confident she was over 110 years of age, died at her home in Chavis Park, Raleigh. Mrs, W. E. Stinson of Raleigh, re- late^to her former o>wners, vvM^H^ guardian in her last For years, “Aunt” Ade^ line ^as a “fixture” at the an nual reunion of the Green and McLean families in Harnett. Mrs* Stinson saw to it that she got to each meeting, for she could recall incidents and per sons connected with the family better than anyone else. She was owned by the late John and Katherine McLean Green. When asked why, upon gaining her freedom, she took the name “McAlister” instead- of that of her owners, she answered that “McAllister sounds bigger." The McAllisters were related by marriage to the Green and Me Lean families. The former slave, in trying to calculate her age, declared she was "a grown woman when the Yankees came” during the Civil War. With the realignment of |k>w- ers in Europe there has arisen among many of our people a sense of confusion, fostered and augmented whenever possible by those who are trying to divide the nation, and who wish to veil the real issue involved. If we listened to them, we would be lieve that we were forced to take either the road to the left or the road to the riglit. This is not the case. It is not a choice between the l)«gun besti ality of the Nazi-Fascist regimes and the godless bestiality of the Communi«t overlords. The blood guilt lies on both, and the foulness of their deeds offends the nostrils of Americans in usual degree. As a people we learned our It'sson in the era of ji^ng wars. We know that we cannot sit idly by and let two mobs kill each other off, while we go on rocking serenely and saying, “God ridd ance to bad rubbish.” We have got to get up and clear out both gangs, and common sense (ells us 1 Jiat we have to begin with the begin with the one whose gun is pointing our way. , ' ' The policies of oUr government ^have pot changed overnight. "We still as a nation are against all of the totalitarian ideologies which enslave human beings and make a mockery of all the principles we reverse. But we are a practi cal people, and we have to tackle johs in the order «f’theif' W^di aey. We know th^^t 'our j^i-esent task is to rearm S'^edilyanl well to rush aid to Br^taijt^ in this her God given hourt di bpportunity before Arm^pddon, and to pre pare for);ithp‘‘worst while we ear nestly > pray for the best. While We use this providential minute of respite before tho storm to strengthen the bulwarks of our defense, we must not jump to false conclusions or be led a- stray in false judgments. Thru the trying hours ahead, while tho rain of epithets—“Nazi” —-‘Red’ —“Nazi” — “Red”—fall upon our ears, we must stand firuii looking .fceyond the scaremonger to the shadowy ^gure prompting him. If we keep in mind that these miscreants now so bitterly assailing each other were broth ers in blood such a short time ago, united in their task of scutt ling the ship of democracy, we can sec them in the proper per- spectiveaiid go on as indivi duals, as a people, and as a na tion, doing the task we know we have to do. This is still America. This is still our democracy. Tho principles uix>n which our nation was governed h^ve not been changed by the new line up in Europe, “Go to your work and be strong, halting not in your ways, Baulking the end half won fot an instant dole of praise. Stand to your work and be wise —certain of sword and Pen. Who are neither children nor Gods, but men in a world of menl” YOU SAID IT ’Defense Bond OuizI —rrrB What is the reason for buy ing a Dfefense Bondf A. To keep America free. To show your faith and pride in your country. To warn foreign dictators that the United Slates is. the strongest country in the world. IT’S ALL IN THE STATE MIND If you think you aer beaten,—^ you arc. If you think you dare not, you don’t; If you like to win, but you think you can’t It’s almost a cinch you won’t,i If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost, For out in the world you’ll find Success begins with a fellow's will; It’s all in the state of mind.; Pull many a race is lost Ere ever a step was run; And many a coward fails Ere' ever his work’s begun. Think big and your deeds will, grow. Think small and you'll fall be* hind. Think that you can and you will; It’s all in the state of mind. If you think you’re outclassed you are; You’ve got to think high to risej You've got to be sure of your-! self? before You ever can win a rize. Life’s battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man,. But sooner dr later the man who wins Is The Fellow Who Thinks Hq «Can

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