Army Head Warns Against MAILING EDITION 40th uttes VOLUME 22 —NUMBER 33 DURHAM, NORTH CAROUNA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1941 Fort Bragg Shooting Probed by NAACP 'ic. ★ Sk’ - — USHERS MEET IN TWIN CITY White Soldier Protest To Daily About Jim Crow Tactics Of Army Commander An unidentified private at (’amp Upton sent the following letter to • th«r New York daily PM which, impressed with it« importance, printed it as news, calling atten tion to it wiHi a two column head line reading: “Don’t Shake a NiRjrer’s Hand.” ^ i “When President Rooseelt is sued bis reeent executive sUte- ment condemning discrimination in defense industries i^*inst Ne groes and other racial and nation al mioritiea in the United States of America, I wondw il he sent a w)py to his offlcepi in the Uj^ited States ArmyT I takf it th«t they cither do not read tk# newapap«r or are deliberatey suBotiiging that exeoutive.order. ’' “I refer to nu incident at Cnmp Upton lust Tursday. When our company lined up for re treat, the names of those draftee who were he shipped to ( amp Croft, South Carolina, were read. This was accompanitV l>y several admonitions to the group from the commanding officer. He warn ed them ‘not to dring with tigg- crs because if you got into trouble while with one of them, it’s you men who’re going to be locked up, not the nigger.” Then, another thing—down there you don’t shake a Negro’s hand when ,,he vsaya goodby. After this gentle pica for national unity and racial equality in the true spirit of the Bill of Rights an dour democra tic heritage, he wont on 'to say something useful about prophy lactic treatment to prevent vencr eal disease. I “Of course tUe Negro draftees here are segregated from the minute they come to the camp, sleep in separate barracks and eat in separate mefishalls, but most of the white boys show very little Jim Crow sentiment. But it is bound to increase inevitably with these official incitements to national disunity—especially bince the United States Army throws its whole weight behind such in citement. The whole picture is a very raw and ugly one. It looks, smells and tastes like Fascism; it leort.s,ano I it is Fascism in practice. What the hell can a jArase like anti- Fascist war mean tn the thou sands of Negro draftees wh.) eat alone and thousands of other white boys who see this ngl? se gregation and realize that it’s an obscene parody og democracy? “Thisftruly subversive activity of many army officers muut be exposed by every free citizens who foes that democracy is uorth fighting for because it’s worth living for. ' “I was one of the group ad dressed that day. so obviously I can’t sign my name to this let ter.” PM went on to comment that it did not “condemn the- entire Army or entire officers’ cori.»s on the basis of this ore incident— although it is far from the only incident of similar nature re ported. PM can’t tell you, 'right now, exacctly and mathematically how much discrimination again (€V>ntinued on page eight) Cab Calloway Quiz Program Aired From Raleigh Sunday Night, Aug. 10th.; Many Durhamites Win Cash Prizes Raleigh — North Carolina’s Capital city was the scene of the third w^kly Mutual network feature. Cab Calloway’s Quizzi- cale, Sunday night at 10:30. The program which featured local tal ent, originated in Raleigh Mem orial auditorium and the “stand ing room only” signal was given hours before the progi-am was aired. Cab stopped here enroute to Rocky Mount where he played Monday night. The Cab Calloway Quizzicale is presented every Sunday night by the management of ladio statiop WOR over the entire Mutual network. George Storr is. in direct charge of preparations and Cab Calloway serves as mas ter Of ceremonies. Eight persons were questioned on Sunday night’s Quizzicle; most of them won cash prizes. It is possible for the contestants on this program to win amount^ ranging from one to live dollars. roll dice and their qiiestion is drawn from the basket which has the number corresponding to the numbers on the “ivory selectors” The numbered baskets also con tains questions of varying cash valm's if answered correctly. |The second group are known experts and are given five dollars for each questions answer ed correctly. There is a third group sitting on the stage in numbered scats and the holder of the lucky seat wins the I'ab Calloway “ Coah-O-Cash.’ ’ Taking part in Sunday night’s program were, in the first group: Miss Louise Goodson, waitress in the Savoy Cafe; William A. Tuck teacher-neyspaperman from Dur ham, Mrs. Majorie Sills, Instruc tor at Washington Elementary School; C. I. Sawyer, former football player and Coordinator of NYA Education. The Experts wore: Mrs. Juanita Morrisey, The fist four! fOontinued on page eight) Richard Wright Writes Epic On The Negro In U.S. Abandons Novel As A Means of Awakening Iwelve Million of Race New York, (Calvin’s Service) —Al>andoning the novel as a medium of getting accross his pie for better treatment of the Ne- gio, Richard Wright, Avinner ot the lt)40 Spingarn Medal and author of the stirring story, “Native Son,” has written with fire and i>a8sion a narrative of the Negro in America. aiJPropri- atl?^ titles, “Twelve Mililen Black Voices.” In 152 pages, Wright tolls how “the Negi'o cried fpr joy when he was made free, and then learned Ijetter; of how he fled the cotton fields for the beckoning opportunity of the big city, and then leai'ned better. It says very simply that this kind of education can not go on in definitely, that this countrv can not exist half slave and half free. ’ ’ Edwin Rosskam. photograph er of great ■ talent supplies the latge selection of photographs which are woven skillfully into the text. The book, published by the Viking Press is due in Octo ber. HEADS DRIVE The Last Word The chap was considering buy ing a home of his own and the real estate sales man was tak ing him to look over a place that was up for sale. Upon arriving there the salesman re marked: Attorney C. J. Gates repiorts that the fi^ht he has been wag ing for highter pay for court house workers shows every sign of being a succcss. Nothing definite can be stated, Itfc sai4. until the next meeting ot the County Commissioners. 1. C. C. Re-opens Mitchell Case On Jim Crow Laws NAACP Asks Prompt Probe of Fort Bragg Shooting Of Solders; Send Own LegJ Staff To Scene Of Mitary Fracas S. C.'Acts To Avert Teachers’ Salary Court Action Attorney Curtiss Todd Of Raleigrh Goes To Scene, Gets Much In formation New York, N. Y. — Asking for an invetigation of the double shooting of a Negro soldier and a white military ixilicemfln on a bus (}; soldiers to Fort Bragg, N. I'., last week, the Na tional AfiHociution for the Ad- vani-iuient of Colored I’eople wrote Secretary of w4r, Henry Ij, Stinisiin that “whitf military lM)lice constitute the greatest source of * frietioH aJotd trouble between the race.s in unform, and that sooner or later the Negro soliliers, i)ecoming tired of the arrogancc a«id brutality of the white military police, would be certiiin to take nmtter in their own hands.” Curtiss Todd,.mem ber of the NAACP legal staff of Race Teachers To Get A 3oost In Salary This Year lokimbiu. S. C. — The board of education here adoi>ted a plan designed “to reduce the inequa- between comparably trained jJegro and white teMchefji” on August 5. The plan Avas included in a rei>ort of a special committee named by the governor and pro- (jones salary increase of trom $4) a year for Negrro and white teachers -with two years of eoU ege training; .f80 a year for Raleigh was sent to Fort Bragg teachers of both race with three WINGS SOLOIST [«UVE THOHTSON Miss' Olive Thompson who is featured daily as soloist «iith the quarter-hour “Wings Over Jordan. ” W'ashington, (Calvin’s Service) —The Interstate Commerce Com mission announced today that it is going to rebiew the complaint by Representative by Arthur W. Mitchell, Chicago Democrat igain St the Chicago-Rock Island and Pacific Railway Co. even though the Snjjereme Court has decided in Mitchell’s ease that Negroes are entitled to Pullman accomoda tions and other first class ser vices on railroad trains. In Novenvber, 1938, the com mission decided against CongiT's man Mitchell’s contention that jim crow praetitiss were illegial. Mitchell was removed by the rail road from a Pullman to a second class colored car as he neared the Arkansas border, in April, 10;)7. The Negro, ear he complain ed, was “filthy and foul smell ing.” The ICC dismissed the case on the grounds that “becatjse there was comparatively little travel,” the lack of eiual accom odations wag not unjust or undue. Mitchell then took the case to the Suj reine Court. Even the 10 Southern states protested again st any review of the constitution ality of State Jim CVow laws as api)lied against travelers in in terstate commerce. Chief Justice Hughes declared that the issue was not a question of segregation but one of equality of treatment and that therefore it was unne'es sarv of the 10 states. The ICC is now ordering the complaiii reinstated, “to the end (Continued on page eifht) to begin immediate investigation. The NAACP declared that the manner in which the shooting took place makes it af>pear that Sergeant Russell Owens “merely shot the first Negro who happen ed to etiierge from the bus.” The NAACP letter called the attention of the Secretary of War to the Pittsburgh COUltlER series on and other reports from military camps in which the writer of the series dt'scribed tlic situation created by white milit ary police ns “unbearalde” and prredictcd that it would not be long: bet'ore the i>oint would be reached where Negro soldiers would not submit to suc.ji treat- meiil. . . . Intervention of lity Polire in the Fort Hragg and sinjilar in cidents was also cited as a source of friction, and the byutal treat ment of Negro soldiers in Hous ton, Texas, during the last World War recalled. The letter closed with the statement that, “This Associa tion submits that when the treat ment of l^(>gro troops in south ern communities by arrogant, ill- trained and preujudiced white military police reaches the j)oint where Negro soldiers are willing to fight and die on the spot in stead of tniining themselves to fight the declared erfemy of the United vStates, then the situation is one which requires the most carcful attention of the War de partment and prompt remedial action. ’ ’ years of college training; to colorotl t»>achers holdii»g coll*>ge degrees. The increase would amount to for white teachers as against $32ti,680 for colored. The plan was admittedly aloptcd to avert rourt action for e]ua] pay. South Carolina is on th(. XAAt^P for the institution of an equal pay suit. “Yes”? questioned the pros pect. “Yes”, asserted the salesman, "garage for three cars with builtl-in living room.” IN AKRON, O. Dr. Joseph E. Walker, president of the Natiaa*] Negro Business L.'ague, and Mrs. Walker, in an informal p««e in front of their r>alatial resitlence. Memphin, where the annual session of the league will convene Aug. 27. Mrs. Walk er is chairman of Ladies Bridge committee which cooperation of the Memphis Federation oi Coiored ' clubs has planned a series of lovely affairs for \'isitinc women to the league convention. The Walkers are outatanding in church, civic, and social life of the delta. The couple attend ed an international convention of the Christian ^luches in Leicester, Elngland, in 1935. George W. Cox Addresses GreensixM Business League; Stresses Use of Mayor H. S. iGi^ Also Speaks on Prognn Greensborohipeaking fo a inasHi, meeting ^f tlie OreenMboro t»| nearly :IW) Monday evening at Trinity .\MK Zion eijurch. (1. W. Cox, vice president of the National Negro Husine.'.s League anil Airi-ncy Director of the North t'arolina Mutual, traced the founding and growth of the association 41 years ago hj- toe late Dr. Booker T. Washington. ^ir. Cox '* cx] laiend that the Negro Life Insurance Association th(> National Nejjro I'aiierwriters Association, the Negro i’ress, the Rational Medical and Dental Associations, came into In'ing years ago as_ the 'result oL iu- through the cooiM'r.itioii of the sjiiration and guidanci' gatliered through the cooperation of the National Negro lioaguo, ami givin«» as an example or the important role which Negro buxi- ness is occuping in our eeon,omie order, T.e .(X|ilained, that i>ni .‘tl Negro Insurance Co. are em ptying {tersuok. He atetj red a sad situation fxees tlie ‘gro tutlay hwiiine (3ft per eraf i I the students in oar scfibols I l ollegi s an* Wing wrongly ednra- ted for the lack of VcR*atioiuil guidance.” *’ 1 ilr. Cox said “more stwasf :'onght to I)c plaeetl upon .thirds with our Rands. , fie e.xpretv'ed faith in tb* jiuoeratic way of life, ami ^allegiance of all t^> the prp of the ehurch. The sjxijker fittinjily intro^Iueed by T¥.. Nelson, prominent churei anl >|)eeial ageut of the t'arolina Mutual Life Insursi I Co. ayor H. S. King aBd I I'atter-iOn, secretary of the |lK)ro ♦'•.imber of Comtueree J brief remarks. Mr. King j“that this is not time for I Or religious pi-eju^Uct s .•vn«t „ . ns must join hands to defease jci'to, eonimuiiism, and all t’ontinued on pare 2,000 Ushers Expected At Conveoti To jBe Held IoLinstooSalemAi^.21-’ Fayor Richard Repolds To GiveWekOi Fishing would be enjoyable if it wasn’t for the insects and one could be sure that the fish would bite. Smart btksiness di^ not re quire anybody to steal from his neighbor, even if the' law per mits it. L. M. Berry left the city ear ly this week and will reach Ak ron, Ohio, in time to witness the National Soap Cox Derby akmg with several other Dur^ hamites. He is interested in the cmistmctioa of the racers and had been influmtial in heliiing create interest in ^oap Bos rac- inf anoBff Dnriian younfsters. Winston Salem. (Special) A ccording to announcement of T. C. Cunningham, plans for the Annua Convention of the Inter denominational Ushers Associa tion of North Carolina were about completed here this week, and Iwal committees of entertainment were ready to welcome nearly ushers and visitors that are e.\i)ected to come here during the session which will be held from August 21 to the 24. • L. E. Austin. President of the North Carolina Ushers Associa tion stated this week that the 1941 Convention is scheduleil to outstrip the 1940 meeting which was held in Raleigh when it. is estimated that 1500 ushers and visitors took th« capital city for the four day session-' This' year meetiog’ of the As sociation is sehedoled to g«t un der way Thiursday evening at 8 o’cloek when the vangaard of th» of the Convention will -reaeh here and a meeting of the crffieers will be held. The following at 10 o’clock the Conventio per will get underway in, Paul ME ehurch where ions of the Convention i held. On Friday evening i a public meeting will be the ebureh with an ad^ wekcHUe on behalf ct the Winston Salem being by the Honorabte Reynolds* Mayor of , Salem. Response to will be delivered by C. of ChaPel Hill. The X. C. Inter Ushers Association. eil 17 years ago, aad ushers of all deaotnii has been said by no8t aaiqae «|UUia ehnrebCNriB one of lie tNtert-1 found' M^wbore. that its ‘ ti«Mi*‘ firnsMtiSf

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