BEPTEMBER 27th l»il THE CABOLINA TIMES issrmm News Of North Caroliia Cities &Town| IAN KILLED AS AUTO ' and said it wm rfepMed that Solictor William H. Murdock of era, 4 ymr M eteild of the Pat-1 BnWK SixtV-Fifth YBEF i"’"’ [ITS TREE ^me“f ih'e peLn* in tJ^^ teraon Spr«»i aaatk-i. hw been | kJIAlJ I UUl l«ll | Tl,. truck Mo,.ged to P. H, wlor^jiK had been drinking, but only two The incident occured when 600 reported »>»ff®ring with a«nouK |||||||||H||M coii!Htnii>tion f ompanT. f^ril^l and had on the IQ MAN KILLED AS AUTO HITS TREE WINSTON-SALEM, Sept. 22 Roosevelt Fisher, 22, waa kill ed and another man seriously in jured when a car in which they were riding struck a tree on the Winston-Salem highway, three mil^ of Mocksville late Sunday afternoon. Sheriff L. S. Bowden of Davie couwty investigated the accident and saidt it reported that some of t^ie persona in the car had been drinking, but only two were injured. WORK COMPLETED ON ROXBORO RIOT, DURHAM, Sept. 22 (CP) — Tlie state bureau of investiga tion has completed investigation on the recent Roxboro mob inci dent and handed tiie records to MISS DOROTHY VAN NUYS toptdar Sim frmmtitco Otitd*or Gkt S^NOKING IS /V\OR£ FUN WITH CAMELS. WE/RE Gf«ANO-TASTING ANP eXTM /H/lff 28% USS NICOTINE than the «Tcrafe of the 4 ochar largMt-MUinc cigamtc* taned— 1«H than Of them—Accord* ing to indepeodeiit adentific tcM cf the nnok« indf! iniiiiiifiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiniiitHiuiiit^^ Welcome Students and Faculty NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE • WE LEND ON HOMES 'AND WELCOME YOUR SAVINGS. ' FIRST FEDERAL & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF DURHAM 124 Market Street Phone L4I81 Welcome N. C. College FACULTY and STUDENTS HATS CLEANED and BLO(^D SUITS CLEANED and PRESSED DURHAM SHOE SHINE PARLOR 120 East Main Street^ Solictor William H. Murdock of the Tenth Judicial ‘DUrtrict. The incident occured when 600 White men attempted to niov^ Cy Winstead, rape auspect, from the Person county jail on the night of August 15. WORD OF GOD IS HEW TWIK CITY CHURCH WINSTON-SALEM, (CP)- The word of Qod Tabernacle, lo cated at 628 Hictory Street, is Twin City’s newest church. Supervised by Miss Priscilla Qraham, the new body attributes its founding to “the work of faith and labor of love” and its purpose is to reach the unreach- ed,and,neglected with the gospel . . . especially children' who are ashainf^ to go to the bigger churches becauae of their inabil ity to wear good clothes. ORPHANAGE ASSISTANT GETS LEAVE OF ABSENCE OXFORD, (CP)—Charles A. Alston, assistant superintendent of the state orphanage since 1936, has made final plans to en ter school agaiu this year. Assistant superintendent for years and acting superinten dent from July ’40 to March ’41. Mr. Alston canned over 75,0(K) quarts of commodities and was active in making better living conditions in the home. He made mflny friends for the institution and for himself, the state having increased the ap- propiation for the orphanage Vhile he was serving as acting sujjerintendent. A graduate of North Carolina College in, 1931, Mr; Akton wil be released by the executive board of the institution to con tinue his work at the school, re suming his duties at the orphan age next spriug. SHELBY CHILD IS POUO SUFFERER SHELBY, (CP)—J. W, Pete- — Welcome - STUM^TS and FACULTY North Carolina Coliegre • For Better Instruments And Sheet Music . See Us FULLER MUSK STORE 106 N. Manifum St. WE HAVE MOVED OUR SUPER A. & f. MARKET AND STORE PROM ITS (In RIGSBEE AVENUE LOCATION Front Of The Union fios Statioi) TO I 404 NORTH MANGUM STREET SUPEfi MARKET era, 4 ymc add child of the Pat teraon SprisfB aaation., haa been reported sufferiug with a aerious ease of infantile paj'slyaia. Dr. Z. P. Mitchell, Cleveland county health officer, aaid Tuesday. He aaid the chil^firat showed symptona of paralysis a week be fore the caae w’as reported to him Saturday. The lower extremities are par- alized, the back musclaa and the left arm in a state of aemi-para- lysis, and the childs’ general con dition rapidly approaching the acute stage. A chapter of the National Foundational for the Prevention of Infantile Paralysis is being organized here and Dr. Mitcliell is hopping to get financial aid for the treatment of the cl»ild. The Peters cliild is the young est in a very poor family. SOLDIERS GET REI>DCED TICETfi BUT MUST WEAR UNIFORMS TO GAMES FT. BRAGG, (CP)—Fort Bragg soldiers will be able to attend football games of tlws season jat reduced prices, but the\' must buy their tickets at the posts and ware their uni forms to the games. They will be admitted at re duced fare at home games of A. and T., North Carolina State, Shaw and St. Augiaatine’s. AGRICULTURAL LEADERS ORGANIZE GREENVUiLB, (CP)—Vo cational agricultural teachers from six counties surrounding Pitt county met last Aveek to form an organization. The ^gfottp iW'as composed of the following: A. Waynne, and J. Broadnax, Martin county; L. H. Smith, Green county; W. Payton, Jone^ co\inty; J. Fallett, Craven Coun ty ; K. M. I>ennon and J. D. Len- non, Pitt County; and B. Bond Hvde County. WHITE CHURCH INVITES NEGROES CHARLOTTE, (CP)—Neg roes of Charlotte “will be allow ed to attend the Sunday even ing Service of the First Presby terian church,” Dr. W. C. Rob inson, supply pastor of the church has announced. He had discussed the (jnestion witli members of the church and it was agreed “that the move be tried.” No mention of Bishop C. M. “Daddy” Grace was made, but it is clear the church is “allow ing the Negroes to attend” to combat the influence of Bishop Grace. As late as the middle of the week, no invitation had been is sued to Negroes, but an an nouncement in the ch^irch bul letin for Sunday said “seats will be provided for any colored friends who 'desire to worship with us at the evening service.” The sermon subject at the ser vice will be “The Gospel of the. Grace of God. The text anounce- ment reads: The grace of God is the most precious possession of tlfe Chris tian heart, the unending theme of Chiristian contemplation. Moreover there is a special son why we Christians in Char lotte ought to have clear concept ion. Moreover there is a special reason why we Christians in Charlotte ought to have clear conceptions of the meaning of God’s grace and share these with our colored neighbors. “God’s grace is His love even for the unlovely, his mercy for the illdeserving; it is the free- uegs of that love; it is the per sonal action and power of the Holy Spirit shedding abroad the love of God in our hearts and quickening us to spiritual life. “In Samaria Simon gave him self out as “the great power of God” nd tried to buy the privi lege of distrubting the Grace of God. The Apostle Peter answer ed him thus: “Thy mouey perish with thee because thou has thought tlijat the gift of God may be purchas ed with money. Mr. Ward will provide seats for any colored friends who de sire to worship with us at the , Prof. C. M. Eppes, supervising principal of the colored schools of Greenville, who begins his 65th year as a teacher in the North Carolina educational system. Prof. Eppes also is very active in all civic matters pertaining to his race. UNION ASS’N TO MEET OCTOBER 16 EIJZABETIITOWN, (CP) The fifty-seventh session of the Union Association will meet at the Forst Baptist Church Octo ber 16 and 17, J. D. Raiford of Fayetteville, corresponding sec retary, announced last week. Prominent persons who will take pai^ on the program are Dr, W. H. Moore, Dr. T. II. Dwelle, and the Reverends C. B. Perry, J. M. Molette, Janies S. Clnrk, L. A. Moore, F. K. Patterson, William Melvin, Lacey Jones, J. W. Beatty, J. F. Freeman, INI. W. Simpson, N. Blue, R. R. Mc Nair, S. Avery, II. Graham, S. W. Sniitii. John Lewis, M. Wright, and L. M. Mills. Prominent persons who will take part on the program are Dr. George Watkins, co-authors of Who’s Who Among North Carolina, have been given a special place on the pro- INSURANCE COLLECTOR SLUGGED* {lOBpED GREEXVILLE, ((^P)—Mat thew Davis, insurance collector, was found near the Atlantic Ooast Line railroad tract be tween the Texas Oil Co. and 5th Street early Tuesday morning in a semi-conscious condition which was was believed to have been caused by a severe blow on the back of the head. Although officers are still con ducting the investigation, rob bery is believe to have been the motive. His left back jiant’s ])ocket was turned out and his insur- euce book and hat were found a short distance from where he was lying. R. J. Rogerson who was called to investigate took the victim to the hospital. ifi' 11* TRUCK PASSENGER INSTANTLY KILLED WHEN VEHICLE RUNS OFF ROAD WTL:\nxaTOX, (CP^—Al onzo Barber was instantly killed when the palp* wood truck on which he was ridinrXurned ov(»r when it met anotlu'r trnck al a curve on State Road No. 4‘Jl Tuesday night, J.- L. Wilson, highway patrolman, said Wed nesday. Res-ident of Swans Quarter, the victim was killed when ^Jirown from the truck. Five , linwQod ^heltpu, dri ver, Runimey Spencer, Lonnie Gibbs, Tom Murry, and Pre tence Ginns—were not injured. Siielton had remained on his side of the road, the trvick hav ing turned over when it hit a soft •shoulder, and was absolved of blame in Barber’s death. DEAF MAN HIT AUTOMOBILE BY WILMINGTON, (CP)~S. 1). Mc(’lainmy who is almost ck'af wasserionsly injured on the Seotts Hill Uoad about seven mi les of here wlien he is -said to have run into the path of an au- tonioble driven by R. D. Ilall, white of Wilmington. Hospital attendants said he suffered spinal and cerebral in- jiiries and that his condition was “unsatisfactory.” Hall said the victim was ap parently, watching traffic eoni- ming from the opposite direct ion from which he Avas driving when he ran into the ]n\th of the car. He .said he .struck the man before he could swerve or stop the car.* He carried the victim to the Janu's Walker hospital immedi- atelj’. Siierirf (\ David Jones .said his office would inwstigate the accident or have an ii^vestigation made by highway patrolmen. ROAD STREW WITH WORKERS —% CHARLOTTE, (CP) — Ele ven men were injui’ed when the side of a construction truck hauling them to work collapsed he was * ‘ about tbe same apa eolor” aH the man tibe woiiib dew’ribt^l and had on the Iibh4 ■ of clothes. The wntnan eame to the poiis* iFifrh Str»*.'f, .>tates,ille. The in-|Htation and identified hWaakcr ieidfiit occuretl at I> *wd road and |attacker, bat tbe next day Wiliii:‘r Driv^ 7.31) Friday was not sure and “didn't think juiitrii iii'. wlitMi 'ii»le '-if tlit* he w*.h fhn one Meanwhile i truck (••.ilapsed and the men offipers checked the mipeeCla id (lumped th*>m into the Htreet. Titf truck l»^l«»iige«l to P. H ■[West L'onxt ruction Company Kt.ifi-sviilf, and was driven by i Bruce I>avenport, white of 13101 were pih*d up tm'the |>avenu*nt las tiif tnick was making the ’enrve on Dowd Road. Minister Dies M H{! AXTOX. CP —Th- .'v. Wililain Sainnel Plair, well whereab«)Uts on the ni|^t m question and found that he bad been at home from 10:00 p. to 11:0) a. m. the next day. MINORS VOLUNTEER WrXST^N-HAI.EM, (CP)— Known lo..ul citizen and pastor Eddie Patton 220 EaJrt Seventk r fliH Green Str»-^t Pr.*sbyterian ««'! Eujfens .James Houy ('hun-!i. diwl following a heart * he«tnut Street, betfc- IBS' attack as he was walking alon- have rpgi.-itered with local Xu-th OreMi Street Tneslay af-|'lraft b«rd number 2 and toI- hinteered for immediate aenriw He collapsed on the sidewalks,*" the Fnited State* Army. near tin' Ilukemount Hotel and > office and was dead PERSOH TO p .st an anibidance could be brought ^ less than a block to take him toj the hospital. F uneral services were con- duct*d at 2 ;(M) p. m. Tlnirsdav from th* Slad«*s' Chapel A. M. E. Zion C'hnrch. the Rev. A. P. Corley arid the Rev. H- Wilson officiating, and the body was taken to C4iarh)tte for burial. TO GET TEAR GAS AI^> TOMMY GUNS MAN’S BODY FOUND NEAR RAILROAD LrMBERTOX. (CP)— The dismembered body of .J. P. Sin clair. filling statii>n handy man was fonnd early Thursday morn ing .TiO yards east of the inter- •section of the Seaboard Railroad aiul the Fairmont Highway. It was com])letely cut in tw9> the head and slionlders having hcen to.ssed into a ditch, and the ivinainder appearantly carried away with a train thrown to the left a few yards down the tracks. EOY CHARGED WITH BURNING HOME NEW B^^V (CP>—Robert Blanchette, of Bridgeton is in the coimty ^ail here in de fault of $2,500 bond on a charge of burning his mothers’ houie. The youth was arrested and placed in jail where he is being held until Superior Court after State Bureau of Investigation officals investigated the burning of the house and a hearing was held. The house, inculding contents vahu'd at .‘filOOO was destroyed by fire on July 16, the New Bern fire department having battled des|;erately to prevent the fire fn ni spreading to a near-by church. ]\Irs. W. J. Blanchette, mother of the youth, is now in State penltentary in Rialeigb where slie is under a three to five year 'sentence on chargt's which grew out of the finding of the body of a baby in a local river. ALIBI WINS RELEASE IN RAPE CHARGE WlXS(TOX-SALEM. (CP i — A snspeet picked up for investi gation in the Patterson avenu" “rape” case was released after he furni.shed an unimpeachable alibi, police said last week. “young married woman” reported that “a Negro Held a knife to her throat and raped her in a swing on the front porch of her home in the early» hours of the morning”. The man was taken into cus tody for investigation because ROXBORO, Sept. 23i-(CP) The City Board of Commiwion* ers and the County ComthisBion- ers of Person have det^kkd to allow law enforeement officer* a federal tear gas emergency kit and two sub-machine guns fol lowing in a meeting Sat. ni^t in which the recent Roxboro mob was described. Orders for tear gas anS ntech- ine guns, regarded as stiindard efjuipment for up-to-date police work, were placed after a com- mi.ssion composed of Philip L. Thomas, city police commiaaion- er. Percy Bioxam, city manager and Police Chief George C. inson conferred with X. T. Clay ton, Person county sheriff a^ Frank T. Whitfield of Buiriiy Fork, chairman of the county commissioners. M. P. SHOOTS 9QU>I£R WILMINGTON, Sept. 22 — (CP)—Johnson of Battevy H. of the 99th Regiment at Camp Davis, was shot by Ed ward Jenkins, military poliee Battery 1 of the same regiment, Saturday night at the comer of Tenth and Castle Streets. According to reports, Johnson was advancing on Jenkins with a knife when Jenkins fired. Johnson was rushed to the first aid station at Camp Gibb ons and after receiving emergen cy' treatmwit was taken to Camp Davis hospital. Extent or seriow ness of his wound was not learn ed. MAN BEATS HIS MOTHER GOES BACK TO ASYLUM LEXIOR, Sept. 22—(CP)— Ray Dida, 24. was committed to the Caldwell county jail Satur day afternoon pending tranafor to the state mental hoepitial at Goldsboro after he was aecused of beating his mother. An unidentified white man told Officer C. O. Benfield “a colored man and a woman were fighting ,” Benfield reported, and th^t after checking on the rei>ort he suspected Dula and sent a call to Dula’s father to have him report at police head quarters. Fiurther investigation showed that Dula had started beating his mother withoat {uro- vocation. A check on his history rev«4|ii that he had just been rdeas^ from Goldsboro insane asylum 18 months ago. mtMH limit

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