MfllOX THE CAK ’ IN A TIMES SEPTEMBER 27t>h 1941 H. W. Mitchell To Deliver Address At Cotton Festival J- W. Mitclii'll. of (trf^nshnro. •tatr farm Hfrent for X>rreH*s will offii;ialy open the Negro Cotton Ftieitival at I'harlofte Oiitober 13. C. A. Irvin *»e«rtivp director of the event ■nnouneed tMlay. A full three-tlay projrrain is ^ fceinjr arranged for the event. whWi will be the first f**>tival, NAACP filines Goverimeit For Biasness hv tlie its tvn^ attempted ,nc ,, , rw- , , • • ■ , lOuanlia Nepro race, Oire*tor Irvinir said. Preliminarv features, wliieh will like Ylorii. —viliau Defense luini^tratiuii Fiorelia .H. La- has .received .requests I’resideut instruct the aruiy mclude the church profrranis. to ietiue a directive aboli.4hiiig all •w b,-inp planned for Sun.lav, ***»n:e^tiqu iu army I'nmps October 12 other places in lontrol o£ the Farm A*ient Mitchell will »p- »» '"> J ^bat NcRro military police- en the event Monday after a j placed on equal footing ■otorcade to three connties ad- j«^nt t(i Mecklenbnrfr. Special films dealing with cotton will be sibilty for race Clashes in and a* oihI military ('amPK on the gov- emment’« i>olicy of .'jegrcgatioii. It Htated .that tiie .epinodeH in Arkansas an«l North Carolina are the direct outjfrowth of the phil osophy of the .War Department whirh caters .to aoutenr .Hc^rc- gatiou tradition. .The .NAACl' niphagi^ed te .imperative .need for a rhange in thiii ]>hiloHo{>y. The basic fact, the .Ahsmkuu- tion Raid) That the army has ap parently not decided what it in tends to do in .utilizing .Nejfro soldiers. It would ap{>ear that the present plan is to assign most, if not nl, Negro troojm to alM)r hut- talioiiK. Practicaly none of the Negro units are as yet parts of tii« army divinionH. It WOUIil) appear to be imperative that the army make UP it8 mind definite ly as to whether or not it is go ing to IT8E Negro troops on the same basifi aa other troops or to dismiss .Negroes from .military service. Back At N. C. C. rilown Tuesday. Wednesday will be featured by a parale and presentation of Nepro I>rania, “Coton, Picking Time”, Tlie profrram will end Thursday with a cotton show. In fitaging the fefitival, Mr. Irvin said, empha.sis will be plac ed on promoting the uses of cot ton, and at the same time mak ing: an effort to bring out the “Fine eniployer-employee rela tionships exifSing in the cotton indofstrj'”. It is the desire of those sponsoring the Festival, he «iid, to make a definite contri- bntioQ toward national defense. The festival is being presented by the Carolina Times and the Charlotte Negro Chamber of eommerce. ENCOURAGING Something of an encouraging prediction in regads to the pro- daction of defense material, comes from John D. Diggers, of the OPM, who says that with new plants and converted plants coming into operation this Fall, the rate of acceleration should change from an angle of thirty decrees to sixty dejgress and this will apply to machine-guns, tanks, powder, TNT and many other weapons. In Sbotland it is still consid ered bad Itick if a haddock fisherman sees a red-headed wo man, a minister, a lawyer, a eat, or a pig, wben he is goinsr out to sea, ■. • and e|uippcd as are all other mil itary Police; tJiat odei-s be i.sued assuring . protection for troops stationed in southern eas anfl that aw enforcement a- genries phoud attend the illegal artions of state police and j>o- lice at Ourdon, Ark. ^ Mr. LaGuardia received the re quests from the National Asso ciation for the Advanement .of Colored People along with fout affiravits form members of the 94th Engineeru division stationed at Camp Robinson, Arg., who went AWOL rather than submit to in- timidation .by .state .patrolmen and civilians there. The affidavits were made after teh protest mass meetitig held in etroit, Mihigan, .by .the .local brancfh last Siunday. The .four men had made their way back to Michigan by .hiking and .ridin’ 'reight .ears, and .their .sworn statements nderseored .the .vile treatment to .\s'4iich they .were subjected. The men testified that not only were Colored troops forced .off the highways at .machine .grun points by bands of .whit«s, but Commanding officers were insult ed and one white lieutenant, D. Curry, was slapped by a atrolman. Protesting against the imperious demands of the .southerners to get those damn .blacks off .the highway, the .white officers were called low names and damn Yan kees. Well Known S. C. Teacher Snccumbs Woodie V. Collier, mnthe- raatics istructtf of Mather Aca demy died at Camden, hospital following an operation, Inst Thurs. Sh|> was a graduate of Sam Hoston College, and had studied one year at Clark, where she ser- fed as chaperone of the fresihman girls. Before eomign to Mather, she also was matron of the small children at Sager-Brown orphange Baldwin. La. For three years, she has been sponsor of the junior class at Mather and luast years she be came adpisey to the girls living in the dormitor.y Her unselfish devotion to the welfare of her students co«ld not have be^n scrasse. She was nev er to busy, ay Or night, to take time to talk with an individual a- bout his persoal problems. . Miss Collier’s home was in At- air, Eexns. i ORDANCE Production will begin this month at the $93,000,000 St. ■lx)uis Ordnance Plant and the |f36,000,000 Denver Ordnance Plant. oBth,plants are produc- The NAAQP placed .^e rcspon-^ing ahead of schedule. it Dark Laughter ■Y OL HARRINGTON Twelve Lettermen Back At Hamton Hampton Institute. Va—The Irobeson TO STAR IN Reginald Ennis, all CIAA Captain for 1941, and one of the greatest basketball players ever produced by North Carolina, put in his appearance at N. C. College this wfeek and sent hopes for the Eagles this year’s team skyrocketing. Ennis play^ at forward. British Government Aids Rebuilding of Ethiopia I oLr flk/ gi(A?no men left the real Washington, D. C.—Reliable Britisln sourcesi here described Si^ Phillip Mitchell, recently ap pointed by the British Gover- ment to assume charge of aiding Ethiopia in that country’s re construction! program; as a Gov ernment official, whose long and successful career in African af fairs, has earned for him the highest respect of the African peoples. The statement w'as made in Buppport of an editorial apear- ing in the Chicago Defender of September l3, titled “South Af- ricani Audacity,”* which takes the the Union of South Africa’s Glovernment t(V task for its hos tile atitude toward Great Bri tain’s program of aid to Ethio pia’s reconstruction program. The editorial quotes the ‘ ‘ Forum published in Johanesburg, South Africa as sajing: “It (the ap pointment of Sir Phillip Mitch ell) means that the first vital steps in tjie rehabilitation of E- thiopia- are likelv to be influen ced more by iniperial than pure ly South African considera tions. ’ ’ The Defender editorial des cribes the “ Forum” article as stating further, “that the Eu ropeans of South Africa did not vohmteer to go and fight the Italians just in order to restore Ethiopia to the natives.” According to informed Brit ish sources here, “No man who was unjust or who was unsym- ,pathetic to the African peoples coijld have had as long and as successful a career as Sir Phil lip Mitchell.” These sources stated that Sir Phillip’s work in Afriifean af fairs extends back to 1918, when he M'as acting governor of Ny- saland. In 1926 he became Se cretary of Native Affairs for Tanganyika, an African terri tory, under Britain, comprising 360,000 square miles, with apop- ulation of 5,250,000 Africans and several thousand Europeans and Asiatic groups. He remain ed here until 1935, when he was made Governor arid Comman der-in-chief of Uganda, a post which he occupied until 1940. Officials of the National Ne gro Congreas, which has urged President RWosevelt to extend immediate aid to Ethiopia under the I.K'nd-Ije^se Act, pointed out that the hostile attitude of the Union of South Africa, to gether with the recent anounce ment of joint plans worked out by Nazi Germany and her two vassal states Vichy-coritrolled Prance, and Spain, to carve up Africa for the Axis powers, makes the position of Ethiopia even more grave. i The ominous threat to the security of the United States, with the completion of Axis plans for devouring West Afri ca, through the Nazi occupation of Dakar in Vichy-controlled Senegal less than a thoiisand miles from Liberia, Is inescap- pable. Congress officials said. Congress officials continued their efforts in behalf of obtain ing immediate aid for Ethiopia under the Lend-Lease Act. This week, John P. Davis, national secretary of the Congress held conversations on the matter with Charles Lewis, of the State De partment’s Near East Division and officials of the British Em bassy. football season for the Hampton Institute Pirates looked bright this week when 12 lettermen re ported to acting head coach Jarhes “Little Train” Griffin on the opening of fall training. Healed by (’aptain Elwood L. Hill, of Newport News, Va .the pirate veterans began condition ing themselves and trairting xin- der the new system being inaug urated this year by Coach Grif fin. The former Hampton back who achived national recogni tion as a lightening backfield runner two years ago, has lined up a powerful coaching staff to prepare the Pirates for their opening game St. Paul, on Hampton’s Armstrong Field, Saturday, October 4. Handling the linemeVi is vet eran coach Gideon Smith, who has produced more CIAA cham pionship teams than any' other coach in the league. Tutoring the ends is George Davis, one of Hampton’s great ends and all— CIAA in 1927. Davis, who has been appointed executive secre tary in the Divison of Trades and Industries, a.ssisted on the coaching staff at Hampton in 1939 and formerly coached at Dover State College. Assi.sting Coach Griffin with the backfield is Hiawatha Harris, former Hampton quaterback and cap tain of the 1932 fogtball and baseball teams and basketball great while at Hampton. He has been appointed campus supervi sor. Mr. Harris is a former coach at Macon, Ga., City College. Melvin W. Taylor will continue as coach of the freshman squard. The freshman rule at Hamp ton has been modified this year according to an announcement by the Director of Athletics, C. H. Williams. Though a fresh- team will be molded under Mr. Taylor, the cream* of the first j year crop w'ill be available for the varsity squard, Mr. Williams said,. Paul Jenkins and Theodore Bush, both from last year’s freshmen squad, look like go.od prospets^s for Hampton *s number one team this season. Coach Griffin anrtounced that as a result of his w'ork with Ber- nie Bierman at the University of Minnesota last spring, some of the Minnesota system is being used in Hampton’s new forma tions. “FREEDOM’S PEOPLE" E BROADCAST Paul Robeson will star in the initial broadcast of a new' radio series, “Freedom’s People,” to be presented over the Red net work ()f the National Broadcast ing Company Sunday, Spt. 21 The broadcast is sheduled from 12:30 to 1 p. m. EDST. Robeson heads a cast that will depict in music and drama the orgins and evolution of Negro spirituals, ballads, and blues, and their influence on American music. Other featured participants are Joshua White, famed Negro ballad singer. Noble Sissle an4 his orchestra, swing aggregation since the early 20’s, and W. C. Handy, father of the blues, whose famous musical composi tion is probably tl»e “St. Ijouis Blues.” “Freedom’s People is spon- spon.sored, in cooperation with the U. S. Office of Education, by a national advisory commit tee whose 28 members represent w'hite and Negro organizations w ith outstanding' records of ser vice to Negroes. The series is made possible by grants from the Rosenw'ald Fund and the Southern Education Foundation Succeeding broadcasts, to be presented about once a month, will dramatize achievements by Negroes which have sped pro gress in national defense, indus try, science, agriflulture, social services, and the arts. The “St. Ijouis Blues” will be heard in a special medley ar ranged by Sissle which inclwle also Handy’s “Memphis Blues.” White will sing of “John Henry the steel drivin’ man,” and' the chorus under the direction of L^^onard de Pteu will sing “Steal Away” and other Negro' spirituals, liobeson will close the show with a song of his own choice. Scripts are by Trve Tunick, veteran radio writer, and inci-, dental music and arrangements by Dr. Charles Cooke. The se ries, under the direction of Dr. Ambrose Caliver, IT. S. Office of Education Specialist in Negro Education, is pflwented as a public service by the NBC and its network affliates. 2 DOCTORS GET DRAFT BOARD POSTS WINSTON-SALEM, Sept. 22 (CP)—Dr. R. L. Smith, and Dr. J. M. Walker, Jr. associated physicians, have been appointed examining physicians for local draft board No. 4, it was an nounced here Saturday. Dr. Smith recently moved to the tw'in city from Moline, Illir nois where he was on«i of the first three examining physicians for the local draft board of the city. 31 MEMBERS OF FAMOUS DETROIT CLUB VACATION m N. Y. New York, (TYP.)—31 mem bers of the Jolly Strollers Club No. 2, of Detroit, of which Wal ter Bates is president, completed a w'eek’s ,vacation at the Hotel Theresa and returned to the Motor City after taking in the town this week. One of Detroit’s most interesting and active or ganizations, the Jolly Strollers annually take a vacation en mas se. Important in the social and political life of the Motor City, the Strollers’ membership in cludes such pei'sons as Naomi McKinney; Rainey Savoy; Rosa Murphy; Mildred Johnson; Le na Martenias; Ollie Bates; Mil ton J. Savoy; Missouri Duffy; Audrey Wheeler; B. Anderson; A. Foster; G. M. Duffy; A* Bell, A. M James; and E. M. Duffy. TOUCH DOWN TACTICS UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA by BarnI* Blarman Hoad Football Coaeli 1 Thia Is the third In a serlea of alx outatanding' diagram playa by laadlng college ceaehea from Qrantland RIoe'a naw Cltlaa Sarvlaa FeotiDall Quida. mHI lab reverse play diacramraed above has shown constotently good results tor us over a period of years. I The fullback receives the ball, i takes a short lead to the right and i passes it to the wingbock who has ' made a half pivot to his left apd continues around the left side as ' fast as he can. Thia play depends ' largely on speed, and ev>)rything , baa to b« done in * precision-lik^’ Although this diagram shows an unbalanced line to the right we use this same formation from which wa nm plays through any spot the lin«, or throw forward passes. llie principal biockios JUisiar menta ara on the tine of scrimmage until the play gets into the open Held. For that reason it can readily be ceen that speed and precision are mmfmntnnnt If thia nlav is to SUCPoad. GREATEST SEA POWER Already the greatest sea-pow- er in the world, the United States Navy with 322 new com bat ships under award, will very soon be able, to surpass the com bined strength of any two other nations with the- exception of the British. Sometime before 1946 the U. S. Navy will include 32 battleships, 18 aircraft car riers, 91 cruisers, 364 destroyers 186 submarines, and uncounted auxiliary vessels, torpedo boats, etc. Eccles warns of credit curbs, urginjir people to tret out of debt. BASEBALL Sunday, Oct 5 2:00 P. M. DURHAM ATHLETIC PARK MAJOR LEAGUES STARS vs. RECEPTIONAIRS (Of Foil BragTi: and British FIRE FIGHTERS) Grandstand ,...55c Bleachers „...35c Ladies 30c ^ Same prices to white and colored patrons, • Endorsed by Centra;! Labor Union • Advanced Tickets On Sale At Gar retts Biltmore Drug Store and Col lege Inn. i ffi mm