i--r fiEPnOIBER 27(h, 1941 THE CAROLINA TIMES PBOK SEVEN DEFENSE 80NoT^§^^„ The U. S. Army QUIZ Q. Do the retail iny fe« or percen lale of Stamps? A. No. The retail stoers are jfferins: their facilities as a pS* riotic service, , just as )banlcs, Mvinffs and loan associntions, ind others are giving their help Ui the sale of Defense, Boonds. Q. Hiow can I form the tfirift labit necessary for me to bvfy nany Defense Bonds now, to lelp the Government? A. The easiest way is to in struct your employer or banker >0 hold back a small fraction if your salary, ro other income. Svcn 10 cents a day and a dol- nr on your birthday will mount up in one year to $37.50, the purchase price of a $50 Defense iond. Bigger savings buy big ger bonds. Note: To buy Defense Bonds ftnd Stamps, go to the nearest K)8t office, bank, or savings & oan association; or write to the Prcasurer of the United States, i^’ashington, D. C. Also Stamps now are on sale at retail stores. Sale Defense ^vings S^ps Increases 30Perc«it Washington, D. C.Sale of $'l,4S3,Ti;48 in Defense . Savings, Stamps during August showed an increase of 30 percent over sales for Ju^^,the Treasury De partment has announced. ^ •Total sales for ftyix months sihce the Program began on 1st or May were: May $a, 475,070 June 2,802,345 July 3,288,283 August 4,468,748 BreakdoMm of the August to tal shows $466,571.50 Mras in 10c stamps; $2,532,72^73 in 25c de- ^ nominations; $610,369.50 in 50c L^j^jYiiggioned seven months a- stamps; $765,225.00 in $1.00 and ]>jQad of schedule. The keel of total,,S |OgandZO ..,sW nowiSf^j^g Massachusetts was laid in $278,860.00 in $5.00 sizes. July, 1939. New York—A Btihging edito rial scoring race prejudice in the army appears in the Cwin- monwea^^weekly magazine, for September 19. Outlining' the friction at Port Bragg, N. C., and at Camp llobinson, IJ. S. Army conditions which, in the last war, led to the lamentable outbreak a t Houston, Texas, when enraged colored troops seized arms and ammunition and invaded that city. . . ” ‘The greatest problem of all,’ it continnea, “is that of Hegre- gation. The draft army is sup posed to be the citizen army of a democracy; those who are be ing trained are not volunteers. They have had no choice. They have been drafted, and they must make the best of it. “Segregation produces a liost of evils. It makes impossible that three-musketeei’s sort of solidarity which can act as a great protection against minor manisfestations of race preju dice. It automatically encour ages the giving of better quar ters and facilities to white out fits. It encourages the fear of ‘arming the Negroes,’ and^’there- by makes them helpl,p^^ ^ pro tect themselves shcwi^C^ti^teur- rection and'd^ertion. “The^Wal* jpepartment is said to have eliminated segregation completely and rigorously from its own office personnel in Washington; it could do as much in the Army, and Me wouW then hear no more talk of Itouston martyrs’ or Negroes ashamed to wear the uniform of their comitry. V BATTLESHIPS The launching of the Battle- a!hip Massachusetts, the fourth of the 35,000-ton (jlreadnaughts, on Tuesd^ britjgs thft, predic tion that- the warship will be DO DROP IN to THE HOLLYWOOD INN “If Not Satisfied... Don’t Tell Others... Tell Us” 118 S. ManifUin St. Prop. Mrs. Hayswood '••••■•••••••■•••■••■■■■••••■•••■•••a Save Timeand Money By Relaxing in the BUS Livingstone CoU^e Opnis 60th Session ihe GOth., Annual session of Livingstone College got under way September ITih., when Qouncilman U. Ray Miller of Salisbury' delivered wonts of welcome to the facuUy and stu dent boily on behalf' of the city. The principal addres)#>was deli vered by Bishop B. G. Shaw of Birmingham, Ala. He is now the presiding bishop of this area. President W. J. Trent in pre senting tl’is prelate spoke of the wonderful work he has done dur ing his many years in the mini stry. Other speakers were Dr. .1. E. Mason, and Ehler W. IL Ho ward of the West Central North Carolina Conference. Among the General Offieei’s present were llev. W. R. Ix)vell. Editor of the Sunday School Literature, and Mrs. M. A. Houser, Vice-Presi dent of the Women’s Home and Foreign Missionarj' Society of the A. M. E. Zion Church. Legend: The above picture of the members of the Faculty of Livingstone College : First row : Profs. W. Q. Welch, C. W. Wright, W. R. Harrison, Pres. W. J. Trent, Profs, Alonzo Bo- hann(m. Vincent Byas, and Dean J. H. Satterwhite of the Hood Theological Seminary. Second row: Profs. J. A. Clement, Thel ma Ijash, Lucile C. Charlotte M. Hunter, Spellman Lane, Mrs. Josephine Butler, Mrs. J. L. Burnside, Mrs. Narva P. 'White, and Prop. C. H. Faulkner. Third row: Prof. Anne Swanson-Drev', Miss Julia D. Duncan, Profs. Lottie M. Lyons, ,Tosephine Sliorrill, Dr. W. H. Hannum, Dean F. D. Drew, Profs. Ben jamin HargraveTand Harold T. Pinkett. Not present in the pict ure are Prof. T. H. Miller, and Mrs. Mabel Graves, j^in his band at a dance. Jimmie Lunceford Hurt In Air Crash Jimnlie Lunceford, famous band leader, met with an acci dent and narrowly escaped be ing seriously injured when his private plane went into a nose dive and crashed at Terry Fork. Ohio last Tuesday night. Lunce ford was fortunate in that he Spwks At N. C. C. British Air Group DURHAM SOCIALS CONTINUED Guilty Of Race Bias, NAACP Plans Halt IIELUVED TtALlii.lt aLt' I ilbJS WHITE KtK.K Uvr-l'KI. nd at hrr birth.i:i ii-r parent :;n i "iit »i'.h « Liy ■ 'in L. New York “All applaan^,^^^,^j^^^ uul\> must be of the white race, sti- The UoMpel • horu^ Wliitu tes the last poin in the list of i^ minimum requirements for pi-'***^^ Baptwt l.hurch gave a., re lots and co-pilots issued by thej®*^^‘°" ursday night, . cptdubur Royal Air Force Ferry Com-'^^ **» ^ and most lyal members, Mri-. M. The National Assoeiatiun for Ooins- The gtoup met in the ba. tJte Advancement of {’olorel nicnt of the chun b whcr,* fc li People is in possession of j)h»t( -; family brought a b.r.kft of deli- static copies of the list of ro- eioas food from homt* plus what quirements for American flyers' was ”cooked in the churrh kitchen, to ferry planes to IJritain and aiThe seats were arranged in a r>enii- letter from J. D. Mugford. a circle wth a lar%e table laden wth captain in the RAF Ferry Com- foods in the center which w:i.-( dee- man.d, Washington, D. C. to with beautitul flowers. Jlr’^. Charles M. Ashe, 274 Division I „eatod at the h.-:ul of Avenue. Washington, which arelt^p table where sh»> couid be admis.sions that the British Air' Commission turned down his ap-1 Ml- . Aruiie Tate fi, i>_r r* iili r.t f I>«rh.i;n wh now ri . d; ^ in Ws*>a- in^on, D. u •p*’nJinir tin.t;*! h- f rel.'*- an* frMvid* Hhc i -t of her Mrs. L. B«i &w- Mrs. l.arrie bixoa Barh^e of Waahin^ton, I>. ( . i:. vi»itiu^ her uiotber and re!at ’ vi?f hi-re. She *nd h«'r children ar* st uping with her jiliter on Oleon ‘'t. plication for service with tiie R AF as ferry piolt BECATSE HE IS A NEGRO. Ashe’s letter to tlio XAACP gives the facts. “Since the Royal Air Force has been requesting American , • u pilots for service in Montreal Atlantic Beach viewed hy theontire group. The chords was oryanizcd by Rev. Fisher, seven years ago. 3Irs. Goins was one th tVirst nicmbera of the eht)rns. The f;roup is con»- osed of 50 mcnil)pr;i. Mu Mattie Mae VN'iCtUiaa i^ ■ipenuing Portion ot her vkeatioa in Baitiuiure. She will aliiu vwit Gruen:iboru and Ualeig^i. Miss Euniea Seorlock ia bue'.c R. L. Lindsay, president of the Durham Chamber of Com merce and beloved citizen of Durham who was one of the main speakers at the formal opening exercises at the North Carolina College this week. GOING TO AND FRO^^ work can a pleasure if you ride the bus. You vet home earlier. Durham Public Service Co. suffered iio other injuries yond a cut over his eye. The orchestra leader is inten sely interested in aviation in all its forms and has had a license to fly for quite a time. He stated that he had purchased the plane recently and this was his first experience at night flying. When the accident occurcd he was flying from Pittsburg to Co lumbus, Ohio, where he Avas to The M(9ii En|oy Amateur Cooking Myriads of men are going in for cooking for fun these, days. All kinds of men, including tycoons and orchestra leaders, play wrights and printers, bankers and cleriu. “Cooking is comparable to being in love (^happily, of course)," says lies Brody, in the October issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine. “In the kitchen I feel important. It’s d great thing for the ego.” One of the recjpes he hands on from his list of favorites is Biftek k la Bercy and sounds pcrfect. Biftek a la Bercy Season the fillet of beef with a pinch of salt and half a pinch of pepper and fry it in butter on a hot range. Now take the meat out of the pan and put it on a warm plate. To the sauce whiciPremains in the pan add some flour and stir it until it becomes brown. Put in also some finely chopped shallot, a bit of chop ped parsley, salt and pepper and pour in a generous glassful of red wine. Do not overcook the sauce. While you are preparing the sauce, fry a piece of bread in butter, put it on a hot plate, place the fillet on it, aouf MUC9 over, and serve. ^ ((Canada), I have been apply ing and have not been able to get anything in black and white showing the reason for tlie re fusal of my application until I received the enclosed copy from the RAF. ‘In June, an article appeared in American neivspaper asking pilots with as little as 400 hours of experience qn any type of airplane to contact officals of the TWA airlines, (I 2400 hours and am pilot and instrnc would be interestec: additional training prepare them for the-positfon'lh’ question.. Ashe states that TWA was contracted by the RAF t« give three weeks intensive training to applicants at no cost to the applicant. He applied, and re ceived a favorable answer from the training center, located at A1 buquerque, New Mexico which referred him to Montreal. Fbrwardi,ng his applicatioas to the Canadian city, he went personally to the British Air Ministry in Washington. Offi cials there gave him another ap plication form and suggested that he state he was colored, ai- thought he says n« space was provided for designating race, creed or color. ‘ ‘ After several weeks, ’ ’ A.she writes, “I again telephoned Cap tain J. D. Mugford who immedi ately remembered my case and stated that Montreal had expect ed him to notify me that I could not be ac^cepted. ” On September 13 Ashe wrote Mugford asking him to confirm his statement that the pilot was not admitted because of his race. Miss I. Whitfield v.as entt'rtain- ! liifiiiird 1‘atterson, Kev. and Mrs. Kvans were vimtors at the Mt. (iilead th“rch in t^ange Co- Sunday. Misri K. ScurU>ck has returned to Va. Beaeh after spending the weeb end at the her p»- ents. Pepsi-Cola is made only by Pepsi-Crfa Co., Lonf Island City, N. Y, Bottled locally by Pepsi-Cola Bottlingr Co. of Durham, N.C. "SERVICE WIIW A SMILE” ARCHIE’S GRILL 601 E. FIRST STREET Charlotte, N. C. Archie Nixon, Pn^, GOOD FOOD IS GOOD HEALTH ' SERVICE... You will find our Service Complete to the smallest Detail. Our years of experience enable us to anticipate your need and there fore serve you better. GRIER and THOMPSON FUNERAL HOME 701 E. First St. PHONE 7019 “Thoughtful Attention To The Smallest E^iail*’ AMBULANCE SERVIGE Mussolini and Hitler decide to unite Europe in one State. SPAB calls on U. S. to tight en belts, drop non-essential la bor. President vetoes bill to freze government’s cotton, wheat. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiHiiHiiiiiniiininiiin ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE BUYING ENOUGH FOOD OUT OF YOUR WEEKLY WAGES? • You housewives know how toug’H it’s getting to serve tasty, healthful meals and still stay within the bud get. Here’s a tip which will help you. Allow more of your weekly food mon ey for dairy products. They do more for the body than any other food and do it more cheaply. Durham Dairy Products “QUALITY YOU CAN TASTE” lllllllllllillllillllUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIM f*«aa—aaaaaaaa—aaiaaaaa»«aaaaaaaaaa»f WELCOME Students & Faculty NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE • Fifty-four years of anticipating and supplying the needs of community gives Ellis Stone Company tho right to be Durham's leading shpping center . . . You'll find this store a friendly and profitable piacc to shop . . , for it costs no more to enjoy Ellis Stone quality. DURHAM’S BEST STORE S tt-f itinT^*ntTiminainaaaaiiaaaaatiiaiiinnimn>mmniT»awn~->naagnti B ■■ ■■ - : ' ■ ■