,y , , . •« •' 0 r-*t ■^' ';K-',i H*-» *)Vii;.'^# * ■■'■■;., V .•, r, * r " i-■, 1 .. . . : . ■ • - ' • • ^ M ..-l--i. ik IMm'i HF«3 «3«9!II»9V fWIW W FVU^ V'nw y«i4 «‘?>r.«!l r* Kow !• Dtnt^ni '"’’-■jr.’: vo^a pv« w»*' Nr; Htam to v/*’N r-■»«“ VvMt'h tM TiT.- -'1 jvs; _ Uii'r?i4'/4# m»v j . iifUfc i, Is Ifl -■ mx; IMiJP :t ( .i\ oSbliil Hiftflm’l BM kiter jalt^ tliie' i^oi^cptM •piiatM tte iclotB^fyidfil'weh^ ■ ^ WSit ^ M ^ woi^% ilGdlM j|l|oiis .^tfi oul^ iciilif^Qii^^. tlHvoiS fNir bfeS]it« Kncl tiiey; $lebidki3 Vluil ,wd w«^e up Ici, tl^^ l^isli on all tibe^e j4inigt4' ^%iliex iw No^f Kere’s Iwfial Sti^ llcente iwiaM Id yoiK^’X' . ^WKyTj BecatMe jfre*t'€ iS^udt^ne ptei^rs* W. EveiV Saniton^ cleaner operates ^tfer a HcSnte from Em ery InHusfries, Inc.^ wKo 'develop^ Sanitone. In order to get our HceM, we stood inspectioii. Our plant, and every, macliine iti it, was examined by Sanitone engin^rs« (These engineers spent several days looking over tKe wbrlE we tum^ (wt tl%$y critically the qI pupc op erators. • ' It mean* dial wKert you send u¥ your clotliei to cWari» you have extra assurance that you are sending iKem to a weH- equipped, well-staffed organization. ^With the slull,, rtie fa- diities, and the habit of doing a good job. •i.'i It means your clothes will be cleaned by tKe fmesl feleari- ing process yet developed. It removes more ’dir^ more safely* It makes clothes lool&like new—even f^l like new. b ooier, .wo^s, |t means certam satisfaction« '!] ? you/CAN SEE >WE*R£ SORT. OE PROUD OF. BEING S^ITi^E CLSMiEMSi y^ m': WHO IS AtS.U w»T«4jrcr*p4vi«v*Niwo^i!^osT I l-ilHART'—Elkhirt Clnrt.. Inct l.VANfSVILLE—ICkld*r*r Bro«. KVANSVILLE—kimuM CInr*. rr. WAYNB—Tro* Dry Cln«. Co. ANDALUSIA AUI BIR tt-fiSaLhj unary N«-CUatoa Laundry I^^^Vhc SuiKlntf*^ Inr.ft Dry Ckwwr*^ -The Monarch Dt^' " n«C iSr^Oiilir ^ss: \‘. ILLMAR-—Socfarllng & Son WINOIM—WtMM Cbs. Wor • Mtssfsstm *' JACKSON-^r»acent Indiu.. I , MERIDIAN—Clinic Ctawier. NEW HAMPSIIIRr. C IjA Rt M ON T—ClaremQ n t 9team Laundry CONCORD—Conoprtf Cleaaer ‘ VER^PurcellCT^ng Co £NE—Jas. E. Robertson. 1 A .. WORTH—Btrry Bros, ft otE^OVE^“*J?^£n?ra^ * C^ENrnJ^rRoyj^or*. i^raS»SS.SiTni. , MAM^ONTOKr-Swift Service Inc.lHOUST3^In«!U iMiaOVI INBWARIC—StoU .Launderera I. Cl^lS.Com*^/.^ v ' U .DrvC»*« DOV NASHUA—C i« Ciesners fNDIANAPOLI 8taamDy«? Ji ALt/—Manhall Ctnr*. LV—Thoiau One. Co. Coo*erLdry. k pu«i.4i''32E»r?^S^ IISOBI ST. ■ ST Oeanioc & Dyeing n.UNG^?inSiJlldry. Co. OZBMAN—Gijlstin Laundry REAT FiU.LS—The NsUooal l^o»* & r-fc, riftfltf "ft J.aundrT Co. K—%nw Laundr^ 'PHea^Gordon F—Voimc • CInnt '^!^\arth Dnri S /ARKANSAs’aW^OtacC Clnn>^ O ^NCORDIA—RoxCoSS CUu../ CITY—Dod«e aty ' , yftdauKf. ^ ts^^Sss^l) Dry CleaninjrCo. M^HATT/W—ManhatuM ?RIDCeTON—Menz B«m. AMDEN^Lynch a Cleaner. CAMDEN—Reed Bra.. . ELIZABETH—The Morey U Ru. Laundry Co. MILLVILLE—Menz Broe. MORRISTOWN—The Morey KESrittte&Ldry.Ca., NEWARK—ynioQ Laundry ^LAINFIELD—Mn. G. ~ NORTH CAROUNA BU10INGTON—R. B. Boooc; ius vtj ’AL-,. t SAN FI^NCII AtlseCorp. KffZyiS C Cffsmnf Works ISAlfTA ANi^" incra ft A BAf i^hTfcelj KENTUCKY , i SOWLtNC CREEN—Burton tc'i } ' Hinton I DANVlLLE^DanvfUe Lauodrvf ' 8t Dry CIcaBinf Co.. Inc. BLI2ABETRTOVVN—Eiixabsth^ ... I S^fiKeWo*, ^ Ms?" J |WA6@-~Motw"** Cleaners iWAT^NVjlXB^Wstsonylllti IriMUidry sDry CtsMlog Co.' COLORADO jjyNqTioN; 1 Dr. ON—New town Laundre & Dry Cli “■LTQN—O.K. Laundry . ^TnSVTLLE—HDpUnsviUel lundrv BORO-Mlddkaboro lundry Inc. ^^ lioenaed i CUT E—S«p«rior Chirt« *N—-Em^r« ^RQ^DtU’s. Inc. [—Owvn Cleaners H itj^saninff Co. TOTON-^s WA«*®* I- .t/ f Sayer BwfcV * ONoFamer'. Dry') LOUISIANA XANDRIA—French Unh)i iBArof^oCfcE—Kean., Inc. DieRIDDER—DeRidder Steam lj{#A\*l’rTE-New Lafaj BCACM^Uantle BEACH—Daytona l^wi^^Roy A. Aene ClHUMra^ DAYTONA A CiTy—Monarch Dl!»^ A—Workman'. Clnre, ISjSMtone Dry Omcrs. Inc* meiisn Cltam tsners GTON--WorkQair . PAItlC«-^cne ClMiiers^ Liuadry CtORGlA I DUBtJN*‘~Snow a Laundry ‘W«il Clnrs.e ln« EAN^^Randon'i SMR^!^l>OR1^^^Wfaite Cie«ier.t MAINE AUBURN—Watkiiu. Inc. *,UGUSTA—Berry ^Cleaner. Hill^ MARYLAND !•_. V LAWRENCE-^eadow Brook —White Ctom Ldry.7 Hlsbland Cleanera J»laijT>ry CIn*. Co. NEW BEDFORD^Bueh ft Co. NORTH ANDOVER—Meadow . Brook Soft Water Lauadry 1 OAK BLUFFS—Vineyard Laun>' dttm-CleBnten ^ - 'irrsFIELD—Stetwm Dry Clow. ' ALBM—Salem Laundry Co. k OMBRVIU.E—White CfoM \ _.>^NG?I^D-:ity^}W Wke.j \ ![' WELLESLEY—LakaAVaban i ?| .LwuidryCo. \ MICHIGAN Keller. Inc. Ldiy.Cfc). ^ED BAN K—Leon . C!eaD*C» INELANI>—Men* Brofc NEW MEXICO ciitn. &cr«nA CHARLOTT I Laondnj Inc harlotte RHAM—Scott & Robert HIGH POINT Cleanins LENOIR— ,IX)NGVIEW—Clover' .’MARLIN—Hammer. Dry Clnr%' . MC ALLEN—Tray CleanWCo. MT. PLEASANT—Thraih^. , f>ALESTIN^EIit«Di^Br.._ RANDOLPHFIELI>-I\« Taflm SAN ANTONI^AIan Sparter_ i SAN ANTONIO—Yatea Ldiy. Gd. I SWEETWATER—Conley'a Clnr*. ^ WICHITA FALLS—Wfchlt* Cl^nc ft Dye Work. UTAH OGDEN—Model Ldry. of 0|d««, VERMONT BANS—Paematt , _ /CNSBURV—Palm«r . Its river jct.—wal sundry Company REf0SVft,LE—RcUMlle, Dry Cleaning ^mtiany ^ STONE ^ SrISTQL—Sevier'a ti ^,1 lYNCHBURG—Cmtchfierf OQT OHIO \ NEWPoShf * AKRON—Hiro^^y'a We»4' ^ \ fNOWfo{?fe-^WWte Way \ Laundry. Inc« Cloth«\ NORTH DAKOTA GRAND FORKS-rGroMaia*'*: M' STGSTON^GiSv^J^’Wry \ ” ^ ulBbSiSCaL. Cbener. , ^Cleanera KrON—Imi KRON—Unite CHILLICOTHE- m V- WORTO^-R^ Laa^ty' *% S|3!S2W- Vn^^iSglElf&a ‘ckHHier*) CUYAHcfcA FAIXS-Fall* _ Cleaners fc Dym _ DOVER—HarnmbiMl Dry Oi L.1MA—Se^ta CleMing Co. MARION—The Antb^y Laundry Company MI DDLBTOWN-^atb*Lamb. Cleanera PORTSMOUTH-aUmted State. OiaAHOUi^l^^he Vocue CLARKSBURG—Moyle. Dry Cfiif*. \V CHARLl^lSt^Pry - TOLEoS^'Siri.rtirCo. V’ £.«.ARLEST^N—TheNSWa: TROY—Ldi^.^ Clnr*. I TUUSA—Buhl Cleaners. Inc. TULSA^HMman Master Clnrs* Cleaners ^ Jord Domestic ♦ _ Laundry Company \ PORTLAND»AlaMin Clars.* 1°^^ PENNSYLVANIA ) „ , i i; BRADFORD—Bradford Laundry Compaiiy CANNONSBURG~F^^ ^ SanitaiyJLaandrv ' KT 'd. CHAMB&^BURO—Th. S ,3 Chamben^rc LatitMlry ^ COATESVILLE—New &a ' Conpaay WISCONSII ASHLAND—Aihland L, BARABOO—Imperial Ci , g®iF^5&c'as^ CREEN BAY—W3T C^nm^^TaMor. Work* LookV Better ^ And Urt\ Longer UlL^AUkEB—Mihrauks. I Moiety pvo Worka ^ RHINELAN^DER—Unday Ctan. RICE LAKE—RW* LaCDMry. Ci WAUSAU—Northmtera cwneliIvT^l^t^ W " D^aig'ftCkiHi,W«rt. - lorey Laundry Co. ERIE—F^^tbcmy Dry WYOMING. ADRIAN—Goldtfan Brotlw , AMKT AttRrkil-^-4r*Alflinftn Bi'tathyS\ Mo«t^ Laimdr]^ \ ^aB^^5S?8 Lavadryl i lundnr \4 IE—Movltn I—*&ar Laundry ^fisgls Latittdry IDAHO - _j1^n^ jac» fViAL^-^lu'St^ ' rftb^Cleai^i m—CTOJ>. Lauadty' Jleaner. ■ “ -T^oy-ParWan Co. isHfSMING—BannonCieanen/ IaCKSoN—GoWman B^hera i KA^MA200^Pjutaa«iii«t.f } LAf^NG—Riker'a Dry , ilnaft DyelmM^k. ,J, '^N—Mder Camera' r .BE—BannonChira.. * jf^sWSS{ig2^ ^ .^j^rp'ffllSSryDryCto. ‘Ty^lfSVS^u^Dg'Clor.. j Tluw RIvei*) NTI—GoUmaa Brothera) . ■\.. Ml Photte berty CInrs.. lee*) N-135 PreibftCov' ARK TIAC—Yankee Cleanera K ISLAND—Bkktf'a INDIANA ERfiON5-Th.G Buy dresses ' \ blindfolded? Certainly not! But it’s just as silly to select a dress carefully and then “buy blind” when you send it to be cleaned. To be sure of quality cleaning, depend on your local Sanitone dry cleaner. He is licensed to use the extra gentle,’^ extra thorough Sanitone cleaning process because .regular inspecdons show that his equipment [and workmanship^eet rigid specifications.^ ■R: \ i^VPSE BRAINERS^^Mwtf^eaiwi*l j|j ud Laundereri DULUTH—East End Cleaner* DULUTH—Yale Laundry Co. i FE^' SnnnM {abrici pMticoUrl, j«Md Sanitone’. (.ntl. I aotlon. Call your neareM I SaallMe cleaM mbr. Sa. «liar. dHbnoc. SaiilMi. . .0 UOCN$tO flnnnM "%UANCM CoMwjnCompany. Inc.' EASTON—The Moray La Rue SHERIDAN—Superior L^. Co., ,y . BARMg./ TOtSrtoRiroNTr^^Aaeurd HANOVER s Cleanera Girard a Laisidry - . of Philadelphia .VNi >—Advance £>ry V - J Laundry Co. of P: .TlTOSViLLE—Ad Claan JNIQN ftClei A'ASHI i C ALGa£^^a1'TA.—Tb« Ontario ^ Cj^GaS^, aTtA.—Tensleton't. i.CH/^HAM. ONT.—MamU Ckmnera _ UNIQNTOWN—Ftaaeh Dyer. I “ Cleaner Cleanera YORK—ShtUI'a Dry One. Wk(. S.—Coualna. Ltd. ft Company , IALIFAJCVM.: i| HAMILTON. ONT.—National. ’’ Cleanera LONDON. ONT.—Jarmaln'a MON?^AL,‘Sb^^Dechaus i Freres. f/td. MONTREAL. OUCa^Pwloer'a When Sanitoneli Claner. OTTAWA. ONT.—Patker'a CJeanera ft Dyer*. Ltd. PRdVipENCB^Ja94ea CInra. CITY. OUE-—P. WESTkia.Y-EUtJ^.Work. llOeaned RHODE ISLAIn> PAWTUCKET—Ardee Cleaners ..Ji SOUTH CAROLINA FLORENCE—White Swan Ldry. GREENVILLE—Rnyal Cleaners ROCK HILL—RockS Laundry ft Dry Ckiuiing, Inc. SOUTH DAKOTA AM:^^^—T^ia^y Laundry TENNESSEE HUMBOLDT—TuttleDry CInra. JApKSON^ar Laupdry ft Ldry. 1 ..EGINA, SASK.—Q«Mn City Cleanera ft pyOT.Ltd. REGINA. SASK.—Anhur Roa* (R^naj. Ltd. &‘\SKATOON. SASK.—Arthur Rw.Ltd. SHERBROOKE. OUE.—Crows Ldry. cf sierbrook., Ltd. ST. CAtHBMN^. ONT.—. Reid CleaniMCOk ST. HYAaNTHB.OUE.— ) BelanaerftPhiU* ST. JOHN. NjB.—N«f SyMcnlf LauiKlry ft Ctanera. Ltd. lt^kS.QUB.‘ 1.0NT.—Parhw’* ERGUS FALLS— C^^lf^P*0»-55^hlaad \ i LMndry & deaninc Coropanyi | j BIDING—HibbiosLaaiidSi^ . I ST. PAUWUimScbi Clan./ ^ i % mcaHd ABILBN J. ft L. pya Work. Runfll ft Roberta ABILEN AMARIUX>—Doc amari.iX^^ he ft Co. —UomiMota —BmniraO haaU. Steam VICTOR ■j I I Plione^ BRc - ft Cimju'Coi CORPUSCHRI.*^ _LanndnNlnc. „ DALHAKT—PaUntt Lwindry ft Cleanhw Co. DALLA&-rOrienta] Laumlry Co. DALLAS—Zanith.CaaiBo. koc* EASTLAND—Modera Dry Ei?StSti5£gW.c«. ^ ' WINNifSC. MAN.—OnlMoa Worka, Lid. MEXICO S. A. MEXICO D. F.—Tiotorcrte Paramonat ARGENTINA BUENOS AIRGS—Tiatantto &Mdoi, Inc., - •I ""t Not ^ ’•m! t — ^4 ■ ' •k.r-atV -r ^nm :■ in 1918 wheat beadtd the list of farm pW>dact» needed f« n»tioB«l i’tfnEe purposes. In toda^^emergency, bowever, the emphasis fa « ooiJb i«uch as milk and eggaT' There fs plenty of wl»»t «» h»nd-ln K'lV, (>(’:ir!y a two year'* supply is storad In the nation’s E^er-^Brmal .•j-ir.-y. The U. 3. Department of Agrirutture urges thRt f^roet*.^ I p • tinin" for n?xt y.ar.' hold ilown prcduetion of 8urpla»miD» . ua i*! rii..l ui ihe iwiiis tiir-i enpand jir«durt:jn of food. Farmers Warned Hard Times Ahead At Confab RETDSVlLLt, (CP)—rseg- 10 farmers in various scctbti;- of the county have bei*ii hohiinj.' their ouiuions of the situation rv)imd table discussions on the world crisis and how they are affcctcd now and would be af- tecicd after the war. Fanners who freely expressed at t!w meetings see aperiod of hard times fullowhij' close of the war.^ yeriousness of the farmers was cvtdeneed last week when hun- dredi of farmei’s willfully stop ped grat^^ng theV 'lubacctt at' ni'jrht desipte the hi:h prices of the weed to take part in the meeting. Results of ‘their discussions are: 1. Framers must increase pro duction of feed, food and live stock for 19-12. 2. They must cooperate in solv ing community problems. o. Commuuitj’ leaders nuist make themselves missionaries in' helping the le.ss fortunate farm families in their communities. 4. Farihers must remain on the farm despi^.e the enwuraglng high wages on defense projects, if they expect to succeer follov.- iiigj the war: r>. Farmers .MFST SPEKD tiieir MONEY WISELY despite the good prices they are getting for thir tobacco. (j. Rural ministers must aid in keeping rural people informed and encourape them from the pidpit to live KK) per cHit at home by producing an increas ed amotint of feed, food and live stock for 1942. 7. Farmers must stabilize themselves and STOP MOV’’INri FROM PLACE TO PLACE and come to an agreement with their landlord so that they may un derstand each other. Every time a tenenant moves it costs iiini about $75 ami the landlord the Kiu?io amount. * H. Farmers must BECOME LAND j,OWNEIiS WHEN POSSiSLE. !). Farniets must live a Chris- jan life, and keep faith in God, meantime remembering no bread will be rained down and no mil^. will floyfe'Ictuii heaven. » . ’«=' l''^jfniprs wt^re really bentffheil I roni the nieetia^ and nlwntin lekl in the ccmaiTimtifS that ■'.a^'e not yet r^ache^. /Author Deplores LacK Of Personal Neatness uatiou.of the and •; There is a growing teadKacj ia this coumiy toward do- vcoly dress. Men in suspetMlKts, , girls in dirty slacks are fir tos , coauson a si^t in restauranfi ’ refreshment parlors. But vAaz." ; they aak, does it matter? Who care 5 ! anyhow ? Nobody is any better tR-tn f «nyboIy else in this countryf f Bot there is a confOnon, MtytM ! Margaret Culkin Banain? in tira j October Good HoosekeepiBg maca-, I tine between slopiness and Hemot-' •acy. Yet as we prepare to defend' ^ Jemooracy, one of the first steps to. I to insist on neatness and some far^: fmality of dress io our army. Our| ’ soldiers know that dbcipUned OMii- ‘ less is necessary in the array I*#- cause it sustains self-rapect I oiorale. 1 t Chiding os for oar personal «b- * Hdiness Miss Banning writes; "Or^ |derliness is not a matter at extrevs-1 l^nce. It doesn’t cost anythiBK to I juttcm your collar, to poll op yo«rl isocks, to wear your coat When yoa '.should. It takes a little wcsk to stay i clean and men^d and brwhed and* uhaved; bot it is useful woark, for it • .destroys carelessness in both mind > ' ind body and diecks tendencies to'| (!elf-indulgence. These sraaH persos. j il things, multiplied by millions^ ai%' mportant to our national morale aMi 1 they are definite contrihutions thatf' many of us can and should make. I j “For if wo are a clean orderly} . ilomooracy. wc should look the part.*/ w&l be STICK TO THE SOIL SNOWDEN. , (CP)—StMd solidly ou the land until soiae- thing more snbitajitial is actt^ ally within yotir {rraspi^ Dr. H. L. Trig^, president of lUizalNflli Chy iState T«ieh«* Cutte^ 400 farmers and rural folki‘4l the (’urritnelt Cotoity shity Fair hore J|t»hday: He said the w'(oid ctisiB increased the merieau aui^e U that tl6e m’ CaraUim Wl i lion _ ci a in iwMiBt. ' Frank B. deirt of iJK'hdofa,

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