« lu M»^*aw»^*v, •• )• iqppj^B|WH, ,n 1-1 .13 [URnnRwnunmiiniintsmmniu:: MAILING EDITION H . II t^pjuiiutiiniiiKniKxtKttRiaasnHnnnK::: •VOLUME 22-NUMBER 41 a Sc i DURHAM. NORTH CAROUNA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1941 To Attend Course at N. C. College IN ANNUAL CONFAB to Deliver Address For First Cotton Festival pharlotte—Mayoi uri-le' delit'pT 1 K. McA. Currie'delifpT the wlewn- ingf'address when the first an- mml NBOUO COTTON ,fei«tiviil beffins al the AAIJS .Zion cbiiicii on South Brevard StretH ai 8 o’filoek, Monday (bvening Of;t. jpfCj+mnp 13» said C. A. Irvin exeantive director last night. slfiib ^ri John W. Mitchell «tfrt^ rtteii- afmt li’ith ofiit'^rs at the, ?ficultur»l and* T^fekettl l^ie in €k'eensboro '.viU 11 p^cipal spcakef AiW J^ord Qordon, Jv.And Helen Wist* will be crowned king^'aini qceen o£ cotton. Others takinfjii part in this prSof»rm will be J. S. Bifvwser Cl^q» piftke, Rev, J. W. an^^l^ey.' i .|gck»on; Before h«^da4‘^'l)y -the er rtiptprbade .-ifr.ill, take oil .»1rw4tlaji;' ,4iyJ' iSi ‘fha evening at 8 o’clock a fashion show will be presented in the auditorium of Second Ward high school. A prize will be a- warded ,to the jJonn" woman wearin*? tlie best lot>kin" cottnn A street parade will be held on 'Wednesday, his will bei;in at 4 o’clock at the post (iffivf? and will end at the Armory■'^\«di- toriiun. There will lit> floaft de- to potray ‘ tbeK iShitribirtion in ihf» Agrictjltural f and industrial Sonth and his at* tainmentsi in the business and professional world. After the parade a drama entitled “Cotton Picking Time” an old faxhioned' plantatipn sho^w, w'ill be given. A cliftrous of 50 vloces will £?»•«- phically depict the life of the :Jie be same given to honor, the king and -(Contiriued’on page "seven) Festival Speaker 'l-O . J.. W. Mitchell," "'stMe * 'farp”^ airent who wifi be one;\ofjrtHe, speakers at, the'Cotton-Festival/ in Charlotte. , ■ ' — ^ V"'-*- ‘ ‘ - .---T—.-■ TWO 'STARLETS : AND A STAR At-REPUBLICS m LOCATION V V Everybody Asked To Attend Sun. P. M. Gathering Kiog and Ou(ien of Cotton Festival The annual meeting of the Durham, Committee on Negro A frail’s is being called by the Chairman C. C. Spanlding, on Sunday, Octfibor 12, at 3 P. M. in the Hillside Park High Mehool Audrtorinm. All Negro citizens are Ijcing specially urg ed to attend thiii very important meeting. Come yonrself and urge your friends; and neighbors to eome. We want a record break* ing nttendanee. — The AmiBal He[wrt »m ie- tivities of the Committee will be heard and the vacancies caust^d by the expiring term* of certain niembei-s of the Executive Com mittee will also be fiHpd through election by sccret bal|i)t. ,Duffing the paSjt s2x »;yd^rh|, .this group has prominent^ and influential/factor in obtaUi-' ing improved fcocial, civic.-;S*8o' iiomic. and pojitiegl cqindiiiofts for Negroes''ill Durham, T^d Committee has gme on re{H>M as establishing as a part of its program of objectives the fol]o"’- ing items: (1) Slum.clear^ce; (2) Negro representation on'the City iSurd^of Ed,ucati«n,'’j^)* a technierf 'high 'for NegrO^.; Full, mdls^support is rc(iuii*ed m' order to succesHfully reach thefie: oals. ^ The Committee has recently assumed, with the city, the co- sponsdrship of a N Y A Ijhuu- dry Projeift for Nesro gii'ls. )»»- eated on Pettigrew Street. This project \vill offer employment and train" to approximat^'ly mm •rirls who will be tiainoil in shifts oi' -III. Th.' lily jjas given full cndnrsieinoiit to the project and has ii|)i r()pi iatt'ti u ijjonthly eon- trilnUion I'or its .’luiiiitenance; the greatcKt p rtitni of tlie ox- ])oiiS(* is being borne by the N Y A, M'ilii a furthi'r suppleinont from llie Committee on Nogro Affairs/i . . Various i-ttv-wide ])rojtH-fs arc Umlertakon tfcrongjh tliis organi- zatkim/rwu j* rptfttii’e your support. and through this ('ommittee i>ull nri- petus is given to such special '*f !forts as the Community Fund, British War Kolief, II. S. Q- jjrives, eti'. Very often the Bx- ^Utjve (]omnutto0 serves a.‘ .1 clearing house through which improvonients are nutde by iht^ eit>' in various soutions of Dur ham adhere Negroes live and eoutisel is o|‘ten given in eon nectiiHi with vaiious prohlems Whieli cOrifronl groups o" >nr Nepco populace. ' Unity of purpof^e is being stVesHed in rvery phase of our national )ife and in reinemberin,^ the wiKdoni of dev«»loping streu' gjh through unity, the Commit- ftee is eailiHg for the eoope.'ali(«i of /every N-tgro citiwti to help cai'ry forth the high purposes of the Committee. Pour presence at this meeting Sunday, October 12, ' ' j will further J treir'tlien the eff Buford'Gordon ahd*Miss'Helen Cotton F'vjstival which*wir. be ber of Commerce of Charlotte, orts whicli are bein'T made to ini Wise who will be* crowned King held in Charlotte next week, un-. nd Th^jCaroIina Tiines. prove fotidifions ff r «M, and Queeen'of the First Annual Ulor.auspices 6f the Negro Cham-1 • Outstanding Medical Men Will Lecture At One Day Post Graduate Course Oct. ISth The sixth annual post grad uate course for Neyro doctors will be held at the North Car- olina College for Negroes. Oct* ber 5 it was announce^ this week by Dr! Clyde l5onnellj ;,I .'ii-iii" n:i(l .Medica' of Fort Hragr- * Vv'i't^ iosday uuiriiing at H o’ clock will be taken up by a course in the Physiologj’ of the Coh n and Rectum by Dr. Mac Chairman of the North Carolina .donald Dick. At 10:15 A. M., a Committee on Health Problems, jeourse in the diagnosis and treat- . imcnt of diseases of the Colon The post graduate course ia,jj^(} Rectwm, inculding cancer, hold each year under the auapi- m. CCS of the Division of ( oopera* j)r. K IJandolph Jones tion in pjducation and Race Ke* j^. ^ course in the diag- lations. Organizations cooperat' and treatment of hemor- ing with the committee are the j-hoids, Fred Toones, who plays Snow- lot one day during production of Francis Toones posing with flakes for Republic pictures,. “De*>th Galley Outlaws.” Here Lynn Merrick, favorite l^public brought his tWo tiny tdts Mithe yoja see future sepia starlets star. North Carolina State Depart ment of Education, Duke Uni versity, and University of North Carolina. All of the eonrses this year will be taught by members of the Duke University school of Other courses inculde Sulfo namide Therapy in children. Dr. Jerome Harris; Sulfonamide Therapy in Genito-Urinary tract, Dr. Edwin P. Alyes; cau ses and treatment of Vaginitis in eluldren, Dr. Angus McBryde, The Types of Ascites. Lieutenant A. I>. ilendeiMon: Management of Gastric and Duodenal X’lcei-s, Lieutenant Frank Clayton, A symposium on problems of Civil and Military emergencies will also be held. ^ >• Due to the fact that attendan ce at the course is unlimited more thtin 200 Negro physicians from Virginia, North and South Carolina are expected to attend. Many will remain over Saturdy to witness the football games between Duke University aiid Colgate or N. C. College and St. Paul. In addition to Dr. Clylde Don nell, chairman, the committee on health problems is eomposetl of: David T. Smith, M. D., Secre tary : Dr. N. C. Newbold, Milton Jtw. Hosenau, M. D.,; L. E. Mc Cauley, M. D.; C. A. Punston. D. D. S.; Wm. M. Rich,, E. A, Branch. D. D. S.. and J, M. Fleming, D. D. S. War Department Turns Thnmbs On Gviiian Probes NEW YORK — The War De partment has offiealiy' turned down the su^estioa that a ci- vilian-military boani be appoin ted to investigate the treatment of colored sokliersi in Soutk^a army camps. The. appcnotmey^ was ui^red by the NAACF M- lowing the dtmble killing «t Ft. Bragg, N. C. August ti. In a letter to the .Vijaoeiation last week, Robert P.-^atterson^ Under Secretary of War. Stated that ‘*The Negro in the Army is aiuply pro^'tetl by the eiviliu heads of the Army, the Pr«»i- dent a.s comoiander • iu * «hief together with the Seeretary of War »ml his eivilian assc^tants.^ insure that all persons,iu the Army receive fair and impartiid treatment” He asserteil that the praaMM of William H. l&astie, eiyiliijK aide to the secretary and Qwlmt B. O. Davi^ Assistant Ii General add^ to the of fair treatment. It is most ianwi«e,” Mr. tersou wrote, “to sabgjMt command fimetioas of ble Army taticat neview-by an-agvsry War D^rtnent.** He said that “(Cyn and ly-UI nity of the aniforiB aatf sdnnVl whi^ weam ft***! inqumes will Mtkm pmn* feetive.

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