LT. OXLEY CHARGED WITH MAILING EDITION I I! ti::K::n:xmtmt:it:x»::»n:iitm:uKn»n:nn tms jpH^UTHtibiRlgig^ Volume 22 — Number 42 Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, October 18, 1941 M CHURCHILL TO END HAntED itIACP CHARGES BRITISH WITH DISCRIMINATION NEW YORK — Addressed personally to Prime Minister Winston Churchill, a letter set' ting forth five types of discri mination on the part of British agencies operating in this coun- tiy, wafi dispatched by Pan-A merica^ Clipper September 26, by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. ‘The letter, written by Walter White, NAACP executive secre tary urges that the British and A'm^ricail governments m»ke the four freedoms apply to the color line, i|nd that t^e flt« tjpH of di&ti Mtiona bated on color or race immediately wiped outj Publicity on the letter was witheld until this week because of the custom of not revealing contents of communications to the head of a government until tl)e communication has had an oppprtunity to be received and acted upon. Kve days after the letter was dispatched, Colonel R. li. Ben son, military attache of the Bri tish Embassy in Washington, called the NAACP national office by long distance expressing great concern over it and parti cularly over the case of Dr. Wal ter King cited as an instance of prejudice. No copy of the letter was sent the Embassy, but cop ies were received by the Ameri can Red Cross and the British War Relief Society. During the conversation ,Mr. Benson stated that he would like to “get to the bottom of things a little more^’ and asked for a copy of the letter. After pointing out the impor tance of America’s 13 miHion Negro citizens in the national, life and saying that the sucees* sori pf discriminatory acts on the part of these British agencies are “building bitter reseritWlent a- gainst Great Britain among cer tain elements of the population of the United States,” the five known cases where Negroes were discriminated against were lis ted.. ASHE CASE LEADS First' was mentioned the re fusal of the British Air Com- miss!(m, Washngton, D. C., to accept Charles M. Ashe,, fully qualified commercial pilot and instructor, asr a ferry pilot solely because of his color. Ashe Vohin- teered for the service and after repeatd evasions was told on September 15, by Captain .T. D. Mugford of the RAP Ferry Command, British Air Commis sion, Washington, that no Negro would be accepted for ferrying bombers. Captain Mugf®rd sent Ashe a copy of the minimiu^ re quirements for pilots and eo-pi- lots issued by the RAP Perry Coriunand, the ninth of which reads: “All applicants ihust be of the white race.” (Continued on page eight) CHAS. HERNDON PASSES AFTER LONG ILLNESS ,Chas, Herndon, age 72, prom inent barber and business man man of Durham died at a Ra leigh Hospital, Sunday morning at 9:30. Mr.. Herndon’s death climaxed an iUnes of several years, although he was not con fined to his bed until two or three months ago. • Th) ky^wn Duriira he «p*rat one of the leading barber »hops foR approximately thirty years. iRlr. Herndon was born in W'ake County, but came to Dur ham a little more than 30 years ago to enter the barbering bus iness. '■ . ^ Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Julia Herndon and a daughter, Charsie, ago three months. A dai^hter and son by a former marriage also survive, they are Miss Agnes Herndon of Raleigh and Charlie Herndon. Funeral sfirvice were held from the Raleigh Funeral Home in Raleigh Tu^day afternoon at two o’clock. Rev. S. P. Perry pastor of the St. Mark A. M. E. Zion in Durham, of which the deceased was a member, officiated. ; Paul Robeson Sings With N. C. C. Chorus Paul Robeson's recital at-N. C. College was sfid by many to climax all musical events of the season. The noted singer,ip pictured here as hte sang a classfc nurtrber with the North Caro lina College chpriis., • :ivery available the Mpwtix^ was taken and many per sons were forced to stand. • jt. . # t;S’ Violence In Rbxboro By GraM jury; Trial Nov. Former Negro Welfare Head Flayed by Jewi^^^ Lawyer in Minneapolis COLLiEGE PRESS ASSOCI ATION- TO HOLD ANNUAL MEET, 6CT. 17 18 Pleads For Tolerance! p.. MINNEAPOLIH- (Bt 4. W. I"WT]^R8BUnU. VA—Dele' igstes from approximately four teen colleges will gather liere at Virginia State College 'on Fri day and Saturday, October 17- 18, for the annual meeting of liie Colored Intereollegiato Press AswHfietion as ijiieNt of ihe VIRGINrA WTATE8M.\N‘. Highlipfhting the two-la.v meeting will be the presentation of the Goffney PlaqHo to tlie Ptsff of tlie V IRC! IX FA edlt^ student paper for 41 by the C. f. P. A, for ANP) More than WW I person.*- witnessed a h*at^ erm- I troversey wljen they attefjdetl a citizens mass meetii^ Sfendar I at Piiyllw Wlieatley ^Htlement • b«>use »|Hint«'retl by tS#* ShuM^ sota Xegro Defense Colwaittee. jTlie prini'iplos in the verbal but tle wer«f .ionas Srvmrt/. Jiiite, I I/fl'vrenee A. Oxley. snper- ▼isor of racial relatiofis Unit. U. uurt'au «»f Kmployaient Se- eiirity. Washington. Mr. Oxley gave a sBpmarr. of the work nf his dcfMUtiarat in \ the fi;4U for Negro |i>b» w '.Iw dofeme pcugjraiu. ili? ccfleved ^ t» prirrtl#^ gaioM dil(:riinhM(Mit aa4jil#»- cy of Nef!rrD traidia( an'^lvade an appeal that yejpfwita b6I #•- i »«ent th» many uhpfiMMi#t disRtai eles that be tknmn m fpatjj. * , .YOUNG STAR POPOIATIOH TURKS WBITE TARBORO' (CP) — Edge* combe county was considered a cent whii^e county 25 years aga, 60 per cent Negro and 40 per but loss of Negroes to nothern centers and encreased popufation in ,^^ky Mount and Tarboro hive led to shifts in percentage, Haywood P.. Poxhill, chairman of the Edgecombe County Draft Board, Saturday. 'Qf the total numbed of regis trants of Edgecombe bounty men fOr‘tl\e draft, 51.8' per 'cent' were white and 42.2 per cent colored, according ' to Foxhill, and the same proportion could be applied to the total county population. * OS ^ DETRIOT NOMINAES DIGGS FOR COUNCIL DETRIOIT, (ANP)—In the city-wide non-partisan primary election here* Tuesday Senator Charles C. Diggs was nominated for the common council despite the fact 122 candiates were in the field. Diggs got 17,000 votes in thet lightest primary in a num ber of years. This marks the first time since. 1927, when George Green polled some 36,000 votes that a Negro has been nominated for tlie city council. Sen Diggs, who finished 15th among 18 nomin&es, accord ing tp old* line politicians hf re, stanlds more than an even chaniee of being elected in Novemeber. radio’s newest Robl^o, Oct. 12.—Following a blifflleHng denouncement of all formfe of mob violence by Judge Henry Av Gr%dy, here this week, 10 white nien were indicted by a Person County GrandVJury for taking part in a near-lynching in ROxbofo last. A'ugti^ 15, when a 1 ■ u rnn\ rn,.„ jNx-.-'mobjof several httndred attempt- Raleigh (CP)-rhe btate, ^ ^ Winstead, a Ne- Bwreau .of Investigation myes-l^^^ the Person County jail. tigates very few cases of judge GraHy’\y1)0 was; presiding S. B. I, Investigii^s Few N^o Cases In North Carolina stars is T^ew Y6rk .City's tea- year-old joyce Mi;hael. She wa^ heard on the Columbia network on “Burl Ives Coffee Club” last Saturday. Youngei^t of a family of five children, Joyce coneemmg Negroes, according to a statement of officals here last week. “Thomas Creedmore, assistairt director of the bureau, wh(> _h^ meent of justico. for over t\yo been connected with the de|Jart- years, said that it is his impres- sioh that there have been a min ium of investigated cases . in wWch' Negroes were’ itivoived on the basis of the population, his observation beiijg later corrpbp- rat^ by another member of the department. ‘ ■ Newsp^f)ers t*eported‘ that 10 membera of fh6 C. C.'Cl bamp Hear-Rox,boro were fired hecause of their actipn the night of the riot in which a crowd of boys are said to have armed them selves with sticks and marched on the jail- Although the Justice Depmrt- ment did not investigate the in following ,the investfgpalion of cident, it was pointed out that the War Department only three youth were dscharged. Three youth came by the Per son' County Courthotise at Rox- boro on the night of the rioting and hastened to cfemp head quar pus. To datp the principal speak- er has not bee^ decidetl upon. .\tty. iS^warti, who ia a liber^ over a term, of the Superior is scheduled for the Court of-Person Cbunty,' fmme- scneauiea. Toi tiie diately ‘issuedr capiases.» for ..the arrest of the ten men and- bond was set’ at $500? said‘that he would request Governor I'M. J, Broughton to order, a special term of court for November to try the ten men. The 10 men indicted are Coy Harris, P.I. Holt^ Willie Aiken,, Johnnie' Holt, Leb IHxon, Wil liam Green, ^W., G.. Bradsher, Thomas >Slaughtfer, Ai*" P. Spr-' iggs and Evon James. I All of the men luiye been charged with unlawful assembly for unlawful ptirpose and break ing windows and»doors at the courthouse in Which the jail was located. ♦ Conviction of the charg;ps car ries a sentence of a maximdm of 2 years *^t the discretion of the judge. ! ★ — 25 lbs Irish potatoes, two do%> en fresh eggs, 12 ounces pimen tos, two bunches celery and a pound of onions wiH make suf ficient potato salad for 100 sol diers. > The fii^t m‘eting is setnUiled for 2 o’clock Friday aftertjoon at which timp Dr. .lames Hugo Johnston, Dean of Instruction, i will welcome the as.soeiation, .viU] is meeting for the first time al Jew. wafc irtvitwi !h- 1h^ Aair- the \irgina State CoHcg‘ ;eain Sch(^ of R^igion ol^^ke Um- , m^iii* fo Wke a - - - ' y^rsit^-.^ ’wKo maae'eouragt»U3 • appeal ^ a forcefu} searman last f" remarks. Ho entue^ t|ie Other persons to aonear-ort the Sunday morning for greater in- 'U K nf T , a.. terracial coej^ration. '’fheier- oAi^ials and irtatied that .I^Xky pr()grani wdl^ Mr. Uu\ei->ne was broadcaststation knew very little would b* done J. Goffney. Chairman of ex i„.sineeritr of ^ r» •' able comment ii ijurham." ' ;th««e eontn>lliiig^ the- tset-up* A.; Mr. Otto McClarrin. Prosi — —^ ‘SSeiiwartz further diiMi^?r«fd.with dent (if the National JonriialisHf I |j» j .IXaaiA'Iia Oxlev in his prai»H* of the Feri Society: William H. Gamble i|03thS ' ' ‘ ]Motor companyV hiring of N«- Chariman of tlie C. 1. P. A.v and j , ^ ; • ' *■ j«n>eN. >» a fierceiitajM* bbife ae- ^yllllam R. Simms, facu^^^^^ TheiHighwiW Safety Wvino®[cording to population, visor to the VtRGTNA T A TE. reported' thi» «ed( that Wakaj -1 t^.Heve if fixe jehi County had 32'traffic fttalitica * i *i r L j • open and there are five e«B- cha^ed agamat Its 1941 rec«rt| ^.T.lbble, at the close of t)M eighth month *v ,, . *. ■ »_ . . * of the year The.742 penoos in fic accident on North CaroHna i He concluded his ei^iekai hy MAN. ■ • ■ A busiiress session and’open evening meeting on Friday at 7 o’clock. * Beginning at 10 a. m; on Sah committees wijl fonvene to con tinue nufinished business. Ac cording to the program, the streets and-higfaira^^ tim fin* eight months of this’yeai xmi^ resented a 4S per eest inewa ^over the 609 pei^af r^x>rtad nreting at 2 o’clock Avill find i .in the same pctiM M committees making reports, the year, and the number election of officers ami the ap- during'Auipist of thia pointment of permanent coin* ceeded' the nnmbnr killad mittces.^ ' ing 0^h«r Qf latt yvar. has already appeared on such I ters where they told of the ihob programs as **Dr. Christian”,' the Colgate “Spotlight**, where she won the first prize, and '‘We,, the People**. She smgs withojiit music and has perfect yiltch and rythm. This time &n Columbia Joyce sang ‘*Yes-ln> deed**. (ANP) which was seeking to dras an accused rape susjiect firom' vhie jail and lyncli him. , • . Th^ three youth succeeded in getting togetheq* a cro^d of ten at .th? ea^ip which ^divpers- ed before it got within thi'e®: blocks of the courthouse. “There,” Mr. CreekmoK said, “is an instance in which Negro newspapers shouM ptey up the fact that constitutional author ity made no ieffort to save , the man’s-life ■ i-ather than playing up the fact in many eases of ilynching.”' ' - ' WOMEN’S COM TO HOLD WHITE HOUSE SESSI(»«: WASHINGTON (ANP)—A two and a half hour session at the White House on .Thurs. will highlight the 8th annual meet ing of the National Council of Negro Women, according to Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, presi dent of the organisation, which meets here this week. In speaking of this particular session, which w.ill also he^r Mrs. Roosevelt address some 600 wqb men, Mrs. Bethune said the be6i minds of the Negro race would be persent to make ten minute speeches. Included in the impreasive ar ray of nationally known figures are Vivian Carter Mason, rank ing Negro in the department of public welfare in New Yoifk City Car^ V. Boane, head of the . Harlem office'of th« Ne# Xorli( State Employment serviw;;aue B|a|iey Thurmaii, ^peaking on cuhurat activities; Elsie* Austin national presid^it of the p«lta Sigma Theta sorority; Dorothy height, executive secretary of the Phyllis Wheatley Y W C A. Also Earl Dickeraoa of thf F^iir Employment committee; Anblfey Williams, direct» of tlie' NTA. Cand %n«le, rismg yoiinir tryltOf viyi. render several-aeia^ ions dnring the course of the dis-. CTttskM^ ' ' Talkg will be limited to ^ minutes eaA. Ifia. BedHoae wiB' preside a^ this a&air, 'whidi end with tea beioK terrtd Iqr statiAg*if‘those Negro genmne- ment paid officials w«f |i|ttere about this, d^rimin^ioa'. bnak down, they woald resign ft«sa their jobs in two weda they wene employed or foree a change of condition. Mr. Oxky api^rently l«ettMf» angry, as' he intemipt«d Sifawarts ind ehaHen9Mf*1dai t0 deh^,. Q»Ued km .m gogue,, and e:(dj^m«d» 1 teMr belilfr jWs fhan joa'H I'lie ‘dwairman aererdy jaHl^ led Mr. Oxfej fo/Itia ^ m^n^r^ of" • iAt speaker aad defended ^ of *Sehwa]rts to stste hit t on the apMiwt ’a T^ QtlawMi,«m ded on 1i» ^awtiaii «f right in iMUcd Mrs. Booae^h. The isvoMtiBft Oft tidii Mon wai W wM ir