0«raiMnvMMi THB CABOLINA TIMSt SATUBnAT. ocfons u, itci Yotir Sunstiioe leii flia 4an ih tlis sklta w ir ¥rr)rtd 4s MMt«i out tqr th« [oWifl of '§tk»t peaBiAiiBm, wrr> we ibiMt dfr- md uP6tt tm'vutt within (»»> IvM, is an inner- k. w iftuk our j Wm igemt eaaty %¥lh mlbirtftnr «« go to [ffht the wftjr throuch tin cbuic* BM oi dafe^ to bntn down itaclds, ftttf J(d klil^e thfi fir6 |f viofeoi3r« How 4£CAtf i'Jcfe Iflher-Bun- line? t3o>« jtour miftd t6 neg- Itiye tKoUihti M 5^u wo^Id ])« tKe dodr td itibbfifS. IHll lout mind With posit!^. con' trucUve, cheerful, hopeful .jugl^e. Afisociftte With men If great liith—men who be* leve ,&*t things can be done in4 rotl jip thelir sleeves [na do Tell yb\il%elf a lousand times thM 5ro'fif c«n stw- Afib Ih^ put of a win jiw. JCttipel the clottds in tte lives of others with the sttnshin^ service. And, fintilly, keep In tune with the Thfiiiite. )fte who carries his sunshine ritii him on the journey of life lias learned tbe master-secret of priuraphanb living.—^Wilfted A. i’cterson. A.^ T. FRESHMAN CLASS NUMBERS OVER 409 lat We Gi^i Control This year's A. & T. Freshman Class is the largest in the history of the College—more than 400 registered, for the fiwt time running the student body Of the Greensboro school wpU over one thousand. The above picture shows the class assembled for the cameraman during the opening day of school. Prac- ticadly every state in the nation is represented as well as several foreign countries. Just for a change why don’t Ire do something about the things we can control. For ex- limple, none of us can lengthen Jjis spin of life, perhaps, beyond Ihe hand of destiny, but we can Control its width and deptjii. Nor U it given us to control the con- pour of our countenance, but vB cim control its expression— can smile instead of frown. fts cannot alter the distance of jur heads above the ground but can control the heights of Itheir. contents—^we can think light thp^ughts. We have no :ontrol over the, weather, but can contf^l t^e moral atmo sphere that j,surrounds u& We cannot, contn)! t;he other |plloW*s* innoyiotf ame^hlng about ,«ir own. SUQCESS IS: ^iting' o/f moer than you can chew,' and then chewing it. end,to jbe attained not by do ing the ^ings we like tot do but like \to do the things that are to be done. Lthing detehnined 1^ determin- I kition. faking an ordinary amount of teai^; do an extraordinary a- mount of work. Thoroughly planning your work and then thoroughly working your plan. thing affected not so much by wkere we stand as by the direc^on in which we are moving. A thifeg which you will never come to, if you are disturbed by the success of others.— ,t3oodlbllow. 'tli^f half won if you iain the hfcbit of work and thrift. Phte ability to let chances go by Until the one comes along With ^our name one it. Chit which doesn't depend so much on sitting up late at night as it does on being wide Siwake in the daytime. IA latter you cannot climb with your hands in your pockets. tCollebted by Jno. G. I*611ard, formier Governor of Virginia) I«E LESSON OF COLUMBUS "Behind hiln lay the griiy Azores Behind, the Gates of Hcrcultts; Before hijp not the s^ost of shores; Before him only shorel^ sesB.” • So begins Joaquin Miller's great poem on Columbus—a poem for all those who are fac ing m time of danger. Colum bus had only a belief by which to sail. eH set out into an un known ocean, which the fears of timid med had peopled with fab ulous monsters and half-hinted perils. His ships were small, hia crew mutinous, his seconds in command envious that this “foreigner” should 1x5 placed ov er them. All he had was an idea—a plan which was new, and which wise men swore could never be car ried out. But he did it. He set his course straight ahead, and stuck to it. The monsters did not apepar — but unforeseen hardships did. The ships, were becalmed for days in the Dol drums—thit patch of ocean ^edre the wind seldom blows. prow^ions and waiter ran low, and the ocean was wider than his wildest calculations. But still he went bn. What he faced, we face today, ctity of the individual and in State News REIDSVILLE FAIR HOLDS NEGRO DAY REIDSVILLE, (CP)— Be tween 400 and 500 children came oirt Thursday afternoon for the Negro iC^ild/ren’s Day at the Reidsville fair. Fair officials commended the Negro citizen for the perfect or der maintained at the grounds which they said speaks well for the training of their parents, teacherf and officers of the cele- gration. S. B. I. SAVES DOOMED MAN RALEIOH, (CP)— Sammy ‘ Slick ’ ’ Qilliam was fr^ed of all blame and Jessie Manning who committed the slaying of Paul Best, aged white merchant of Windsor, has already been sent to death row following investi gation of the crime by the State Bureau gf Investigation, Thomas Creekmore, assistant director of investigation, said Mondav. He said that when an incident like that happens the law tries to make a fair investigation as in that case in which the man Best. The bureau of investigation foimd that Gilliam had taken no part in the killing and Manning ws tired in the Bertie County Court and sentenced to execu tion in the ^as chamber. Manning faced trial for his life at the August 25 term of the Bertie County Superior Court after he was confused in rehears ing his story of the murder un der sharp questioning by Solici tor E. R. Tyler. Manning told how he and Gil liam went to the store on Ihe night of the crime and that he entered from the froht while Gil liam entered from tlie rear and asked for a Jug Qf molasses. As the aged clerk bent over to draw the molasses. Manning said Gilliam knocked him down in two blows with a hanimer and as the victim lay Unconscious, according to one of Manning's conflicting stories, Gilliam searched his pockets while Man ning got all of the money out of the cash register. “Then”, Marnimg said, Sam- ors declare, the monsters of war actualljs^accused of the killing will engulf us. We face the was freed and that if such in-i' Ddvers Licenses liRevoked For 191 irlngr Oct. 4-11 The Horth Carolina Highway [Safety Division announces that 191 licenses have been revoked fqr the-week of October 4th to the 10th. This makes a grand total, of 38,043. revocations the mujority of which are for drunk- erii driving. my went out of the back door. ’ ’ be fre and equal, as our guid-' stances were played up in Negro 1 u the inborn right of all men to; newspapers, Negroes wwld have was foUnd ing star, we will reach our goal. ^ respect for the courts. If we steer straight ahead, a- ^he illiterate whit man admit- difficulties of curtailment of.,, , what we deem necessities. We | an par icipa iiig action of the Doldrums. We will the robbery of the aged clerk, mutinous subsersive forces and.^^ naid when was arrested in longr the course we know to be N^^^b ? but that Gilliam struck the But we must persevere—or to hammer blows that killed self-seeking leaders. envious, we have the iedftl of a new world, where democracy will But where Columbus had the idea of a new road to the Indies, and where all men will be free, men to pull us through the in- have to meet with and handle must follow through. right, with our faith in the san- take its original meaning -- we will need the extra energies of have an opportunity to progress, If we go ahead, our timid sail- “The good mate said: ‘Now must we pray For lo! the very stars are gone, Brave Admiral speak; what shall I say?’ “Why say: ‘Saji on! S^l onl And on!”’ Then pale and worn, he paced, the deck. And peered through darkness. Ah, ^that night Of all dark nights! And then a speck— A light! A light! At last a light! It grew, a starlit flag unfurled! It grew to be Time's burst of dawn. He gained a world, he gave that world SfflRTWAISTER HAS SLLM DETAILS imiib.- OWNERS*' ... Pattern 446 U cc|^ in women’s fjiics 34, 86, 88, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48. Size 86 requires 2% yards 54 iixch f«brie, .Send FIFTEEN CENTS (16#) m .oins for this pat'j^rn. WRITE CLEARLY SIZE, NAMB, AD- OPESS AND STYLE ^TUMBBR. £»end orders to Nev.sj jer Pattern pep.'irtment, 70 Fifth i .venue, New Vork, N. y. , at the front door if Gilliam went out the back door, Manning star ed blankly at the aolicitor and gave no answer. Later Manning confessed vhe crime and said lie had the money tied in his uaderolothes thie day he M'as arrested. Best was a clerk in the H. P. Sewell grocery and gen. store. Officers reported that ittvesti gation revealed the man had drunk the fluid which/appear- antly caused their death. Lee Jackson, white, who ope rates Brooklyn Dry Cleaning Co. at 331 S. McDowell Street, told reporters Patterson came t© the plant Tuesday morning to see Lipscomb and was directed to the basement where Lipscomb was working. Lipscomb collAsped at Third and Brevard Streets trying to get to a doctors office and Dr. Sterling F. Hdgans, passing at the time, examined him and t«iid he was in extramis and ordered him to the hospital men who welcoming from a dance abo»t 2:15 Wednesday morning. W. E. Kennedy, elderly hus- bandof the woman suffered a burn on the hand when he a I tempted to rewjue Mrs. Kennedy from the flames and the two daughter were paakky when the 8»ro men arrived. Ingram ran to a fire box and turned in the alarm and return ed to the home to mke the res cue Firemen had high praise for Ingram in the courage and quick thinking he displayed. With the bedding and Mrs. Kennedy’s * clothing in flames, of the 'ear. Another s^tatemcnt police huid tii«t Ttagne said t iy;__ a . wan cruiing esMt on Market St. vBSKff UKS Al t B«ab«r«r Bu«d at abrmt 25 or ^ 30 milea an hour and that Afrs. • WiW|ira|rofc liee mn into the »tr*^t wfcen fcls , car wan only a short diMtonce WCX>DVILF/E, V A. Fmi- fmih her. eral iw rvi4»>* »«r Tanif ^ Both statements said he tried Olaskt'r, senior at \ ir to avoid atrlking her. srinia Mt«t.- Coll-gfp and P'lt Officer Teague wa» arrested b»ek, waa held here oe Tm«^‘Ia», Monday on a warrant chririn« 7, at 2:30 p, m. at th« him with manslaughter and he ^f»’dville Hhiloh Bnpt^ IMMited bond for appearanee in ‘-h. Tlie ritrs w*Tf by .municipal-county court Friday. R**''- Ja»n»n a^isti>d by Chief of Police L. L. Jarvis J*>hn Ijrnnai. said League will continue to ex-' de»>cas*‘d di'*d o« -Siintfav ectttc hi* police duties as usual. 6:30 a. as. at a hospital in R*i- A coroners’ jury found that Mr. anoke Rapids, N. where he Lee met her hours investigating Mugered betwe^ life and destk the death of 87-year-oId woman, j since the previoro Sunday eve- Otarvis isflfid Teague radioed ning, September 2H, m t^ to police headquarters for anj-^ult of gun diot wonn#ki inflkr mbulanee, but the woman waalt^l Oi\r* Jefferson, a jealous moved to the hospital befi re the i ex-*uitor of Mw* Mamie Ales- ambulance arrived. Teague went to the hospital and remained there, accord ins? to Chief Jarvis, until he was ordered to report Imck to his job. He is freed as far as the coro ner’s jury is concerned, but wa.^ was scheduled to be triefi in municipal-county Court Friday on a cbaiige of manslaujrhter. The accident occurred abont 6:30 Monday moring and the aged died less than 10 minutes later after she had been taken to the hospital for treatment by Jackson said Patterson was in . he threw a blanket around her great pain when he came^ back to the jjlant Wedheaday After noon and that he told his wife he and Lipscomb hbd been drinking the dry cleaning fluid. Jackson’s wife sent for the can containing the fluid, Jack son said, and Patterson identi fied it as the one they drank from Tuesday, morning. . . DRY CLEANING DRINK FATAt. • . Charlotte, (CP)—Two mea were dead Thui'Sdky te the re sult of drinking dry cleaning fluid. The dead 4ire Walter Patter son, 609 S. Me Dowell Street, and Luther Lipscomb, 610 E. Hill Street. Pattet-son died just before HE DIDN’T WAST BRACELETS t Fay*tt6vilfe, (CP)—ResideYitS of theKlizabethtown road be- c«*e stti^ieioiis when Bennie Covi^ton, white man of Aniger, appi^chM them ^fiirdaj’^ night and asked them to remove handcuffs which wtire a^onrtd his wrists. . . . . . They bi*ought him to irollce heJidqUarters and an investiga tion showed that he had been ar rested by Javper Hollaudr Cum- berl/ind •County officer for be ing drunk and disorderly at the fair grounds. ile had escaped wheia Officer. Holland stopped his car to qudl a roadside distributance, substi- tttir^ bands for hand cuffs to hold th^ prisoner. 2 MMlH RESCUE WHITE v WOMAN HIGH POINT (CP)— J. T. In^w Sheraton hotel bellhop, ana Lacy Kendall rescued Mrs. W. E. Kennedy, invalid white woman, from the flames of her burning home at 1708 Kivett drive earfy Wednesday jnorning. Her night clothes, afire. Mrs. to smother the fire and rushed her out of the htiming building. Then he went back into the room and got Mr. Kennedy who, fro zen with fright, had made no attempt to get out. WOMAN IS KILLED WHEN STRUCK BY PATROLMAN’S CAR . > Omnsboro, (CP) —^Mrs. La- trfda lifee, 1606 B. Market St., died at 6:45 a. in. Monday in the L. Richardson Memorial ho.spi- tal a ^ew minutes after she was struct! by a city police ear, dri ven by Thomas Teague, on Mar- ket.5treet at Benbow i-oad. Teague said he was chasing a- nothera car, according to one version of his story, and the wo man walked across the sidewalk ander who the dec^«?d wm vi* sitinjr in Jarrat, V«, when the shooting oecured. Miw Alexan der, a «ehool teacher in Jarratt was also shot by the assailant bot if on the ro*d to recovery. A large number of the uiidef" graduates of chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Frateniity of which the deceased was a member were present to pay their final rwr pets. Six of hia fraternity brrn thers acted as pallb«rera; Prank Harris. Earl Allen. Ro bert ^Vlexander, William Dennat a taxi which was passing at the I Kennit Cockerell, and RusBriT time. - jFineham. Besides the large represent*- - SMITH - (Continued from page t-hree) for a touch-down After haviiife scored on the pass, Brayboy a- gain stepped back and booted the deciding, point that gave Smith the much needed one- point mai^ift. Score By Quarters: State 6 0 0 7 13 Smith ; 0 7 0 7 13 Officials ; Referee, E. P. West moreland ; Umpire, M. C. Robin son; Linesman, J. H. Williams, and Field Judge, T. H. Hender son. tion frrrni the fraternities attd sororities at Virginia State Col lege, several of the admin iBtra^ jtors were present: Dr. John Gandy, President; Mr. H. 1^, Jefferson, football coach; Dr. A. Lockett, Director of the Jft'" vision of Agriculture; Assistant Dean of Men, Mr. Elwood Boone; and Dr. R. P. McDanitf, head of the Department of Science and Mathematics. The deceased was interned at the woodville Cemetery. He ia survived by his mother, Mrs. Ze phyr Glasker; his stepfather, Mr. Henry Glasker, five bro thers and four sisters. • Russia must not be such a bad place, ‘we doubt if the Ameri cans would have fought so well, for our ^y of life. And it ia than Germany, but thagr axiom that men do not noticfcg There are some Americans who still thing that Great Brit ain is a greater menace to this well for things that do not have their confidence. 1 Let's not forget the heroic It is surprising how many peo- struggle of the valiant Greek pie can tell you what is the mat- army against gre«t oiWs; ita t^r with other people, without soldiers deserve consideration knowing what is the matter when the world gets back to into the street and into the side wtih themselves. I normal. >• dawn Thursday at his home and Iiipscomb Wednesday afternoon l^ewiedy was dragged from her at Good Samaritan hospiti^l. burning 'bedroom by the two THEATRE Tuelsd&y and Wednesday World’s'HeavyWiiight itiiigf iOE LOUIS . in **THE SPIRIT OF YOUTH” THURSDAY, BARGAIN DAY Peter Lorre in ‘‘FACE BEHIND TifiE MASST Lime ih MEXICAN SPllfiRE COMING- Johnny Mack Brown in “VALLEY OF THE LAWLESS” FEDERAL INCOME TAXES STATE INCOME TAXES mSURANCI PREMIUMS • • MORTGAGE PAYMENTS have to be PAIDl YOU WILL FIND it very conveiuent to pay them in one lump sum. You can do this and get any addi tional funds you may require by sekcting the type of credit that >suits'you and budgeting the repayment to the bank oiver a pi»iod of ten months or a year* fitted to your income.* Mechanics & Farmers I' Durham, N. C. Bank Rale^ N. €. C^C.sWulding,Pres« R. L. McDoii|^l,Ex^V.P. •j. H. Wheeler, Cashier , ^ f