SATCUIAT. OCTOBER 18. 1941 TB£ CAROLINATIM^S page EiaHT _amu»JJdi — C^* ^^UkAA. .A*> K- islands constitutes from 90 to 95 per cent of the total. Does th# Britisli Government bar thene A* merican Negroes lent the exam* pie of qualified Negroes filling executive and other oftieial posi tions too great ambitioii to do likewise on the part of un derprivileged Negrof Britiah aub' jects in these islands? BRITISH PURCHASE COMMISSION MENTIONED The N'AAJCP also said that aa far as it is^ learn, every one of the (jualified Negro ap plicants for employment with the Purchasing Comis- sion at Washington has been turiied down. During the hear- before the Congressional com- mitte on motion picture propa' ganda, witnesses testified that the^ Purchasing commission also barred Germans, Jews and South Irish from employment there. Spokesmen for the Com mission denied religious restric tions, but said nothing about color. The NAACP told Churchill, “You have with with unsurpM- sed eloquence appealed to the peoples of the world to help Great Britain destroy Hitler and Hitlerism and to keep freedom ing the war, but the same free dom from prejudice must be manifested at the Peace Confer ence. Unless such theories are abandoned, other and more de structive wars will follow as in evitably as the night ^oeg thft day.” Ny answer has yet been re ceived. - Woman’s Council -- (Continued from pagie one) Robert Williams of the Asbury M.'B. church. The eighth anual conference will get under way Wednwday evening with the executive ses sion at the headquatera on 0 Street. Then follow in rapid sec- cession the other meetings of the group, including the big public meeting on Friday night at which time, A. A. Berle, assis tant secretary of state, will be the principal speaker. Paul V. McNutt, of the Fed eral Security agency, will speak Friday afternoon. Friday night’s dinner meet ing will hear Walter White of the NAACP; Mrs. Frances Pa yne Bolton, congresswoman from ted ‘v^ien whose names had not b^D submitted at press time. Orowing stronger as each year bri^pi the conference to Wash- t^&on, Mrs. Bethune proudly peinta out that already there a/e l^e 60Q women registered and I>*id their fees for the meetings, compared with 432 last year. While most of the grogram will be devoted to women speak ers, many noted men will appear. Of particular interest will be the round table discussion which brings before the body the color ed heads of various government departments in^o will answer questions put them by the wo men. Government officals them selves are looking forward to this important conference which brings together repmentatives of more than 7Q variom Negro organisations in a combined ef fort where, as Mrs. Bethune so aptly .phases it, “The 'We can help the you and I solve many of the problems confronting the ■Negro in America today.” requires 4 yards of 39 inch fabric for dresus and heart appli-que included -Charges Britain- ^Kk>ntinued from page one) •ffeGRO DOCTOR REFUSED ^Second case of discrimination pointed out to Mr. Churchill was that of Dr. W^alter W. King of New York City. In reply to ur gent appeals recently made for American doctors to come to En gland to minister to the wound ed there. Dr. King volunteered through the American Red Cross. He was informed by Dr. 0. D. Williams, Medical Admin istrative Assistan of the Red Cross, in a letter dated May 23; “It is true that only white citizens of the United States are eligible for the Doctors for Bri tain project. The American Red Cross did not set the standards which are being followed. Tljc American Red Cro^ is acting upon instruction.s and cannot de viate from them.” NO NEGRO BLOOD The NAACP letter continues “Touching appeals have been made to Americans to contribute their blood to blood banlts to be sent to save the lives of men. wo men and children in Greal Bri tain who without such aid, would die from grievous wounds infli cted by Nazi bombs, jlnstruc- tions have come to the United States from Great Britain, we are informed, that only ‘white’ blood is wanted. Does this mean that English men, women and children wuld prefer dying to living, if the balance in favor of life is non-Arjan blood?” BANNED FROM WORK AT- BASES The fourth of the instances of British race prejudice states that reputable newspapers here have reported that the British Govern ment asked the United States Government to refuse to send any l^egl'ow, regardless of quali fications, to hplp build naval aii^ air bases in islands of the Brirj ish ’West Indies, and that the charge w'as also made on the floor of Congress. The letter noted the denial of the charges by the United States Goieernment but said that “thqi plain facts are'that visas are de nied by British consulates- to highly qualified American Ne groes who wish to work in the British Caribbean Islands. Other means, subtle and otherwise, are used to discourage American Negroes from applying for work at these places. “This is all the more -incre^ dible in view of the fa’ct that -NOW OPEN - THE WONDER NEW CHINESE LAUNDRY Shirts 10c Overalls. 20c Pants 20c % WONDER have in stirring language de nounced the racial theories on which Hitler has built a sinister philosphy and a diabolic war machine. But these instances re veal that England is no less guil ty of racial arrogance than is Nazi Germany unless the leaders of the British Government sum marily order the abolition of such discrimination. 1 “S‘ich racial demarcation the Negro population of these 'must not only be abandoned dur- from being extinguished. You Ohio; and findings of the entire rc*i»ec.l group meetings, presented by Sarah Pelham Speaks, New York attorney. Mrs. Julia West Ham ilton is chairman of this meeting. Prominent women from all parts of the country are expect ed to take part in the discussion, centering around def6nse pro gram. Guest of honor at the dinner meeting will include Gen. B. 0. Davis; Congressman Arthur Mitchell and several distinguiish- REPORT OF CONDITION OF MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK of Durham and Raleigh in the State of North Carolina at the close of business on Sept* 24, -1941 ASSETS Loans and discoUhts (Including I None overdrafts) $ United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed— Obligations of States‘'ari3 i>6Htical subdivisions Other bonds, notes and debentures 5, Corporate stocks ( including $ None stock of Federal Reserve Bank) — Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned $21,960.00, furniture and fixtures $8,176.87 .— (Bank premises owned are subject to $( None liens not assum* ed by tenk) Real estate owned other than bank pjemises Other assets — 7. a 11. 12. 4S5.135.42 392,318.59 49,749.47 40,000.00 29,152.18 464.064.68 30,136.87 4,199.30 8,217.32 LEGAL ADS [ ADm^STRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the ad- pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. Allpersohs indebted to said Mtate will please make immedi ate settlement. - This the l^h day of Septem ber, 1941. C. A. GLE^NN, administrator of the estate of Moses Staten, de ceased. Women To Play ft Important Role .^ pleaded in bar of their recovery. Allpersons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate settlement^ This the 4th day of Octo ber, 1941. I MECHANICS ft FARMERS BANK, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the ad ministrator of the estate of Minnie S. Pearson, deceased,late of Durham CJounty, North Caro lina, this is lo notify all persons having claimB against the ratate of said dMeased to exhibit them ministrator of the estate of jto the undersigned Moses Staten, deceased, late on or before the 5th day of Oc- of Durham County, North Caro-1 tober, 1942 or this notice will be Raleigh, Oct. 1.—^North Car#^ lina wonien will play a promi- ADMINiSTRATOR’S NOTICE inent role at the 1941 State Pair Having qualified as the ad-!»t Raleigh, October 14-18, with ministrator of the estate of i their theme being “Food in Re- Mayme C Jordan, deceased, late > l«tion to NationAt Defense,” of Durham County, North Caro- Miss Ruth Current, State Home lina, this is to notify all persons j Demonstration Agent and direc- having claims against the estate, tor of the women’s department« of said deceased to exhibit them j announced today. to the undemgn^ , ^ ! Six booths will be used,to car- ry out the theme of the wom- tober, 1942 or this notice-will be' m lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to th^ undersigned at 109 Morgan St, Durham, N. C., on or before the 1st day of Oc tober, 1942 or this notice will be 'pleaded in bar of their recovery, AllpeHions indebted to said estate will plaase make immedi ate settlement. This tjhe 4th day. of -Octo- l)6ir W. G; -PEARSON, Administra- en's department: (1) “Nutrition" and “protective food” displays will be presented by ohme dem^ onstration club women of North* ampton county; (2) “Home Pro duced Foods for Health and j Strength” exhibits by Burke county home demonstration club women; (3) “The Food Dollar Well S^nt” display by Duplin county; (4) “Conserved Poods— A Defense Weapon” by Durham county club women; (5) An ex^* hibit of a pantry with all types of stored food, including can» ned, dried, brined and cured products by county club women and (6) A display dem onstrating “Well - Prepared and Attractively Served Meals Mako Stronger, Straight Bodies” by club women of Chatham county.’ “The women's department at the State Fair is open to any woman residing in the state,'* emphasized Miss Current, tor, C. T. A. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO ST. JOSEPH A. M.E. CHURCH REV. J. A. VALENTINE, Minister Sunday Schooll 9:30 A. M., Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. ARE YOU DISCOURAGED, DEJECTED, HEART BROKEN? If you are-^. Joseph A. M. M. Church Ex tends to you without i>rke ^ invitation ^pin its mem bers and friends in the renewal of your nope and faith. "I" A Hearty Welcomie Awaits You --i-- TOTAL ASSETS 41,497,973.83 LAUNDRY . 408 Pettigrew Street LIABIUr^ 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 410,484.61 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations— 555,365.07 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings 38,349.68 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 189,503.08 17. Deposits of banks . 6,(W9.37 J8. other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) 11,474.71 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS — $1,211,236.47. 23. Other liabilities 4,840. 58 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) ‘ $1,216,077.05 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital • 208,000. W 26. Surplus 38,000.00 27. Undivided Profits 5,596.53 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 30,300.25 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS - 281,896.78 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL A(X30UNTS $1,497,973.83 • This bank’s capital consists of $208,000.00 of capital notes and debentures; • first preferred stock with total par value of $94,000.00, total retirable value $94,000,00; second preferred stock with total par value of,$ None, total retireable value $ None; and common stock with, total par value of $114,000,00, • MEMORANDA 31. Pldeged assets (and securities loaned) (book value); (a) U. S, Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) 25,102,27 (e) TOTAL $ 165,061.07 (a) Deposits sS?ttre^ by pledged assets pursuant to require ments of law ■ (e) TOTAL $ 34. (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against depos its of this bank was $ (b) Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to ; I, J, H, Wheeler, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly awear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct. — Attest: ^ J, H, WHEELER, Director W. J. KENNEDY, Jr., Director, W. D, HILL, Director, „ , VT . R. L. McDQUGALD, » Director. State of North Carolina, C!ounty of Durham, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of October, 1941, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. ELNA B, PEMBEIRTQN, Notary Public. (My commission expires July 10, 1943.) 139,958.80 162.566.90 162.565.90 113,592.05 464.064.68 FedertI lestrve System “Complete Banking Facilities” CHECKING ACCOUNTS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TRAVEUSRS CHECKS TRUST DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES LOANS • -«■ We Invite Your Account THE Depositors NatioRal Bank DURH^, N. a MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AND FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ; !