GOV. BROUGHTON SPEAKS AT WHITE ROCK i MAILING EDITION Sc ||pfHFfeutH£itslBRiaEpj|| Volume 22 —Number 43 Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, October 25', 1941 Wheeler Asks $2,000 For^ Chest Funds DURHAM READY FOR HOMECOMINC Expects Huge Crowd At -N. C. College - Lmcoln Clash Here Saturday ^ New Suit Filed Agsdnst University Of - Kentucky NAACP ..attorneys ..for ..Youth Withdraw Old Pttitioa, substi tute request for $3,000'and per manent injuction. Louisville, Ky. — Attorneys for Charles Eubanks who is su ing the>^Tniversity of Kentucky for admission to its under^fradu- ate school, on Friday, October 17 withdrew the petition for a writ of mandamus filed several weeks ago and instituted in its stead a neW suit combing a personal action for damages of $3,000 a’ gainst the registrar of the Uni versity for his refusal to grant Eul^anks a permit to register with a request for a permanent ' Ibiunction for*r9P restnftining the UniverW^f from refuafaig «d- missi(m to qualified Negro stu dents. „ ./* The New complaint was filed in the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentuc ky bQir Thurgood Marshall, speoi- ai counsel, and Prentfoe Thomas, Ideal attorney for the National Ai^iation for the Advancement of Colored People. * The case is based on the guar antee of equal protection of the laws under the fourteenth Ad- mendme'nt to the United States Constitutin. Ei^nks sought in August admission to the Kentuc ky school to work for a degree in civil engineering, submitting his application to Leo M. Cham- berin who would not accept him, it is charged, solely because of his color. The essential difference be tween the first suit which was withdrawn and the one filed in its stead is that the first com plaint only sought the issuance of mandamus compelling the U- niversity to admit Eubanks, while the present suit asks for damages as well as for a perman ent injuction which, if granted, would make it possible for any qualified Negro student to en ter the University at any future time. This case is the first since the famous Berea College action in 1908, attacking the so-called Dignitaries At White Rock Diamond Jubilee .* j liuit Sunday morning, Governor J, Ml Broughton, Chie f Executive oT North* Carolina delive^d an address at the morn ing service of White Rock Baptist church. The photo above sh ows four of the leading figures in the celebration which marks the 75th year of the church’s existence. Those in the picture, reading from left to right are: C. G. Spaulding, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the church; Governor Broughton, Dr, J.. E. Shepard, prominent member of the church, who introduced the speaker and Rev. Miles M^rlc Pisher, pastor. White House Host To 700 Women; Mrs. Roosevelt Receives Guests ‘^Day Law” of Kentucky which makes it a crime for any person to instruct Negro and wliite stu dents in the same school. It was on the decision by the U. S. Supreriie Court validating the “Day Law”, that the University officals claim to base their re fusal. Attorneys Marshall and Tho mas stated that this suit is sim ilar to the University of Missou ri cases, most notable of which was the Gaines case in 1938 in which the United States Su preme Court held that Negro citizens of Missouri were con stitutionally entitled to educa tional opportunities equal to those provided by the State for white citizens. Asik County For $5,000 For Lincoln Hospital Full Cooperation Asked For Workers h Charity Drive Durham,—The Negro Division of the Community Chest will hold a kick-off banquet' at the cafeteria of the Hillside High School Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, according to J. H. Wheeler, chairman. All workera are being invited, and Mr. Wheeler states that this year’s goal has been set at |2,000. He is anixious that ’all persbns ‘as well as workers cooperate to the fullest extent in helping to raise the amount necessary to go/over the top. The Community Chest cam- pagin is staged each year for the purpoee of lending' support to charitable organizations and other institutions that exist for the purpose of aiding the un fortunate, and developing better manhood and womanhood in the community. Some of the institutions de riving help from the Community Chest are: the Y. M. C- A., the Y. W, C, A., Salvation Army, Wriglit' llefuge and several others. Durham,—A group of promi nent Negroes, coiisiting of C. C. Spaulding, B. L. McDougald, E. R, Merrick, J, H, Wheeler and W. M. Rich appeared before the county commissioners here Mon. day to ask the county to appro priate $5,000 to be used for e- recting an addition to the nur ses home of Lincoln hospital and increase the facilities of its out patient clinic. Mr. Rich who is superinten dent of the local hospital told the commissioners conditions exist ing at the nurses home, and stat ed .that rating agencies have al ready warn^ed that unless they \ire improved, the liospital is subject, to lose its Class “A” standing. A reprensentative of the Car olina Times was advised today that most of the rooms in the nurses home at Lincoln hospital are housing threexto four young women when they are only sup posed to house lAvo. The city has already appro priated $5,000 toward the pro ject and if the county will do likewise an additional $10,000, making a total of $20,000, is a.^ sured. This according to !Mr. Rich will be enough to provide the necessary addition to the nurses home and increase the U*AW-GIO HEADS TELL PLANTS ’NO MORE DISCRIMINATION Detroit, Mich.—It was report ed to the NAACP last week tAat the International Executive Board of the United Automobile Workers, CIO affiliate, iinani- mously adopted a resolution de manding an end to discrimina tion against Negroes in plants holding UAW-CIO contracts; The resolution w’as passed af ter Negro members of the De-1 Pi'oni here they passed on into Washington, (ANP)c;:rMore than 700 Negro women attended tea at the Wliit House Thursday afternoon and heard brief miis- icale presenting' Carol Brice, contralto, Sylvia Olden, pianist and. Ijouie Vaughn Jones, vio- linst of Howard, which was a part of the program of the Nat ional Council of Negro 'Women. In the receiving line, Mrs. McLeod Bethnue stood side by side with Mrs. Roosevelt and lier military q^ide, a captain in the Marine corps, who announced each visitor separately as they came up to shake hands with the First Ijady. Assembled in the east room, the crowd filed through the beautiful and historic old man sion after the musicale and were greeted by Mrs. Roosevelt and Mrs. Bethune in the red room. triot locals presented the prob lems of the colored worker to the board. The resolution states that curtailment of automobile pro- divction has seriously aggrava ted the problem of the Negro worker, and that it is hard for Negroes to get transferred from non-defense to defense work. facilities of the out-patient cli nic. If the county refuses to ap propriate the $5,000 the hospital is subject to lose the entire a- mount. Officals and friends of the local institution which ,is serving an untold need to Dur ham and the immediate vicinity, are urging and anxious that the final appropriation by the coun ty be made so that construction of the additions can be com menced at once. the walnut line state dining room, where they were served tea, coffee, cakes of all descrip tion and sandwiches. The women voted this one of the most enjoyable moments of their lives and are grateful to both Mrs. Bethune for arrang- ing. the tea and to Mrs. Roosevelt for receiving the host. The cream of American Negro womanhood was present at this brief informal reception and l>rescnted to White House at taches an aspect they had never before Avitaesaed. If we had to commit suicide we think we could pick t>ut a better method than that of ^e leap to glory from the 35th floor of a buildintg.. Louis Reports To Uncle Sam For Examination CHICAGO, (ANP) — .Top Jvouis reported to Provident hos pital here Tuesday for Itis med ical examination, and thus be- (^ue subject pt immediate call I® duty i^+fie army. |jo official annoujicenrent of the test was re leased, but' IJoi^is suceeK-sfully passed every requirement. Louis’ Aveight was 21(5Vi lbs.— 14^4 pounds more than he .‘av- ried for liis 19th successful title defense against Lou No\a on Sept. 29. While in the army, Jop will collect $21 a month as com pared with $50,000 a month he has averaged for his seven big fights this year. "Hie champion, however, has 19 days to appeal the findings of the medical board, a recom mendation wh!v‘h“makes his 1-A classification final, but no indi cation was given that he will contest tiie report. Should he do .so, he will be reexamined oy advisory board 84 when lie is calhd in the next quota to be subnmted by the bi>ard between Nov. 20 and 24. On i)asi>in^ this second trial, the champion will then be inducted, tertid Titui: C. Fentress, chairman of the board. / Although Louis is said-^o pre fer the aviation service, m^^ll have no choice unless he enlists. After the examination, he re turned home for a rest, before leaving for an exhibition bout at Great Lakes Wednesday night. Joe had early Joked about the possibility that he would be re jected because of flat feet, but was happy to learn from Dr. Herbert Turner that his feet were in good shape. Dr. Taylor F. Harmon, dentist, found Joe’s teeth to be in excellent condition also. Though Louis will not partci- pate in any major boiUs as a soldier unless he is asked to do so, his manager, Julian Black, said that Joe’s service in the army does not signify his retire ment from the ring; that when he is discharged he will be ready (J defend the title for the 20th tim against Billy^Conn, or the best Challenger availabe. Reports have it that Joe will meet Conn next June in New York. 95TH ENGINEERS JUST DON’T LIKE MANEUVERS Somewhere in Southeastern, X., C., (CP)—Members of the 95th Engineers Regiment of Ft. Belvior, Virginia just don’t like maneiivers, or at least that to bo the feeling of tht* men re porters ran into on the battle grounds last wee^. (>n«»' soldier said they go out for two »»r three day» and tlmt tw^j penjpns a Muall tent with only one blankH, and these sandhills are wld* Then Comes each day the bath. This, he said, must be taken out doors unc|er a cold shower. They complained they are in the south, that the blank bullets would cause blood jKiiwning and would kill you if close enough, and that if they 1mjc the battle according to rumors, they must go to Louisana. If thej- lose in Louisana. they must go to Mex ico, and everybody’s cold and confused. A sergeant, former Pittsburg steel worKer, said he conW pay the gOverment his salary and “still liv& like a.^ing”, that he . is disjsetisfied, and that he keeps his rifle loaded in bis truck. Dnrham,—Hnndred.'i oi f4irm- er graduates ■'of North Carolina College are expwted to joorney here Saturtiay to attend th^ an nual homecoming program t© be lield at the college which will be climaxed by a f«^>tball game be tween IJncoln rniversity Lioa** of Lintroln. Pennsylvania and the North Carolina Coileafe E*- If every little boy and giH measured up to the expectations of fond parents, the human race would be too good too soon. The Lincoln Lions and the North Cantina College Eaglet^ are ccnsklerW two of the top teams in the CIAA eMiferen«e and fans are expected to see >>ne of the greatest football battles of the sea.H(*n when the two teams meet on the local gridirtm. The Eagles have a perfect record for the seasim having three wings and no losses to their credit and they will be in there trj'ing to keep a clean slate and make it four straights. The Eagles this yeac have defeatetl South Carolina State, Bluefield State Teachers (’^>Uege and St. Paul in a row. The Lions are expected to offer them the tightest competition thev have had this season. In addition to the f»x>tball game there will be a meeting of the almnni a.ssociatiou at seven P. M., followed by an alumni dance at nine P. M. Both th^ meeting and the ilance will be held in the Women’s g.^-mnasif um. Chief Executive Delivers Diamoad Jubilee Address One farm home in four had a telephone in 1940, as compared vrith one in three in 1980, fig ures released by the U. S. Cen sus, but electricity jumped from one in seven to one in three in 1940. Martin County fanners are ex- jpectinff to harvest a short crop of’peanuts this jrear because of the droasrht., It was a high day at the White' Rock Baptist Church here last Sunday when Governor J. M. Broughton of North Carolina delivered an address to the large audience which packed to over flow the spacious auditorium of the church and the Barracea room. Seated in the pulpit with Governor Broughton were Dr. James E. Shepard, president of the North Carolina College, Dr.- C. C. Spaulding, president of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, W, J. Ken nedy, vice president of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insuzmnce Company and Rev. Miles Mark Fisher, pastor of the church. Dr. Shepard introduced the speaker who was elaborate in his praise for the work that is being done at the White Roek Baptist Church. Mr. Kennedy who is business manager of the church presided over the program. Music for the occasion was furnished by the White Bock CJioj^ under Ih© direetioa of iMrs. Sue Norfleet. The occasion which brought the governor to the local church was the £Hamond Jubilee Cele* bration now under way. The vent will be continued next wedk when Rev. C. £. Wilson, singing evangelist, will begin on Moadaji night a ten-day revival. The White jWhite Bock Bap* tist Church was founded ia Its early history was one of struggle and ups and dowm later yean however have mtmM grow into one of the nntitainl ing churehes of the riktioii. Its pastor. Rev. Mi)ea Mlittii, Fisher, an nstiriag worker,' done much to broaden tiM of the eomnimity worit q chnrii, until its inftiMM fc day felt in every nook uer of the eky. Fodr a number of Boek Baptiit hmhtmsmtt lai^Keat and bkmI gro« eh»g^w ia Novtt and Durhua feM tar • I felt a jMl inda |» Hdk auhstaiittal aa^ ‘

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