\ ■ i SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1941 the CAROLINA TIMES 9B Welcome Visitors Smith-North Carolina State Hoitiecoinhig (Baiiii DONT FORGET . -. TO DIAL 5173 When You Want Top Quality... DRY CLEANING At No EXTRA COST I ^ We Are Noted For Careful Work and Beautiful Results ZORIC CLEANING DOiWESTIC LAUNDRY, INC. 811 SOUTH McDOWELL ST. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of . I BUILDING SUPPLIES .CENTRAL LUMBER CO. 300 S. Brevard St. Phone 3-5145 Ride A ... RED TOP CAB “Safe and Dependable” DONl WAKE UP TOO ^UTt! ft rudo >w»tontn> for » man wbo Is building or wmodtltng to find hlnuwU In « few monthi faoed with rapftir UUf tturt unount to twloe 'wbut he wved ca cheap materUw. Or pcrbapi be didn't vnxx haw the aatisraetlon «t a nominal MTing. Per- tu4» the materlala only seemed cheaper becaus* they weren’t bwAed a manufaeturer m dealer whose name meant quality. PLAT 8AHS. BUILD, MODEBNIKg. BtPAIB WITZl kffeBIALt FROM WIG GO TO THE GAME BY BUS! MAI WIGGIMB! 11. Brown vs. Holy Cross JJ..WI6C(N$fcS0N • Qk evekyrmm tuieuaome imtiMu $tt*aWTML AVE.« PHONE 3:3114 POSSIBLE STMTING LINE-UP N. C. State (Position) J. C. THOMAS L. E GAINES L. T/ F. BROWN L. G MACK (Capt) Center DAVIS R. G DAVIS R. T MOORE R. E LIGHTNER Q. B GREEN L. H. . HALL (Capt.) R. H - ARBUCKLE F. B. ARRIVE RESTED AND HAPPYt 5ave yourself the weariness and nervousness of Irivinj and problems of parking. (16) Oklahoma A. & M. vs. ^ila. ORGANIZE YOUR PAJTTY AND CHARTER A lUS! niONB QUEEN CITY TRAILWAYS ■i Of iwtii hr Qmcb CHy CMck C*. M. Smith BRAYBOY W. CHASE TOLLIVER BAKER ^ COLES , LONG .... ROGERS .... HOLMES .. MURPHY BAILEY Use Your CREDIT—Come to Farris Bros. ri 5 You Sav« $80 on fne 9-Pc. OUTFIT! ■79 J Our Sole prices ore reolly worth tok ing odvonlage of. Yet this now chorm ing bedroom *uito wlHi oil the extroi Bt no more than moit uiitti in thii price brocket. 3-Pe. Suite—Mottreu Spring — PMIowt — Bench — Boudoir Choir. Buy on our Liberal Tormi and Mve. $1.50 WEIKLY PAYS! ..... McGIRT Use Your Credit! FARRIS BROS 117 S. Coll«g* St. PkoiM 8385 flili THE IISES:, m srm CQ •us ROUTE NUMBERS rf,; ^.-Belmont-Dilworth •V 1 i ' • 4 ' l»_BOdwood-Stote Street i j[ i*-«lla»beth-DUwo»th ^ Dluke ^ BA—Mowit HoUy Boad- ^ , .•4 Quesns Boad > j BB—Thrltt BMd-ProTideiMS ' A|l fluMp rraiss oarry ysa to Xnjoy the game more and forget about driving and t»rking. Change at the Square ior any of these Buses to get there fast and sale, . For Your Convenience NEW-WAY LAUNDRY Cash and Carry Plants 2 Convenient Loations 1423 East Morehead , —and— 935 Ekt 9th Street OPPOSITE toARS HEAD . yttndty ^ffld^ Dry CleaiBi^ Plenty Poing Space-Curb Service SAVE 20% ON LAUNDRY WASHINGTON FROGIL The High Efficiency OIL BURNING HEATER I I WITH Down>Draft, Hot-Blast I i'll Ower, .(^mpany kM 2335THRIFTRD. TEL 2 4670 METERED SERVICE e Close Every Sunday WASHINGTON - FROGIL * Heaters are ruggedly built to last; to give satisfactory, economical service. A demonstratiw will con> Vince yoi^ ot ttie outstanding value ofta^ in tiiese heaters. riin^p in and see the baauti* ful new models. We have a siM to meet your exact neads nims to suit you. Only 39 51 Easy Tercna 13. AppalwAiae iWk L*n«w Ittgra* HAVERTY’S M7 M. ST. f ANDREWS MUSIC COMPANY Estalilkhed 1892 Steinway & Sons-Wm.Knabe&CJo. Spinet Grpids & Other - Hammond Organs - Band & Orchestra Ins^oim^^ Sheet Music & Teachers-. 251 Nob Trym St. -