FAOS XIGHT "¥"hE CAROLINA XI ME S SATVRPAY, NOViMBER 8, JAIL POLICY ORAFT WIT- !*nd th«t thpy turnwl the money [BS8 AMD PlCCtTP MAH over to either Earl OF Uutchim or A1 Owkins. FOR COlfTEMPT COTOT. Also claiming emploj-ment by Coiiiintt«4 ftfom pHte one) i Claude Roxborough was Mrs. knowing Watson’s oonnectioniJosephine Hnghea who testified with tk# policy iondieat*. [that she worked an clerk. Dan THw> other witnesses who testi- Ellis, however, said he had been |ied Fr*Uy, Ji*Biie McAfeelhired by John Roxborough to ^ Monive Hunter, admitted iwork as night watchman in 1932 us, we shall proceed along linfs for which the groundwork al ready has been m successfully laid.” N.C."Collegr (Continued from page six) lowed by “Baby Iiight»*ner‘s lat- .— _ . _ - , eral from a pivot to Diickweilder ^at they had work*d as cashiersithat be remain^ with the com- raced abound end for anoth- for Ui« Bi« Four. McAfee said pany until early 1940. DurinR iM beea hired by A1 Qaskilljthe period 1936 to 1940, he Btat- tnd later promoted to cashier by;ed that he was elevated to the 'J? H. Robinson. Hi* Thursday toy Mbpp, ettdiier for five jWMI of Tia JuM and Inter- aiite policy house, that this was |«*t of the Big Four enterpria- •• that the concern did on the »v«ra«c of $700 a day. The told of picnics pven by ttA nmwtm of the gambling ring ■for eiBiJloyen of Tia Jjiana and tatenute, and also stated that Im Wi ftill working for the com- pktod the previous day’s bus- naaaa. La^r testimony of Jimmie HeAfoe and Monroe Hunter, re- they had been era- by CU^e Roxborough OiMxn of Hofikins Temple 691 ‘ 'Senres A Special Chicken Dinner lit Their Temple a the HcMne of [rs. Hattie Stitt So. McDowell St. Every Sunday 2HW 4 C^dock until poeition of special policeman, escorting the money taken by either McAfee or Hunter to dif ferent placea. Board or Health . (Continued from page one) than any other State. “I think this award is a di stinct compliment to North Cm- olina and its eforts in behalf of our Negro citizens, >who comprise approximately a third of our population,” was Dr. Reynold’s comment upon receipt of the certificate. “Much credit is due Dr. Hughes and his associates, ground drive, Sullinger and White pspegially stpod ou^ at the Hom^t terniiiials yiMdirtg Very little yardage all afternoon on the famous MBU end sw^pg. In the Hornet backfield the great blocking of Tate, Cheatham, and Ellfc, and the running, passing and kicking of Crenshaw were a featuw, Ellis’s power lunges through the center of th« MBTJ ■ m X. ^ n 1 n» rline, his defensive tackling, and . ' T ?'"T line revet,™ Should rten grabb«i . I.t,ral an.l p.ck- Homete . bet- ed up 12 yards Mlu. ed by Ar- „ , g , buekle . anuuh ttrowh bhmy a,; line for a gam of ten yar*' to threatened, and the J and there is no reason why this ^v,r'7hr'S« tatls'^arda end the third quarter. Early in the fourth quarter another pass was thrown by Duckweilder to Moore who raced 15 yards to score the first touch down of th«v game. “Doc” Gms Qaines, dropkick artist'added the extra point. On the kickoff the touchdown and extra point, G. Mack inter cepted a Shaw pass. Again Duckw^eilder tossed a pass to Moore that was good for 31 yds. Another short pass to Hall was* g(^ for 12 yards, and placed the gall on Shaw’s ten yard line. A penalty against Shaw placed theball on the five yard stripe.* On two attempts to take the ball «eed with incretteing momentum and efBciency. ‘ The manner in which our Negro population has responded to what we are trying to do in their behalf is gratify ing to me. Good health promotes good feeling and coopetation a- mong all groups. North Carolina has a Negro- citizenship of which it should and does feel proud. 'Hiere u ho spot in America 'where the relations between the races are more harmonious than here. The health of any group affects the health of the whole, and witii this truth ever before ALEXANDER ' FUKBHAL HOME ' V . • , . 323 SOin^ BREVARD STREET ! Diif' FImiw ^ ' Night Phones 3Sm, 3-2472 UtEST StVLES lMl-42 . tfKIWpMEAtHAtS ^ $ mm ^ •MMifr W NOWAt0 lUMittY ttASMO N4T STYUIT and again called on their drop kick doctor who sent the ball sailing high and true for three more points. The kick traveled a distance of 33 yards and was fully 25 feet over the uprights or goal posts. About midway in the fourth Quarter the game, which w'as hard fought with the men on both sides exhibiting clean sportsmanship, was marred by Schoolboy” Howard of the Bears striking one of the Eagles in the face. Howard was ousted from the game and a 15 j-^ard penality was chalked against the Shaw team. The ball now rested on Shaw’s 30 yard stripe. A- nother pass from McFarland to Moore who snatch^ it from waiting Shaw’s hands, shook off wo^d be tacklers and raced a- crosser the goal lin for the se cond touchdown. McFarland’s try for extra point with a drop- kick was wide, -^r With the exception o f Schoolboy” Howard’s antics, who because of his creating dis turbances in games in which life HAT» AHTWHUa WiM* let MtlM HOWAtD** MM wf IMt-a CMm HOWAftP HATS ftf MfiST |>$lk ST. D&r Tr- Ntw rou;. n r. brothers MRAL HOME alertness o£ her starting backs in breaking iip Hornet passes, and their passing game were outstanding, although Moody was stopp^ repeatedly. - HILLSIDE . (Continued from page six) Harrington in command. They won 10 6tit of 11 games, the ele venth ending in a scoreless tie. The 1940 group with the brainy quarterback Blount in charge, was also / “burner”. This years team with only three regulare from last year on the squad has ‘^sufficient to balance its lack of experience. SUMARI2ED RECORD OF HILLSIDE PARK HIGH SCHAAL FOOTBALL TEAM from 1937 THROUGH Yr. W" T L PtB ’' Pts 0 1937 8 0 1 172 26 193» 10 1 0 359 0 1939 _8 2 0 143 6 1940 9 1 0 242 19 •1941 3 1 1 128 19 Total 38 5 2 1044 70 •Games are scheduled in No vember with Goldsboro (7) here, High Point (14) there, and Bel mont (19) here. Motorists Remember: “You Are Pedestrians Most of the Ttihe^** Warns Safety Expert DRIVE SAFELY AND SAVE A LIFE (Continued from iMge onW an-hour clip Is like fall off a 10- story building. Another way of looking at the automobile death situation is to consider th^ ’ only 834 persons niet death''iri\^08 as a result of North Carolina College Choruses Hold First Annual Music Festival Sunday Last Sunday afternoon at three o’clock the First Annual Autumn Music Festival was held at North Carolina College for Negroes under the direction- of Samuel W. Hill, head of the mu^ sic Department. The progifain was rendered in the B. N. Duke auditorium, and waa the second public appearance of Mr. HW since taking over the job of'di rector df music at the local col lege. His fipit appearance was at the recital of Paul Robeson, when the college choir sang Rob inson—La Touche’s “Ballade for Americans”, the early part of last month. fThe Sunday afternoon con cert, which was broadcast ov6r station WDNC, served notice on ‘'‘Morning,” by Speaks, Y ott ’ by Burleigh, “Just ‘♦Rov- t>y Darosch, “Home Be-^ yond The Riv?r”,’by Heywood. The fourth and iMt group was composed of sik spirituals, name- iy:; “Aint That Good News.*’ hv Paw'son, “Wade in The Wa- t«!,*’ arranged by Mr. Hill, him- ipll “Live Humble,” tradition al, “Just Couldn’t. Be content ed,” traditional, “Rfeligion Is A Fortune,” also ai'ranged by Mr; Hill and “Go Down Moses” by Cnin. * ' Isador Boyd Oglesby;, membel of the faculty of the college was soloist with the Men’s chorus and Mi^ Odessa Strong, a stu dent in the Music Department Durham lovers’of music and the.^^^ R"®- public in general that the Nerth Carolina College long noted for its department of business is til- 80 headed for singular note in the field of music. The entire prc^ram was more than well ren dered and received, and marked Mr. Hill as an unusual director of music. On the program were groups of unmbera. The four firat group was sung by the college choir. It consisted of, “The Lord’s Prayer”, by Malotte, “Lamb of God,” a choral of 15- 40 by Christiansen, “Fierce Was the Wild Billow”, by Noble and “Psalm 150”, by Franck. The second group was sung by the Women’s-chorus and consis ted of “Coro Mio Ben (Dearest Believe) by Giordani, “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life” by Her bert, “Lullaby”, byHSrahms, “Will 0 The Wisp,’"' by Spross. The third group sung by tile Men’s chorus consisted of ■ell Houston, organist of white Ro(;k Baptist church was organ ist and Allen Brown student in: the Mmic Department was pian ist. • ' Prior to coming to North Car olina College Mr. Hill who is a graduate of the school of music of Talledega Collei^e, Talladega, Ala., has served as director of music at Palter Memorial In- stittite and Alabama Agricul tural and Me^anical Coll^. While in the latter position Mr. Hill directed a Qhorus of stu dents in a i'cwn Hall concert in New York City. He also directed several national broadcasts. In In his positiob as head of the music department of North Car olina College Mr. Hill succeeds Mrs. Ruth Edwards who' is teaching public rehool music.- Last Sunday’s program was the first in a series which will be given at the local college. The next will be the annual Christ mas Music Festival. You Tee Can'HaVc Beautiful Hair 'I UTTNI MU-HAIIt N$«RO PORMUU NILT YOU Ai IT HAS HILMD THOHSANM or OTHUSI How You Cor Grow L0R9. Healthy H«lr* Ceruin parti of ihe l>*dy jprww to a certain lise imI bo further, wbe»e»i, H«ir Gr»w( alw*;* if yo« k#ep yow K«lp bMlthy. An ailing tcal^ eaiuM lichiog. When icratch your tcalp y*u make aoret awl acart. HAIi WILL NOT «ROW NtOM A SCAR iTberc ai» »o »*eat glanda ia aor«a or acar*. The body i* P»**» by natore to noaka certaia oylgre»rtha af akin which we all know welL Hiir it proAieed by oar aenlp ddn. Each Hair Growa from a ipedal littfe place in lha true Ain. If you deatrwy ot mutilate thia tnie Ala y®u may fad all right, but nothing will ewr form another tfu« Win. A acar ia pot ricln. You will never find a hair growing from a tear « lora. Hair ^wa Irom the eella oi the hair bulba. u yau to not look after iheac hair bulba, ,hair wIB become brittle and break off. There are iwe to each to produce til that ke^ H wt and pliaUa, kaapa il frwn hecom ’ and from crackihg. Ewry hair haa a niiiwk «U^ i» attached Root. Im order to have altiactii^ healthy hair, ».««« help nature Crow Hair b? kwping your acaln , itt ' • Keep t: clean, aoft and eliminate itching and dandruff. ’ If you are wffw*!g kead aorea o» acara do not delay taking wr xampfete t.*wlmani w you will bae yoi» hair. To keep your hair mIU workinir guarantee youraalf a hcahhy, beautiful head of kiig grwrbig |wr, |^%»-youraelf a complete Nu-Hair Treatmeni. Nw-Nalr Tnatimw^ —ukH •#: t itgfr* SraCIAL OWli >NiMI«lr l^raulag CMnpottM ALL FOR ONLY Sbwepe* SEMD NO MONEY MW m* Mdy l«r mM« »«Maa* -hw Im Jillini Aa a^lka l*a*eat, Il ia (joanMaarf W ^aaaa at aoMair nluaMI W-ilt Jf0»l * • „ . „ HU-HAIK PRODUCTS. 113^ lrt>adw«y, Ntw Y*rk, N. Y. si participates, should be dubbed ™ »'ITnn1hnv’» Wnwnrrl autorfiobfle mishapS, thl!» had grown to 27,996 deaths in 1928 Foolboy” Howard , instead of Schoolboy. The game was one of the cleanest and best seen in these parts in years. “Foolboy” Howard should be given no sym pathy for his bulldozing antics which ap so costly to one of the best'Sliaw teams ever seen. It maybe th&t somewhere within Uie oc^fines of the CIAA there is a football player who can do what the ccm^hes of Shaw land (the game c»nnot do for Foolboy Howard”. It may be he can take the jungle out of what m%ht be one of' the best ‘ends in the CIA'A, and place in 'him the qualities that are be coming to a college athlete. 981 S. Mint St. Phone-3-2336 HOUSES FOR RENT N*. BOOMS ADDRESS ^ • a i WESKLT RATE t 8 Adaina Court 1 $ 2. SO 8 1S(^ Aitton Aronue 2.00 f 411 Pi*nch Place 5.00 6 407 Church Street 5.00 (Chapel Hill, N. C.) S ^ Coleman Alley 3.00 • 131 O^leman All^- 3.00 e 810 Bisabeth Street 2.25 t 610 Elm Street - 2.50 fi , 334 Enterprise Street 5.50 ttff-FlfetteriUe Street (Store) lionthfy'Rate 25.00 t 00f AUey 2.25 f 814 Stfwt - a pif} t ^9 Piadmont Avenue 2.50 t I0OS Wittotd Stroefc 1 ‘ 4B1 Pfadnunit Avenue - - ' ^^3.50 DPN Om^CE « REALTY CO. WUkLBnM RENTING — INSUE4NCE raONE M21 IWIBAII, NOBfTB CABOUNA Mtftin Mi BaUtMT Bup^Um In Freedom live With Freedom Give -ft- Bows (Continued from page six) Bhaw taking the ball froin Cheat ham to score standing up on the fourth down from the 4 yd. line A coffin corner boot by Moody gave Morris Brown an automatic safety a few minutes later as Crenshaw fumbled a bad pass from center while back Jo kick aijd stepped over the end zone Ift the closing minutes of the first half, Morris Brown took advantage of a fresh bunch of Hornets subs and marched 60 yds., by air to. score, Jenkins tak ing a 4 yd. pass from Moody to score after the Hornets had stop ped the Morris Brown ace cold m his attempts to drive’ the Hor net line. An early third quarter Hor net drive died on the Morris Brown 12, and before the quar ter clcffied, a Morris Brown lines man intercepted an aerial tossed I by Crenshaw and lateralled to Moody who need behind quickly forming interfenence 56 yds. to score. A blocked Hornet punt on the 1 yd. line, and a' partially blocked Hornet punt around the W -set' up th^ other Morris Brown scores. The hard-charging Hornet line held Moody t» 25 yards in 8 tries and, Franklin,' Keith, ^d Arr nold to minus pardage in stop ping the vaunt^ Morris Brown ground Oold. Not a single toucli- down was. result of power driv ing, and the Hornet starting line \0t Sullinger, Slauls, -Leftwich, Mason, A. Jackiwn, Qriggs, aiid White played a whale of a game in bottUng up J;he Wolverine and 32,582 deaths in 1938, The Right-Of-Way Safety lies »n ireeping as„e1ose as one can to tl. right side of the road. The extreme right lane is the bait to drive in, es pecially on hillg’and curves. The middle of the road is like iro teari’s land ‘in w^r, time, Ijmergeiicyvehicles always are given*4:_Ke ri|rJit^f-way, the best tK^g‘to'*(|o‘ ft for a'motorist to ’attlKtd -tHe,- curb and let them pass, ■ The"Ilfw" pi^vlfles that if two| ears are/tipprtrelfing an intersec tion on‘different road's the vehi cle-reacHing ‘it. first Has the rigtEt-ofiwa'y." In ca^e two cars arrive at* an intfersectioii at the same momTO};, the car on the right has the ri|fht-of-way. But Beautiful Hair Will Gedsfroy't Lariausa Hair Col oring will make your hair at alluring af any woman's |. If used as directed, Godefroy’a Larieuso will briag rich, gleam ing color (black, brown oi' blonde) toyourbalr.AQditwoa’t rub off or wash out! Permits msrcels, permanent wavea or curling. Kttoivn and ustd Jar over 49 ytars. Sati^ictioa guaranteed or your money back. Get Larieua* Hair Coloriag today. God^roy ' B4£g. Co., 5S10 Olive Street, Sc. louii. Mo. ooDiraevf ... ieuAe HAIR COLOIINO Sgm av /•'r. >^-Li ■ir y. -U I r i 1, I'lli.i 7' \ >' t ¥ * COMMUNITV CHEST