Mutual Building And Loan Association^Joim Federal Savings And Loan Insurance Corporation MAILING EDITION ■OBBBBBMSIPPMI m M Number 46 Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, November 15, 1941 NEGRO AND WHITE FARM AGENTS MEET St. Paul To Move 4 -Year College Coune MUTUAL BUILDING LOAN INVESTOR! OET FEDERAL MiS. Bennett College Dedicates New Chapel ‘the latest reports from WashiHg* tOD. SaTera and investors aambCT* iag Qver 1,800,000 are thus safc- gi^arded hi their funds.” . Mr. McDoagla^ said that thu Mutual Building and lioan Asao* ciatioa expects to be in a position to meet the hoqi^fitMineing de^ mtods of local eitisen^'and to give the bwroi^ asipmt a service as the-iS*refe-> V * Savings invested i« as* eonnts in the Mutual Boildii^ «nd Loan Assoeiation are now insaCod by the Fsderal Savings and tioan S^saranee Corporation, an inaira- ifienti^ity of the United States, jSr L.. MbOpugald, SecretaryTreUittr> er of the Amociationi anQonneod toda^ upmi receipt 9 ^ff|tfi««ta of ^WHirane* i frdg ^as-i'tii|ton. M^teh’HidtfWBM so^UlfM at(% addttiM)*! pvKteetion oganist tow of his ia^ vestmeot «p to $5,000.00, The Insurance Corporatlbn. ere ated by . the Congress in 1934, e«- tobliahet a further pnH j$tl^’|or mvestors in thrift and home>f(* naneiag institutions beyond that afforded Ify the dseets of the asso- eiitkm; whiofa as« chl^y tfirAt mo^mree on well s>lected Jiomes oeoDpied by lihcir owners. .1 ‘^Since insurance i's extenden^ nn ly to strong, w^l mAn^e^ thtift institutions, our associfilnot^ Atanifls; thus Approved a6 to itil ^Ueie$. operating methods, And the soutad* ness >f its assets,’' sa^ Mr. Ile- ^ut#ld- “All Mrfouats now,oft the ui|iociatioo8’q books ahd; fu ture Additions th^eto Are ^ver^. by idsuranee .up to $5,t)00.0d for eaeh) investor, regArdloss of tlt« time they weris opened, Add, tf coiirse, all new accounts will’ be insured. "The Federal Savings And Lb#n Insurance Corporation has eAtiitat of $100,000,000. The Corporation Ik also building up a substaiitiAl reserve fund of many milllolis from annual premiums paid in by insured institutions and itatorest on the invested capi^l. Thei^ are now more than 2,000 insured thrift institutions operating tliroughout ....... _ . , 1. u ■ th« coontty. rth toW uZ, of nSarly »1,900,000,000, •ecording. to' « Plot «t Bceennoorl Cemetary, Iq addition to the large si expected froni public subscription to shares, the assoclatien has an other source of funds to increase ;the Tohime of its home financing, if ne«essary» Mr. McDougald ex- ^^ined. The Federal Home Loan '3Ank System, of which the assocj- !ation v$ a member, affords a cen tral treserve of long t^m credit. The awociation is . the first in the South and the seeoad in the nation to be manager by Negroeg |to become - an insured institution This officers are's C.' C. Spauld- ihgf ' President F. L. McCoy, (^airman of the Board of Diws’.r tors; J. S, (Stwalft, Asaistant Sec fetax'V'iTreAaurar; ‘ iast Rites Are Held For World War Veteran \ — Funeral servces for • Arthur Windsor Lawsdn, 53, was held Inst Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from his home, 1114 Carroll Street with the Rev. C. E. Johnson, pas tor of Emanuel A. M. E. Churcb, assisted by R«v. 0. E. McLester, pastor of Second Baptist Church Jx - k>Nms Mat /WTip C*MPi^ , JOINT SESSION WHITE AND NEGRO AGENTS Help in raleigh St PauTs to Become Four Year College Acting krgely upon the recom-.**^^ in an executive capaetty to mandation lof J. T. Thornton, ecutive vi«« ^ijtipal, the Beard of Trustees of llie St. Paul Nor mal and Industrial School, in a special meieting held November 4, 1941, uaartimoilsly voted to raise the work of the school to a four- year undergradMte level, granting the baeheley^f ^twwee degree. Au thority was given to proceed at once with plans and preparations for the inauguration of the new Program. . , re^AMip tka work of the trade di- vls’oh. A study pf the eBrricaluui of other teehaieal schools and a keen cognisance of the lack of teehaical tiraining on the part of Negro Youth and the resultant lack of skilled emplloyment prtmipted Mr. Thornton to present his findtR$>s to the Board and urge technical training on the college level. Physical Plant to be lapr^vtd r The'advanced profrri»m:|wil> n>\- phv^tra* . eesxitntn •^phv'Jtra* 0> »xi0! In udoptiofi sfiyane-d traiu-; wi 11 , Funds have Paleigh. — Some foar hu3(hred[ white, and Negro extmsi^ work ers held tinnr aaooal PUaiinip ConfcTenee at State t'ollefr Sta tion IB Raleigh dorins tha week ending November ft. iS#eli y»fr th* North Caroliaa SM* ilt- the Capital Citj to disnMa and pkn their work far the ensuing ▼ear. ^ On Mondsjr aad; Taiiay of- week the eanbiiw^ gro«]M Nejfro aad while loint seaaiaw* witfc Daaa L O. Sehaab, ifireetor pf thf Nflrtk Car olina Extension ||Bd Deaa of School of.^AcHraltve at the North Carolina Collegv* in rharsTP .During th» joi» ses sion the program fe«»0n«l m roAnd-table «)iscaaiAon On the fnl- luTiiw -n't: 1 mat ont F- I’otiev ^sv» .>a ing the adn^iifetration has aJsu been authorized to raise the work in the teacher*training division to the four year level by adding the Junior and Senior college years. Students completing this work will be,awarded the bachlor of science degree in-education; The school at ■jwesent offers | training in 15 trades or industries. I While all of these courses will. Sion. ior a new dining hall Utul kit«iwn. an addition to the trade builldings. and the reiaodeling and renovatiCij of other Imildings. A model diary bam will erected and will forui the first unit of a tnture agrfeul* ture groupt ' > New Promp^' . OluuiCM of IfUDt,. The new objective in technical Jbir- N^ro Students To Use GymnqsiBip At White High ^hool Asheville, Nov. 13. — Th Asb«- ville school board ThuVBd«y Ap proved a pi An to use the ggrmuAs- ium at tSe ‘SreVensonB-Lel fchool as an afternoon and everiing rec reation centiier for Negro youUi and children. The non-ffchool activities at the white school gymnasium will be directed by Clarence Mo®ra, direc tor of Negro recreation. The board also aflpoted a resolu tion o^rwpect for Miw Ifaini* MartinS^cal public 'Achopl tea cher w^ died hert (ktobar $. iShe had served thA Asbeville sohoorsyatem 44 years and At the time of her death last month WAS principal of th« Mowtfi^ Str^ “tool- Pallbearers were: Messrc Janies Suitt, Wrllam Craddock, Charles Dunnigan, Samuel Martin, Elijah. Clayton and Qharles iWilliamson, fellow plasters. The - f loralbearei’s were Mesdames Biobena Ba.fley, Mary Minor. Emma Outlaw, Rosa Mebane> Hattie Belle Williams, Viola Watson, Mary Craddock and Jeanne Farrow. Mr. Lawson died at nis home last Saturday ni^t at 9145 o’clock from a complication. He was born in Person County, son of the. Ule James and Luetta Woods Lawson. He served in France during' the World War. For tha past 16 yevrs ihe has been a>resident of Durham. He was a plaster by trade. Surviving are'his iWi*’, Emma Wyohe Lawson, ' t^ree brotfiersj Oscar R. Lawson, New York James Edward a»d Ernest Benjamin Lawson. Philadelphia. Pa.; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Law son* Newby, Durham; Mrs. Sadie Flinton Jones, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. Rebecca iL, (Joodwint Duv- ham, N. C. I gradually be placed on the college training promi:^el a ckan««e of level the plan for the 1942-194.‘5 name of tbis .>3 year old iu&titn- _ . _ _ . . _ ^ Fhp^ fcjr A. C.DUtton Hie Aimto Memer Pfeilf^ OHapAI, lAtwt ot Mrs. HMinr Pfoifler of New Toclt City to Bennatb Od- lefe, Owemboro, N. O.. wm dedtcated SoxkUy, Kov^ber 1 in ttm vfmeaee et tbm three NAgro of nio IMhodist Church, dtottngntthea wldte And odond repreaeatattiiMi cgaBAtk>nAl »od reUgiaiuA imttttflOons, MxroutatADdlng flgures in ttm ftOd oC nee zelAtkns. | &i FomMtas Dat ammootes Presktoxit Davict i>. A»B(*oa tasr prominent trust«e«, eonfetred upon PMlEer (be btmoraiy degree oC of Buouibv liAi- lenb Students presented a beAtttifiil model ot the new eoloidAl d»pti. Bennett Cdiege, one ot Amertta’s two la«Mtutions ot higher learqiJHr-lAr llegro women, bAA been the tiBnefleiaiy ol tbe.sUt ot semal bmjdlngs the lAte Henr^ Pfeiffer Aod biAvidoir. Across tbe xAAr.oC the ehM>d,bat AnvoAcbed through amtber c»*>MW^|A.tajtttrActive ^^ SAYS ALL YOUTHS IN AMERICAS ARE ORGANIZING AGAINST HITLER Birmingham. — Returning from a two-week trip to Mexico City, Miss Esther V. ‘ Cooper, Adminis trative Secretary of the Southerji Negro Youth Congress, reported that^ “Youth throughout the Hem isphere -are organizing—and orga nizing fast—to help defeat Hitler ism.’ ’ Miss Cooper was one of four United States representatives who attended an International Youth F tanning Conference in Mevxico City from October 25th to 27th. Other d&lcg'ates from the United States were: Frances Williams and Marie Reed of the American Youth Congress; John Darr of the National Intercollegiate Christian Council; Della- Otavis of the In dustrial Girls Division of the Y. W. C* A. Twenty-five young peo ple represented jLatin American youth organizations. The Coh£4renee decided on a plan of immediate action which in cluded the following: a Chrbtniss Week of Sacrifices for the Fight ing Armies; raising thousands of dollars and sending medical sup plies, clothes and cigarettea for youth in Britain, Sovielt Russia and China; organizing a large in. ternational anti-Hitler youth con ference in the near future. While In Mexico City Miss Coop er was escorted to many points of interest by Mr. Alvin Jones, a Southern Negro Youth Confess member from New Orleans who is studying art there on a Rosenwald fellowship. The uelegates had an opportunity to meet many govern ment officials, and held an inter esting interview with Vincente Ixtmbardi Toledano, Head of the Federation of Latin Ameriean Workers. Hampton Air Idiots Turned Down , By United States Navy Hampton, Institute, Va. —Stu dent pilots in Hampton Institute’s civilian pilot training p!r(^ram had faint glimmer of hope recent ly that at last they would be able to put their flying talents 4o use in defending America with the U. S. Navy._ . , But the joy ■ was short living and the students found that they Svere merely' the ivictims of ano- ■other Navy “boner.” It all started when the Hampton undergraduates in- the , Civilian Aeronautics Administration spon sored fjying courses received lei- ters from Ideutenant dark Buck- nam, USNR, of the Naval Avia tion Cadet Selection ^ard at AnAcostia.-0. C., AAking thmt they (Ccatinned on Pege 4) school year is to advanoe the work to four years of technical training in the following skills; Carpentry, Automobile Mechanics, Masonry, Painting and Interior Decorating, Tailoring, Jingfineeringf*piumbing and Steamfitting, Home Econom ics, Cosmetology, and Secretarial Science. • General Educatioii Trends Necdssita** AdTmcemeBt The Board Trustees and th® Ad ministration of St. Paul’s School have recognized for some tim.e the rapidly moving trend towajrd high er standards on the part of educa tional agencies generally. They have carefully studiM and weigh ed the question of advancing the training of the work at St. Paul. Extensive investigatioi- was li^^n in 1939, as the school was then faced with problem of raising the teacher-trainin-g work to met the present requirements of the State Board of EducAtion or probably discontinuing such training. The latter course was agreed upon* with the understanding that spec ial ivovisioos be made to improve the work in the industrial division, emphasizing training specifically designed to eq^ip young men and women for emi^oyment as artisans in their chosen trades. In this con nection Mr. J, T. Thornton, form erly director of industries at the school for 12 yeArs, and more re* cently vice prineipal of the R. T. Cole Junior YocAtional H%ii ^hoot, Kaneas City, Missonri, was a^ed by the boArd to return io the tion, the.St.^aul Normal and In dustrial Scltool will hereafter be known as THE ST. PAXJL?POLY- TECHNIC INSTITUTE. Roseboro CitizeiK, Over $2,S00 For School Roseboro: —(CP)— RosebiMr» citizens have raised raised $3,580 to‘ help run the Roseb»ro higb school during the past seven years^ the Rev. Charles E. Perry, princi pal. revealed here Wednesday. He said when he eame to the school seven yearn ago thore were only five teachers inelwding him self and that th^ baildinfj; wab dilapidated and 68 pupils wtie is sehool. Since then a $1(K000 annex has been erected and an additioiaal •primary b«ildiiif, fodr ^ ward whieh pareknaa Negro eifti- xen raicAi men thaa $1^ afw Miog to aeho«d wAai& it aa« eoiv^olMhiii ai& oC tktt tottijm' attwMt ing the eetesti. The AAeel Mip.lika !• tiai¥i»a| three H. T. A. asd W. P. A, — - - ifooi^, «f iiirtliA appro^^ ini' fhc ' 'Hi* ii-!- L-UnaiOu wer^^~I)r. J. Q. Howtu4, Social ScientiBt. Disiaion. iOtViKOa of. Program Stu^ and BAE., Washin«tt(tfi* D. C-; W. Forester, .Head of thf mant, of A«ricolt{ir«l |it. th». North Ca"o**m Etate C« lesfe. Dr. R. 1. Vtoee. pre^Nwor Soeioloary at. the - Fmre^ty North Carolina and. Df. jAfewh Spengl«. professor of CeqBBiit at Duke University. A Soil Fertility Pptiey North Carolina was diaeiiwW Dr.- L. tP. Baver, Direetpr pf tl North Carolina AgriettltW*} periment Station at the He CaroliM State Collie. I^. |L AUen, Hfadr Diviaipii^ of State Local Planning Bamo of cultural Beononies; D. diMoaeed A|cric«}t ning for the I^t Var4 _ On Tmeday after»e*’ ^ gents- - ni^ in «»epaTtte with John Mit^^ State A^e'rf, tn ehaf|(t of 1^ 1 sioD, asa^sfod hy Mr*. IKstriet Hl»Qie Agrat, J. fries. District Pane Au B. S. Jonee, 4hH Clah Dnrint tteee sessiooa Br.^ ApiJAy, Fnder-SeMeta»i |^. eulture, F8DA, was th« epMher H« apoke “Agjrtea Valion IB War Ton FAtte tewAaey vas T. J. PmmtB ^ maaage^ of li» faraa il» KaA liri ^JL] att^Ph larW gmm m

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