PAGE mGHT • » Mh Mh CoBlimiftl P«pr •'>) LlNErP: N. C. Coliefe J.C. Smith Uni THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY. NOVEMGER 1."), 1941 Lane College To Face Lincoln, (Missouri), Saturday, Nov. 15th. Ricli F. Brown G. Mack (C) Gwnn ' T. Mp«re QfP^ BiM LE Biayboy C .lofforson city, Missouri, Nov. L. T. Long l.V With their -ixth (fridiron tilt L.G. Tolea of fhr season, a home frame Satur- C. JJakeriijHv, \ov. !■>, with th- I^n** Col- R. G. Young Iere T>rafron? faring them thp Lin- R.T. W. Chase , oln Tifjers with all out of .» aver- R. EL Muldrow n^p in j,faittes played bo far a dras- .Q.B. Holmesitip shake-up. Hut it isn't the K^mc I*. H. Powell in |o8t column wholly respon- R. H. Webb for the ?hake-i]p. Coaeh Ray F. B. McGirt Kemp announced this week that SnbRtitations: ili‘ had the same kind of trou- II. C. Colleire: LaFayctte, ible that Ohio State’s Coach Brown Rob'mson, Thomas, Williams, jis supposel to ha%e had with Char- p. ]])avis, H«rdy, n»*y And*>»sOn—and he is applying? ,4. C. S. Univ.: FIctcher, a similar treatment. The Lincoln Jackson, TatP* Green, I mentor stated in no uncertain Hurpky* J»ckson, Minor, Cox, ;terms that he i» interested only in Peterson, Brown. men who take their athletics ser- Referee: S. H. Brown; Um- iously enoufjh to observe trnminsr Eire: W. R. Johnon; Head niles. For this reason its expected linesman; C. W. Seay: Field that there will be certain Tijfers Williams. I not quite so honorably absent from Score: ' the line-np as will be Captain Bob- N. p. State 0 0 6 3—9 by Cobb—legitimately out of harn- J. p. S. Univ. 0 0 0 0—0 css }>ecause of an attack or rheum atism which truck the veteran tac kle three da>» before the iCentuc- ky g»me and which ha* disabled him for tuther j.luy in thia, his last seasoo. I^ane Bteani rollered from the ranks of the undefeated by Flori da 43-0 will neyerthele ;H, be warily watched by the Tigers—many of whom will he the inexperienced who watched the Morr.: Uvin^tone College (Continued froth Page 5) ’.‘)8 have been very small. This one was 30-7. A safety in the first quarter starting the Bhie Bearg was soon followed in the next two succes sive perusds when Bhwen stepped off 15 yards to seore standing np- “ Scoot Gaskins’ placement hit the uprights Livingston led 9-0. In the opening minutes of the third quarter Williams faded bacti and heaved a long pass to lanky Thron- Brown and Kentucky battles from Lijingston ehd, who sprinted the bench. A tenative line-up for the Lane game issued by Coach Kemp leads I. E. Wallace"^ L. E. Brewer L. B. Bohannon (Henderson) C. ^ Turner (Moss Howard) R. E. Saunders R. T. Smith R. O. Killingsworth Q. B. Brown L. H. Thompson (arksdale) R. H. Clayton F. B. Sneed SERVICE WITH DIGNITY LOW C»ST BURIAL PROTECTION Ambulance Service GRIER & THOMPSON FUNERAL HOME 701 E. First St. Phone 7109 Charlotte, N. C. »»»« ANDREWS MUSIC COMPANY Established 1892 Steinway & Sons-Wm. Knabe&Co. Spinet Grands & Other Pianos - Hammond Organs — Band & Orchestra IH^ti'uments Sheet Music & Teachers Supplies 251 No. Tryon St - Phone 3-8855 Vii^nia State (Continned frwn Page 5) the West Virginia for#ard wall and .secondary. Behind perfect in terference on Ihe next play, John Johnson, playing the other wing* back post for the Trojans, sprinted aroand hia left-end for th enece?- sary 5-yards to score standing up. A pass. Robinson to Jackson, ac counted for the extra point. The 5th and final score by- the Trojans came via Airmail with Hurley doing the postman’s chore on a pass from Robinson down to the Jacket 8-yard line from where Hurley romped the remaining stretch. Robinson passing-arm tos sed another airia,l !(♦ Ed" Bolden for the extra point.- The Trojans completed 10 14 passed while West Virginia .com pleted only 6 out of 27 attempt!!.. S. C. Wins untouched into the end zone for the se/’ond tally Livingston led 15- 0. As the third period was drawing near its end “Secot” Oa^kiOB, “Speed’ Bowen and Jackson alter nated in carrying the pigskin for J^^ivingst)on for long driyes and Elowen finally carrying it over for the score. The try for extra point failed. Livingston 21, Fayetteville 0. Livingston outplayed the Fay etteville team all the way. The en tire team deserves honor for the victory. It was a perfect display of teamwork and plenty of spirit was evident. by the narrow margin of 14-13, while Morgan beat Hurith, winning by a 12^2 seOre. Both teams scored two touchdowns against Smith, which puts them on the par offen sively inasmuch as a comparative analysis on this common opponent is concerned. In the eleven-year history of the classic, Morgan has won six games; Virginia State, four, and one been a tie. Moiyan triumph ed, 12-0 last year at Petersburg, Va., but State w*« the victor Biiltimore the previous year, 3-0, aj*a is out to make it two stri^ht over th© Bears on their "lielld. NORTH CAROLINA: DURHAM COUNTY: (Cbntinued from Page 5) touchdown, when the gun ' sliot ended the game. Davis’ drop kick for t^e extra, split the upright making the score 12-7. ' ‘ Moore, South Carolina State triple-threat halfback destined for All Southern hrthors was leader in the running and passing attack with DeLain© coming a close sec ond. These two outstanding play ers brpugrht wild roars and many screahing yells from the enthusias tic stands of 2^500 students; ialum- ni and frieods. I t I.. Worthy, the spinal cord, of Shaw’s team, was also a,bright FEDERAL INCOME TAXES STATE INCOME TAXES INSURANCE PREMIUMS MORTGAGE PAYMENTS have to be PAIDl YOU WILL FIND it very convenient to pay them in one lump sum. You can do this and get any addi> tional funds you may require by selectingr the type of credit that suits you and budgeting the repayment to the bank over a period of ten months or a year, fitted to your income. Meciianics & Farmers Dnrhiiii, N. C. Bdflk N. C. €• €r^p«ulding. Pres. R. L. McDougald, Exec. V. P. J. H. Wheeler, Cashier Tuskegee Takes 6tii At Expse of Knoxville’s Bulldogs Tusk^ee Institute, Alao&ma, Nov. 13.—Tuskegee’s €k)lden Tig ers won their sixth consecutive victory by defeating the Knoxville College Bulldogs, 30 to 7 in the Alumni Bowl here today and warned future opponents—^Lincoln University, Penn., and Alabama State Teasers College^that the Golden Avalanche is on the march again. * The Tigers scored an automatic safety late in the first stinza when Ross, Knoxville right end, stepped beyond the goal line to boot the ball out of danger. Ear lier the colorless first quarter was I highlighted with a spectacular run by Capt. Henderson of the Tennes^ see team. He intercepted Robin son’s pass, which waj intended for Ivey, crossed to the left side of the field, and with the aid of ex- ceU^^^f mte;i;fer]eioe, ran 81 yards before he w^s downed by Robia- son. From then on hard running line plays, long sweeping end runs and thrilling air thrusts kept the crowd in uncertainty until the fin al whistle. In the second quarter the Tigers scored twice. Josh Brown engineered a tally when he blbcked a Bulldog punt and Left- wich recovered in the end zone for this score. Leftwich scored again on Robinson’s 23-yard pass. ' In the third quarter Robinson scored from th« one-yard line which play was soon followed by a driving dash down the field by Raymond Head for 4i5 yards who drowsed standing. Conversions were made by Robinson and Ivey. Knoxville’s lone tonchdown was accounted for in the third quarter when Henderson and Afxeander had alternated in carryidg the ball to the Tigers’ 5. Henderson smash ed through the center of the line to score. Scru^rs converted. The defense of the Bulldogs stiffened considerably during the' fourth quarter and the Tigers were held scoreless. . The three S—^Backs, Sam, Saw yer, and Smiley, turned in spark ling backfield play — taking the ball frequently on the run and dashing away for substantial dis tances before being downed. The Tuskegee Institute band. 80 strong, with a bevy of beautiful drum majorettes, Cleo Davis, Freshman, Tulsa, Oklahoma, front- ing, gave its usuaL spectacular in termission performance. Wilkinson High Outplays Mather At Homecoming Orangeburg, S. C., Nov. 13. — Carter, diminutive half back ou a fifty yard run for the second quar ter touchdown and'^^Conner, quar- terback on a pass and run 20 yards after an interception by Hender son on the 23 yard line in the last quarter made a glorious 12-0 home coming climax for Wilkinson High who outplayed Mather Academy, Camden, in every department of the game here Thursday afternoon in State College Stadiuim before 1,500 wild cheering fans. Wilkinson High and Mather Academy were unable to gain a first down in the first quarter and on several occasions Mather in her own territory lost tha ball on four th down rushes. At the beginning of the socond quarter after Wilkinson had held Mather at midfield, Carter on a fourth down play rushed wide . ^ i •• .round e„y,„d r.n the re,t of ,1.0 £ J' “Sl"* notice For Sale of Land Under and by viture of a pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Jo seph Hines and wife Mary A. Hines to J. J. Henderson, Trus tee for Mutual Building and lioan Association dated Jnne 3, 1941 and duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds in Book of Mortages 150 Page 601; default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness as therin provided and hav ing been requested by the hol der of said note^ The undersigned ti‘ustee will offer for sale to the highest bid- north der for cash at the Court House Door 12:00 o’clock noon on Fri day December 5, 1941 the fol lowing described property to ■wit: BEGINNING at a stake 2046 feet from the S. W. intersection of Hargrove Street and Swift; Avenue, the N. W. comer of Lot No. 132, and running thence South 2 degrees 10’ West 150 feet to a stake; thence N. 86 de grees 30’ West 50 feet to a stake; thence North 2 degrees 30’ 140 feet to a stake, thence South 86 degrees 30’ East 50 feet to a stake, the point or place of be ginning, the same being Lot No. 133 of the Merrickville proper ty, plat Book 3 at page 139. du ly recorded in the Office, of the Agister of Deeds of Durham County. See deed from" J. H. Harris and Lelia Harris to D. O’Kelly dated July 12, 1921, du ly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of /Durham" County Book of Deeds 62, at page 153. Also, see deed i from Durwood O ’Kelly and wife, Jes from the West nlde of Dwipht Street, at the Southwest c(*riier of Ijot No. 10 in Block 6, and running thence along am I with the north side of said Thomas Street and North degi-ee^ 29' West. 94.4 feet to a *takp on tlic east side of a 15 foot alloy; thence along and with the east side of alley North 17 de- grees 32’ East 156 feet to a stake, southwest corner of Lot No, 7; thence along and with the South line of said lot South 88 degrees 29’ Bast 51. 6 feet to a el by Irfiw. The said property is being sold subject to mortgages now on record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County, see M. B. 276 page Hn, 252 page 205-217 page 579 and all taxes, liens, and street asse^- menta. Thia the 29th dav of October 1941. R. L. McDougald, Triwtee 0. O. Pearson, Counselor at Law ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as the ad- stake, northwest corner of lx)t estate of No. 10; thence along a n d .^jnnie S. Pearson. d^ewed.Iate with the west li|ie of sajd 4ot Durham County, North Caro- South 1 degree 31’ West 150 feet to a stake on the side of iThomas Street fifty for th© tonchdown No more scoring resulted in the half. Mather came back in the second half and o[iciied up a passing at tack deep in her own teirHory. Some passes were comple;ed for good long gains but this desperate Passing in the fourth quarter spelled her undoing when Ihe alret Wilkinsonians intercepted and on the next play Henderson rec«-iv»d the second and final touchdown. No eonversions were made follow* ing the touchdowns. Wilkinson had the ball from another inter ception of Charles Lewis, Mather quarterback long passes when the game ended. Deed Book 96, at page 376. See deed from C. E. Williams and wife to Mutual Building and Loan Association; Book 111, at page 286. • This property is being sold at the request of the holder of the said note. The said sale will re main open for ten days to re ceive increased bids as is re quired by Law. This the 3rd. day of Novem ber J941 C. 0. Pearson, Counselor at Law J. J. Henderson, Trustee the point of beginning, and be* •ng lot No. 9 in Block 6 of* Ham mond Place, as pet- plat and sur vey there of now file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham Qounty in Plat Book 5 at pages 40 and 111, to whichi 7.1.j i+u (both plats) reference is hereby 1941. made for a more particular de-w.’o. PEARSON, Administra- lina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the «ltate of said deceas^to exhibit thepi to the undersitfned on or before the 5th day of Oc tober, 1942 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Allpersons indebted -to said estate will please make immedi- day of Octo- scriptioo 6f same, and as per plat and survey thereof by S. M. Credle, C. E., on July 5,19fl4 now on file in office of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporaj- tion at Washington, D. C., and being the same property as that first conveyed by A. W. Grady and wife to Frank Willianis and wife by deed dated July J4,1921 and recorded July 23, 1921 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Book 60 at page 695, and later conveyed by Mechanics and Far- .mers Bank to J. Frank W^illiams and wife, Lottie Williams, by deed dated July 6', 1934. This property is being sold at the request of the holder of thfe said note. The said sale will re main open for ten dajns to re ceive increased bids as is peq,uir-rator. tor, C. T. A. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the ad ministrator of the estate of Con nie Dalrymple, decca.sed, late pf Durham County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate t)f said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 25th day of October, 1942 or this notice will bB pleaded/ in bal* of theilr recovery. All persons indebted to aai^ estate will please make immedi ate settlement. ' This the 21st day of October/ 1941. Myrtle Dalrymple, administ- ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICEj r ad- NORTH CARILINA: DURHAM COUNTY: NOTICE FOR SALE OF LAND Under and by viture of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust exequted by J. Frank Wil liams and wife Lottie Williams to R. L. MoPouglad, Trustee for i^echanio^ and Fanners 3ank, dated November 29, 1939 and Having qualified as the • a • ministrator of the estate oj^^^y recorded In the Office of Mosei Staten, deceased, late™® of Deecjs in Book of Durham County, North Caro-jpf Mortgages 271, Page 552; df lina, this is to notify all persona faiUt having been mad^ in the having claims against the estate payment ot the indebtednss ^ of sfdd deceased to exhibit them ihereiil ‘ provided, and havii)$^ to the undersigned at |J)eeh requested by the holder of 109 Morgan St, Durham, N. C. ,paM note on or before the 1st day of Oc- , The nn4«rsigned trustee will'j tober, 1942 or this notice will be dfl^r for ^le to the hi^hei^t bid- TAKE tAe CbQstl AgQnioi FIRE INSURANCE OMMNY ihjrham. i CQNS6RVATIve - SQLIO - OfePENgABLlj |; Ses BANKERS* UNIOSN INSURANCE A REALTY CO.. 0EQ1£RAL mauRAfi&j AdtaScY I acme REALTY COMPANY. - - BISHOP DAl^ ... . . . H. 0. DV^ . . - - Dnriiam, N. t.** - Duriiam, N* W ■ Raleigh, N. Cliarlotte, N Chariotte, N. OS pleaded in bar of their recovery. Allpersons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate settlement. This the 30th day of Septem ber, 1941. C. A. GLENN, administrator of the estate of Moses Staten, de ceased. der!for cadi at the Court House] Door 12:00 o’clock noon on Sat urday Novemger 29, 1941 the I following describe'd property td| wit: BEGINNING at a stake oni the north side of Thomas Street 100 feet in a_ Westerlj' direction! EZEOUTBIX NOTICE Overflow Crowd Is Expected for Morgan and Va. State Meet An overflow crowd of 3 0,000 fans are expected to jam Morgan State Coliege jSftidium, herei, Thanksgiving Day. when the Mor gan Bears champions of the C. I. A. A., clash with Virginia State College in the twelfth renewal of their annnual Turkey Day gridiron batUe. The kickoff is scheduled for 1 p. m. ^ Close scrutiny of the opposing teams ’ records reveal that th© mighty Trojans, coached by Harry “Big Jeff’^ Jefferson, has been .scored on only once—by Johnson C. Smithj the same team which killed Moigan’s hop© for an un-J^^ scored-on season. The on}y differ ence is that Smith defeated State ADBDNISTRAXOR’S NOTICE (North Carolina, (Durham County. Having qualified as the ad- Halving qualified as Executrix mmistrator of the estate of estate of Charlie Herndon, Mayme C Jdrdan, deceased, late deceased, late of Durham County, of Durham County, North Caro-N^rth Carolina, this is to notilN' hna, this 18 to notify all persons ^^3 having claims against having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them undersigned at to the undersigned ijgj So^xth Mangum Street, Dur on or before the 6th day of Oc^ , w o i- ^ « tober, 1942 or this notice will be T pleaded in Ur of their recovery, i j? day of October. 1942, or Allpersons indebted to said notice will be pleaded in bar estate will please make immedi-recovery.. All per^ns in- ate settlement. This the 4th day of Octo ber, 1941. MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK, Administrator. MONEY LO A On IMamonds, WatchM, Jewelry, make immediate payment. This 20th day of October, 1941 MRS. JULIA HARNDON, Executrix of Estate of Charlie .Herndon, Deceased. iC. J. GATES, Attorney. Silverware, Men’s Clothltig, Type Writers, Shot Guns, Musical In' strnments, anything of Talue. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STREET 'Charlotte’s Oldest and Largest” Dr. Aubrey L. Palmer Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted We maintain a completely equipped office for the ex* elusive convenience of the Colored People. . Tele. 3 - 8500 (Opposite Public Library) 317>A N. Tryon Street SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE IN LUCK OTHERS OWN ■ - - Accident Health And Faneral Insurance Policies # -in- ■ SOUTHERN FIDELITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY DURHAM. N. C. One person in every 13 became a Hospital I^atient in 1940 Families with less than $1,200 a year income spend $49 a year for medical care Henry C. Davis, Durham Representative F. D. Alexander Charlotte Representative

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