-K£ UNIV. DURHAM. K Civitans of Charlotte Sponsor Negro Boys Cfal Fort Bragg Soldier Slain By Unknowlt inn:BnKt»n»»miiisitnimunmiiii:Kinu MaOing Edition 5c fe5>i^BajtHllNBRlI?SEa"j i Number 47 Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, November, 22, 1941 Durham Bank To Fay $52000 To Xmas Club Members War Department Definitely Closes Fori Bragg Killing In The -UsuaV Manner Sues ScM ffittard To Goldsboro Qjjj Preman Passes For Equalization Of Teachers’ Salaries Tampa, Pla., —(ANP)— Suit was filed recently in federal dis trict court here by the Hillsboro county unit of the Florida Teach ers’ association against Hillsboro county school board for equal sal aries. :The petition was made by Mi»s Hilda Turner, teacher in the public schools hwe, who is repre sented by the law firm of McQill, Jacksonville, Pla., an Atty. Yhur- good Marshall, NAACP member. Miss Turner has work in public school system for 12 years, with only a meager increase in salary annually. Her maximum salary was recently reached and she only re ceived $87.68 per month compared with $148.13 for a white teacher with the same experience and training. Miss Turner is a gradu ate of Atlanta university and has done graduate work at Atlanta and Northwestern universities, th« latter at Evanston, HI. (Continued on pajye thref) Rev. M. W. Mprgan, pastor of Hillside Baptist church. Ac cording to reports here this4 wteek 'Rev. Morgan has recently received a call to the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Goldsboro. The young minister could not be reached for a state ment before going to press, for confirmation of the report. After Long Dlness Chas Freeman, age 56, well known farmer of Durham died at Lincoln hospital here Sunday at 11:55 P. M., after an illness ex tending over several months. Mr. Freeman was the husband of Mrs. Lula Freeman, and resided with his family at 1103 SimniOns street. The deceased was born in Wake County where he lived up until nine years ago when he moved to Uui'liam. T’I'i In addition to his wife Mi*. FFreeman is survived by two daughters and two sons. The daughters are; Miss Beatrice Free man of Durham, Mrs. Moselle White 0 fAtlantic City. The sons are: Ransom Freeman of Norfolk, Va., and Raymond Freeman of Durham. Funeral services for the deceas ed will be held Thursday at three o’clock at the Macedonia Baptist church in Wake County, near Wake Forest. Rev. H. H. Sanders, (Continued on page three) Civitans Of Queen City Leads Way In Race Relations rhnrlotte. — The Charlotte Ne- 'ro I'-DV K cliiK which is sponsored by tilt' Civilnn Club, is in the midst of it. J'nll nuO winter program. Many new f»ntu?-efi have been add- »-(i io tlie chib iTi the way of equip- iiieiit, nnd ehthusiasm has been injected into the work by John Kibler, director. Monday evening open house was held at the Bethelem Center, and many mere escorted through the building for the first time. The Negro Boy’s club facilities were inepcicted by an appreciative group, and the Civitan duo jvas commended for the very fine spirit it has shown in the interest of Charlotte Negro Boys and the Ne gro population iii general. The highlights of the meeting were the challenging and inspirational re marks made by Mrs. R. E. Evans, and Dr. and Mrs/H.’L. McCrorey. There were many of Charlotte’s prominent Negro citizens present in the meeting. Dr. J. S. Nathaniel Tross, Rev. L. B. West of the Brooklyn Presbyterian church, Mr. J. E. Grigsby of Second Ward High school and Mr. C. L. Blake of West Charlotte High school and many others were present. The personnel of the Bethlehem Center spoke briefly; led by Miss Ruby Berkly, secretary of the Bethlehem Center, and Misses Eu- lind Smith and Thomisina Jamer son her assistants. John Kibler spoke in behalf of the N^gro Boy’s club. Tuesday morning the “Chojfus” club of the Negro Boy’s club went on its weekly hike to_Grier Town, at the invitation of Arthur Grier. 1 (Continued on pafire three) A. & T. President NAACP To Aid In Case Of Florida Teacher In Fight For Equal Salary Fair Practice Head Addresses Negro Youth Conference Armistice Day Speaker I the Turkey-day tilt here Thanks- Dr. F. D. Bluford, president i giving. Under Dr. Bluford's of A. & T. College who will be leadership the A. & T. College chief supporter of the Aggies in | has made remarkable strides. Eye Qinics Conducted For County Children Clinton. —(C. P.)— The eyes of 53 Negro and white children wen; examined in clinics held here re cently Ss a part of a program of a sight-conservation project. Sponsoring the project were the State Blind Commiission and the (Clinton Lions Club, a white or ganization and 28 Negro children and 25 white children were select ed and examined. Selection of 28 Ne^ children was made through the^ efforts of Miss Ada G. Battle, supervisor of Negro schools in the county, who almost alone raised sufficient money among Parent-Teacher as sociations to finance the portion of the clinic devoted to Negro chil dren. if ^ Canada impases a price ceiling effective from November 17. British must show pofer to as sure seized lands. Hoare says. Mechanics And Farmers Bank Has Largest Xmas Savings Club In Durham (Durham, — Nearly $245,000 in Christmas Savings Club funds will be paid to over 8,500 members here on December 1 by local banks. The largest Cliristmas Savings Clubs reported were the Mechanics and Farmers Bank and the Home Savings Bank both of whom will issue checks to members to the a- mount of approximately .$52,000 each. The Mechanics and Fanners Bank with a membership of 2,100 was the largest in the city while the Home Savings Bank had a membership of nearly 1,800. The other banks of the city that will issue checks to savings club members are as follows: The Durham Industrial Bank $40,000 to i,800ii^embers; Citizens National Bank. $16)t>6ft__to 320 members; the Morris Plan Bank, $20,000 to around 700 members; Depositors National Bank, $20,000 to approximately 600 members. The East Durham branch of the j Fidelity Bank will pay to 600 members approximately $15,000. I ‘‘Who knows—in this very Con- fproice Xcgro Youth maybe Laying the foundation stones for the real democracy, for a democracy in ac tion as well as words” averred the Hoiiorahle Earl B. Dickey.son of the Fair Practice Emp4oymeiit Commission of the Federal Gov- ei^iment in his address before the National Conference of Negro Youth last Friday in the nation’s Capitol. Over 3,000 youth aiul a- dnlt listeners cheered the brilliant attorney as he called for the unity of all lovers of- liberty jn the fight agninst Hitlerism. “Unity is a trap against the forces of Hitlerism,’’ Dickerson dpelarel, “and Yonth must achieve that unity — Each Anti-Hitler force standing alone is broken alone—Anti Hitlerism is a bond of great vitality — Negro youth must, therefore, lay aside its mistrust of white youth for’the sake of this unity. We must rea lize that those fighting against Talniadgo of Georgia are fichtins; 1 against Hitlerism and for Demo- Commij^idant of the A. axid T. Mil- crncy%” The speaker pointed out j Jtm-y Science De{)artment, was the very foreefnlly and clearly the i main speaker for the Armistice dopp significance of our present ; Day celebration, last we«k, at A. struggle when he said: “The Civil | and T. Coll^, Greensboro, N. C. (’apt. Robert Lee Campbell, New York. V.—Tlie fcilknr of a Negro private and a vbite geant of military Polie« in ■ row on a bus at Fort Bragsr. N. C., the night of August 6. is still aa- ' known, it was assertel by Henry L. Stira«on. secretary of war, in a letter to the N. A. A. C. P. th'S week. All reports at the time of tiie shcM^ting agreed that Sergeant E. L. Hanrrave, white mijlitary po liceman, had been killed by Priv- I ate Xel Tarman. colored, who, in turn, was killed by Ser^rtnt Rns- sel >wens, another wijite military policeman. These accounts wete i sriven by the daily pa|)er!», th^ A.«- sociated Press. Negro weekly wi pers, a personal investisrator for the N. A. A. C. P.. {Reporter for the New Yo»k newspaper, P. M. arid eye-witnesses. Despite all this. S**H*retary Stim ! sin stated in his letter to the N. A. A. C. P. that an examination of I the bullettt >:howed that both Har grave and Turman were killed by bullets from Hargrave’s gna. 5^*retary Stimson asserts that Servant Bu.Hsell Owens was using a different type of ammunitton from that used by HarifraTe, tni none of his bullets were found in the bodies of the dead or woiuded men. The official aeeonnt «f tb« m~ cident, as related by SMtnivij Stimson, reads: (Continaed on p«ce tloee) The West Durham branch of the Fidelity’ Baftk will pay to 650 members approximately $27,000. . An official of the Mechanics and Farmers Bank stated to a rep resentative of the Carolina Times today that many of their Christ mas Savings Club members in years past have refused to accept their check for shopping purposes at Christmas, but instead have turned it into a permant saving account. However the Bank stated that the money is always available for those who will neel it for help- i si^eaker ing to make their Yuletide season a happy one. War was started to save the Fnion but Lincoln saw that the Fnion could not be saved without the abolition of slavery. This war is to save Democracy but World De mocracy cannot'be saved nnless it is extended to include all the op pressed peoples of the world—in cluding the Negro people,,’ He challenged the .5.50 delegates to take a stand “for the equality of All men regardless of color or creed” and to be. “willing to die ,fort.fhis ideal.” , ! Dickerson was the principal at the opening rally at Miss Mamie Dye Chambers of Beatties Ford Road has been con- Jined to her home for the pmst week. Students of Second Ward High school sponsored a carnival at the school last Tuesday. Proceeds will go toward the upkeep of the school. Metropolitan Baptist Church. Oth er speakers inclnded A. Clayton The captain, who served in the Spanish-American war and world war ,declared that there will al ways be wars and this country should thoroughly perpare for them. He also said that those wfi'o have the courage to fight would survive, and thoee who gave up the fight would perish. Man Is Killed By Locomotive Gastonia. —(C. P.)— One mai was killed and four injured about Powell, ,Tr„ first Negro to be elect- i3:30 Sunday when an automobile a warning signal into cd to the Council of the Citv of New York: Lester Granger of the National ^ Urban Lragne. the Rev. E. C. Smith, tvastor of Metropoli tan Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.', Dr. C. Herbert Marshall, .Tr., Washington Branch, NAAC’P; Miss Dorothy Height, Phyllis Wealthey YWCA, Washington; (Continued on page three). ran across the path of a north-boand South ern passenger train. The motorists were crossini' the tracks at the South str^t eroasiBg at the west end of the Qastoala railroad station. Airlines’ profits bria^ the tion of rate-regqlitioo. Two Convicted (ki Jb Crow Cbugi Ashevillew —(C. P.)— Two —Miss Edna Robers, 253 Adklaail avenne and Miss Oaynell 44 McDowell street—were ilWTgfit with violating the Jim Oew a« regarding seating on a etty bos ae4 given jail senteneee of 30 day« eaeh in police coart here SataK* day. H. Q. Miller, bns ofierator, «a^ th®y “took the third seat ftrow the ^nt m the ri^ht u- l : and refused to move t'-. i ■'•’i' i when a whit# passenp*" fori*i l to ftUnd, altkoQfb eight scats in the r Jodf* Sam A. • the sentene*' ' partaai for white p* MTve the law and ^ at as it » for lo h* aMted from the riMbl I '^rr » ♦ a* u to oil