TWO rnmmt TBS CAROZ^IKA TIMES €ht Carmild Ciin^0 WBMJSHiy) WEESLT BT THE GAROUNA TIMES OOMPANT m & FeMr StrMC Darhaa. N. PlMiiec N-7121 ot J-7871 €. Entered as second clua matter at the Post Officc at Durham. N. C. under the Act of March 3rd, 1879^ L. R AUSTIN, Publisher WILLIAM A. TUCK,-^ Manairinff Editor TSTWBEmmm CHARLOTTE OFFICE 420H East Second Street SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 12.00 a t Year ^ ^11.25 for Six Months iWHTTE AND NEGRO EDUCATION The latest fisrur^ available on the amount of money which tbe state of North Carolina spends for white and Negro cduca> tilm, show that it*^JjMds $39.31 per capita for white children •ad only S2L71 per capimfor Negro children. Taxes assessed Negroes for the support of jail schools are the same as that as> white people. The latest figures available on the teachers salarj^ question •how the average white teacher in this state gets $916 per year, while the average Negro teacher gets $647, or a differ- enc of $269 per year. The taxes assessed Negroes for the sup port of all teachers are the same as that assessed white people. The per capita value of buildings, grounds and equipment Rrhich the state spends for w^ite children is $161.61, while the per capita amount spent for Negro children is only $52.87. taxes assessed Negroes for the purchase of equipment, buildings and grounds are the same as those assessed white people. In Virginia, South Carolina, Tennssee, Florida, Missouri luid most jof the other southern states, suits havp already been filed to erase the differential existing between white and Negro education. North Carolina, with conservative Negro leaders like Dr. James E. Shepard, president of North Carolina College, has been spared the anxiety which goes with cofet action, ’ be cause these leaders have stood in the with promises of equalization. Here.’ of late there is much restlessness among Negro teach ers in North Carolina about the salary differential, and we doubt that Dr. Shepard and his clan iMill be able to hold the line against court action much longer. One group consists of those who want to take immediate court action, while another is advising that the next meeting of the legislature will erase entirely the existence of the salary differential,! ®nd save Negro teachet? in North Carolina the trouble of resorting to the courts. Frankly we do not believe that there is any honest effort being made in North Carolina to equalize white and Negro teachers salaries. We believe Dr. Shepard and his clan have been “sold down the river" and are now about to be shorn of their place in the front ranks of Negro teachers in the state. Once this is done a new order will arise and some definite action will be taken toward placing Negroes in North Carolina along side those in other southern states where they have gone into* the courts to seek a solution to their problem. TOE ONLY NEGRO-DONT 'l Don’t send your child to a school where he will be the ONLY IHeflrro. Don't be the ONLY Negro on a committee unless the Committee is composed of ONLY two persons. Don't aenre on a jury where you are the ONLY Negro if tkere is any way for you to avoid it. Especially avoid such a tlaec if the defendant is a Negro. '■ BIOHTB AHD DEBOWi. From time to time w« hear much about Ng;hta and responsibilities, about rights and dntiea. We are told that with every right goes a responsibility and with every right, a duty. The clamour for rights 1* deafening; the chiniowr for responsibility is too often fainl and nnoertain. The rights of Ne- groM have been well thrast into the foreground of the Negro’s thinking. But the duties of Ne* igroes have no like projninpncp in the forum of intra-racial discus sion. It is good therefore to ob serve this disparity in emphasM nnd sogg^st proce^res motp cfll- rnlated too yield fntnre returns. Some weeks ago Dr. Mary Mc Leod Bothune spoke in Richmond and told of the small Negro popu lation in Daytona Beach and what a large percentage of that ^lopula- tion is registered as voters. My mind swept back through the year* to larger Nogro urban populations where Negroes are almost indif ferent to the ballot and the power thereof. I have in mind a Negi’O population in one of the urban centers of thp south that number some 60,000 with but 2,000 Ne gro voters. The question that welW r*d in my liihid was, (Do the 58.000 Negroes really deserve the^ ballot they stubbornly refuse to employ in their so-called fight for their rights f Cun a race be paid to truly "fight for its rights” as it makes petitions and pleas while its ball»t is being neglected t Can a people claim to be in dead earnest about “bettering” its condition when The powerful instrument for battering that condition is left un nse'df What can the nation think of a race that prefers petitioning to vojdng, mendicancy ■ to ^man hood? Hegro’s eonsumii^ desire for his rights know no bounds; but his resort to the ballot is too often desultory arid indifferertt* The question arises ."^oes a race deserve a ballot it refuse:^ to useT Does a people cISserve an 'opportunity it persistently spurns or neglects? There are serious questions and questions the itorld is asting and ■jit is high time the mpo Is the question to himself. He needs something constructive and in a democracy the ballot is tremen dously eonatruetive. Let us be plain a moment. The NAACP has jusitfied a thousand (itnes every appeal it makes for the race’s support. The case for the NAACP cause has been made out years and years ago. Yet this great Organixation mutt periodi- eally go bagging. “Revival Meth ods” must be employed to recruit members and supporters. There oaght to be enough professional Negroes alone in this country to fiitance th« NAAOP. It is but • little short of disgrace that the NAACP is not endowed by the men and women of the race who know its value to our present struggle. This writer is not always in agreement with the organisation's polieies and he has been often found with, ctifwism; but. down d^ep in his h^art Be knows thai this, great orgajnization desefv^s the support of every Negro4n the world. Do the Negroes of the Unit ed States deserve an organisation like the NAACPf They have one to be sure; they often make ap peals to it for protection of their rights; thejr so verily need the NAACP. But the question as to whether they deserve it raises fur ther questions. That the NAACP would have to propagandise itself and pass the hat around annually bo*^ers closely to a racial dis grace. Let us stop asking ourselves what are our tights and ask do we deserve them. Let us stop asking whether the NAACP is doing this or that task but ask whether the race has proven that it deserves such powerful instrument of Ne gro survival. We Would gain won derful if We would cease protest ing long enough to get the Neg-'o to see there are some things that he himself can do to help the cause along and foremost among those is to utilise the yights and priri-j leges already achieved. The average Negrd feels that, when, he has made'some kind of protest hi* task is finished.'Some body must make him see that thst is but a small part of his fight for ftaller freedom. In our failure to seize the great o|)portunity the ballot gives, tre shoii^ that we do not deserve 'those righti and op portunities. Wh need not only fhak^ iigainst the white maB'S»^|jtt*W'c- bn* a^list the Negro^a* !irtdiW«^hofefr’'*loo i*ftiwi manifest iif' his reliance ipon-tte ballot and in hte support of the NAACP. The Urban League deserves also the fuller support of the race for although its iprogram is not as spectacular it has proved just ns vital. Our deserts also are werth considering along with oar rights DOMINATED After Oarkt! ... by Ri^ SATURDAY. NOVEMBER S, 1941 nirnfffTirai^ Thankafiiving 19 4 1 In TVC I*. BT EUTfi TATLO* “Can we giVe thahksf CIn w? in all honesty celebrate Thanks giving this year — when famine stalks a war k>rn Europe, whch violence and threats of war are at our very door step, when even' th* elements themselves seem to con spire to the feeling of desola- tionf” So speak the gloomy souls. They know as all of us know that Thanksgiving Day is the day set apart for the annual festival of thanksgiving for the year’s bless ings — but they d6 not see the blesBings. . Last year at Thanksgiving time, they were sure we would be at war in a fa wweeks—^they set the date —so many dates £hat never hap pened. They were sure Englan 1 would fall, that they would neve? withstand raids and deprivations. They were sure the Russian-Ger man feoaliation would be too strong for the world. The one thing they were confident of was disaster. Let’s see what has happened. The Low Countries' have.fallen. Prance lies helpless. The Seahda- navian countries have' been pvfer^ run. Greece wias devlistatad but in a battle of Thermopolae that as far surpassed the ancient heroi.^m BY HERBBRT AQAS (Editor of tk« LottisriUa Oouier-Joomal. mamber of th« l&cecutlTB Board ^ Fiflit For Freedom, Inc.,. Palitetr Prixe histDfian, etc.) In discussion the position or the position of the American Negro in relation to the threat of a totali tarian world, we Americans have no gfounds for pride in ouf gener al treatment of the Negro. Honest Americans must agree that this o«|^ry ha.s nftv'er given its Negfo citizens anything like a full tneas- ure of the rights and privileges x)f a democracy. Under such cireum stances it would not be surprising for some Negroes to feel that their race owes less obligation to defend our way of government than the majority group that has enjoyed Whenever you hear a Negro boasting that he was the ONLY on the committee, in t|ie class, appointed to the position, by the committee, awarded the prize, don't get ex- He may be telling you that he was the ONLY Negro that come down to the position of being a piece of wet putty, be telling you that he was so flattered by being the [»Y Negro that he didn't have the courage to become just one :ng many Negroes willing to suffer for freedom. weak Charlotte got a stomach full of one of these Nesrow—Ne3 Davut—when they let him represent the at a meetiiig of the Greenville chapter of the American Club in Greenville, South Carolina. Ned was the ONLY ' h> re. and so he proceedad to tear his pants to the cha- LOibui riaiment and diaguat of the entire race. . v— 'i'h« )Jnly tima for you to be the ONLY Negro is when you schools; and a con- Dfcii ifig the home atreteh in a track meet. iod deliver ua fgm» being: caujrht in the elvtcbes »f tiiese Kegroea*: I its benefits. But inti^ligent Negroes them-. Reives know well how incomparab ly worse their lot would be under guy gov.emment dominated by the Na^i doctrines of racial superior ity. On that score I can do no bet ter than quote here from one of tlie articles of Ifr. Da,vid H. Brod.- ford, a ITe^o and . a weekly con tributor to the Louisville Courier- Journal. t. “One of the cardinal principjes of the system, created. By. Hitler,’’ Mr, il^adford sayis, "is race prej udice, and , no one needs . to be clairvoyant to knor upon whoso bac-k the lash of racial prejuAice and discrimination would fall most heaivily in Ameri^. All of the Ne gro’s aspirations for a more, Conf- plete life would be thwarted, jnis childBen would be taught only co*i- quiet recesses of their own minds, that the status of the Negro in America is the lowest of any racial group in our land. Abundant evi dence is available to support this fact. Pr^ess has been and is be ing made, but in some fields the distance between his status now and the status of the majority group is as it was three-quarters of a century ago. “But, with all this load to car ry, the democratic Christian U. S. A. is still the best government for Negro. The principles on which this country is founded do leave the door open for the Negro final ly achieving democracy’s full ben efits. The BiH of Rights and the brotherhood of man are still talk ed about as desirable goals. The terms liberty, equaHty and oppor tunity are still resp^ed in our midst and some day we can hopi' Qu^tions About Maneuvers Answered By Headquarters “ First Army Publie Relations Di- Vision, Cajnden S. C., — The fin al and most intensive stage of tlie maneuvers in North and South Carolina will get under w«y Sue day, Nov. IB, irhen General Head- quiifters of the United States Ar my assumes direction of the move ments of 300,000. officers and men both op{>oeln{^^ ^forces in the I fi»^tbe JlifSt Lt; Gen. Hug H. ifrum, and the mented IV Army Corps, under Maj. Gen. Oscar W. Griswold. For the first time since World War I, all First Army units in the maneuvers will coordinate theii’ personnel and materiel and act as a full fledge Field Army in large- scale ^operations against an “ene my” force. Hundreds of thousands of Selective Service men, National Gitardsmen and Regular Army troops, from military posts all the way from Maine to South Cato- lina, will participate. The past six weeks of maneu vers have been devoted to combat training exercises for divisions and corps within the First Army as a* whole. Three Army Corps, cbni- prisin^ eight infantry rivisions, together with thousands of special Corps and Army troops, poured in to 16 counties rf North and South men, it will make possible the first large-scale Coordinated operations between ground and air foroee to be experienced by the First Army. J r Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, Chief of Staff of General Headquartere of all American armer forces, will supervise all movements Of men and materiel in the final maneu ver phase, from Monroe, N. C., lo cation of the Director’s Head quarters. Assisting him will be the Deputy. Director and Assistant Chief .of. Staff, ^HQ, Brig. Ger.. MAr)«.(I9if.' Clark, and 24 General o^fi«ws, i each of them, IfeftdeM ih i^veVj phase pf military activity participaled in by the U. S. Army. as this war has- luppassed the ward of the aneients. Bu|—^^he ^all> tiori 18^ broken; *tfie conntriw are'seething ^ith revolt, even egainst the grea^iii; ' oddn; England etill Itkhds firm, ridlled and courageous. Tiyith tii—have still not deelared *wif, biit withlu the country is arisinif, des^!^^^ an avalanche of Nael inspired ganda| a sense of coop^rati6^V a national unity which is our^’lJ^st aafeguard of defanie. Sloiwiy^hut sorely we ar© strhg^ltng to a of responsibility, of ’ idealism, 'of hi(H» monale. Spit^uiilly iiie be- eomitig armed for any'crisis the coming year ttiay hrffig fbrtft^.'; ■ q • Thanksgiving th^ expr^sion of gratitude for divine ih^les. Not only can we ^ve thanki^'this ifovember—hut we must. We,'wlio still have peace, •«>hose shores w r has not penetrated, ■Wlio still' en joy the blessings of freedom, havii a solem duty ^ rejoice itid Jflve thanfciK unto the Lord for his m'a'--v favors bestor^d upoia us as indi viduals and as a nation. lu ' the spirit of thanksgiving for the di vine fa tor of the f>ast yehr^, and 'IfVith a deep and abiding trust in His mercies in the future niuft celebrate this day of Thanksgiv ing, 1941 as a united people In a United States. THE RED CROSS APPEAL Four times the number of men will be engaged in this final ma neuver, as compared with the to tal personnel of the First Army maneuvers at Ogdensbnrg, N. Y., in the Summer of 1940. Armor^^d divisions and the Air Support Command are eotitely ne^ in the 1!M1 maneuvers. New also are large-scale jjarachute a 11 a c h s , many types of mechanical equip ment and the presence of a com plete motorized infantry division, an important experiment in the movement o flarge bodies of com- fcat troops, i Thirty-five thousand vehicles of all types will rumble over the 10, 000 ^uare mile maneuver area un der the command of the First Ar- Carolina six weeks ago, to climax 'my alone. Many thousands more the bettet part of a year of (^ad- ually intensified field training, given month by month in the mil itary posts to which they were as signed. In the early days of their ar rival here, troops from the North sweltered in the heat of Dixie’s hottest autumns. Today, with their fellow soldiers of the South, they are experiencing th? first nip of Winter warfare w^ith will participate on the side of the opposing IV Army Corps, includ- ifig hundreds of tanks belonging to the 1st and 2nd Armored Divi- Commanding officers of the one of three Armj- Corps of the First Ar my, under General Drum, will be the same men who have guided their troops through the first six weeks of the maneuvers. They to attain them.' We can still have noted for its variation in terrain, the mercury hovering down around lare: Maj. Gen. Charles F. Thomp- freezing. In the maneuver area, (son, I Corps; Maj. Gen. Lloyd R, trolled press would J)ut a ra^or Isi theNband and a bottle in the poc ket o/^every Keffro*, v ^ ‘ “All .Honest Ameri*s[ns admit, hope and faith “In a Hitlerized government there would be no hope. The blood purity doctrine alone would ex clude us entirely from benefits .in his society. Our present situation bad as it is, looms as a choice Po sition when I. think of what it would certainly be under a Hitler' regime.” There speaks a Negro under no illusions 6s to the fate of his race in A Hitler-dominated world. The worst orgies of mee hatred, the most complete discrimination and the fullest economic destruction would be saved for* that group. Un der democracy the Ameriean’Ne gro is making slow, and painful bat continual progressi Under Nazism the Negro would be hurled back in a day to.the barbarism of the jangle. weather, soil and other natural conditions, men of the First Army are being finally welded into the “nll-pnrpose Army,” the need for which .Chief j>f^ Staff George C. Marshall reported to the Secretary of War in July of this. year. , some openfy and boldly, o(herji in'by law. P&sising othet cars on hills s, at inte^iiMtionik and dan^rouB places is hot only dangerous but is forbidi^ Maneuvering against the Fir.=ii Army in'i^e final GHQ phase will be the entire IV Army Corps of (he Third AAy,, which has al ready gone through one set of ma jor manenvers this year, in Ijouisi- •na and Tennessee. Tlie IV Corps comprises of the 4th Division (tr!- angnlar and completely motoriK- ed); the .31st and 43rd Divisions (“square,” National Guard); and thousands of special Corps troops. Attached to this .“enemy”' fore? will be the 2nd and .'Ird Armored Divisions and the Third Air Sup port Command. iThe First Air Support Com mand, which;will cjjordinate wit(» General Drum’s First Army forc es, was activated opiy las^t Sep- Frendendall, II Corps; Maj. Ben. Karl Truesdell, ,VI Corps. Com manding the divisions of the First Army are; Maj. Gen. J". P. Marlev, 8th Division; Maj. Gen. Rene D. Hoyle, !>th Division; Maj. Gen. H. D' Russell, .30th Division (Nation al Guardsmen of N. C., S. C., Tenn., Ga.); Maj, Gen. Edward Martin, 28th Division (National Guardsmen of Pa.); Brig. Gen. •Tames I. Muir, 44th Division (Na tional Guardsmen of N. Y. and N. J.); Maj, Gen. Milton A. Reckord, ,29th Division (National Guards men of Va., Pa., Md., and D.. C.).; Maj. Gen. Donald C. Cubbiaon, 1st Division; and the 26th (Yankee) Division, under Maj. Gen. Roger W. Eckfeldt. On the night of October 16, tJie U. S. de stroyer Kearney»procfeding in the North At lantic off Iceland,' was struck by a tot^^o. Among the injured was Chief Boatsws&n's Mate Leonard Frontakowski* His life^.fcde- p^ded on tjie immediate arrival^ of Ib^pd plasrtia for an emergency transfusion. Ml^le another^ destroyer steamed to the side of Jlj??e. strick^h.Kearney, carrying a naval aurg^n, a plane loaded with blood plasma. dojiated by Red Cross volunteers took off from an undesignated Iceland air basa . The dramatic story of how the plane drop ped the precious plasma to the Keamey and how it saved the life of Leonard iVontakow- ski has been told in the news columns of the nation’s press. It is well, however, to stress that the Red Cross was on the job with tradi tional promptness. The needs of our sailors in their dangerous North Atlantic assign ment were anticipated. The Red Cross today is appealing to the nation for membership Support This sup port is needed so vitally that I^d Cross lead- ■ ers are asking for a membership comparable 'to that of the first World War when more than 18,000,000 adult Americans expressed their belief in the Red Cross by becoming members. The Kearney catastrophe illustrated but one of the dramatic ways in whiph the Red Cross is organizing its forces for the defejise of our country. Quietly and with little fan fare, the Red Cross is at work on the home front as well as the military front. Volun teers have undertaken scores of important responsibilities, of which the blood plasma program is but a single phase. The Red Cross has started the job of help ing the Army and Navy strengthen our de fenses. Today your support is asked. So vi tal is this challenge, we cannot afford to ne glect it 'tr ^^ PBOFITABLE E. D. Wilson, demonstration farmer of Jacks Crfeek in Yancey County, is a finn believer that beef cattle makes a profitable en- tember. With its 7000 officers, and I management practices are used. (resentatives, and the dozens of re- Detroit, Nov. 20,'—Field operat I i*^g programs for an army of more [than 29,000 Chevroldt service men in 8,400 dealerships'' from coast icu doast, previewing plans and poli cies for 1942, will be the subject matter for a series 6f eight region* al conferences to be held in the next month under the direction of Ed Hedner, Uational director of Service for Chevrolet. A complete review t)f 1641 ser vice advances and a reinterpreta- tioh of the setvice min’s role un der the new conditions Impoped upon motorists, will share the at tention of the 45 zone service man- terprise if proper feeding and agers, eight t%lbnal product rop- cently appointed military eci vi. c- managers now working directly with army personnel. throijighQUt the country. /- First of the series of meetings was held in Plint Monday, nvith the final si^slon scheduled in Dah- land, Cal., Dec. 8, Thus, .with the opening of the new year, CheVro^ let service meh the oountfj jfvef will have latest factory informa tion on new, approved service pro cedures. Heavy emphasis is to be placed ofi maintenance, as uiotor- face a future in.whiol| toi'a- bility and dependabflity be classed as supreme motor car viiv tues.

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