NEW HIGH SCHOOL SET ON FIRE 1 i;:uiK:R»:t:siiu:B»iniKi»m»mn:»::::n: » !l II Mailing EDITICN I •• •• •• •• n Number 48 Durham, North C&rolina, Saturday, Novanber, 29, 1941 Volume 22 OMEGAS CITIZEN PROTESTED ^ w IT IT,' ir - 'w. ^ Georgia Regents DefyjTalmadge Hunt For Firebug Who Destroyed New $41,000 Negro School Structure Were you There ? The second attempt to da^trov the new Negro connty high sehool building was succefiaful here Mon day nift^ when a person or per sons Bet fire to the structure, whie)i had not yet been ocei^pied, eHBsini' a total loss. 1ih«. -(^t .ftf the > which w«r b>en put in ute the first of Ja&tt- aty, was $41,000. '! Buvning of the building Js be lieved to have been in protest of erecting it in a predominantly white nftighborhood. According to Sheriff E. G. Belvin efforts on this part of his office to apprehend the person or persons responsible for tfe« fire have been unsuoeessfnl. ' Thc.f first attempt to burn the buiWtng occurred on last ’Hallo ween night when workmen on the building discovered the following morning that one of the rooms had been sprinkled with kerosene and igbited. The building was barnii^ when the workmen airived, but ^ 4mm»g&vnm H ;was not xiqK>rte4 to police. Thr workmen stated they thought the firing of the etructure w«« the re sult of a Halloween prank and not a deliberate attempt to destroy it, hence they made no report to po- lice. The new high school'building is the second to be erected fo* Ne groes in the county. It had not yet been named and was hing e’rdeled ' (Continued on Page 8) r* • « jg - the special session, chirging tSat fit Re-Hire Ousted Members University To Parker As First Citizen Ormonde Hsnter of SAi^nah-had flown here in rai^ofiAe to' a tele phone call* to a quorHm... However, Thureday, 6ov.*Tal- madge chattenged the actiohs of t Atlanta, —(ANP)— At the mu nicipal airport here Wednesday night, several memBers of the G^rgia board -or regents met and concurred in their move to tehfre universitjr educators ousted at Qbv. Gene Talmadge’s direction, accord- iing to Chancellor S. V. Sahfoid.' The meeting was held at midni^, said thetchancellorj houts'after E.’ idf i olf;tKJ txasrd which controls tlx% state tniyctMty system. " ^ i ‘ ' Xbe unfexepested - flwrjy of \activ-- ities as interpreted’!^ poMti^aVob-, servers to iftdieate a,*niove« to defy GoV. Talm^kdge, -w h e prtvi^usly said he ivQ*ld ‘not permit; rwm- ployi|ient '‘of • Walter D- ’C^ki^ or 'ar^ other 'e^tfc^r on- ^d(0re^»ian advoea^ n ,edf^fltidn. . f-'. ' Part €f The /•ClDC At Ea«le -Pull8£Ma$lt v Were ydti among those in this picture causht by the cameraman at the traditional Turkey-Day clash betvc^n th® Kort^ Carolina Eagles and th A, & T. Bulldogs. It's a “kinda” h^it with the old-timers of football, many of whom hfwpn^.miia^ the classic since it started back in 192& Some of them may miss dinner, the train, a night's steep and even ft.Bbooter» .b«t they never fail to he on hand vfhen the Eagles and Bulldogs tangle. After the ^ame is over ... on odd years ... in Durham next year”, ... on even years its; “See you in Greensboro next year. . Beeause Qme^a .man Harry K Parker, director of the Windsor Renter was 'seleeted as the Gate pity's number oqe Negro. citizen by the Greek letter fraternity in its reeent annual achievement pro gram, an enraged \}fe|To publifl "opinfon aro8« last weei^«Qd juiisU.. fer a condaittning fingei* Wrth at Tau-Omega the ‘3pon*oring chapter “a^id the one who had received the singftlar honor. Asserting that ‘^in a democracy the privilege j of choice is " in the hands of the people,” some 20 Greensboro JJegroes met yesterday and went) qn record as bpposii^. the recent action of. Tau-Oipega ch&pter, Omega Psi Phi fraternity, in s;plect?ing' Harry K. Rtrker as* the .city’s-Noj 1 N«gro citizep.i ; •In a signed stafement, they said; “We-hold in highest, Mteem .Tau- Omega ' chapter of Omega. Psf, Phi fraternity, and would certainly Ivant- to entourage' «ny effiort on their part to cite^he w.o-rthy achievement of any individual or indivjdunls, but'in' a democracy? the privilege of chojce ^js in the hands of ^the people, and we, there fore deny the ri^t 'of any frater nity or any group not representing thv citizens of Grfiensboro as a whole to elfect a first citizen with out the vote of a representative group of all its citizens. The choice. Harry K. Parker, however worthy, is not in our .iudfrment the choice of the people of Greensboro for such a signal honor—t^reforer—we do not ree- Durham, ognize this citation.” president of I I The parade between the halves at, the, Ea gleg - Bulldogs clash in Dorhanti, Thanksgiving^M was headed by the trio above, of the A..Sf T. Band. The two beautiful ma^irettes and the drum-major .in* the picture, who'^can really step, furnished additional thrills for the thou- .sands.who attended the classic.' ■ ^ . ^ ■ Durham Red Cross Drive GoesOvertheTop; Over $1,000 Raised In Drive Dr. Siiepard Pleads For Inter-Racial Goodwi In Radio Broadcast A. T. S()«u^n3|[^0bairQUui N»* gTo IHvision « Red Cross Roll Call, states that althtMgii his group had exceeded its goul o£ Hr ^ ’ !$.m00 by $3ei.^orT2.2i^««Bt, - iDr. J. E. Shejjard, ilitical.and civic rights, the, Negro its memberslup queta the North Carolina I race is worse off.eeonomie^Uy than cent at the end of th* ^p*eial The statement was signed'fty Dr. Charlotto^HawklnS Brown, Martha S. Gorleigh, Watson Law, L. Jones, Dr^ f*. C. Stewart, W. L. Jones, Grace 'Donnell BrowerJ John J. Greene, Anna'Banks'Iffoore, Jeneva S. Collins, David D. Jones,stations. H. C. Miller, CHas K. Brown, Wil- ♦ College for Negroes and grand master of the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masons, delixieretl a telling message to the people of this state last Monday evening. The address was broadcast over liam Compton, J. T. Hairsto®, R. C. George O. Bridges, P. A. May field. T. E. Hummonsf, J. W. Tynes and A. and T. College, last Sunday. It is said that the protest was inspired in the high eouneils of the Alpha PKi* Alpha fraternity but even Omega mgn shared the same view and Riat a. nnmber of conferences have been . held with leading white citizens with the thought being expr^ed tllflt, “boss,*’ this young upstart Harry K. Parker is not oui- lead». Mr. Parker, the holder of the M. A. degree from the Umversity of Pittsburgh and one time .in structor at A. and T. eoHege at Greensboro, which position he re signed tp become manager of the Windsor Center, having riscently been guest speaker on the Wing»- Over jordM program, has made an enviable reeord as a eoramanity (C«^tinned m Page 8) Twice within the last few weeks, President Roosevelt has spoken with disapproval of dis- erimination against any group on account of race, creeJ or color, Dr. Shepard began, addressing his re marks to both white and colored listeners. “Qn the other hand,” he con tinued, “skilled workers have de-. sired- to work, firat from a patrio tic viewpoint and then for the in creased wages which a skilled worker would receive in ordir'that they'were not'Negroes. he might better provide for a fam- ily,^ educate his children and enjoy a few comforts of life. I wish the white people of North Carolina weald rise and demand that those who employ labor give ai^ person a chance to work if he h#s the ability to do the task required. Is Worse Off Today? ‘^One of the most eminent voni^ authors of oor state has made the observation that aftet securing po- it was 30 years ago. This is not as it shotild be. That is why I appeal to every houghtful person in North Carolina^ to assist as. in ai»iBg tWs lai^r eeonomis op portunity. In the years of the great depression our group suffered most heavily; in the years of .partial recovery we have felt least of all the improveuient. Even in the bumper decade 1^0-1930, the Ne gro shar^ little of the prosperity that we regarded unparalleled in our nation’s history. The census of 19^ gave us 122,500,000 people. We had in this country at that time according to census statistics about 1^,(W0 men who received ioeomes in exeetes of $30,000 a year. I do not need to tell you that Then we tod 3^,000 .who aam- ed between $25,000 and .'ffB»>.OGO, and nortp of them were Negroes. We had nearly 1,500,000 wh^ an- Rual ineotnes were between $10v- 000 and SS5,000, and few of them were. N^troes. We had aboat 4,- 500,000 citizens whose earnings were somewhere between $5.0W and -lOiWO and they 'wmre.not N(^ ‘^oes. .Then jire had somewhat a- - (Continii^ on Page'S) effort, it is still not satisfied, Aeeording' to Spaollding, hi» workers foufld a^oiueiderable bqib^ ber of per»»is anxioos to enroll but unable to do so^ dtmn|f the special effort beeaose of the dram upon their funds by tl» other re cent campaign. TTiese peofile do not want the effort to elose, howeirer^ withont their bei^ able to hav» the Rfd Cross embJrtn shenriBg* through the windows tbeit home*. They want the boys in cMiP wl have had to give np jelw from $15.00 p« week, ap^ «iii many inatances, accept as tiM ^.00 per moBtb—aot per leSsfe^ while we eootisa*. to dfft' pay, to know that all ot.m, hi^ theaa aad -mm foil respiMDisibililMa of Tolantarily. ifkry feel shimld do evesTttiof make the Writ of the “the eolo«»*’ ea^ a^' their motale h%k* whsw I^od of to sleep ia the «C«ili % a^AfnipiiKMNb I