8ATUIDAT, irOV. 29th, 1941 THE FRANKUNTON POST, mANKUNTON, NORTH CAROLINA PACX EAGLES DEFEAT A&T imfKGAN TAKES VA. STATE To Battle Brown Dec. 6 BEARS I^OWYER TOO MUCH FOR trojans In aknual turkey DAY TILT AT ULtlfibRE u Closing its 1941 season in a blaze of glory. Morgan State Col lege’s football eleven defeated Virginia -^tate College, 19-6, here, ThankE^iVing Day, in the tenth renewal of the antrnal Turkey Day classic before an estimated crowd of 15,000 f»h» who jammed all available space in )he Morgan State College stadium. After .marching to the Trojan 3-yard li*e early in the first quart er only to be thrown back by a de termined stand by the Virginians, Morgan scored two minutes before the end of the first half, then tal lied one touchdown each in the third and fourth periods to ainass the victory. State % lone six-pointer came in the! finaiquarter when Albert ‘Bo’ Roiinso^ freshman passpr from Trenton, New Jersey heaved a 20- yard IMWS to^ another freshman, Fred Jenkins of Rahway, New Jer sey, whoi raced five yards to score an end-around play'for the conver sion but was stopped way. Brightful missed the kick,'BG Fauntleroy leaving the Bears ahead, 13-0. RT Lor. Thomas Mosby’s fumble paved the wayiBE Jas. Webb for a State score early in the 4th Byron quarter when the Bear captain hit LH Oivens center, dropped the ball and Joe RH Campbell Jackson recovered for the Trojans'fB Mosby on Morgan's 31. Robinson passed| to 'Doc Hurley for seven yeards Morgan and a first down on the Morgan 20 after two line bucks, then Rob inson faded back and tossed the oval to Jenkins who streaked down the sidelines for the touchdown. Jenkins missed the extra praint, and State trailed 6-13. Mosby, playing his last game for the Bears, redeemed himself' and . , t , ^ assured Morgan victory five Thomas Bur- utes later by intercepting a Tro-'t“*^l'W^ittmgham, Bingham, 4an'pas^and'rjjeflng 46. yrflds Gaines, the third six-pdinter. Bfightful i Duncan, Stewart, mi’ssed the dropkick for the sec-^ State: Kersey,. Hurpey, ond time and Morgan was out in R^mey, Torres, Freeman, front, 19-6, to stay. The Trojans tried desperately first half, State .pushed Morgan back from a march to the goal, but late in the second quarter, the Bears drove 65 yards for the ini tial touchdown with the pass, Paul |[utchinson, substitute for Captain Wally Mosby, to Joseph Eggle ston, the latter taking the ball in the end zone. James Brightful rushed into the game and drop- kicked the conversion sending the Bears in front 7-0. On the seeond play of the next half, Jonothan “Unk” Campbell sophomore back, raced 75 yards on an off-tackle play for the second M^1*gan touchdown with his mates giving him good support all the Reid Weaver Jenkins Modley Robinson Jackson Hurst Score by Perioiis .0 7 6 6—19 Va. State 0 0 0 6— 6 •Scoring: Morgan—Touchdowns; Eggleston (pass from Hutchinson), Campbell, Mosby; Point after touchdown: Brightful (dropkick). Vir^nia State—Jenkins (pass from Robinson). Substitutions: Morgan—^Hutch- the placement good. State kept | Xavier line netted five-feet, and the lead and played in Benedict’s on fourth down Ross scored .the territory the remainder of tlie half, lone touchdown of the gt^me pver Benedict flashed a surprwe run-|center, the Gold Rush forward wall ning attack aftei; the kiokoff to finally beginning to show the ef- State. Sheats for Benedict ran fects of the severe pounding which back Turner’s sixty yard punt 30jit has taken, over pt p|ripd of yards to State’s ^ and Jenkins^weekly “suicide” battles, nine in and Sheats and Leake in seven all, since September 27th. Holmes’ downs carried the ball over for a j attempted conveifeion via place- Benedict score and Fields place-.kick was wade. ment tied the score 7-7. _ , _ I Xavier Outplays Lan* Benedict soon afterwards tookj Xavierites played an important the lead when Garret intercepted part in the two most exciting mo- a knocked up pass at mid-field and ments of the game. Louis Olave, ‘ ran for a touchdown. Field pl«ce- halfback from Sarasota, Fla-, *‘an ment was good. ,back a Lane punt, from piid-field, o, . . , . , .,. 40-yards to Lane’s ten-yard stripe. State fought to overcome this -, ,, j • • !• / j 1 Ti j-i , I Fumble and interception enjil.ed 14-7 lead taken by Benedict and'.,. , TT i 1- V 1. i.1. • j.this threat on the five-yard une. from the kick which they receivedi • ti. « , , . ... X Early in the fourth quarter, Olave marched from their own thirty to ^ v _ 1. . i .1 intercepted a Lane pass on hi? own after the Bepedict touchdown jj goal, passing once in a series of 13 beautiful as h DOCtOR^GUS’GAlNES DROPKICK WINS FOR N.C. COLLEOE IN CLOSING SECONDS OF CLASSIC Durham. Nov. 20. — Homecom- the Eagles pulled Gaines, droPkiek ing aluipni of North Carolina State artist, out of the line, and he eol- *had much to be thankful for after lected the three winning points Kerr, Willis. Officials: Referee — James G. L N. twlsted to return the ball tcTjno losses,''they are expecting to squirmed over for the ^irst pay- C Monteiro ence 10 Moore ran’15 Moor’ ran'^”®’® 40-yard stripe, Xa.yier ,faave one of their hardest enconnt- off. Gaines’ dropkick try was lost. RG Clam 4, and’Huff, diminitive quaW Virginians, coached*. Ground offensives by both teanis RT Garvin hkck raii ovet from the thrte Pass ® ^ i by Harry Jefferson, one of the ^e r^t of the seofnd Moore lo'Sfnley wa, good for the r..a£j mS.lb« of riAAeirfle.. ^ Tpherp rpjjg Eagles remain so fat the only of their linemen. N. C. Eagles and Va. I 1*A]fltlC I A ViP the Eagles upset a seven year jinx with a field goal. UiaiC IlUJfUlO lU » by defeating the A. and T. Aggies For C.LA.A. Honors Duckwilder, McFarland, and to the tune of 9-6,, in the thrill Dick Mark set the pace for the packed “Turkey day*’ engagement Eagles, and Bruce, by ▼nrtue of hero at O ’Kelly ^ield. his brilliant "'showing offensively _ , ^ . as well as defensivi^y, comes "in Duckwilder Eagle^halftaek, in gmith and Har- „ . " „ ° , i J punting duel with Sam Bruce, ir Trojans la Pet^burg, Saturday, November the 29th, in what i^ay ^ territorv, and! be the deciding game of the (JAA . brginning of the Second pos. A. and T. championship. jquarter, Dick Mack threw a pass LE Gearring Although the Eagles have play- ^om the Aggies 3o-yard line to LT Lynn sidfi-st.cpped ed eiirht games tliis season with Robinson on the 4, and the latter IX> Woods i.L - t-.ii i-r ! , ii 1- ■ J ^ A'T losses, they are expecting The .N. C. CpUege .Eagles will strong Virginia^ State punting duel with Sam Bruce, in i^7iju ~ Petersburg, Saturday,nnart.r. fh. ** Tile Une-Up sent them back lo the aeven whpre Lane took the ball on downg after to pull the game out of the fjre'^y®®”; ’^inesman Field Judge — Joseph L conversion and the tie 14-14. Turner kicked another of his . _ • , . .. j cv, . « T> j- i two passes-»ere incomplete.. sixty and Sheats for Benedict was i stopped. Beiiedict and State, tied determined Aggies car the third quarter with a „ .with passes in the late stages of Linesman—Benjamin Wash Twice in the early stages of thel^he period but two were intercept- ° ’ ed and tj>^ game ended with the, TrojariS battling to get out of their ^ own tenitory. ^ ^ ||0Q It was a brilliant game, played before one of the largest crowds QUALITY MEATS at ‘ ROCK BOTTOM PTICES ^ PAYNE’S MEAT MARKET 324 So. McDowell Street Phone 9482 Cupid; in a great see-saw series to untie to Ijane’s net |i^n of 13-yards; the score, but ^6 avail and the Xavier completed &e^en- of iiiae- game ended with all bets off -and teen passes for a net^ain of 60- the game 14-14. jyards to Lane’s 42-yards via com- — ipletion of foiir of nineteen passes; Rabid Fans (Inspired lane Eleven i„theh«l»ry„f the elas.ic, and^CC S. C. A. & M. lU RqHS 6-0 OVCr thC E”^^.;'Tougii 14-14 Draw Colorful Xavier Gold Chambxes Crampton of Wilming- — ton, Delaware, and Miss Barbara i Orangeburg, S. C. — Befort 7000 Allen Coates of Danville, Virginia, rabid fans South Carolina State A. “Miss Vi^inia,’> during the half.^and M. College and Benedict Col-'from Jackson, Tenn., on the re- _ Morgan s record for the season We, Columbia, fought to a 14-14 bound after a 20-0 lashing at the IS s« victones and one defeat. tie, a traditional homte coming bat- hands of the Lincoln University Moi«an-V». State Statlaticg |tie that will longe be remembered‘(Mo.) griddera last week-end, de- Va. S. as the greatest gtidiron state clas- feated the colorful Xavier Univer- 3 ,eic for these two annual rivals. jsity Gold Rush-of Louisiana, 6-0, Soon after Miss State College here at Xavier Stadium. Showers presented the ball the game was'on the previous dav made the field .rx** ^I'lA i.1 Ml?’- * - New Orleans, La., Nov. 20. —' An inspired Lane College eleven Morgan First downs 16 Yards gained rushing 299 Yards gained passing 35 undefeated CIAA .eleven in the en-' rpj^g tire conference, and will be expect- jjj Xavier netted 101 yards rushing P® hard battle to keep gngtained drive which netted them their slate clean before they meet three successive first downs and th,e strong ftforris Brown team in carried them to the Essies’ 9 1-2 Columbus, Georgia, on Ikcember yard stripe. This outburst of of- 6th in their annual Peach Blossom effort,| bogeed down on Classic. I State’s 8, when Harrington at- . B^ause of the growing popu- *o smash through the larity of the Durham eleven both E^lf s strong forward wall. ^ the game at Petersburg and the I Still mtent on making an Aggie one in Columbus, Georgia, are ex- and Harr,n^on work- ^ pected to draw an unusually large down the field ^am to crowd of North Carolinians from |‘«te s 3-yard line Co^h Rolhe Bernard sent Perkins, the Aggie “battering ram,,’ in on the next iplayr which opened the fourth ^quarter, and the latter shoved the paired with Miller I»max, Lynch- stone wall back in two plays for burg, Va., student of South Caro-'the touchdown. Doub, dropkick ^E Smith B Holme LH Brnee RH Doub FB Dougla.ss A. and T. .i N. f* Ptate N. C.. State Robinson Gain^ Rrown Mack Qweon P. Davis R. Moore Ar*«kle Dnekwilder LaFavette Hall 0 0 6—« 6 0 3-6 , ' , . . , crowa oi ixorin varoiinii to score and mp scoring threats, gj^^e. j Yards lost rushing ... 36 Net yards gained ...299 I Passes Attempted ... 17 Passes Completed ,, , 5 Passes Intercepted .. 3 Number of punts ... 39.2 Fumbles 1 Own fumbles recovere(d 0 Penalties 6 29 56 31 54 12 6 0 International Stars At S. C. A. & M. Good Will Group OUR WANT ADS ARE SMALL bat they get NOTICED MONET TO LOAN On Diunonds, Watckes, Jewdiy, lina State College tennis team and specialist, failed to convert the ex-1 with wild and thrilling runs muddy, and threatening weather iHardwick; in the exhibition match- iby Captain Sheate and Lea.cs of on the day of the traditional |es of the international tennis stars Benedict threatening the goal and Thanksgiving (Louisiana style) .held Monday afternoon at South ) emg held at the one yard line Day Classic of the Gold Rush was Carolina State A. and M. College, qpq otr ^ J attended by less than 2500 fans, [defeated Miss Dorothy Round Lit- 36.3 State and Benedict fumbled at the Soggy portions of the field made tie in straight sets 6-1, 6-1, befofe 1 and Myers recovered for State.,the ball difficult to handle, and a gallery of one thousand college |State at the beginning of the sec- the Xavientes seemed to suffer an and visiting fans that turned out «»'>« stoup -ow defeated Coach Ollie C. Dawson tra point. and Robert Ashford 6-4, Until two minutes before the Before the matches b^an, Miss close of the last quarter, the game Hardwick and Mrs. Little gave in- ,seemed destined to end with a tie; Orangeburg, S. C. Miss Mary structi4n to twelve young womeajthen a kick by Bruce, who had ' ■ • - who are mepab'ers oi the State Col-, played a defensive game after the lege tennis team while Mr. Hare Agsrie score, was blocked by Gaines demonstrated to the male members and rebounded to the A^ie 1. On of the State College teamisome of the next play McFarland, in an at 30 13 1 0 I was kicked to Benedict’s 3^ Moore suiting in nine fumbles, only two touring 28 colleges and clubs, to btanley and Moore to DeLaine of which' they were able to recov- on aeries passes placed the ball at er. the 15. A run of 12 yards to the 4j T.nTio Scores Yds. lost on penalties ........ 60 Yds. on punt Returns 24 Touchdowns ........ 3 Conversions 1 Line-Uiw . w.ucu was kooq ttusn i!U-yard stripe. Lane's ster-1 State Collesre. and a set 6-1 from LF E^rfeston Virginia State,for m yards. From the 19 Mwre ling triple threat backfield aoe, Robert Ashford, Colum^bia, student TT ' r yards and then on third Battle tossed a sevenryard pass to of the State College and a 1&40 ^ f Stanley for the Thomas who ran eleven-j'ards, national doubles champion, Amer- M Grimsley Turner,,bring the ball to Xavier’s twoyard,ican Tennis Association. Moore powerful kicker and guard, made stripe. Three tries at the stalwart In the doubles set Charl«*^Hare Charles E. Hare; British double star and international stay who „ . I heads the good-will group playing was tem^rarily stopped by Bene-1 A tumble - early in the second two sets of singles and one s6t of diet, another shrot kick gave State quarter by Xafier’s Cuthrell was doubles, won a set 6-1 from Coach the ball where Moore from the 39 recovered {,y Lane on the Gold QUie C. Dawson, South Carolina passed to DeLaine which was good Rush 20-yard stripe. Lane’s ster the techniques of the gani' The exhibition matches which came to South Carolina State Col lege throi^h, the cooperation .of Presbyterian College, Spartanburg, were significant of th& fine spirit shown in the l^outh, making South Carolina State' College the first and only Negro college to be in- cludede oi^his good-will toar by these intwnational stars. Interest in tennis now sanction ed by clubs who are members of the American Tennis Association in South Carolina has been further ; stimulated and according to a pro gram now being formulated at ! South Carolina State A. and M. tempt to score, fumbled but recov- ' ered for a six yard loss. Unwilli’Jg to muff an opportunity to .‘«core. Silverware, Men’s Clothiac, Tyy* Writers, Shot Gobs, Mnskal !»• ■tniments, anytlius of valM. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST TRADE STREET “Charlotte’s Oldest and Larga«^ Scarboreugh& Hai^ett FUNERAL DIRECTORS J AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721. Night J-3722 522 E. PMtitrov St. CHARLOTTE’S ORIGINAL DRIVE-IN SERVICE, for LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING--- Suits MEN’S 59c -CASH AND CARRY ^ PRICES- 20% DISCOUNT LAUNDRY SANITARY Ample ParlMg Space ^ 1315 South Boulevard “ PLAIN Dresses N D R Y

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