mmm _L PAGE EIGRT THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY. NOV. 29th, 1941 Continues'Froin Page One F^re- ICross Distinguished Leaders of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools for Negroes Meeting at Southern Univeniity, Baton Kouffe»LanDcc.4*5.1941 tary; Rov. N. H. Papo, Troasuror; Bev. J, Q, Johnson, Treasurer of Sinking Fund; Mrs. Lillip Finch, Soloist. iia part of n i>oiiHolilation plan i which would cliininatae several with their lives. In order that tho*e who have not „ . , , 1- rm. i »ble to. do ao but who »till nmM Mhool l^Ud.n^. The f.rat ^ contribution to bu.ldmgr WM also set on f,re and ^roas Call may have an ItoUlly deatroyed, but wa* rebu,lt ^ |on the ••me apot and is now serv- Too jjet out of this world exaft- Knowled/fe. Not merely the Active ° ^ the end of the jnonth. ly what yon pat into it- “No more, person, but the Definitely Train-1 „ a • 'hairmnn Scaulding is load in Yon should not go into ed Person i« the one who wins. Do | L^her^H. B^r^nr M ^^r »’« ?««« >f th^ tine support pv. wuiucx J.A. ^ ?or;p8 of workers and for oen o t e cm of e ui ing splendid response by the pub. no less. any field of advancement until yon want to be a Winner? ▼on have aoniethine to Put into it. And the most importmt thin? that Out of T.'j.OOO classified voca- , , tions, There is a Better ,J«b for yon can put lijto anv field of ad- V. * ^ , . *vaL i i.. ThoWb Knowi. V .r of Ik. Firia. \ P»t.n.te - End Meth. .1 I 1. . od of Action IS required to Fhow Kaowledjfe, alone, however is „ m.nifiii.4Tu* not power. A. Napoleon Hills savs, T”", Get That Job. Amer- “it i« onlv potential power.'’ It e defend pr^am w becomes »>ower when it is or- ® f * gani»d alonp definite channels di- national shorty of skilled work- to a definite end. To-dav is the dav of Specialists-The da;; of Expert*. To-dav the world de- ‘‘»'an'c»-'«n ownings cvery- Baiids, Competent, Efficient, Trained men and women. No mat- ^ ter how murh vou know, von can receive by return mail this only win sueeess To-day, when vour knowhHlire is directed to IJ* o “T definite end for a Definite Major Purpose. Would yon knowinplv employ a phvsieim. dentist, architect, or an engineer until he has first obtain ed 'Ilioroairh Knowledge in his re spective line* of work? Yet some of Getting A Job Quickly. Do you like Business t ’ . It’e a tremendously large field. '^hoTisnn«1'» succeed in it, *nd there is room for thousands more. The surface hasn’t been scratched, money order for 50c and I TiAnnU tliink that they can make,®®”^.*, , , ™ „ will include the Plan-O-Scope, my new copjrwrighted Action-Plan- Chart containing the Free Self- a sneeess in life without the fund amental facts of success. Such people soon find out their misi , „ w .. takes. Starting without the Train-|Aiialy8ia and Self-Direction meth ing — The Information — The ods. Kaowledge — directed to a defi nite iroal to achieve ■’success, thev f 1 o n n d e,r about in the dark “bumping their heads,” making expensive mistakes that sooner or later discourage or dishearten tfaeni. Suec«8s does not always come to the one Who Works the Haidest but to the one Who Directs His Knowledge to a De^nite End. Suc cess is not entirely the result of Effort, but the Definitely Train- For a private reply on How To Start In The Business Yon Want Without “Capital" or “Pttil,” Please state the naturel of the business, your interest in it, your age and experience, and include a self-addressed stamped envelope for your reply. Send All letters To; ‘ I i I » * The Carolina Times 117 E. Peabody St. IDarham, North Carolina was covered by insurance, and whethCT the building would be re- rnd all Negro Church- built m the same place would not ^ volunteer be determinpd until a meeting of Spaulding publicly the County Board o uca ion gjjppggggg jjjj^ appreciation to the next Monday. Parker- pastors of the churches, principals of the schools, industrial workers, hospital employees, bnsine«s lead ers, Weaver. McLean Post of the American Legion, the Fire Depart ment, Durham Ushers' Union, leader. Those elose to Mr. Parker feel ham Academy of Medicine, St/i that he has been grossly mistreated ford L. Warren Public Library, this in this unwarranted attack and newspaper, and all other that his answer will make sertain minded persons for their coopera- revelations about those who have tion in making the effort a suc- sought to discredit his appoint-cess. ment, will be history making in| Contributions , were made by the annuals of staid Qate City so- group as follows: ciety. I Business Reflecting the sentiment of the^ North Carolina Mutual Life Ins. citizens of Greensboro as a whole, Co. $7'5.00, Officers and Honje Of- we as older citizens of Greensboro fice Employees .$86.1,0, Durham and vicinity deeply deplore the Agency Force-N. C. Mutual f7.50, prograin put on recentlly in our Employees Mechanics and Farmers city. Bank and Mutual B. an4 L. Asso- 'ciation $14.50, Union Insurance & We hold in high esteem Tau Realty Company .$5,00, Employees Omega Chapter of the Omega I^i ^.00, Other Businesses In Hayti PVatemity and would certanily and their Employees .$38.50; Total want to encourage any effort on $231.60. their part Jo cite the worthy Srunt coLt.MiK ■fftoHmR WZHKATlOt'f L.fjOOXAKT, ••Winas*’ jpeaker AME*/ TC MEET achievement of any individual or riduals, privil^e Schools And Oolleges r ■ i o Hillside High (including .$31.93 the of dioice^is in thef^“^) PearsA Elemen- A Si>a7*/(eT9S/ iW/HBe«rry- H^T ■7» TWt er*i. rOKmrtUQ, 3£OPWi«b^ 1^1 hMd. of th. Mopte, «»d w.^„ ^ II 'J for. W th. right of »ny W-’*' •'"‘'l/*™'!”* ily or group »ot ropr«»th* CtiACL€¥TE NCTEf little Helen Smith, daughter of IWyche, Dr. and Mrs. Edson Blaek- Mrs. Ebtelle- Smith of St. John | man. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas street spent Thanksgiving in the kins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MiUi eity visiting relatives. Miss Smith | Mr. and Mrs. John Lyles, Misses I^ofessional, industrial, and educa- ia a student at Mary Potter Col-1Cncilia Jackson and Alberta .tiopal groups «mong the people 18 UP FOR ELECTION TO NAACP th. .itw Of or..,w „ Qp, DIRECTORS whole to elect a first citizen with-.Jchool . $8.50 Junior) $26.60, Ja^e^~A. i out Iho vote of • repr!!eiit«tive (including ,$8.00 Junior) „ „ , „ rroop Of .11 tb. «■>“«•• '^10 p„r(i„,i„i„j ,«ot' "‘■•f ? t 5S,' ^ Bnrion Sch»l {in. f« »“ l-l «f 18 for .Uetion ■ ■' "ii f .r k- ; ,r •M-h mm J“«ior) $8.99, Hid*- ° N.t.on.l Bo.rd of Diree- our wd^ent, the ehoiM of the (aeS.M. National As.oci.tion ^ Otli« OrfUiiirtiora „™ “e Ady.ncem.nt of Colored ]R„bert E, Tr«ni«n, Ith.c., s^al honor. We do liot feet that it is within the province of any one orgi^nizatioQ to make this selec- tiotJ. Jaflksonville, Fin., —(ANP)—I On learning lust woek that thaj February, 1942 sessions of the Cleveland, —(ANP)— As a rec- '’‘shop’s council of the AMeJ ognition of his service to Amcticu ‘'*'«*'’h, awiirtlod to Jiicksonville at as one of the foremost exponents session of fFri" oouncil, of interracial good-will and under- not be hc^ld here, but instead | standing, the Bev. Olenn T. Settle, j" ^*altim«e, laymen of the church director and founder of “Wingg state expressed their di^ Over Jordan,” Cleveland’s lam-of the action in no un- ous spiritual choir of radio and terras at a largely attend- | concert fame, will be publicly hon- meeting on Wcdnesdny night. ored by the National Negro Iiisur-i , ance association on Sunday Nov. to this publication 30, during the CBS broadcast of session been moved the chorus, 10:30—11 :Q0 A. M. Baltimore with- The basis for the award to R«v. t*'** knov/ledjr** of niinistors or j Settle and to Wings Over Jordan ^^is city and state. On ^ is the contribution which this or- informed of the action lay- ganization is making in bringing assembled in the protest meet- * better national apprecia- draft resolutions to the CC^I^/CM CU ,tio nof the cultural development ot bishops, an indivdual and aspirations of the Negro, bishop and similar |through the presentation of out- to feach g^'rieral confeience ^standing speakers on topics of in- The Rt. Rev. H. Y. Tookes ItterrAoial interest on its regular presiding bishop in this stnte. .Sunday morning programs, and for* . * the greater understanding of Ne-I H«^ing the leading part in the Igro music, as arranged by Wo^th of the removal of the ses- [Kramer. from Jacksonville and to cor- The group was fonndr-d four laymen of the years ago by Rev. Settle, pastor of “o* ^«nt the meeting |GethsCmane Baptist church in Cle- would not support it, wus the iveland. With the aid of Worth ■A^^*‘>can Methodist Episcopal Lay. Kranaer, former program director® olHttnce, a group of laymen of WGAR in Cleveland, and who organized themselves into the ^now conducts and arrange all their during^middle Septsmber, ,music, the chorus has risen tc na- year. j tional prominence in the radio i concert field, and will in Jannnry' Lajmen contend that while^ celebrate its fourth anniversnvy as ®*^anger were being made to move a sustaining coast-to-coast feature session from this city to Balti. jof the Columbia Broadcasting sys- ™ore, several groups and various tem. In addition, they have prci- ‘‘o»‘niittws were at work in prep- sented oyer 300 good-will co.ieerts ®*'®tion for the entertainment of in cities from, the Atlantic to the bishops of the church. Several Pacific coast involving 41 of the spokesmen mentioned the fact that 48 states. * Florida had always led. in the mat- The, award will be' presented to '**'*' aasesRments, and had always Dr. Settle by Clarence L. Towns, never failing! j in anj of secretary of the insurance associq- programs of the church be ■tidn, who will represent the two they local, state or national. The and a quarter, million policyholders resolution drafted • in the session ^of the association. The broadcast ohm»» on the .unanimous action of VI- mon originate fi*om the CHS stud- the body, made up of nearly 100 wew York, sinre 1939; Mrs. Aniy jog of WGAR in Clevelana. nifnibors present in the meeting. ■ Spingarn, New York, elected in ^ ^ Jftffsn stnt^ thit the entir® lay con- 1939 to fiU out the term of the stituency of thie church of this ONt 'JKf^srri - TS TMe QOMMISSIOH oh SecOHXAKf Ss*foo^ Lincoln Hospital $12.50, Durham P®°Ple. The list well be voted upon Academy of Medicine $9.00, Y. W. meeting of the NAA C. A.-r-Harriet Tubman Branch p January 5th. „ , , ^.17, Union Baptist Church $7.00, | qiije three new nominees include Be it therefore resolved by this ‘ Mass., Lork, since 1939. . •rNnmrlidi stiite felt it an honor to .sntcrtain and were going tcnaUy cauwd Ain trouble*, me world-fuaam, fa» in planning fo^ ^s' oomu:g to PlorM.. Th.y,’wirt it known qiiickty atoiMiiiMMe itchina. 3^ tirist bottit that* they had no mirt in its re- Arvntii* mAn*« nA«>!r Aar vnm ■ rovet it, or rour money back. Aik youi , , , . , iat today £)( Oh P. •. PaocMirTioK moyal from here io the. Maryland ■p representing the religious, unanimously recommended'by the lege, Oxford, N, C. I White. Mrs. Bessie Mullins has recently Dr. Seifert C* Pyle returned to| moved into her new home on St. ‘the city Tuesd&y^ after spending' John street in the Washington Thanksgiving in’ New York yisit- Height section. ling friends. . • , * Marshall Pegram a student at A. I Spurgel ElHngton of r Winston and T. College spent the week-end Salem, N.,C.,-spent a few hours,in ia the city with his jiarent.s who Charlotte last, week visiting Miss live on Fox street. Dorcap Ga.«s. Mr. Ellington was en- route to Georgia. - ■ Harry Cowans formerly of this eity now of New York arrived in the eity last week to spend several days with relatives. NATIONAL BAPTIST (Continued from Page 6) N^fro Insurance Association and j Bishop E. R. Wright, acting presi- Mias Yvonne Gordon spent the dent of Wilberforce university and Thanksgiving with her family. Dr. Bishop of the A.. M. E. church, and Mrs.* Bqford- Gordon of Carmel Bishop Wright wrote the NAA street. Miss Gordon is a student OP: “I did not head the broad- at Livingston College. cast, nor have I seen the state- ment.” WiEam Lawing, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawing of Frepch .street was also a visitor in the eity last week end. Olive A. M. E. Zion Church Total $43.67, Industrial Employees $96.45 Boston branch NAACP. iDr. Hall ' has been a nienlber of the Boston ■L tu 1 WU branch NAACP (one of the Oldest) organization, and for Haytt $5^69, Coll^ige Heights ^ ^,^^er of its exek- whose services in this vicinity vary from fifteen to forty years, that we'do not-reei^ixe this citatiML-^^’^ V and we do not approve the proce- p ° .c^mittee. He is vice-presi- aj^d^ Nortlj Durham $38.ol, Pear- DEMONSTRATION ★ Four demonstrations of “hog ging down” peanuts aX* being The sophomore class of West [carried out in Bladen County this Charlotte High school sponsored a fall, reports R. M. Wiliams, as- daaee* in the Library of the school jsistant’farm agent of the N. C. last Pridav nieht. Guests included | State College Extension Service, around 100 of the younger set. j ■■ Mias Marrisetta Hardy, dnugli-1 Ouv Martin, son of Harry Mar- ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hardy tin of the Spring Creek section of of St. Mark street is out again af- j Madison County, ha^^vested IDS t*r Kpendine a few days indoors ow>-acr» (»wn dae to iUnen. dure so'fir as re)(^ized first 'cit izenship is c^aArned.' RespMfafa’Hy subihitted, 3tato Obtifiyll Brower ChaM Qrb^rn' Anna'B.'Moore • j. W, Tynea J, T; Hairstop T. 'E. Qumttions llartha Sebastkiii Goreleigh Dav^.D. Jopes ■' Charlotte Hawkins Brown Gebrge Bridges Watson Law t J., A. Tarpley Geneva S. Collins J. J. Green Waddy Lee Jones C. C. Stewart • Wm. Compton R. C. Sharpe F. A. Mayfield dent of the branch this year. (Jiigregatipnal - Qiristian Conference —'T" — Meets Nw Wilson! OCCO-NEE-CHEE % BY aEV. T. J. MOOllE Wilson. — The Southern Divi- sidn Coaigrogational-Christian Con- J- Tinsley, president of, - > l”'^neh and of f«*«nce held its annual meeting S Virginia State Conference of Npvember 12-14 at they Rocky + branches, was recommended by j ®'f*n(jh Church, near Wilson, N. C w- ^11 . ' *1*® individual branches of thei^ev. J. D. Htll, President of the w • • state. Under Dr. Tinsley’s leader-'HConference and Rev. C'A. HarrifT, fi the "strongest' state ] P®stbr. The entertainment by the Uraim otai organizations of the NAACP has P®?tor and church was far above ^ ' ' been built up. Bishop W. J. Walls, of Chica^, I Self-Rising Flout" 'j^kes thp Gues$ out si Bakiajf and Saves you Money r ~T : KtdnevlMust (lean Out Acids 111., presiding bishop of the Four th Episcopal District of the A. M. E. Zion church is also a new nom- _ inee. Bishop Walls was reeom- ^ MJd WMtei to Tonr mended bn the s'trengtli of his lont»' blood ars WDOved chlefl71>7 your Jcldnm. .. , ., ,. .. ■ ^asa»gB8, B*ck- interest' and active Participation areUs*S?fdcr*^ir, in the work of the Association. Up for re-election are Mrs. Lil- aaifjr UI »te* tpi > flUIB { llS 0MU It • a»j rTOntSdTa^ntoS elected in 1939; Harrv E. Davis. Radio mTo and non-iy»temJc Kidney ^nd re-eiecnpn are Mrs. L#ll- »ouBl«a. TJsttally m such eiuei. tb« JJan A. Alexander New Ynrlr Pifw t dose of Cynte* tpes right to work " Aiexanuer, «ew 1 orK Clly. . _ tbt siOneT* fliufi out extets Mida a member since 1924, Louis C Dtkd «MtM. And this dMuulng, purltylng .q, i. -n 1. '•.l mr- 1 • .. mdneyi.aotioi], In Juit • day 01 so, may eaa- mouRt, Detroit, Michigan, first in 1939; Harrv E. Davis. “^eiuu'M«t Cleveland. Ohio, a national board ™«™ber since 1921: Rosco Duniee. Oklahoma Citv, Okl.n . nlso n vnpn,. I Mis* Mamie Dye Chambers of Beatties Ford jEtoad, niece of Mr. altf Ifrs. Q, Edwards is able to ^ OQt after having been confined to her home for a few days the week. , ■ Mias Chaiiotte Hunter of Bald- vi|l A venae was in the city during ^aak^riving holildaya. Miss tr aantent Matron at Liv- daoa and daughter, ^ 8. C« were vis- j ikft^ eity Hiankagivin*? as Attom^ and Mrs. Amm fW^nrtiiig the Cf |«^^UTiii«Btan gara« (Vriaiill iWf Pr. Badolpli PARCELS WRAPPED MAILED CIRCULARS mSTKfBUTED / HAIL RECFJVED and I FORWARDED Leading N. C. Newapapen Read and Clipped Daily. REASONABLE RATpS Writ*:- JAYCEE 51 E. Worth St. Raleiffh, N. 0. bove 10,000^00 who received be tween >|t3,()00 and . $5,000, and not many of these were Negroes. “ We . discovered ttiat approxi mately 9,350,000 were reeeiyin^ from i®8,6Q0 and $3,000, Ne groes formed . a very ina^nificant proportion of those. Then between 44,000^000 and 45,000,006 were found to be earni^ between $1,- 500 and $2,000,'but most of them wwe not Negroes. We discovered 28,OQ0,OOO drawing between $1,000 and $15,000, ^ut even they were not in the Negro’s category. More than 1(J,0(W,000 of out Citizens drew incomes between ,$*500 and $1,000, and less than half of them were Negroes; and finally- hve found 8,250,000, living below the $600 level, and nearly all of them WERE Negroes. » ABNORMAL I I The eilrrent year has brought abnormal weathier conditions in aH sMtions 'qx the country, especi- *ally as regards rain, reports the. iTT. B. Weather Bureau. | her since 1936; the Reverend .Tohn Haynes Holmes, New York, City, since 1911; The Honorable Her- Vi»rt H. r.-ehman. oOverrior of 'New York, sinco 1929; ' Alfred Baker Lewis, Peekskill. N^w York, since 1939; Eugene M. Martin, Atlanta, 1 Vice President of the Western ‘ ino/v. TrL-'i.L- .•mr ..V -ri—zwz ^ the average. ,^The Cori?ererice is going forward phder the new leadership and many new objectives were pro-^ pcVsed by the new adminis£ration wliich had been in' only one year. The Ssrmons were preaiched liy R6v. LaWence—^the opening: Rev. J;.Q. Johnson, the Educational— Rev. J. T. Stanly, the closing mes sage by Rev. T. C. Hammons. All were inspiring and instrufitive. Rev. F. A. Hargett of Greensboro, N. C., President of the 'Eastern Atlantic Conference arid Rev. J. D. f'arrar, President of the Afro- Convention and Rev! G. W. Han- nar of Burlington, N. C.,' were vis itors and delivered tiinely add]*es- ses. Rev, Blackwell of Norfolk, Virginia brought Fraternal greet ings from the Elaatem Virginia C^)nference and Rev. J.' 0. Lee, Ga., since 1939; Isadore 'Mnrtl'n, Philadelphia, Pa., pirice 1924; Miss jL.‘Pearl Mitchell, Cleveland, Ohio, I since 1936; T. G. Nutter, Charies- 1 ten. W. Va., Rince 1930. Virgiiiia ConJerenco was~a visitor* TThe following named penwin* were elected officers; Rev. .J, D. Hill, President; Rev. T. J. Moore,' Vice Priesident; Rev. Also the Honorable Charles W. H. Jeffereys, Secretary, Mrs. I Poletti, lieutenant governor of Ametta Brown, Assistant Secre- ^1 i 1- Alt - aiNINNI, DO DROP IN- \ to THE HOLLYWOOD INN “If Not Satisfied. .Don’t tell Others... Tell Us” : 118 S. Mangum Prop. BIrs. Hayivood L8TTMI HU-HAiR BIS6RO FOtMULA HELP YOU AS IT HAS HCLPSD THOUiANDS OF OTHIRSI How You Ccin Grow Long, Healthy Hair ^; Certsinr parts of the body grow to a c«rttin size tnd no further, whereas, Hair Grows always'if you keep your scalp healthy. An ailing scalp causes itching. When you scratch your scalp you make sores and scars. HAJR WILL NOT GROW MIOM A SCAR There (ire no iilart^s »» s6res or scai^ The body ia pivea power by naturiT to n>u4te rvrtain outgrowths of-skin which, we all know very wclL Hair w pi 0 ^mcC') liy mif >:riilp skin. Each Hair Crows from a special little pluer in tiif tin* okin. If you iJiriiioy of mvtilate this true skin you may fcrl a'l rialit. Init uoihinp will o'-er form another true tkin. A scar is not You wiH iir'vc) find n hnir *f;rowjng from a. scar or littre. Hair grows Iroiii ttv rr!l% ol ihe hnir builis. If you do not look after tiiesc huir 4{~>.r l>ecimie brittle and break off. There are two pluntU to each to prodtice oil that keeps it soft and pliable, keeps if from becoiii ' and from crackihg. Every hair has 1 mincle which is illache-l Root. In order to have attractive, healthy hai', n>u>t helt. nature Crow Hair by keeping your scain III goo«l Keep ll 'lean, soft and eliminate itching and dandruff. If you are with head sores or scars do not delay taking our rtmipleie treaioienl or you will lose your hair. To keep your hair cells working, properly arid guurnntee yourself a healthy, benutlfiil head of I'liir, frovving liair, ^ivt yo«r»elf n romplete Nu-Hair Tre«tment. CompMt Hu-Hatr Scalp Yrcatmenf co»s}t#t of; - NH'Halr Bcsqro Far«A*la SPECIAL OFFER Nu-HaIr Frossing Compeund ALL FOR ONLY Spoelal Shampoo 3END NO MONEY .*1 • mii4 dim* and •d'lrtM. Pfey Peitnwn vnly fl.'jO plut t«w nnit v> ij«lv«n iIm tntin Milmnt. It m Gutnnittii I. pUut rr manty t)u,- . .1' .1, Now/ U'HAIR PRODUCTS, 11Broadways Now York. N. Y.