Bariosr THE ' ci.&OLINA TIMES BATVBDAT. DBG. t?th. 1941 HOUSES m RENT ‘fuSTEN PLEASE^ D- AOnUB wnxuriiAiiz I t 5 6 S 8 t 1 a AdMH 0«mrt t 2.50 IMi AktMi Awue 2.00 111 BrMMih Place W divich Street (Ckapol HUU N. C.) SS Coleman Alley - - — SSI Coleman Alley tlO Sliakbcth Street 610 Elm Street — M Bmnrprtee Street 616 FVoretteville Street iStof) Monthly lUte 604 Gay Alley tl4 Lee Street 48 Piedmont Avviue MI6 WItlMtl Smet 431 Hedmaat Avenue 5.00 5.00 S. 00 8.00 2.25 2.60 5.10 25.00 2.25 2.85 . 2.50 . 2.50 . 8.50 ONWNINSraiANCE* REALTY X): Sepain and BvHHng tenses NEAL ESTATE — lENTlNG — INSURANCE PBONE J-6521 DUmAM. NORTH CARIHJNA ScarkorMigli & Haifett r n N A L D 1 R E C T O R S ^ ^ A*i«^>JCE SERViCE * Day l-rtL N^slit ,-^2 E, fettiffrew St. T)i€ire IB a liniple confection that would bo a welcome addition to the holiday fan but I’m afraid that people have almost for^rotten iti eiistenee. I have reference of the *opoorn Ball. They arc pretty anging on the Chrigtmas trees, cs pccially when tie din colored cello phane and are a good confectioi for children. Since they are not oo gweet, they are aUo );ood for e lady who loves sweets but mu«it keep an eye on her figure. Any good reoape for molasses ($andy or for taffy makas good pop corn balls. For a simple mix ture, use one and a half cups of sugar, one cup of water, two table spoons of vineprar, and a half tea spoon of salt. Boil the mixture un til the syrup hardens when drop ped in cold water. Add a teaspoon er aout 2SbcmwyfpSnfw^ emfw of vanilla. Pour the syrup-hot over about 2 quarts of frwihly popped com. Wb«n eool enough to handle, form popeorn into balls and wrap them in waxed paper so the pop corn will stay crisp. *You may also add 2 caps of chopped peanuts to the corn before adding syrup. HefPe is a recipe for uncooked kind of pan can be used, but can dies do not ttiek as readily in a heavy pan as in a thin one, A wooden apoon ig best for candy makiug. > , CIO Loses Supreme Liberty Ufe Ins. Co. kt)or Election Chicago. —(ANP)— In a 54-17 vote taken Wednesday, the em ployes of Supreme Liberty Life In surance company defeated the four months attempt of (’10 to becomu collective barv«iuing agent for the jjiFurance workers. The election had been ordered by the United States National Labor Relations board. The union had issued bulletins and made apeeches to the members ifor transmittal to Philadelphia. Cook candies rapidly and stir frequently until sugar is dissolved, then lower heat and cook slowly, •tirring occasionally. Granulated kugar should be fine grained and free from specks. If not crush wilih a rolling pin or sift. The acid in brown sugar will often cause candy to curdle. This will disappear, how ever, after cooling and beating. If you have trouble in recogniz ing the stages in a cold water test maybe this well help. When you hava a Soft Ball the ayrnp will, .... stay together in one mas and can : of the company accusing the oom-j This inventory js an emergency ■ ■ measure, Mr. Watters pointed out, and it has a twofold purpose, both of which are vitally important. Most imperative is that this gives a means of planning |nati2>n^ he added, but they are coming in at an alarmii^ly slow rata. North Carolina it listed among tKji more laggard States, for only al^out 48 per eent of the approximately TUtr 000 Tar Heel ownara of 138,00) trucks and busses have sent in their questionnaire cards, accord ing to the latest report available. This inventory must be complot- ed and filed“in the national offics at Philadelphia not later than Jan uary 31st, 19427^r. Watters «aid. This makes it absolutely impera- tive that those who have failed :>o far to make out and return their questionnaires do so at once. After they have been received here, they must be summariaed and prepared be lifted out of the water, but|pn«y intimidating its employeu, flattens out when laid on the firj'?-,®^ overworking them, and under- ers. When you have the brittle 1 pnying However, company ■tagfe the ayrup separates into officials denied that these condi- threads that break easily when re-|tio"8 existed, but refused to pub-j moved from the water. licize the conditions under which'*®nse emergency trangportatip; employes work, feeling that the workers could not be influenced by Jwhat they termed a “malicious campaign.” However, company officials la*,- er declared that ehjployeg received far better average wages than any other in any institution on tho south side. Two years ago, the com* fjjg pany gave employes sick leaves, r*? Manpower Must Be Put To Work . In Defense Industries Washiiurton, Dec. 1^. fudge. This kind of candy doeg not big question mark in the prob-,^”®®.^ working week to five days i quite have something that the lem of putting'the country’s wareight hours each, increased va oper- c^ed variety hag, but still you war industries on a three-shift, might like to try it. Melt four ta- 24-hour-day, seven-day week, is blespoona ef butter over low heat, whether there will be enousrh Stir in four tablespoons of milk skilled laborers to man.all the and a teaspoon of vanilla. Remove machines for continuous from heat. Mix thoroujrhly thres ation. and a halw cupe of powdered sug- Best estimates of labor statis- ar, three fourths of a cup of cocoa ticians now put the country’s ef- and a dash of salt. Add gradually fective labor force at 53 million, to bttttoi*, ttiix thoroughly as you Approximately two million are go. Knead this mixture on a bread in the armed services, neaidy board until it is thick and creamy, four million are unemployed Press into a buttered pan and cut and a little more than four mil- into squares. You may of course lion are employed in war indus- add chipped nuts if you have tries. 20 million work on farms them. . ^ > and 23 million in civilian occupa- Candies of the cooked variety tions. should ^^e put^ in a smooth sauce- ^ pan li^e enough to allow it to‘; Advertiijinir is the modem boil. A two quart kettle is about geni who makes dreams come right for the average recipe. Any true. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OlfR POLICYHOLDERS AND FRIENDS cations with pay from one week to two weeks if an employe had been with the company for a year; paid employes what they were promised and always made paydays from two to three di^a before actual paydays. Further officials stated that no employe was browbeaten or intim idated, and that a fedeill credit uni^n, connected with the company was organized by employes in which neither the company nor of ficials had any control. No dissatisfaction was evidence; by the workers, the vote showe^ but a few ClO workers tried to i: cite employes to ^ind fault wi*; the company’s polici^e* . - I y N. C Truck and Bus Owners Fail To File Questionnaires There are approximately 40,000 owners of trucks and busses i*i North Carolina who have thus far failed to respond to an urgent re quest that they Complete and file with the Highway Traffic Advis ory Committee to the War pepart- ment a questionnaire sent them for each such vehicle they own, L. O. Watters, Technical Director of this State-wide truck' and buss inven- meet war time req«i: inventory of this n^tu help form a basis fou ings asisuring future pj^ new motor vehicle* ment parts for existi^j The questioimair* gation. It i^ a step tdNrard bi^anii ing all available means o'f trans- j)ortation durfng a critical emer gency, Excluded from *t are: passenger cars, passenger car trailel^Vff^^SffWak ons, amfiulances, hears^ and fire trucks. Owners of all other typ.'s of motor vehicles used for trans portation purposes should fill in and return their cards (immedi^e- ly. ic—^ Subscribers who. vnsh -th^H tor a Merry Christmas can^ plyfy matters by paying upf ,942. American Red Cross War ftnergency Fund In Fufl Swing The people of these Unifcwl States, through no volition of th#ir own, have been drawn into the vor tex of all-out modern war. As nev er before do they stand united.with the ocmmon purpose of seeing this thing through. Now that we have survived the first shock and sur prise caused by the underhanded, treacherous attack of an unscrupu- lons enemy, me may entertain no doubt as to the final outcome. The brt,vory and efficiency of our arm ed force assure us that they will do the job and do it well. Unfortunately, however, war is privation go hand , of dan- lies at TfbmWa; and in soi^^nsta: atual want^ TO allDvf- ering in so fftr as’ w sible, is the job bf pared this. Thosi* of Ur who cannot shoulder a rifle, or fly a plane or sail the seas havj been called upon to do ith our do^rs. j Red Cross^litl' desigfn^n as the c%tth'(il agency for this purpose. Our Pres ident has described it as “an es-. sen tail auxiliary of our armed forces.” Our nation has been call ed upon to raise the sum of $5fl, flOO,jftiO!fl|OOt Ijiie. purpose. Our Sitiridy- Cirftk. Cypress iftd Louisbiirg,' in'T^anklin County, haa been allotted a mini mum of $2,000.00. This sum muet be raised and raised now. We cau- not fail or falter. While we wel come any contribution« no matter pend primarily on substantial con- how small, on account of the ur* gency and limitel time we must le- tributions. The permanent Red Cross organization throughout toe county is on the job. In addition Headquarters for thig special drive hftre been opened in the Boat wing of the Courthouse in Lasts- burg. Franklin County has enjoyed probably its most prosperous year since 1919. To you farmers who have received guch satisfactory' averages for your tobacco and your cotton; to you merchants and bus iness men who have heard tho cheerful ring of the cash register' this fall; to all you men and wom en who enjoy the comforting secur ity of your own firesides while our ifjp'l ajje fighting desperately half (t^e^glbbe to assure you n I this security, I make this tippeaj. Don’t ijvait to be solicited. Get in ton^ witii your^ Township Chaiiroan dr with Hcad-^ quarters in Louisburg and mako your contribution now. The morale of the soldier rises and falls in proportion to the sup port he feels that he is getting from the folks back home. This is our first real opportunity to let, him know just how much we can be depended upon. We must " Stand behind the men behind the guns.” J, E. MAIX)NE, Chairman, Red Cross War Fund Campaign. Advertisinar is jfood sales irf- feurance, but it takes an alert, wide-awake merchant to realise this. I* m CH RI Please accept our cordial’wish for abundant prospjerity and contentment to each of you. And may we say, “Thanks to tUl the good friends of this organiitation for enabling us to continue to be of MTvice to you.” QefTS -to VoO May Healtfa, Happiness and security be with you and yours this Christmas Time and Tliroi^out The New Year. Durham Life Insuraince Go. ^ North Carolina FMLY” ’ 4- tory, said today Reports are filtering in daily, m !# m A ' ^ ^ • a" ’ ** • * «*■•* ft-4‘wi •ad m flM^*re^lnniliMlil*«Iiit^tNi^]pabIic'*aa^prlTat« /MIt i«. pMise to My Happy' Naw Year. Attd^for your'ftiMidtIup«'«ad'f*v«ct w« ar« truly!-gratcfol. ™ DURHAM PUBLIC , SERVICE-Durham, N. C.