-A- '|L-- i4i^ypMpy!4i^P^ • -- ' wmmm 'teiB n>VR THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JANUARY 17.19« fAMtmCAY OUTSTANOm*ApVtfOR ★ # ★ ★ ★ # IN THE SHADOW OF THE STA, P ■ ABfiF WALLACr. E ~rtOBLfMt -A. My New 1942 Astrology Readiogs Are you. I waut to ask you a qnestion from my heart. T' e man I am liv ing with, at timr>4 wo get along, at times we don’t. He says one wom- i enough f )r him. Ig itf I don't have 11., ’i (infidoqce in him. Ans: And that's the roason vou cttn’t j;c( Jilong good at times. Vo j rnii’t ex}w>ct to accuse a man ot this nnd tliiit woman and hope to 4iVe in n poaCefuj home atmo'i- phorp. True, he is a one woman lunn but lot mr add that that onr woman is b(^inninpr to Ret on his th«' respimsibility of making the ViJs behave squarely on the shonl ^ -i, . i i • i , “ t oi. . n^rves with her perpetual jealousy, rferg Of the mother. She is-'ghurkuig, . I * L .k»„ iZ Ml fil« If® a ''I- her dnty I., lettmr ,.hc« Iwo | grown children ran over you the 1 way they are doing. ry, he tells me about this. Tell me the best thing to dof Ans: His virtues far outweigh his faults. Lots of men do not see the importance of buying pretty presents for their “Swect-pies”— your man is that kind. He is ffood, and kind and he loves yon. Wbr;t more can any woninn askt You know'filin Tike a tifiok now and you know that he ean’t Stand nagging. Stop it. ^ . W. R. — Yon always give ^ne fcerning my danp:Uter. She finishc 180^ wonderful advi^ and 1 i^y ihigh sfhoul hLre_thi*. term and I (to do as yon tell me. I am a grand- want to feiwl her to college next mother and bare two grandchil dren in my carci they are 14 and 16.-While my back is turned th^- d^rtcoj fo^ and clothes. I am (them Mid I never kni^w iBpilie ti*d tKe liUrt to do things Edo.., is: You must have the full eo- tion of your daughter to di3- ^iplins these children. They’re tak ing advantage of TOUf old age and 4o these things just to a^ravate yon. If yon will notice, they nev»r destroy any of your daughter V Wlongings.-Sbe knows how to han dle them so don’t hesitate to put D. C. K. — Dear Professor: I am constaniWy turning to the letter H. R. - I am writing you eOn-j fj,,,! it the best advite I ever had. I am now trtrt -of a job and, lamaskiag you what to do Please let meiieur from you at once and tell me 11' the new Astrology Readings for 1942 are ready? term. I am wondering if I will be able to send her and where t Ans: By hard work and the fnH cooperation of your family,; you cnn and will put yoiir daughter thrn TUSiFvEOEE. fVom your an gle, ydur daughter’s education will prove a wise investinent. Yon must begin now to saVe and scrape and sn*rifie* if you hope to accomplish your goal. ^ \\ G. J. — Of course I have v/ritton you before for my Rei.l- ing and Lucky Day Chart. My chart reading you sent me kept me out of a lot of trouble. I thank 'NESS! FOR HIM YOURS —. SKN^ATtdHAOLY NBWi Yonr faTorite band leaders and BO^c star* are ttii* dtwsy tie, handkereWef and brace cOtJibi- aatioa — the perfect thing for the wifi-dmted tuati. Each item hand- tutored. Color*: Brown, Maroon, Bln* and Green. Great demand. Limited inpply. Glre color. Send cash with order, or pay C O. D. $2.00 pla« few, centa for postage. IRT CO.^ 180 W. Ans: Your chances t)f getting a job in your home town are very p«or at tliis writing. For this rea son, my suggestion is that you look for work out of town. I am- cer tain your efforts will meet with success, so get busy. My 1942 As trology Rendifigs are bigge# and' better than ever and with your or der, I sHttll be glad to go over your case fully. Court Sentences Persons In Detroit “Numbers” Cases Detroit. Jan. 17. —(ANP)—An other chapter is about to be Writ ten in the numbers graft trial, cur rently appearing before Circuit Judge Sari C. Pugsley here. Fol-' lowing the meting out of scntenee^ tp 23 persons found guilty by a jury’s verdict last month, an] Everett I. Watson, manager of Roseoe Toles, filed motions for- a new trial through their attorney'. Former Mayor Richard W,. Read ing and others sentenced also filed Bfhiilar actions. Courtroom spectators^ on Ivand to hear sentences meted out in tho numbers trial, which begatl last Arthur Ryckman and form«r Lieut. Count Baaie„ Mildred Bailey, Billio John JP. McCarthy. George Cordell Holiday, Teddy "Wilsori, Johnny and Peter Kusiba, white, alleged “ operator, of numbers and policy houses, w!re*Ttntenced to two to R. E. K. T 111 jOct. 7, witnessed Jbdge Pngsley unrpi, 1 ^ deliver his preliminary discourse house leSs andfatWW,^^,rJ.9pA noon^ he -prtmounce- to look t* help me and I need a were withm^t animosity ,(.r prejudice. First to be called to the stan.i to receive tho judgomeot of the man. T can’t find a boy friendBTid it is all because *of a secret about my body. I am telling you this sec- r^ but pl6fl3a don’t print it. Duu'l tell no one. Help me please, teli me something to do about this sec ret so I can g^t a boif triendf Ans: My dear girl, you’re mail ing a mountain out of a mole hill. Tini^ and mother nature will ta.ka care of your situation. And futher- imofe, your secret hag no beariiy' DO you TAKE 9 Iqi^^LIKETHlSl ;| iiMa OR THIS ? 1 ^fHP'i in '’||r f See th.Q Cocal ^gent of BANKERS-FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA rONSERVATIVE - SOLID - DEPEN DABLE UNION INSURANCE & REALTY CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY - ACME REALTY COMPANY, > - BISBOP DALE C. DUGGS ...... - - Durham, N. C* - Durham, N. C Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. court Avas.former Mayor Reading, who received a penalty of four to five year^ in Southern Michigan prison at Jackson. The maximu’ii pt-nalty for conspiracy is five yenrs pin? a fine, of $2,500. Next in line came Roxborou"'.i and Everett Watson, who d - whateVer on your getting a boy ^clined to make a statement befovy ftiend. You needn’t be ashamed to sentence was pronounced. Both ask your family doctor’s advice in were sentenced to terms of 2 1-2 this fnatter. He will tell you ns I to 5 years in Southern Michigan do that the matter w’ill btf’clearod prison, because the judge held that the testimony had “disclosed your connection with numbers for many years,” and “you have been bene ficial of a tolerant public.” t^pon the promise not to engage in any form of gamblii^, William il. (Bob) Robinson, Claude Rox- borough and Clarence Frisby weve placed on probation for t\^ years and each ordered to pay .$2,500 within the nejt six months. Sentences of 18 months to five years were meted out to former up in time. L M. F. — Dear Abbe’: T a woman who sooii will be 40 yeaig of age. The man I have is a gool provided but never thinks of bnvinp; me a pr«^scnt, birthday oi-noiTday, T have been, buying him presents. Do yon think I spoiled him? Ta that what he looks for ivomen to buy for him? When he gets angry, he is always poing to get a cop trying to put me out. He left about 10 times. Everytime I go after him, ht eomes back. When he gfets ang- • Inspectors Frank Dombecky and OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour Takes the Gwss out of Baking and Saves you Money Scarborough & Hargett five yeara in prison. A one to five year sentence wn'J given Elmer Ryan, white head of a wire service, and alleged num bers operator, with Mike iJovak, white, flso an alleged humbert oj>- frafor, receiving a six months to five year sentence. Five fbmj>'r police sergeants, George frank, Ollie Gosney, Charles Nenbar, Ma rion Ratliffe and Charie® Sche niansky, all white, received sen tences of si* months to five years. Former Sergeant FGillip Speaces white, was placed on probation for two years and ordered to pay .$.100 within six months. Ijonis Snyder, white alleged numbers operator, was placed on probation for two years and ordered to pay $.500 court costs. The trial was the outgrowth of ’a one-man grand jury ./ailed iij August of 1939 to investigate graft and corruption. The findings of this one-man grand jury revealed corruption of city officialg and two members of the police depart- menti The cause for this sudden invefltigation was laid to a wom an’s murder of her daughter and subsequently suicide because of in unrepuitel love of a numbers employe. Before her death, she sent letters to newspapers, (?ify, Tstate and federal officia'», exposing the numbers graft and corruption between city, police jf- ficials and gamblers. DOir’iAT MAGAZINE By Bernice and Dolores Calvin (Exclusive to Oalvin Service) Hedges, Pete Johnson, Cootie Wil- liirtna, Jimmy Lunceford, Benny Carter, Earl Hineg and Andy Kirk. V NAACP Distributes No Discrimination Leaflets At Fight New York.—Tawnsands of fight fang learned about the Kavy’t dis crimination gainst Negroeg Fri day night, January 9, when leaf lets bearing the slogan “Heroism Know* No Colorlihe!'* were dis tributed around Madison Square Garden here by members of the NAACP Manhattan Yoath Council and national officers when Joo Louis fought Buddy Baer for tho benefit of the Navy Relief Fun(J*r The leaflet carries the official report of the heroism of a Negro ess attendant in the Pearl Har- )r attack and points out tha| in spite of the Navy’s urgent appeals for men, it refuses to iTccept will ing Negroes for service except as, messmen. PresidentfRoosevelt sighs and the new draft bill becomes law.. Photogffaphy Congratulations Anything- Anywhere Any Time Exteriors- Interiors VraiTSETT PHOTO COMPANY 129i S. Tryon St. Phone 3-5952 Employer’s right to bor views upheld by Court. voice iS' Suprema SEE PACE A Great ’ SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE IN LUCK OTHERS OWN • ■ - Hospital, Accident And Funeral /Insurance -in- SOUTHERN FIDELITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY DURHAM, N. C. person in every 13 bedame Hospital Patient in 1940 Families with less than $1,200 i income spend $49 a yeai for medical care Henry C. Davis, Durham Representative F. D. Alexander DIRECTORS FUNERAL AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721. Nisht J-3722 522 E. Pettigrew St. Save Again At Brownlee s Health EMILELER FRIENDLYCREUT JEWELERS GREATER VALUE EASY TERMS DAVID UEVY, Mgr. Next to Fint National Baak Boudlnr We Congratulate the Junior Chamber of Commerce! See Us For Prompt Delivery OFFICE SUPPLIES and OFFICE EQUIPMENT c>. IW ;V. FOURTH ST. PHONE 81 New York. — ^ke ElUugtou’s orchestrH was this week giv.cu third place as'Tme of the greatest" swing bauds in the country in a poll cdhducted by Dowobeat miig- azine, popular “music new«.£rpm coast to coast.” Nearly IS^OOU votes were cast in the contest anil the Duke’« band was the only col ored listed «*" the four leading bands of 1941. Benny Goodman and band were first, still holdiU;^ out on the title of *‘King cf Swing, ’ ’ Tommy Dorsey was sec ond place, Glenn Miller, 1st of the “sweet bands” and fourth of the swing. Guy Lombardo took the crown of “King of Corn.” Great interest was showft in tho contest to pick an All-American band as a result of Downbeat’s de- cision' again to eliminate leaders from the running and give talent ed aidemen a chance. ' ^ N In the trumpet divisios, Coolie Williams and Roy (little jazz) Eldridge were winner*. It was Boy’s first time to appear as a member of Tne all-star band. He is with Gene Krupa’a crew. Johnny Hodges, was first with over 5,000 votes of the alto saxes. He’s witii the Ellington baud. The otiier swing bands to win recognition were C^unt Basie in 5th place* Jimmy Lunceford, 9tb, Lional Hampton, 16th, Cab Callo way, 23rd, Andy Kirk, 25th, Piet eher Henderson, 26, John Kirby, 27, Louis Armstrong, 28th. The sweet bands included Duke Elling ton, 4th, Jimmy Lunceford, 16th, the only, two in the group of 40 listed. Small combinations fef.ed John Kirby as 2nd with over 2,00ft votes, Ink Spots, 10th, Johnny Hodges, 15th, Benny Cai'ter, 19lb, Cats In The Fiddle, 22nd and Lio nal Hampton and Savoy Sultans sharing 25th. Favorite soloists were Johnny Hodges as Uth, Roy Eldridge, 15. Louis Armstrong 18th,, Coujit Bas ie, 19th, Pete Johnson, 24th, Lional Hampton, 26, and Art Tatum, 29. We had no-t)ne to compete in the “King of Corn” division. But sec ond -place as trumpeter wa4 Roy Eldridge. The late Dick Wilson of the An dy Kirk band was 16th as Tenor Sjix. Jimmy Blanton of Ellington was third with the basses. As the be>?t pianoists: Art Tatum, 3rd, Pete Johnson, 9th, Mary Lon Wil liams, Ipth, and Meade Lux LewiJj 22nd. Arranger, the very best was Sy Oliver who won first place for himself, and Billy Strayhorn of El lington. Male siiigers were Jiirnny Pnshinp with Basie, and Herb Jef fries of Ellington (what, again!'!. Thp Fem Chirps, were a little shockluf', but Billy Holiday won ud, Ivie Anderaon 9, oops, forget .ildrod Bailey as 8tli^ Helen Huni- ; . 19th and that Loch Lomand ’ass ^'axine Su^yf» vas 24th. A Our Compliments ^d Best Wishes to the dARLOTTE NEGRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A* Good Idea For 1942 Is To Save Mileage By Using Our Convenient Pick-Up Stations For Your Laundry And Dry Cieaning'! HERE THEY ARE; 207 EAST PARK AVENUE 747 PROVIDENCE ROAD ^ 518 WEST FIFTH STREET Please Be Ready When Our Trucks Call For and Deliver Your Laundry MODEL LAUNDRY CO.. Inc. MODE L- TONE CLEANINP A.' , X DUL 3-9011 The New Year reminds that, another year lias slipped away—probably without your having arranyed for additional life insurance you should provide. Insurance protection for your own future and that of your de- pendents is vitally important. To be thus safeguarded is to know litne to Tliink o/' TIME SLIPS AWAY that you have provided by every means within your power against the contingencies of life. T.Ue supreme advantage of insurant is that the protection it affords makes ample provision for the prompt payment of CASH when it is most needed. Your own judgment tells you that money at siiich a time is far more to be desired than even the most heartfelt sympathy of friends or relatives,^ Start the New Year right with adequate insurance protection. Our representative will gladly suggest the policy best suited to your particular needs. C.C.SPAULDIN».Pr««ll«n> • DUM1AM.NORTH CAROLINA Durham District Office Fayetteville Street COOK, Manager Charlotte District Office 404 E. First Street A. SPEARS, Manager

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