t.v SAtURDAT, FEffif^UARY 21, 1M2 THE CAROLIKA TlHES PAGE I.. Drop lyiKbii^ Probe 3 Or Face Race Riot, Is' Sikestoo, Mo.,Threat flu otbtf hand thON who miyht testify against tke lorafliien wonU ^ M f ostracised. fiy«a the mofft li>>- I It rJlTP' RiirP Rinf K *•* *° wliom we*»poke ini'! UI rate IVate lUUl, w witmwetl Uie m.ue I (which he had m()i h* would ‘not be inclined to tOTtiff ’.'’ (Continued fmu Pag« one) when a mob stormed the juil auu took out 9 Negrro Bccujed of rap ing a wbj^j^l. Fear of^ l^^oes, need to *‘keep thel|l^|pl> his plaee" .ind the feudal of southeatt Missouri, wh«fl^ » very few people own all the land and the rest «n> va^tst are behind the story of the brutal lynching, £he Tomp kinses reported. “Along niUv t^s feeiipg runi;i n genuine feuijsiDf the 2Je^o’s phy sical viol#>c0«>‘N%roes are natur ally TiciMs/' tliey flaid,^‘iHth lesi control over iheir emotions.’ Tt follows that ‘violence is nceessarv to keep tljegj subservient-’ It al«o follows thai killing a Negro is nut a crime like kiJling a white muii, boDiause the Kegrd is closer to brute than to an independent hu man individuui with human rights. There is a carry-over of feeling ii» Sikeston today that goes back to the old-time southern idea tliot 'every white man had to havo sev- ^al colored girls, aijd kill one nij;- ger, before he becainc a raon in deed. ” * The investigators said: “We were given the definite impression that the lynchers would not he ostracized by the community; on Negroes themselves Are affniij to identify any of the mob even though they ^aw the entire pro- oeediugs and kuow those respaii- sible. KOTIOE FOB SALE OF LAND )W1 IRH. —V- DURHAM COUNTY: Under and by virtue of a power of sale couttiined in a certain Dcvd of Trust axecuted oon the 20th day One man in tho Sunset Addition of June i!)32, the Mechanics and on being questioned by the Temp- Farmers ^nk, Trustee, asd duly kinses was terrified and snid he recorded in the Office of the K«g- would not talk “to white folks.'* ister of Deeds in Book of Mort- “We did not ask him to talk,*'^gages 200, Page 20; default having the investigators stated, *‘bceaus> been made in the payment of the it is clear tliat be does not huv" indebtedness as therein provided, police protection i«.^ikrston.” and having been requsted by the Negroea‘*Too Oocky” holder of said note. The undersigned trustee wiU o£- “One person suggested that tho tensions between poor white and Negro labor might have son*»4Mi!>^., ing on the lynching. The ‘ poor whites object to equality with the Negro even more than the wealthy ones. Racial feelings are more ))H ter among the poor, ^leeause ‘if they can’t fee] superior to the N«- gro» what^ould- they feel superior about f’ Many of the class of work ers were in the lynching crowd.” The report also revealed that tl»e lynching of Cleo Wright was not an isolated incident, but that tension had been growing over :i period Of time. Peeling had bevn growing that Negroes were gottinj; “too cocky.” “There is increasing feeling a- ,gainsji labor unions organizing Nc all tazea, lieni, and aasoM- j«ord«d ia the Offh* of tk« Begj*- meats. t>e*d* of Conatyr This the 17th day of February Book 8, Piypt 864 SRne k«^ • im. Meehanies A C. O. Person, Counselor at Law. V- Farmers Bank, Trustta AOMINISTEATOB’fl NOTICE north CAROLINA, DURHAM COUNTY. HAVING QUALIFIED as ad ministrator of the estate of C. D. Oreen, deeeased, late of Durham 'County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deeeased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 707 Fayetteville Street, Durham, N. C-, on or before February 1, 1943 Or this notice will be pleaded PERSONAL LOANS FOR HCCPfl^ I. -ji V)i. \ti-y n \ If it wcxuld be eaatoi ioor jo* lo^pay your incosne chxe Meodb isj, fai [ Mreral monthly InjBlallmonti, your protlam. may be solved wiib^ per«i ■ooal baxik loap^ ,' TIm loan will gittt yoa the'oaah la ^ band to di8diaz0eyQQr patriotic obli- i Oatkm befoM Utach ISfh. d 'Sbn oan then repay &e loan iatCOar '*] Tenient monthly instaUmenti. x H we can help you in tiiis way^ we know &at we duill be rendering an important service to the natlon»tiihe - same time. Come in- . ^ -iatatii'JMi fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash fl.t the Court House Door 12:00 o’cl^^k noon on Friday March 20, 1942 the following des cribed property to wit: BEGINNING at a stake on tho West side of Foster Street 77 l!eet from the point where the South side of Watkins Street intersects the West side of Foster Street, it being the S E corner of Lot No. 4 of the Plat hereinafter referred to; running thence South 3 degrees West aj^ng and with the said West side of Foster Street North 74 feet to a stake; thence South 8i deg. 22’ West 91.5 feet te a stake; thence Nort’a 3 degs. East 75 feet to a stake; the Northwest corner of Lot No. 4 of Plat hereinafter referred to; thence North 86 depi. 32’^R;b'-* in/V fret to a point ot lieginning,. and being lots 1, 2, and .3 of the survey of the G. K. Albright property as conv^jyed by Jarvis B. HArding, August 33, 1919, said p’.ikt being recorded in Plat Book 4, page 61, in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Durham County. Further reference is hereby made to deed from A. McCullery, Jr., and wife, to Dr. A. M. Moore and C. C. Spaulding, dated March 4, 1920, and recorded in Book 58, Page 479, Office f Register of Deeds of “ Durham County. This property is being sold at the request of the holder of the said note. The saidi' sale will re- innin open for ten days to feooive increased bids fts is retired b^ law. The said property is being so’.d subject to a mortgage now on record in th3 Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Durham County, Mortgage Book 186, Page 96, and Having qualified aa the admin- istratrxi of the estate of E, F. . , j XL • „ Fancett, late of Durham County, in bar of their recovery. All per- L ,. xt.- • * « Cm North Carohna, this i» to notify restinrey of Lot ], 9 sad S Blo^ ‘*J** of tho- Stoetatdade proporttr Bg reeord* dio Plat Book 6, *t Pm» 44. * Tkia proptrtjr ia beinf aold at the request of the holder of the said note. The said sale will re main open for ten days to reeeive bids a# is rsqsired by l•i^ This the 9tk day of Pebniary Bisbope 1942. R. L. McDougald, Trustee. C. 0. Pearson, Counselor at Law. Synip oiade fron roM bKtitste ff>r fruit jaiee) ksa ^MSia 4 II 1? PLewwle ’”*** «i^ty-&iB* (prfa ia AJfl.L. LfOn VUlirCD » •«1»0«1 similar to Alien S-ho i!. . . M 1 m« t emphaHiied the inportvtc- P*ae«* oa mMSmm la . rAfmPn Mnf«l«aracter, judgement, effieieiv ^ rmillCU mUlUltaUC ^ peri««ality and tb» abiMty t» TdusM C To Liviogstoiie j The faralty and itad«ata ot AU A 4trfkia« traad toward man Colfege Tiies. Feb 10t'r^a«JTthrlcou*ri^iiir^^*^^ 5V UVO. 1 * V rTreleaders. on« kapr eot- ADMnnSTSATBDC MOTIOE Mechanics & Fanners Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT I N S U R A N C E CO B P O H AT I O groes,” the investigators said. “Negro labor is less subservient tharr white Mmr at present aiid employers do not expect this. With the threat of a labor shortaga looming close, employers resent any encouragement to labor to be come too courageous and demand- iing. sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 31st day of January, 1942. R. N. HARRIS, Administrator of tbe Estate of E. D. Green, Deceased. C. J. GA'TES, Attorney. Y NOTICE FOR SALE OF LAND: NORTH CAROLINA, DURHAM COUNTY. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed by Devid A. Per ry and wife Ethel Perry to R. L. McDongald, Tmstea for the Horn# Modemixation and Sapply Com pany, dated Jttoe 16,19^ aad daly recorded in the Office of the Reg ister Deeds in Book of Mortg ages 296, Page 486; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness as therein provided, and having been requested by the holder of said note. The undersigned trustee will of-' fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash’ at the Court House Door 12:00 o’clock noon on Thursday March 12, 1942 the following des cribed property to wit: BEGINNING at the Southwest intersection of Spaulding Street; running thence with the Southern- property line of Booker Street, South 63-03 E. 50 feet to the No. to the N. W. corner of Lot No. 2 may hereinafter referred to; thence with the western line of Lot No. 2, S'0^-57 ,W 110 feet to the South west ^corner of Lot No. 2 in the Northern line of Lot Noi 3; thwc*! with the Northern line of Lot No. 3 63 03 W 50 feet to the western property line of Spaulding Strec^^ thence with the property line of said Street N 16-57 E 110 feet to the point or place of beginning. Same being Lot No. 1 of S. N. Di- vis properly as stftveyed ' and re- Salisbery^ — Several handreil ’ ■iaiatcrs, laymen and seven of th*. of the A. M. E. Zio i Choreh formed aT motorcade' >•» I**Tiaf«tene College Tuesday, Feb ruary l®th, to join in the eel|Sbr,i- tioB of the 88th birthday of th late Dr. J. C. Price, firtt president and FoiQnder of the collego- The, FoHader’s Day address was deliv. ered by the Honorable Josephm Daniels, recently Embassador to Mexico. In addition to the progr.nm ton acrifage. all persons having elaims against the leaders of the church had come the estate of said deeeased to prf- “^ng a special contribution ■ent them to th« undersigiied at Episcopal area to help 616 Pine Street, Dorham North »*P*ete the Price Memorial baiid- Carolina on or before tho 20«i day did they do a ; of January 1943, or thia notiee wiil the final count w«s I bb pleaded in bar of their rocovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate seitle- ment. Mrs. E^ie Faucetc, Administratrix of estate of F. F Faucfttt, deceased. V NOTICE FOE SALE OF LAN1>s north CAROLINA: • DfURBAM COUNTY: Under and by virtues o fa pow er of sale contaii^ in a certain Deed of Trust exMuted the 20th d&y of June 1932, to Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Trustee, and Idaly recorded in the Office of tke made they had in cash the neat sum of $28,058.94. There was much re-* joicing that this year of the past five since the campaign has been on, broke the record. Bishop P. A. Wallace, Senior ish(^ of the elmrch, paid a ve’-v fine tribute to ^r. Diuriels, when presenting him t* the aadienee; Bishop Walks, ChaJonBan of tho Poard of Trustee, delivered a very eloquent response. Editor Daniels said among othor things "I conoe as a friend of your former presi dent to join with yon in paying tribute to bis'lalent and useiurnesa in a life cut short before he had reached the meridian. There was something in tKe timbre and cad ence of Price’s voice that sootJ>el RCAuy TUI iMOKE sF sLewis-ssaans cameu emnm 2Bi^ LESS NICOTINE than the aTcns* of dM 4 ecbar laracK-fdlias dcaretm teited —ks tfaan Mr them — accotd- ing to iodcpendw iciSBMic tSMS mf th* tmtok* , CAMEL THE cfcjiwrrc oir^ GOSTUES TdBACCOS Register of Deeds in Book of Mor tgages 200, Page 26; default hav-jand pleased all who came under ing been made in the payntfat of (its spell, and there was depth and the indebtedness as therein pro vided, and having been requested by the holder of said note. The undersigned trustees will offer for.sale to the highest bid der for cash at the Court House Door 12:00 o’clock noon on.Fri day, March 13, 1942, the following described property to wit: BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of Foster Street 77 feet from the point where the South logic in his utterance that carricd conviction.” In another burst of eloquence, the speaker said. “I wish to pay tribute to the onti hundred percent Americanism of Negro in this ^ay, when patrio tism and democracy are challeng ed. There are no fifth columni:jt.-, nt) saboteurs, no QqisVngs, no trai tors in the Negro race. They havo responded to the call of their cou.v try, ready to dd, to dare,^ to die OCCO-NEE-CHEE - Self-Rising Flour tfie Guess out\';f.6 and Saves ywti Moniy 1, Buy Defense Bonds and St^ps CE0ALTheatre! side of Watkins Street intersects j wherever their country calls.’’ the West side of Foster Street, it'Through the kindness of W.STF, being the S E corner of Lot No., the address was broadcast by re- 4 of the Plat hereinafter referred to; running thence South 3 de grees West along and with the said West side of Foster Street North 75 feet to a stake; thence South 86 deg. 22’ West 91.5 feet to a stake; thence North 3 degs. iffil for your PROTECTION Start The New Year Right! with an \ INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNT In Our 85th Series ^ NOW 'FORMING (All Accounts Federally Insured Up To $5,000) MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION toham, N. C. Scarboreugh & Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones; Day J-3721. Nirht J-3722 522 E. Pattigrew SL DO DROP JN to -THE HOLLYWOOD INN “If Not Satisfied. .Don’t Tdl Others... TeU Us” 118 S. Mangiim St. P«»P* Hajswood mote control. The Bishops present were: B'a- bops P. A. Wallace, B. G. Shaw, W. J. Walls, J. W. Martin, C. C. AUeyne, W. W. Matthews, and E. li. Madison. Bishop W. C. Brown wag on the Pacific coast, but his report came in as usual. 'The trus tees ordered that the work begin at once on the new building. Pres ident W. J. Trent and his associ ates in the faeuS^ as well as the student body, are TCry happy over the outcome of the cele{rra^ion. “Help Scrap A Jap” (Continned frMn Page one) facts. Mr. Spaulding complimented the school on the work it has been doing through the fifty-five years Of its history and closed his ad dress with the admonition to read" the bible and learn' to deal With people. He refers especially to the Ninety-first Psalm which he ha 1 recommended to President Roose velt as in aid in this time of cri sis. ' . Mr. George Cdx, vice president of Dr. Spaulding^’s institutions was introduced and spoke very interest ingly telling of having been the - Sunday and Monday Chas, Starrett in . - “THE DURANGO KID” ^ Also Pathe News Serial and Comedyj Tuesday and Wednesday, (SPECH^) James Cagney and Bette Davis in the “BRIDE COMES C. 0. D.” 5 & 11c — THURSDAY — Bargain i)ay / TWjO FEATURES “Foreign CwTKpondence” also “The Knockout” OR THIS ? DOYQUTAKEO ANCESUKETHB! See tAe jCocal^gr^ri^of BANKERS* FIRE INSURAKE CQMMNY DURHAM, NORTH C$JRQUHk rONSERVATfVE ~ SOLID- DEPENDABLE CfENERAL INSURAJ^Ce^ U^OiN iNSURANCf^ & ACME REALTY COMPANY, BISHCS! DALE • . . . H. C. DUCM^S - . . . - Daripn, ;N. C. . • D«te. N. C. - Ral^Ii, N. C. Chariotte, N. C. CUariotte, N. C. East 75 feet to a stake; the North- west corner of Lot No. 4 of Plat hereinafter referred to; thence North 86 degs. 22’ East and 91.5 feet to a point of beginning, and being lots 1, 2, and 3 of the sur vey of the G. K. Albright proper ty as conveyed by Jarvis B. Hard ing, August 23, 1919, said plat be ing recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 61, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County. Fur ther reference is hereby made to deed from A. McCullery, Jr., and wife, to Dr. A. M. Moore and C. C. Spaulding, dated March 4, 1920, and recorded in Book 58, Page 479, Office of Register of Deeds of Durham County. This property is being sold at the request o^ the holder of the said note. The said sale wil remain open for ten days to receive in creased bids as is required by law. The said property is being sold subject to a mortgage now on rec ord in the Office of Register of Deeds of Durham County, Mort gage Book 186, Page 96, and all tiixes, liens, and street assest- This-jthe-^Oth ^d^^’ of Fehruary^' 1942. * ■ ' ' Mechanics & Farmers Bank Trustee lO.-O.' Pearson, Counsilor at Law. SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE IN LUCK OTHERS OWN ... Hospital, Accident And Funeral Insurance Policies -in- SOUTHERN ^IIDEUTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY DURHAM, N. C. One person in every 13 became ft Hospital Patient in IMO Families with less than $1,200 a year > inconoe spend $49 a year for medical care Henry C. Davis, Durham Repres^taMve F. D. Alexa^ Charlotte Represen^itim fvUHIII

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