POLL TAX HEARING DEAYED Mailing EDITION ijf a Com Sc wsir Volume XXIII — Number 13 BUY DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONI^ mm*. Durham,' North Carolina, Saturday, March 194^ “KEEP ’EM FLYING* MID-YEAR SESSION OF USHERS TO MEET IN GREENSBORO APR. 12 IT ^ ir ir ir BY POLICE For Service Beyond Tiie Call of Dirty Filibuster Tiireatens To Hold Up Passage Of Anti-Poll Tax Legislation SUCCUMBS 'loi OftinM Of North ptrolina j Oraves of the Joonul and Onidei. Ieg9, it shown recaivinf his All-1 It was Oaines toe lhat often . A. A. certificate from the meant' defeat, Qr, ^▼ictory for the ace sports writer, Lem Sagles. Oas played tackle. ' oxboro Farmer akes Own Life Washington, —(B1 Alvin E. White for ANP)— Although S»n. 0'Mahoney, chairman of the sen ate sub-committee holding the hearings on the poll tax repeal bill, said he felt there woald be a repeal of this pernicious law which picevent*- thousands of X^m>e8 »nd efjufttly as; Ttijiiiy'“Mires in? ia-4he eigH southern 8t:i^'‘^'4 where the pot| ‘ jii.’^oinnidfi[ mutterings of fiiubuster* on bill arc beginning to fill the air^ Sen. O’Mahoney said in iTil? opinion it was just'a matter of deciding whether the bill now be fore the senate would pass oi whe ther an amendment to tfte>eonstf- tution was necessary to make the repeal a reality and do away with the vicious practice once and for all. . Yet on the other hand there is one senator who is said to have promised a 56-hour speech if the bill .ever reaches the floor of the senate. . Supported * by other senators from the poll tax states, he hap vowed that such a bill would nev- et pass unless cloture were voted in the senate and ^e. would fight this to the bitter end. Saturday morning’s‘hearings' s^w (Continued on Page five) EslJier V. Cooper Doing Fine Job As Secretary S.N. Yjl CP Scores Delay ’oving Negroes Sojourner Homes -ork. — Stating that*the lt‘|»3rlnre of Mayor Edward Jef- • Vroni IVtroit is no excuse for l('!ayi)i;:: fnrtlipr the occupancy of (he S,)'j*iurn‘r Truth Houses by Kejjiocw, i|,(. VAACP in a tele- MMit MhicH 19, urging John I]!.'int(irl,.(iir(‘(‘t(ir of the National A^rt'tipy. to ^ake the nec- ("isary strps (o ^lep that Negroes I* I'aqv,' lli‘ riro.j*i t immediately. Tli( XAAl’P stated that al- tlioir li the federal grand Jury in- vi>r.tig«tion is proceeding, the question of occupancy of the homes and a fin^l determination of whcMher or not mob rule op- posi'd lo the federal government will bp permitted to continue are the paramount issues. The Association -is continuing fn pu.ih for further action by the n. S. grand jxiry in the hope of obtaining indictments against the leaders of the mob invdlvel. 4^ V Steel output in the U, S. second highest in history. Roxboro, March 23.—A 22-year- old Negro farmer, Willie Wag- ataff, took his own life here morning, according to Coroner A F. Nicholas of Person County. The body was found around 11 o’clock, nnd after examination Was pro nounced a suicide. ■ The weapon which Wagstaff used was a shotgun which he plac ed against his chest. It is thought he used his foot tp press the .trig ger on a stick. However the load entered his chest and caused in stant death. No motive for the man taking his own life could be found, as Wagstaff had been in apparently r happy mood, and in good healtii. The body was found in one of the tenant housep on the Horton farm in Pushy Fork. Esther V. Cooper, secretary of the Southern Negro Youth Con gress, Jias^en making quite a name as a and booster of Negro youth, for a better place in the “World of Tomorrow. ” a' , John A. Fouchee Succumbs After Lengthy lUness ‘ ‘ r ■y Durham, March 2(i. — John Al- len t^ouebee, weU konwn young business man of iJiirham died "at Tiis home -here, 100.') Fayettevilic Street, Thursday morning at 4 o’clock after an illness from ;i Tiehrt ailment of a long duration. Mr>. Fouchee was born in Dur ham and attended the pub* • schools of the city, North ( arolin i College and Wilberforce Univer*- iity of Ohio. The deceased was a member ot the Omega Psi Phi fraternity anl was well known in .social ciroles of the state. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Nannie Allen o fDurham; an aunt, Mrs. Ruth Mickle of Durham; two uncles, Julian 0’Daniel of Rox- 'boro aitd WHlie 0’Daniel of Dar- hanu Funeral rites will be conduct-il from ithe home Saturday 'afternoo;r at 2:30 o’clock. luternieht will oe at the Beech wood cemetery on Fay- I etteville Road. • ~ Sgt. Thomas Foster Is Shot To Death J. A. Fouchee, well known resideat of Dnrham who suc cumbed to a heart ailment at his home Thnrsday morning af ter a long illness. Fnneral serv ice will be held at'the home at 2:30 P. M. ^ □- Gate City To Be Host To N.C. Ushers' Session; J.H. Wheeler Is Speaker Twenty-Seven Car loads Of Frigidaires Arrive For Camp The arrival of 27 car loads of Frigidaires at Durham consign ed to ^amp Butijer, along with four car loads of meat blocks, etc., gives one some idea otf the hugeness of the task of "building an army city" for 30,- 000 soldiers. The annual Mid-Year .4ession i*tl the North Carolina Interdenomin.i- tional t'shers Association which will convcnt in Greensboro, Sun day, April 12"will be the largest in the history of the organization ac cording to advanced infonuation given out % the president 'this week. Greensboro has loft no stone un turned to entertain the largo group of delegates^ and visitors who will journey to the Gate City for "the meeting. In addition the Southern Kailway has consented to j)ut on an extra car on trains 21 and 32 going to and from the con vention, and delegates have been advised to travel by train in co operation with the government movement to conserve rubber. One of the outstanding featurps of this year’s convention will be an address to be delivered by J. H. Wheeler, cashier of the Mechan ics and Farmers Bank. Mr. Wheel er is one of the leading young busi- netis men of the nation and his ad- 1 (Continued on Pagte five) C. C. SPAULDING TO GIVE AND RECEIVE AWARDS IN TENNESSEE AND ALABAMA Oxford. — The National ^Board of Trustees of 'New Farmers America will hold its Semi-Annual Board meeting Jit the A. and 1. College, Nashville, Tenn., Mardi 29 to April 1. The meeting .will le presided • over by Henry Reveb, National President, Southern Uri- versity Scotlandville, Louisiam. The pappose of the meeting wll be to perfect plans for tW annuU convention of the farm youth or ganization which will be held *t the State Agricultural and chanical College, Orangeburg, S. C., in August. This information is released by the National Reporter, Ruffin McGhee. One of the high lights of the hoard meeting will be that of con- (Coatinued on Page five) J Bjrminghara, Ala..^ She South ern j Negro Youth Congress an , nou^ced this week that Private Joel Louis Barrow has just been nailed to receive the award pre- sened to the mosf outstanding Soithern youth of the year. The a^rd which is to take the form of honor plaque will be presented the closing night of the Fifth •Southern Negro Youth Confer- ece at Tpskegee Institute, Sun- April 19th. C. C. Spaulding, I esident of the North Carolina ] ntual Life Insurance Company, ho is the sponsor of the award ill piipscnt it. In .announcing the award, the o^thera Negro Youth Congress id that Joe Louis had been the (Continned on Page five) NEXT WEEK The Oarolina Times will dedi cate next wMk’s edition td Qas- tonia, western city of the state- Pictni«8, featoife articles and other intertsting stories will depict the progress of'the race in Oastonia. Order Your Copy Now □- Negroes Must Be 87 Years Old To Vote In Columbia, S. C. (^olu)ubia, S. — Xturor.s an onrollin" to vote in the Deuioci .it t [ nmary here, but .a re'oiutit>:i 1 assed by the City DeiuH-rjitic ex ecutive committee may snccts-fulr l,v pripvenT them from exerci:^iiii: their 'i^fht of franchine. But uu- lo.ss K*‘gri)es are nllowwl to vote in the Democratic primary, the XAAt'P Said, this week, lejjal ac tion Avill be, instituted. The aetion by city officials per mitting Negroes to enroll is a di- rect result of the suit filed by Mrs. Lottie' P. Gaffney of Gaffney, S. Ci and three others because elec tion judges refused to allow them to register for the IfKlO presi!(lent- ial primary, the XAACP stated.' The resolution passed by the city Democratic executive commit tee on January 22, shortly before the trisl in the Gaffney 'case oc- cured states: “Every Negro ap- lying to vote in the city Democra tic primary must he known to h.ive voted the Democratic ticVet con tinuously since 1876.” According to that, a Negro niu>:t he at least 87 years old and must have voted the Democratic ticket (Continued on Page five) Little Rock, Ark., March 23. — i S:jt. Thmuaii B. Foster. ;iH, ol Z»\y- ■ ulon. North ( arolina w.-»h fataHv : wouKtiMi here yer.terd«y by P**{i«*er man A. J. Hay » ije ."»ttet«pted to taktj^iojlier '' ^ro soldier from ■ the cu.'trwTy of military anil citv rolii:c- ' According to tlie p«>lic*» officer hf---hmh place! one of the \egr> soldif^rs under arrest wht*n he Wds iircos|el bv Sgt. Fof-fer and order- ^e*i to relea.-^e him. A scuffle follow ed and the police ofticer Wa-i Unockwi to the sroiind (>y Foster who started advancing on the po liceman with a chib which he had token tVom the officer. offic er claimed he fired in s»df defen.-*e. and had not been placet! under ar rest late Tuestlay- ^ The killing occurred in the heart of the colored of Little Rock, and was witnessed hv a large nnniher of Negroes, mostly civilian.s. Im- -mediately afterwards a riot was only a%'orde«l when military poliee ordered all Negro soldiers out of the section. ImnjetiiatelT after the ^hootinff Foster was rushed to the local hot- pital. but died sereral honr^ after wards. According- to military authori-* ties Foster enlisted in the serri'H# last May at Baltimore, and was f» member of the 92nd En|riBe«rs Bat talion. He had been stationed at Camp Robinson for the past ser« (Continued on Page five)'^ A. & T. College Honors Dr. Noi^ A. and T. OoUefe honored Dr. M. O. 8. Noble, dtainoaa of tke A. and T. board of trnatees fw 45 yean on occasion of his S7th UrMay with a special prograai wbick wai bdd in Harrison audi* torinm last w«^- fke 9z«cram waa Conned arosad tk* of a portrait of l}r. Kobte by Pro- feasor H. Clintoa Ta^ar. DiracUr of Art at tkt eeUacB, did tk« painting “im apmradattsa of tlM iBfeMNMk Dr. IMii* tlka c*Uat« aad 1m. Nacre edieatian.** Itfl to am Or. prirtdwrt tfe* Nobl% aad PwfwMK