eATtjRDAt^jsiff m, ym mF iUll KiniST UNOIIBC& m TUiUNliHMUmNIIM.y. Continued from Page One unleashing of tnclr venom .of red npon the Negro people. “With the world in the agonjr of a ww: for the juicsriwd oi sheer human ^(iouDjy^ tl)e issue in Ameri^ .is .(SMt^iil ito the; whole Btru^le,.. Tjiwe like brutalities ,in the .Lnited 'State* are grift for tl^e pcoga- ganda mill of ,(Im. Axis powers and undoubtabl^' vi4l b« used to destroy the fa^tll of .t|le allied na tions in the ind inte grity of Amcij^a*' 4e8»9crftcy,| and hasten thf v^(«tri^iou qf the mori^e of tbt enslaved ppeo- ples of. the w;o*!d which hangs' pi^ariously on tliis hope,” MrJ Bntidolph eontipned. “Jf the Ne-i! gro is not giv,en his- lull rjg^^^ npw, then the battle 4or £)omo- cracy is lost.’-'* Amerioan Fadei«tioo oi ieMtt- «n, tmd Ahha Arnold J|ailgeiua>D| M^gco iW.ouen, JiwQrpo];iNl4il. ihie L. Jott*n, X^w^Uoivil ocuetAry-TreMurtar of Brytiiet- of 8l^j)ing jPor|^^ The program at .UUon ,8fluare will begin at 4:00‘P. M. t%e^o^l division of the on W«^- il^cton Mavmaeot has is*a«d lOO,- 90^ ieat'letf Aod liOOO .paMers Jb Varlam Md ^rvag tbe past weeK. A ciiy-wi^e ccw^’ac«nee; at the YKCA, pn ^Fri^y, (ttiend^d by ,rcpr^ciitaUs«8 of 50 orgajBizations set in inqtjon {^ns f«f ihe ^^tarade under fh» chair- mjutt^ip of Robert EarV- Ot- »Hiiiw%iaa8 i:ppre8«nM at ,the ^oplor«^ .included ^Broti^q)K)(Kj jf Sleeping Car PoHers, Interna* tiowl Xiftdies ^laxmsnt Wackerd llnion. Joint qf ^ondzjr-^W W-^olded- W« iwm in iW2 In " announeiM plwis jfor ttw4Jlaion^ :&iiliiag Banifla. ^»ii Jhe _ : M .n\ n1 5 VT._ tM Ikn A 1 1am ^ A.t_ XT - 1 parade, Dr. ^wjrenise £rvin, president of the New Xofik divis ion, March op Waahin^n Move ment, said,, “We want ti^e world to know, and particHla^ly ,p>»r Government, jiow the NegroMi in Harlem feel About the eleotrooa- tipn of WaUer, the lynfthio^ rfi Willie Vinson and -Private Jessie Smith in Texjis a^d 'Ari^wna, an^ the brutal beating uid o£ •Roland Ilayes. There will be ^ore Wallers and yins^t^ a^d . Smiths if we let these >thifigp go ,un- challenged. N» ^ njftj’-; Where." “The MarcH on Washington Movement, Dr. Ervin continp^, ‘ ‘is dedicated to forms of*national oppression per petuated against )the %W,» intend militaQtly to #hQv tp wiiite America that ti»e evil of the poll tax sy^tepl which ifostere these lynchiii^ a,^ !l>eating»;' shall be buned in the, same grave' with Odell Waller/’ Wearig blaok mourning anOi bands and carrying signs of jxro-j test against ly^ichi^,^ ‘Waller’sl electrocution u>e poll tax, the marchers ^,wiV assemble at; 56th Street a|^ 9th Avenue,: march south tal^^^treet, east‘s on l^Jjh to Union ' "Square where the paraders will be greeted by- music and spcakersi Til* speakqri' * at Uhion Squaw' will be Golden BlTAwn, Chairman and member Of the‘Jjlarch oH: Wai^t»ifton J6u8auerit4 tW=UUiy8» Employees Union, fTnit«d trans port ..Service Employees of Amer ica, Frederick IH>i|g||as Society,' ^qdern Trend Yo«lih Club, Nsgro iWomon, Incorporated juatd WQsk-: ere iD«(fenac Lea|nic> “iWe are aakii^ all N^g;roe84n New Yox-li join 09 *t Pifty-SijiUi- St^eet .and '8t}i Avenue on Sator- a}>ow our sJlent Uon ^t defliporacy shall Ae at home as w«il m AbVoad. We wU lyjton ]»{^oeB thro^e^t the: ^opiiitcy ^ ^qee in Haw XoJCk who c^not Bi^ch |f^th m >^9; observe five miauls o/rfieniue wherever t^ey ai* ^n l^atqrday, Jyly 25 pt .^:30 p jn.” ■■ B«y that this convention and this 4MMiatiort are hindering our ^twnr /m afainrt the Axis., Victory IS vital to minorities, but.1 bur President hai said in his gr^qting to this convention, min- oritiea *re alfo vital to viotory. aJhp objecUyes wf mkjae, not •* variance with- the war effort; j«»«^e thiags Ibnjt we! feel in OUT hearts, and lllese ,thtn^ that, .we ^earn^jfof^ and ^eae things that we are dftermined to fight to enjoy in gf ^th itself — these are ,thin«i the war it- «- boat.*' ^ CAftttLlNi fines m WiJkina. cited .the lyoahimr in Texarkana, Te,.. Julf ia7Jl prime exauyjle of wl^ ihe NMOP Uiu#t carry-the light uptil iimty protsotioa ,is won ht the «4ce and ^ver^ .rjght secured. •'‘This is-the ti^ie off d®®i“ion, ho eaid, “a time ,wbm the des-1 jtiaisa pf men aod fla^op^ ,are bc- Cgmtinaed foom Pflge Ope Ji'idge, formco* oUairman rf the to the ,«^^t il^at no Oliver in the world, “not even all tiie meqhanised armi^ of tho cap force tjie sout^vn white people to abandon social sepegatipn, apd contrasted it with the statement oi the late William Ei^iah .Willing in 1908, calling for treatment of tj^e Negro Von a pane of abolotc poli tical and social equality.” “Thd^ two white Kentuckians one.^ found^ of tiw I^AACP,! have laid down the for us,‘ said the speaker. ^ NAACP kpynoter declared Agal^' ISiucational' Director, Pree.|Ke^'qey capnot tte ^t doni House, Prank B.- Crosswaith, director, Negro Labor Cohi^jjiU^e and member New york Housing Authority; John F^inerty, coun sel for Workers Defense Leajfu^ who handled the Waller ease; Dr. Lawrence Ervin, President, New York Division, Marrh on Wash ington Movement; Dr. Channidg Tobiax, National Council, YMCA; La vie Lane, Vi;e President, for their rights —all of them becai^e the predicament of the race forces iictiop for rcdrcs^ of wrongs, because tihe tradition of the great pioneer figl)ters of the race drives pre.sent day Nfgroes to act and because thte struggle the N(^ro is identical with the ideals and principles of the De claration of Independence, the Veaej*, Nat Tiuiaacs, or Ikedqriek 0ouglas8, or ^e victims of lyQoh fobs, or jOocie illillsr Joe Louis and ORr other boys in ^e ui^orjp of -the ooqntry, Wfi cannot ^n our baoks ppon Ibe £|eQlar«tiqp of Independence and say we |)eHove we ai;e not enkitied -to Jjife, liberty and the ^prspit of ihapptness, that are not ereated the equals of otbar msQ. No ^an ,oan ask ■this of us. No power can fcffce us -to no stultify oumelvefl. 80 we aaiMiQt jell out. We cannot step .side. iW« eaftnot and will not .remain sUep^t. The fight goes ,one and on, until we jv^p.” 9(reetings toithe conforenoe were, extended by Mayor Fletcher Bow- ron for the city, and by George, A- Beavers, vice president qf the: Golden State Mutual Life Insur-i ance Company, for the Im An-^ geles branch. Thomas L. Qriffithrl presided. j V** Naci Armf the M^rreldWelMl (serKeant^ Itada a picMrcd bciev. rsn}i|nK with,.ap Awerifan m'poraL and the No. 1 kuaMr, His a—Irtaaf. 1 a ftfreitrr. also cradM aa 1 ti M-r« arhuta^ and obefKhatseh. Armed witli Hilea, pistali, HkM waehliM fuM, aiaem> nd arenadM. aa Indicated, the Are |Mwer ef tfte “rreppe’* ki apparrat. f* ftkn. ftrtr- NATIONAL EMBiEAO THUaMCW CAMTV mSTOLS AUOMMK MACMIMCeUM IVUIT5 Ltnr siotl OF HtLMer, n^r.9ipe. OP MLUMCr THKSS MCW CAiWV RirLU AMD HAMO ORCMAPBS SCHUrZCM (MivATaa^ jCHUTZCN«OeeKMurZCM rnAMeM^” (i>iuvATas*pnvwnsi*’aAa) OuW«M.Ctt» * M0*4A>6 RlSU OM RI6Ht BREASr application immediately. Applic ants will be required to take a screening test and physical ex amination. Class will begin as aqon as the quoia is. filled* The program is of eight weeks duration, and flight instruction wUn^ i^eh aF^he CflscnsbOTO Jifunicipal Airport. *7he ground sehSbl classes for the trainees will be' c'o!SW5l5?3 on the college campus. In order that they may be pre pared to participate in the avia-, tion programs to be conducted in the high schopls this fall, mathe- matics and physics teachers in the high schools are invited to take the ground stfK^ courses. Students from all sections of the country Have taken the train —V V— -Orai^e Coupty N^gro 4-H n^eipbers attend first district 4-H Ouh oamp Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at camp ;\Vhispcring Springs near Raleigh North Carolina. The following cliib' members; will attend camp, Ella Mae John son, Annie 3urt, Lottie Watkins,. M, C. Burt Jr., Pcfcy Booth, 4EU-! gene Breeze, lllilton Allen, and Clifton Trice. Miss Buby Crews Negro Home Ajifent will teach a class in eatii^ ha'bits and will also serve as ad-, visor to club leaders. M. C. Burt; Negro County Agent will have ‘This struggle is one with t.bechprge of the evening program. jQISBEHl PriMwrtes Twdye Service Men Today Greensboro — For the first time, young men between the ag-* eg of 18 and 37 are given an op portunity to enter the field of aviation at A and T, College, with room board and local trans portation paid for by the federal government, according to a reoent announcement by Prof^ J. Marteena', coardinator of civilian pilot training at 1ihe collie. As usual, tEe college will have a quota; therefore persons inter- I ested in the training should make EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO REV. J. a: VAIJ34imB. Minister Sunday School 0:30 A. M., Preactoig 11:00 Al. M. and ' ' 7:00 P. M. ARE YOU DISCOURAGED, DEJECTEd/HEART BROKEN? If you are—St. Joseph A. M. E. Church Ex tends to you without price an invitation to join its mem- ; h^s a^d frii^ds the renewal of your hcjpe g,nd fsflth.,, mkm A«iits Ym the gra'duaTes arc 'rfow aT Taske- association through Secretary gee either in the army air corps or receiving training preparatory to becoming commissioned offic ers. Annod Itefomi Our Wedkly Sermoo pfaig tbe help they Orangeburg, S- C. — The an nual national championships of the American Tennis Association will be held at Lincoln Univer sity, Penn., August 17-23, in clusive, accordingto an official announcement released this week ing at % and T, and several of i by the Executive Committee of tbe MY PECT NO REACHA OA PEDALS / ifrs. noft I.f>mn MiehigaOy the pr* -it* t^oman' champion (ainnli i.. exi - f > (lefiiiid her crr>«n, an>l Mrs. Afnics Lawson Of 1*r!itTlF VT. ., TfTrr, 1040 ehampion in that divii^ion, may be seen in the F^t, in an effort to regain bir lNit tiUe. Many of the i;rst ' ;n ranking nen and women pla_\ r- afe w-irk- ing in dofensf pli-.nts in the Ka^=t, A.aii3h:>uc. TeX. — Thr thr^.m fj»rk^>n bi»th*-rM of I t.lintV, Fi’li'i all *>■' ■ puffl.i ■ 1 ‘ during th their cfun*,. ?2u.000 -'i tr t The J ini : onnty hail i -/ii'i- R Arthur B-, and 'bv raiK'htnen aad h.tvp w«n wide 1' • p«tr >tie of mr biiaii u;.' dnve is K:'bruihtf b(R|gbt iuot for iM i tel *t th^ .F. ’ >n WHAT \TPir‘SiTmE youliwE9r'hyjUwmce~f ■Dive«bbmb6n ,can be.e£FcaLvdy aol accurately^airaedlFieqaefitl^^ i^k.diviog' speed issiowarthaoilevflffig^tJTljfWAbcflJMMaMjaijaiOO^ rear of tha^jwioy.)^^ " t Altogethcf,,6,800,000^U.S.loldie«'foughTintHe5^^ioaiwa«^ The timepiece jneotion^ in iMtaK'did 'tiot "rweoabte”a'^Bukova Watch in .my !!^yl Authocities tielieve it to have been aiflight of curving «t«p9i upon which a baam of sunlig^Jt .fell.fnm a idcy-light, traoifiarmtag the steps iim>.a gigaodc «iiidial!r ^ The Sea of Galilee is located io Palestine.^ L MAKE WAY FOR ONE MORE! We wtilcome the patrc^gage of you who are tising aur service to get to and from your jobs. If at times our buses are crowded and there are traffic delays, your patience will be appreciated. Rest assured that .our entire organization is doing everything humanly possible to serve you. During the “peak'hours,’' there will be time» when our 'service will not be as good as we’d like it to be but th(^,^ondiyonshore b^.qnd control due to the large nutetor of rider at .'partitul^r hot^ai.' ’ DURHAM PUBLIC SERVICE Betram 1^ Baker, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Amierican Tennis Associa tion had planned to hold its an nual nationals this year at tbe A and T College, Greensboro, North Carolina, but due to a full sum- mei' Bchedttle whieh mclutletl . eo^ operation in the war effort, the college had to cancel this engage ment, as a result of which, the tournament has been transferred to Lincoln University, Penn. In years past this annual event has been the culmination of a ser ies of tournaments conducted by the various state tennis associa-l tions of the American Tennis As sociation, but owing to the war and restrictions in travel duo to gas and tire rationing, the num ber of the lessQf tournaments have been reduced. Players and fans ure therefore pointing to the national event. Tun up tournaments which are scheduled or have already been played off include the Kew £ng-* tournament which was conducted at Hartford, Conn, July 3 to ,5, and the New York State Open Championships which will be held on the Cosmopolitan Tennis Club icoiyrts, New York City, August 10 to 15 inclusive, the week prior to the nationals at Lincoln Univer sity. Participation at the two big tournaments is expected to include Dr. Reginald Weir and Eyre Saitch, both colorful state and national-V ehampions «f - former CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James Louis Pake acknowledges with grateful appreciation the many kindnesses shown them during ^ iheir rwenf bei’eavoMent. and it is probalilf th;i' e^'V^^ral may i pureba^ cwnnty 1)0 seen in action during thej'vppk.i quota br ^ }1,WH». war b*»ud of these two "ri’at toiirnament i. , - ile« for -hp unty for June Lincoln Universit;. i, appro,ii- | waa F. the mately forty milts*fro’n I'hiladel- •county «|ui>ta, War b>nd phia, U is beli»‘vi*,| with the gas«>- ^.hairnian I{ F. Kiiev rrrfiv^d a line rationing sci ind at the pre- ! tebgran ot fm .i ^sCnt level, many .ar owner-i wU Hw. of the Tri’a^urv H#nry Mor- aave .their ga-*/atioti 30 «..( to be ,genthau, Jr. in line for tho trip t.. Linml.f; ^ ^ bn.lher** are fx- liauy owner' arc pooling their ten.sivp lamr -jwner^ and enrasred resources, and or;;anizing partiej), ia ram-hin^ an,j ri gf^ ->0 all of which iii keeping with |n lar>;n -l aU*. They also own sever the orders and advice of the Na-jai oil wt^lld, drilled on their pri- tional Admini.stration’i rationing |vae pro[i*Tty when oil was dts- burean. ^ in Lhainherd county. r ^^ REGAL' THEATRE SUNDAY—MONDAY lOAiY CARRKiAN in “TRAIL OF THE SILVER SPURS NEWS ANO CARTOON ‘ DOCTOR SATAN” M TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY “GREEN PASTURES” ALSO SERIAL AND MUSICAI* lOc THURSDAY BargaiD Day lie 2—FEATURES AND SHORT—2 BARBARA STANWYCK. IN LADY EVE” ALSO SIDNEY TOBER IN . "CHAN INM WAR MUSElAj” BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS WARONTHEHOMEFRONT CIVILIAN DEFENSE IS EVERYBODY’S JOB tji sustaining the Nation’s efforts against ruthless aggression, there is a job for everybody. During these turbulent times, it is not only essential that we build stronger, alart ‘‘home front” raady for action in time of emergency^ but that the home itself be safeguard against enemies that may rob you of peace of mind and future security. In safeguarding .the Nation and the home, life insurance and the purchase' of War Bonds go hand in hand. The Bonds you purchase enable the Nation to provide planes, ships and implements of war that will help defeat the enemies of our country and preserve our way of Jife. Life insurance will provide safaty and security foi^ the ones whose comfort should always be uppennst in our minds. Make it a point TODAY to buy War Stomps and Bonds regularly and con sistently — as many as you can. Money invested today in War Bonds and Life Insurance will insure National freedom from the oppressor and independence for you and yours TOMORROW. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL C.C.SPAULMN».rr*«lW * DURHAM. NORTH CAROUNA Durham District Office Charlotte District Offioa. 809 Fayetteville Street 404 ^ East First StattI W. L. COOK, Manager A, E. SPEARS, Sr.. i MaMCNf Keep the Flagr Flying — Buy . Defense Stamps & ’ t • . . ■.■J-.