t THE CAROLINA TIMES. DURHAM. N. C. '^ATrHDAT. nrr. loth, 1043 DIUJUtDD. STUDENT UADERS 1 Poter Ross, maintenance tore- mnn, Tnlship; Ernettt E. Cotton, former student at Tusk«g?e jn- fltitiit®, a ^«lship welder. J>i . tinijuished ijupRts included Dr. Willinni .1, Tompkins, Recorder of deeds, Washington, Mm. P-jtu* Wfljihinjrton Pittinnn, only liviv daughter of Booker T. Waahiiigtj'i now residing at Tueskee^ Miis Fiinnie Pittman and MisiJ L«Hii;e Washington, g(»«nddaughters of the beloved edncator, and a daiiofh ter of Capt. Hugh Mnlzae who w'll command the Tetsel, With eloquent tones, Mrs, Be- thune an principal Speaker decl|»r- ed; “This is an advanced 8t«3|j t.j- wards building the moral# of a group of people who are flghtin? for a chance to fight.” “T bring the gratitude and con* gratulations of the 15,000,009 N"- groes of American, I am sure, of all fair minded thinkiI:^; ci^zcns to the California Shipbuild^ns; A lai-g* part of student activi ties on the campus of Dill.'i’d university. Xew Odeaus, this yi'iir pictured above. Ijower row, left to right, are: Ilcnry Bradford, Music ('hib; Marjorie W'illiama, TWCA; Fern Roberts, Plajer.^’ will be lead by the six students j Guild; John Powe, Student Union Top ro wale Harold Lueien, J^3i- cnce Club, and James Rams»y, NAACP. The four young men aro New Orleanians; Miss Williams home in' * LAUNCHING OF SHIP AT CALIFORNIA to MAKES HISTORY AS MILLIONS LISTENS TO IMPRESSIVE PROGRAM^ BT HA£RT LEVETTE Lof» Angeles, (ANP) — riiina':- ing over a month of apticipntio.i millions of radio listeners all over the world heard history made Tuesday, Sept. 20 at Ca!ihip_ Shipyard at WHmington ha--j^oK This was the launching of th J ]0,5)0 ton Liberty ship whi^-h »t the snggestion of Peter Ross^ color ed shipyard forotniin, was nai»'-tT “Booker T. Washington,” Rfto- that great leader. As Miss Marion Andernou, not ed contralto broke a bottie «f champagne against the bowR of the ship, the few hundred who. were permitted to crowd into the imm ediate inclosure broke into p»o- longed cheer. Previous to this .V.e had graciously declaimed, “I i'-cl highly honored to havebee n a«kctl to perform this ceremony and 1 should like to sing for you the National Anthem.” As the l.'ist beautiful note died away, CHnie the command “Burn Fire;” acet- elyne t(f/|h^s burnetl the fifth hole in the li‘11 thii*k retainirb plates and the great vessel started slid ing with incroa.sed momentnii down the wnjn and int** tta water for its maiden voyage. An outstanding personnel too’t part in the dramatic program. The list of complete parti'-ip- .Miiti? follows: Sponsor: Miss Maria;i Ander son, noted contralto. Philadlphl.i: matron of honor; Mrs. Peter Koss. Lor Angeles, wife of the Ca'ship Follow The Crowds To New York Qothing Ck)mpany Now In Old Melborne Buiidiog ^ FOR V ALUES In Clothing, Shoes, Hats, For you and the whole family- Gome in today and SAVE MONEY NEW YORK CLOTHING CO. Now in old Buildinizr 2 Doors From 'A. ft P. Grocery 'A)»Looi8 Pearson, Owner foreman who suggested the Siip’- name; master of ceremonies: J W. Wadsworth, industrial r^i.'i- tions manager,’ Calship; principal speaker; Mi-s. Mary McLeod Be- thune director, division of Negro affairs, NYA, Other speakers were John \ McCone, executive vice president (’ulship; Judge Edwin L. Jeffer- aoji, Kev. F. D. Jordon, Pas:or First AMK Chnrch, Los Ang?les‘, courage and democracy.” "May T voice the loyalty of my people to the all-out program of our cOmmander-in-chief and ple«- ge our full support and coopinM- tion to ail the»« ageuciea worUicg with and for him in bringing '.o the nnited nations a complete vic tory. ’ ’ “This is not just another ctrg* vessel. This is a ship that epi tomizes the trSe spirit and ideal of democracy. This is a ship mm- cd for a great man, not ’>ist great Negro, a great man hapy)ened to be a Negro—^Bnokev T. Washington.” The ship is expected to be rerdy for service by the middle of Octo ber. It wiir be given for cpmn^ar. l to Capt. Hugh Mulzac, the only American Negro to hold a mas ter’s certificate, and will have a crew of white and Negro officer^ and men. ^ Newsreels were made of the event and many representatives of ilies as well as the Negro Pre-s Uviogstone Onens 61st Year Sessions; The 61st session of Livingstone College, Salisbury! got off with reeord-br?aking Freshman t laes on October 2nd., They come from their spirit O'f -manv ot‘ 4b»— were present. Four average homes conld b heate,] fot* a year with fuel o'. from a tank ear, bn^ four hf-rv bombers would ^y aloft l^s JENKINS - JONES Motor Corporation Products of the FORD MOTOR CO. E. C. Mathis> Managrer Comer ' Blount and Heritage Sts. Kinston, N. C. WHEN IN KINSTON STOP AT HOTEL CHARLES Modem Conveniences-Mod- erate Rates Located In The Heart Of DOWNTOWN KINSTON PHONE 9115>227 S. Qaeeo Street ReserfaHofls Made By Telephone Co(!er the Management ot Dnnn Brothers BEAUTY % Women’s most precious jewel is Beauty —Our Hair Culture and Manicuring System is unsurpassed We Are Prepared To Serve Milady In * All Phizes Of Beauty Culture Easter’s Beauty Salons 403 S. Queen St. ICinston, N. C.^ And Jacksoinville, N. C. COMPLIMENTS BRANCH BAKING AND TRUST CO. Member Of Federal Insurance Deposit Corpation. it. sections of the country, and »■ well gradfed faculty was on hand to greet the new comers. Two welcome addreses were delivered by Irvin Oestroiker, leading busi ness man of the city, and Kev. H T. Henry, graduate of tiic collcge, and one of the leading pas tors in the Western North Caro lina Conference, and at present pastor in charge of the Soldiers Memorial AMK Zion Church Ihi* city. President W. J. Trent, folio»'’•* ing the addresses presented ;he new students and the Faculty. The following are the new nieai* hers: Miss Rena Joyce Wailcr, B. E. Teachers College, Conn., and A, M. from Drew Theologic.U Seminary, Secretary to the Pre-ii dent and part, time instructor in Religious • ^Education; Kenneth j A. Johnson, A. B. Colby College, and A M. at Harvard University in History; Wendell H. Kdward^ A. -B. Talladf^a (’ollege, an«l M. S. New York Univeraitv in Mathe- WiL- berforce University, and A. M. from Ohio State University '"n Sociology; John Lash, A. B. Liv ingstone, and A. M. from Univer- sity of Michigan in English; Mi.i/-( Sophia Nelson, A. B. Unircrsity of Pittsburgh, and A. M. from At lanta University in English, and Mrs. Hattie Neal Flack Dean of Women. Everyone present at the open- ing rejoiced to see the work goitig on the Price Memorial Buildin*,’. The Carnegia Library seen in this pictui'e which houses mo e than 18,000 voloumes, has bad considerable overhauling this summer, to say nothing of ..ho more than $3,000 spent on itti- provemrnts-i*- the oth^r buildin^'^ and grounds. President stated that it is the hope of the COME TO New York Bargain Store THE STYLE CENTER Wfi Carry A Complete Line of Men’s Women’s and Childrens’ fteadj^TiKWear And Shoes. Sanitary Laundry KINSTON, N.C iWe !Appnedate Your Patronage SEND HS YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING _ SANITARY LAUNDRY KINSTON, N. C. Connection that the Price build ing will be coompleted by Poun der’s Day so that it can be dedi cated. It will coat when completed and furnished and equipped 000) one hundred and fifty thoii- sand dollars. ♦ * * MAKEl EVERY U ^ « PAY MY BOND DAY FARM QUESTION BOX br ED W. MITCHELL Farm Advisor G*n*ra/ El»ctrk Station WGY Q- Washiingr - Greasing - Batteries Chargfed SINCLAIR PRODUCTS H. AND H. SERVICE STATION -^ Jercwne Williams T. Wiley Holloway Kinston’s Only Complete Colored Service Station Corner Queen And South Sts. PHONE 1457 Ladies Rest Rooms Gents Should salt b« put on aspara gus beds? No. Exp.rlm.au Indicat. lalt doM D.b)rdratlag _ _ •impl., aa# I wUl ^ a to comparatlT.ly th. a.Mragut no good and doM not kill .nough wMd. to pav for th. both.r. A.Mratu. .hould g.t 5M pound, ol S-fl-S pw acr. aft.r th. laat cuttint, M that It can build up a good rM.r*. ol forf la tin luuta lut tlw fulluwlhg ynt. It ihould auo t.t manur. mcIi fall If It I. poMlBla. l.tln M th. .ubjMt. Ht gatvanls- , •f**” "y .cr..n trar* la anjr Miri ‘ of a box or ov.n jrou can Mt orwt a bu»n^ pa th. .tova. Sllc, die ot ma.h tb. product m that It will dry out r^lly, and dry It with i >Mt till It to thoroughly ch dn. Tb.n ctj^tamw. Q. A. Will millet make grass silage? Ym. You can mak. graM .Uaj out ot almct anything. l.gumM nMd gra*. or g^n phoMki tk.i A. molasM. «r help prwwv. orlc add to and th« Mp _ min.t (Itog. will Im b«ttw if othW thing, go In with It. But It can ba UMd alone and without any pr.* .WTatlv. U tb* train la ataMat ripe. Q. lias ns? Q. to kill cabbage worms ThM« are aver tan worma that feed on cabbage, and the beat con trol I. rot.non. dn.t. You can gat It at any good feed or eeed etorf. if that fall, to glre good control, add a I irtl. calcium arMaate toU. Um the ara.nlcato carefully eo there will not be too much reeldue when th. head, go to market. Please explain a simple process for dehydrating fruit in an oven. A. —, pi — soms freely but bears no fruit. Can I do anything to make it produce fruit? ftotebly. Next yaw cat a bowaaet at bloom frooi Mme other variety of phiBi and hang It la your tree, .f •’■y water. Thie prorUm i pollination t« fertlllae your bloom. Many varto- tlea of plum are Mlf-eterll^ i Please tell me how to raise and - feed turkeys? | Moet grower* are ualngtlM ■rouse breed of turkey., but IM>urbon or Whit. Holland I. )uet a. good. You - can b«T the day-old or .li-waeke Kult. luat a. you can baby chick.. >.y Mioald b. kapt on an elevat ed wire loor from the day tbea are i hatched till they go on cfmn rang, whwe no chlckon. haM been, for three or four yaar*. Some ar.' k.f k.pt on wlr. and In conAnanMnt ■If th* tim. and n.*w gd an range. Thto takM mor. fMd but l.i a protection agalnet dlMaae. Youj can put them out a* Mton a. th*' weatner to warm. 1 will get you a bulletin on turk^ya. Welcome Farmers To Kinston Make Our Modern Furniture Store Your Headquarters While Trading: in Kins ton. We Carry a Complete line^bf Na tionally Known F^yrniture Suitable For Ev^Home. STOVES CHAIRS RANG«» RiyMOS A'^RS Living Room - Dining Room - Qed Room LUTHER PAUL SMITH & BAKER FURNITURE COMPANY 103-105 S. Queen St* Phone 1034 Eagle WarehoDse KINSTON, NeCe HOME OF HIGH PRICES Offer You Under The Present Sales Setup A SALE MOST EVERY DAY C. Kersey Smith, Manager G. Pa (Uncle George) (leming Asst. Mgr. Leo. L. Prescott, Asst. Mgr. Congratulations Hines Ice Cream Company KINSTON. N. C.