STARVATION THREATENS IN W. INDIES Salute To Negro Soldiers \ I 9C J VOL. xxm . NO. 14 BUY WAR BONDS .. DURHAM, North Carolina, SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd. 1943 BUY WAR BONDS • • SpEE»YEJUl4)LD SCHOOL QHL uuae, JU£D BY OFFICER Trouble Looms In Caribean Account Jjf-Fooil BT LLEWELLYN RANSOIIE Facing starvation as the re sult of th« United States’ food bloCk«de, and cmartinj; under the pruel di?tatorship of pro- Axis Admiral George Robert, the Nojp-o people of Martinique an^. Ouadelope, in the Cftrib- bean», are about to rebel. Once rebeiHon has been pi-eoipitate'lj ■ it ia likeV iHe-U, H. in to “restore order.” • * These 500,000 West Indian Negroes are suffering the food blockade because Admiral Ro bert refused to renounce alloij- iance to Vichy and join the United Nations. They are bitter and rebellions because thia Vichy High Commissipner, who has ruled since the Fall of Prance, has deprived them of the political rights they have long enjoyed under the Third Republic. FBENOfiBIEN NO MORE. These people who live thi'ir simple lives as fishermen, petty tradesmen and,j for the^on* part, workers on sugar cane an.l bannana plantations, have en joyed and cherished as Frehch- men, the right to vote and the freedom of expression. These they lost the mbment the Vichy Oovernnient was created. Admiral Robert, who ma i.- tains his control with « of several thousand French ^var8hips lying at Fort of Franc. Martinique, eliminated the Ge oral Council, as his first act. The council democratically ■ managed the financial and poli tical affairs of the hitler methods Every Hitler device is appli ed to keep the people down^ Spies are everywhere.. Nogi« and civil employe nrc pnvired. and Vichy agent^ their places. Any one suh- nected of T>e Ganlist sympathies ,8 watched and often imprison Gendarmes are stationed^m ,.very village to watch the re3- less people. ^h€y are more „„mei^us since the threat la.t .h,lv of U. S. invasion. Listening to shovt-wave or to l.roadcasts from the Allies _ a. ,v.-lUas any pro-«illy expressions nndVnnishable by imprisonment ,\]\ medium .„v,oo' All mediums, the church, schoo^ radio and the press are «sed to snread pro-Axis propaganda, spreaa y +o be sus- One can not afford ne ^ iiected, else he may be taken to headquarters. ymTE ISLANDERS PRO-AXIS ^ ^ All this curtailment of t n e rights of native Negroes i^s look^ ed upon with favor by the 0500 Please Turn To Page Five Florida Seeks To Trick Tochers In Salary Scale Fight Tampa, Fla. — Preliminary to trial for the equalization of herS' safaries Tiere deposi tions were filed on March 2fi, Thnrgood Marshall NAACP, special counsel who is represent ing Hilda Turner, Negro teach er here, announced this week. Suit for equalization in Hills borough County was filed oa •tehalf of Miss Turner in Novem ber. Soon after this a motion to dismiss the suit was denied to the school board. At that time the school board stated that salary schedules would lie inan- »urated whereby the pay of eajh teacher, Negro or white, would be based solely on rating of the individual’s teaching ability There were to be three classifi cations, upon which to baSe the imihunt of pay to be received by ■t teacher. The ratings were Al, A2 and A3. , Teachers falling witTiin 91 rafuig group would re- ’.eive 'the TTTghest pay. Miss Turner now contends that th( three classifications have been used to perpetuate the salar' differentials of Nogro a n d white teachers here and that it most instances the teachers rat- «tl in the Af category are foi the most part white while th. ieachers in A'l are almost e.\- clusivelv colored. Captain Finn Back From African War Zone Tells Of Trip ChaplPiin James R. C. Finn >f Washington, D. C. went tc Liberia in May, 1942, with P "egiment of Negro Engiineers the first American trops to go to Africa, Now back in thif country on a new assignment he reports that the troops madf the trip seffely, but not without incident. For th^ first week o^ the, three weeks voyage, destin ation was unknown, but ei^h' “alerts” were signalled, dupin- whicn times the men, who cons tantly wore life belts, wfent im mediately to thr.'r life bo-.i' stations. One “alert” was sign ailed at 12:30 A. M., at whicV time the lookout reported tha' a torpedo had .fust missed th^ sitern of the ship. The general activities of thr chaplain on board ship includ ed talks with groups of the mer (Continued on Page Two) FIVE NATIONALITIES WAR ON THE AXIS L to iUK Policeman Gates Charged With Assault And Battery These girls are but five of several tumd^ Working on delicate aircraft instruments in General Klectric'i actory at Lynn, Ma«. They represent flire ntUi»aUUes. Prom left to right: Evelyn Savory, American; Anw 3otlris, Greek: Marie St. Pierre, French; Frances Ooonyep, Chinese, and Gertrude HUenski, Prtish. Some o Jie coils on which these girls wotIc are wound with wire but oae-ttiird the diameter the human hair. Dun ind lint from clothing often causes trouble with such delicate work so all employes must wear sUrched irtiltf frocks at work. Subway Cop Suspended For Beatiug Student i^ur on FLASH According to information re leased by athletic officials of N. C. College, word was re ceived h^e Wednyday that the N., C. CoIk^ Eagles liBte betn the 1M3 basketball championship of the CIAA. Previous infw- mation wtts to the effert that Unitm University of Rich mond, Va., was the winners. A detailed report on the a- warding will be published in next week’s issue of the UABOUNA TMCS. Last Rites Hekl NURSES AT FREEDMAN’S HOSPliTAL GET GREAT RELIEF FROM NUMEROUS DUTIES ON ACCOUNT NURSE AIDES Hampton Annouiices Dates For Army And Nav^'.Program Tests HAMPTON INSTITUTE,. Va. — Dr. Eugene D. Carsttate, cor- ordinator of personnel services at Hampton Institute, announced today that the qualifying tests for civilians for the Army and Navy College Training programs will be given at Hampton In stitute on Friday, April 2, , at 9 a. m. *■ The purpose of the tests is to provide the armed foiv with information which will 1m useful in seleetiiig .students for lity. college training \nider the Army Specialized Training Progiuiii and the Navy rollege Training (V-12) Program. They will also •erve to help clas.>lfy students Iti respect to relative traiiinl)ilit’i lity. U Applicants Tor thi o\dniin.)- tions must l>e over 17 and und'i 22 year sof ^ge on .frily 1, Hi 4.'!. High school graduates and coll ide students l)etwe‘n these ages may apply for further infomii- tion at the personnel uffii-c of Hampton Institute. WASHINGTON, D. C. — The hard-pressed staff at Washing ton’s Frecdnien’s Hospital were being relieved pf a multitude of duties this week by volunteer Nurses Adies trained at How-» ard University. ■■■ Cooperating with the R e d Cross and the Office of Civilian Defense in recruiting 100,000 Nurses Aides to relfeve the in creasing shortage of registered nurses, Freednien’s the oldest Negro hospital in the country has been training volunteer workers in free 80 hour courses since last October. Its first class of 54 graduat es including prominent Washing ton housewives, civic workers and comtnunity learlors w.ts gra duated on Decetnber 9. A secon’ ,t‘lass v\!ia inau^'urated immedi- ateh uiiiler th** instruction of Miss, Thelma Harris, K. N.,, a jfradnate of Frcednien’s Ilospit- :I Training School. Miss Harrid is assi>-,tid by Mrs, George M. Johnson, enptnin, ;nd Mt-a fler- fr’.de tone, Aisist.dit captain, of the first “espped” NurSiS Aid es. Nurses Aidei are 1/.^ li' Us eonfiised with H.nMmi nurses who take the rc';>iliiti«»n Course leading to lecistered nurses' eertifientcs. The Surges Aidcs'linserting her '■onrse i.s offered to women withlshe waited o NEW YORK, (Special to tkc TIMES) — Raphael Jacol>son, independent subw^ policeiuau who on^ March Irith '^ttac,kc'l Ethelyn Burnett, 15 year old high school girl has been sua- ppnded pending a hearing by the Board of Transportation, Police Inspector John J. Spain announc ed this week at the first hear ing op the assault. The hearing followed protests made by Ethe lyn 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Burnett, managers of a rooming house at 328 St. Nicholas Ave nue. Ra(£ Women To Don Porters Caps On Obb Of Nations Railroads RICHMOND, V a. — Negro women will soon- s don porters’ eaps- on at least one of "the country’s railroads. , * , A wilroad representatiye last week told the conference on “Womanpowtr in Transporta tion, ” sponsored by the Office of Defense Transportation, that Negro Women will soon be em ployed to meet manpower short- (Continued on Page Two) ERNEST ELACK, Dorham young man whp was recently killed in an antom^ile accid ent while on maneuvers in Arizona with the U. S. Army. Tbe bod; was l^rouzht here last Week, and the fast rites were held at the St. Mark AME Zion church. Interment was at the Beechwood cemetery. Mr. Black was a former student at N. C. Sollege. The above photo was taken during his grsutna- tion from the Hillside High School of this city. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee "Black of 103 Hillside avenue. , Volunteers Relieve Registered Norses Testimony by 1- students o: the "beating of the high school student at the 207th street sub way station by a subway police man in the prescene of schooi mates was also heard this week by Prentice Thomas, assistant Special counsel for the Nation^ Association for the Advance ment of Colored People. It was learned through t h hnarin" t^at the attack upon Elbelyn which lfa.=5 been cnie- fully concealed by the metropoli tan press had assumed the pro portions of a riof. Several radio Cars oi policemen were involv'>»i in quieting the uproar created tiy a large group i *" high schooi students >eUiny, li-’ proteetio^i of Ethelyn, who i‘ft>l the b^t-. ing WA.^ U>“ked for tt*-H in mens’ lavutory >f the subway station. On March 15, Ethilyn left school and wen' o the station vhere »hr had prm^e; to wait for i. girl friend, .\fte- fare in the slot' the other side ol Please turn I’lijje Two Mf V-J b^ds. ■..•'X oAtitnla, octor , J.v-y A&lw h«lp thif riuMag* > if iMMiMtaki. Wiis PJ >rtnc« Graat. VomaitMr Ni,r?- ' Ai ;% i Ghranv^b N. aMowt in th* E... -rg '..-rv Op.f'. ^ 'mo{ Free^r"-Wantnctaa, 0. C. i Tie a ahra» -k i.t der aoiwrriilDii of a rr.uJtt nur«e wt .. cian. - The V -t “T : .'i!, • , with dM Please Turn f» Page P^e Two J 1.1 r»v One of the most vieious «aaM of intwiiidation ocforred Tuesilay morning H'h«>n Dorris r.y.m, young girl of Hill side High Sfhool was attju^ked by H . K. ,rates, plain tlotheft policeman, while ridinit to school on a Darbam Publii* ’ Accaniiag to n statev made hy the yoang; jprl, wht * abont Ilf yiHirs .>f a*e, sh# hM ed the ^^ns in m western seet of the ^ty and took the near vacant seat to the Iwek, besi another yopng school girl of he.f own race. After riding for sev eral blocks one of the eolor>'d passengers seated behind her got off the bus whereupon she was Ordered by a white roan who showed BO indication at tk*» time that he was an officer -if the law, to take a seat in the rear of the has. After ohserr- ing that there was Qjie vacant eat in tile back of th,» bos, Mis« Lyons stated that the other g>rf got up from beside her'and took the seat, whereupon she waa again ordered hr Hates to get op and get in tfie back of the bva. After informing him that ther*» were no other^seats ia the back of the bus sHe proeeetled to t»- main where she was. The nan then snatehe«l her oat of th« seat, at the s*m? time paiafally twisting her thumb. The joosf girl stated that in the aemfflo her books fell to the floor of the bus and were kieked down the aisle by the officer* who alno was cursing and osing ahosin* langaage at the time. He kiek«r>] at jier once, she stated, bat $he managed to dodge his foot a^ escaped injury. According to Miss I^rona it was not until she was about ti* be taken off the bus when near ing the conrthonse did tk* policeman show his badge and disclose hLs identity a« ma ' officer of tKe law. After beine taken to the poliv'e statioa, young girl stated $h» aakrd 16, be permitted to eall her but was told by Oates tlkat s|» could not use the vhoM. th^ was no need to damn black wonum aa nothing she eo«ik} do. he was iSnaIfy ’UUt hj officw in the po&e whont - she was aoabli to that sha could ase th* whereupon she did caB ther. Befw» her rive the yoaag giv| was fthftt prtaM; Traphed with a henMM k. and on the an^ «t I Ptoip* TMl If