SATURDAY, APRIL 24tlw 1943 BUY WAR feOtiDiS TODAY! THE CAROLINA T1 ENTERTAINMENT WORLD Around The Town WITH us SOLLOWAT Slipping out from between a deauce of lily-whites About a quadrupled deauce of ticks on the early dark, yours truly sta- ches his welUelad frame into the last bag, places his gavel- crushers into his knobs, dropi^ on his topper and strolls on off to drape his publicity-seeking lamps into the ports of the lo cal juke-joints. When he ftrst pats his pads upon old terra'i firma, the twisters loosen up on their bellowing in a frantic at tempt to have yours truly oast his -optics up their lanes, but this pencil-pusher nixes their plays, straightens, the curve or. his ace-button roll, slips the topper a petite portion to the windward and pats gravel on down the main stem in the cul- Jiid ghetto to view with his own ^y-blue peepers and to lately on to yith his own massive an»- filiflers exactly what the local tuds are laying down. SIGHTS FOR SORE EYES nclude: Gladys Alston who has ecently returned from the hep- est burg on this side of the sh-ihhabitited pool, New York ity. .another cure for weather eaten optics is Samuel D. Mor- ’son, who came back to town o make the eventful tour tc ragg. Up in Virginia, Sam el is known as the “Ocean- roi^t Kd.” Yours truly was re- lly surprised to awaken and i^ape his peepers on his si?) 'an Dora who also came down rom the Apple in the presence f another kinsman, Mrs. Mabp' ooth, who also resides at pre- ent in the City pf pleasyre. ^YC. .At the last Week twas a pleasure' to see Lurley . Bass, who hatr b«en in Wash-: ngton in Peter’s bitoess school .Also on the comeback list i? eo Davis who is spending hi? even-day furlough with his eople in the city. .J’o'keph hompsori and J. D. Dunn are 1^0 spending a wee bit of time ‘ their homes., .they have be- working In the Government rinting Office in D. C...Twas pleasure to see Sgt. and Mrs. lonzo Guice on their initial ppearnce in public since theii- arriage at the dance and at hurch during the past set-of- even.. . .loads of chicks frdm -j^apel Hill and Raleigh were town to listen to the “Hawk” nd his ensemble, .here’s hop- g they enjoyed it. lEWS ON THE STROLL The Thursday nite business lump preceeding the Friday ‘te hop.. .-.Hert) Yarborough owing the cats at the Wonder ar with his new-fangled edi-i ion of the Jersey Bounce... ir T. Alonzo Mumford claimi ng to be a press-representative nd telling the poor innocents n Chapel Hill ^that he has an fflce. .His office must be in the iltmore lobby... that’s where e always is found.. .Surpris? f the Year; Jeff garbedin hi- lave-rags going to work at an ■p-town hotel...the boys who 0 to Fort Bragg on the 24th nd on the 20th listening at- ntively to the words of the ng “Be careful”.. .Cause I ot my induction papers. *. thf ocal army reservists rushinir ome to look at the evening ail...boys at NCCN rushinfr o the post-office to get their induction papers,..the chickf owdering and jrlamoiiriziiifr ur to meet the new soldiers a Camp Butner.,.the officers and personell at Cimp Butner re ferring to a certain employee of the local insurance company who serves as a IJ. S. 0. hos tess as a drap: and a deb-u- tramp.. .soldier.«’ wives INHA BITING the nite-.spots while husband is at camp, .the pirl- clerk at Papa Jack’s Prittiprew Congo Grille who beer Ml far north as Oxfor«l ami .^til’ has a Broklyn ac/jfht. . .the rush to the barber shops beforr closing, hours. . . Loroy Gnvnor reh^^sing his band f(ir,the Eas ter Monday enKUKcment at Wonder Bar., the cafes clos ing one day evei;, 8et-of-8i’ven.. the mid-month slu i >p in .busi- n£88 and taxi ti'utde.. .the ado* rom the outskirts of the metro- >olis during their Saturday vi- lit to town. I can imagine the lisgust that will be shown by ome of local hep-cats if Uncle ?am drafts them for the farms, 'magine hanging out with some itud who has his idea of fun in I good blood-curdling horse- )pera...Sgt. Snowden, M. acting as though the people in town are at long last actual.v fit’ to associate with him.. Norfley Whitted's early morn ing jami-session grooveing the late-slumberers to capacity thru the facilities of WDNC. Fromthe judge’s bench ’twa» heard” The Policemen .in Dur ham don’t even hai»e enougl^ 'riends to be their pall-bearer« vhen they die”...The politi nans, White and Allen cam- laigning for their mayor- ean iidate O. F. Sally... .Undoubt /I the best band-dance promo *;er in this vicinity isL. W. Al ston (Lath To You)...h( wamped the booking syndicate if amp Butner headed by Sgt jrrover by a great deal of dol- irs in the Earl Hines-Erakine Hawkins booking duel. The ^awk filled his house to capa city while the “Fatha” left hit" promoters in the well-known hole. The Hawkins tour of the did North State ranging from the Memorial Auditorium ir Raleigh thru Wilson, Greens boro, Goldsboro to Durharr layed quite a few gold crumb^ in the coffers of the Alstori Agency. SEEN AT THE DANCE Prof. John'Qattls, the pian' wizard was c'5n*roying pom^ very lovely laasies at the Haw kins hop...they were fellow' teachers... .Girls battling over the romantic nterests of an un interested soldier.. .Leroy an^ Bird-head, Mary and Bill Yar borough and Cootie dancinr for pennies.. .the soldiers from Chapel Hill garbed in thei ^ summer white and city-coe' from NCCN chasing them... M. P.’s raising H-11 at th' check-room at the Armory. II seems as though the soldiers wanted to,, push to the front! of te lihne, but the nite-sticks de layfed their progress vefy suc cessfully. The “Hawk” was be set for his featured vocalist Ida James.. .let’s hope that thi; talented bunch of lovelines*- hasn’t left the baad definitely cause that would really be r drag to the dance fans. HBRSONALITY POTRAIT You never stop at the Bilt- more Hotel without being greeted in a cheerful manne' by the charming hostess of thi:- Heavenly Hostelry, Miss A Massenburg. Believe it or not the name with which Misf Massenburg is really register ed in the Birth Certificate Bur eau is “Almania”. Some fact here-to-fore undisclosed abou this gracious lady are: He age (censored) years, place o biVth and home of family Franklinton. N. C. Admirabl' A1 comes from a family of If children of whom twelve ar _ still living. She has been tht hostess and general supervisor of the Biltmore for the pas’ ,seven and during her stay at the hotel, the clientel has in creased iiy leaps and bounds Al is really and truly a credii to the business she has so care fully nutured thru its years of strife. Off come our hats in » salute to a really fine young lady and to Miss Almania Mas senburg go our sincere wishes' for a long and successful career in her chosen professon. .The services of Miss Masenburg have been suplemented by her sister, Ruth, who shows visible signs of becoming one of the .best businesswomen in our fair city. .Loads of luck to the Mas- senburgs^'-from Lin & Co. THE TALE OF A HEPCAT The hepcat who is the fore- naost character in this narra*- tive first raped his paepers ori thelight of day in a dilopidat- ed tenement shack in the fruit burg New YprJj .City. From thfe tiiKie he first laced on his triple- Contiaued From Eight) WONDER BAR MANAGER CALLED TO THE ARMY . J. 8im Holloway, Jr., mana ger of the Wonder Bar CFriUe, local nite-spot has receive his final communications from the draft board prior to induction in the army. Mr. Holloway was formrely connected with the Regal Theatrical Company be fore accepting his present posi tion. He was also manager for Bijou theatres in Arkansas and Arizona. Holloway has i>een ntanager of Wonder Bar since its opening in the spring and by hig contientions efforts has rais ed the establi^ment to grreat heights of popularity. His kind and assuming manner has mada him very popular with his clients and its is an indeniable fact thi.t he will be missed in view of his acceptance in the armed forces- FURGESON BROS. ACE AHRACTION Cab’s ‘Hi-De-Ho’ Causes Controversy, In British Army - Pictured above is 'Cootie Wil- left to take the reins of his own liams, fame^ growl trumpeteer. band. Cootie is now enjoying a Cottie was formerly featured new prosperity since his plunge with Dnke Ellington’s great into the leadii^ field, musical aggregation before he ETHEL WATERS PAYS SONG TRIBUTE TO THE LATE SERGEI RACHANINOFF Cab Calloway’s pet saying Hi-de-hi-de-hi)’ ’ is causing quite a bit of controversy m British Royal Army, accordiug to recent reports received. It seems as though as sergeant in addressing his ranks said “Hi- do-hi,” to which one of tiie soldiers immediately replied “Ho-dc-ho’’ The saying soon became so popular in the army that it spread to ^ the civilian ranks. A Tommy paying greet ing to his neighbor lamost al ways uses the Calloway coined phrase. The source of the new saying soon roached the ears of one of the members' of parli- ment who stated in the meeting of this most august group thst the army was “Dipsy doodling on duty.” Dragons Club Holds First AnnivCTsary . Dance Tuesday Nite Members of the Dragons Club Inc., of Duthani, held their anniversary dance at the Algon quin Club House last Tuesday night. Guests from all sections of the State were present and some came as far North as Washington and New York. The lallroom was beautifully decoi-- ‘ted and eveyone enjoyed danc- ng to the music of the one man band. Offices of the club are, Rdgar D. Brown, President; ''iath Alston, Treasurer Tune Worthy, Secretary. CLAUDE HOPKINS ORGANIZING BAND IN DEFENSE PLANT Claude Hopkins, Tamed orch estra leader is now turning his attention to organizing a band at the defense factory with which he is now connectel. Hopkins holds a position at the Eastern Aircraft factory in Lin den, New Jersey andjs con- temting a band for the exclu sive entertainment of the em ployees. The band will be c«m- posed of close to twenty mem bers and will include a fouc- pieee string section. Both men and women, white and colored are to be included in the new^ Hopkins set-up. Claude is expect ing the services of Trummie Young, formerly with Jimmie Lunceford, Joe Keyes, lately with Count Basie and a host of other white and colored musi cians from name bands. NEW YORK CITY — EthtI Waters, internationally known star of stage, screen and radio, who open«d at the Srfan^ Then tre here on Broadway last^ week, will pay muMoal tribut*-fo great Russian eoinposer-pianist- conductor ‘Sergei Hachmnnlnof^ who died in California recently On a theatre tour of the country after tompleting the top star role i^“ Cabin in the Sky” which is scheduled to op('ii on Broadway soon, Miss Waters is hard, at work on one of the great musical genins’ Iwid^ for an early addition to her we.l rounded program. Trumpeters may come and trumpeters may go, but Loui^ Armstrong goes on forever as the greatest of them all. The and ' above photo shows Loui« in onf I his characteristic poses. JOIN THE Democratic 0ub The South (greatest Memebership Social Dliib 'BEEK - WINE . CHAFMAIGN - SAJ^DWICH1:S 7d7 FAYETTEVILUE ST. DURHAM, N. C. JUDGE F. K. WATKINS. M^r. f: I I i DOUBLE HOllDAY I I DANCES I 1 — i I ■ I FEATURING j I I Ileroygaynor’sI I i I i t I Southland SultaiK! I I i AT THE j I Wonder Bar Grille' 1418 E. iPettigrew St. i I Durham* N. C. | Ieastermonday; I I I Monday, April 26th j I I foeakfast Dance i I ' i 10AM-2PM i Twilight Ball 7 PM-9 PM Subscription 135c singrle-65c couple I Bloth Danccs I 60c SINiGLE I I $1.10 0)UPLE. , iiM ''CHATTERBOX'' FEATURES iTALENTED MILLS BROTHERS pThe^ills &*others, famed for their appearances on the air, on recordings, tlld in fUms^are,featured in the Joe^E.^Brown-Judy^Canova starrer,t*‘Chatt«rbox«*!iwhlch Republic ’ ia_ sow comp letin e. 'GALE’S money-makers Included in the great roster Erskine Hawkins, the Twentieth of Gale Money Makers are, Sis- | Century Gabriel. The Gale agency ter Rosetta Thorpe, Lucky Mill- I has done much to increase the inder, The Four Ink Spots and I i^ieatrical and musical world. From an humble beginning, thU ^at attraction agency li • ■ reached the top in its field. 1.1 ft I ■ 'I ^ "Th* Thr«« ChocokitMrs"—Esvon Motby, Albert Gtb«oi^ and Dwks Club**, danc* rourinw to th* RapubBc let for “MeeriBshl Mom ^irlnQ Fff Mt. fWfcl