'I" "fw SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, 1943 THV. CAROLINA' TIMES HERE IS WHAT- (Continued from Page One) up Hasti»c* street iu Dstruit'a famed Paradis# TallCy. It might hare been a atreet la VaKi ravaged nity of Poland or a ghetto in Germany, for it I* hard to lielieT« that this itaatrn- tion could have been wroufht flin«e yeu last walked througn this same area leas 'tlrnu 24 hours ago. 1 Not a single whit* man’s bU6i* ness property escaped the wrath of rioters bent upon expresame physical ret^ntment of whole sale killing of Negro floldi>rd. the murdering of Negro men ly whits policemen, ^liBrTiminAtion in jobs and homes and a Ihou- ■aad Other ft^astioai that ue to blame for ^h^ destruction jou are witnessing. Looting and destruction of property, klllinij and burning of autmobileS, all this is still going on aS vou ELUS D. JONES AND CO, FuiKral Directors Ambulance Serviqe Fireside Mulu^ Burial Ass*n ' 502 DO\^ STREET Phone N-55?l-^ make yonr way up the atreer, walking ankle deep In glass from smashed windowss, antomohile.t, stMetears, and show eases that have been hurled through oiicu froits of pillaged stores. Vour first glimpse of the real riol giv^s you a sickening feelin;:.. you are at Vernor highway ami Hastings stteet...a white man is caught by a group of angry Ne groes who block hia way in the middle of the wide thorouqrh- fat^...he is set upon with bricks ...there is a dull thud and a cusii of blood from hia h«d as a stone crashes home.-by some miTacle he is able to drive away but you see Kith crash into the curb leas Ihnr. a block away. You are sick from this attack as ybu approach the corner ot Division and Hastings whrre police killed two N^roes tlu night before..you spy ao old wo man with' a small child, evident ly •« granddaughter, clinging to her torn skirts, looking up Irto her btdraffftd fa«« aa the wo man carefully selects cannei goods from the shelves of ; grocery that has been ^opened by looters... from another store si iross the street ‘ you aee t^ o loeters in flight, one wit ha quar t*r of beef and the^ other with a large flab of bacon, making their way up an alley..yott wain two doors up, picking your way (arefully through the glass and Umber...here yon see the re mains of a clothing 8tore...mer- if : Ministers who took advant age of the Health Education In stitute held for them at Dilk-d University last week. Under the direction of Dr. Paul H. Cornelj, of the Wchool of medi cine at Howard University, pro minent authorities in raedicin* offered lectures and demonstra tions of particular value *0 ministers anterested In raisiiiK the local standards of health. chandise scattered and equip ment wercked...from behind the wrecked iron grating put tlie'c to proteat the owner, grotesque shaped modelling women’s cloth es seem to glare out at you. On up the street you run int > more destruction, for only t/rnae stores with the aign "colored.’ hurriedly written in large let ters, went unharmed...you run into a man who had virtually gone Into business, selling the r coverd thiB riot gallev two . loot from nearby stores. Irinl- cally enough, he is trying to . For A One-Stop Real Estate Service. CALL DURHAM REALTY & INSURANCE ' ' COMPANY 109 BiAllllGT ST. PHON». 115-79 sell a watch taken from a pr^wn ■hop at the exact mompjit a policeman is shooting a ]Scgro in a pawnshop a block away .. canned goods and other food stuff, costly in ration points, is being auctioned off to any one who bids over five cents .. you notice that nobody is buyint;, then it ecCurs to yOu that near ly every body is getting wha? he w^nta for nothing ... acrois thb street from you shoea are being sold for as little as 10c a pair and a bit of is inject ed into the picture for a ■ hrie^ moment at you li.^ten to a “cus tomer” complaining that.‘‘my dragged to a call box and two shoei don’t fit.”...a block awav you aan buy a suit taken f'oni nearby dryclenning shops • and with each, suit they’ll give you a hat, with about a thousand to choose from..You walk a block farther and you see an old man with tf push cart piled high with groceries...yon get your se cond laugh of the day when you hear him tell police “T bought these groceries” for there isn’t a store open yi the city.-.He is other men grab the push cart and run off up the alley...there .I'c IMT ANNOUNCING lim 20th Anniyersarv Celebration OF M. Palmer / fecial Ordinary Representative NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. The Durham District wishes to announce the 2(Hh Anniver sary of the services of our Special Ordinary Representative, Mr. C. M. Palmer, as an employee, of the North Carolina M»utual Life Insurance Company. Mr. Palmer has served the / Company efficiently in several capacities and during the past, eight years he has rendered exceptional services in the develop ment of the Company's production and collection programs. Therefore, In recognition of his services the district is sponsor ing am Ordinary Shovirer during the week; of July 5, and 12, 1943. Each agent is asked to secure one or mere ordinary applica tions towards this drive and we should appreciate it if one of Dur represantativow can serve you in helping to make this effort a success. r DURHAM DISTRICT m North Carolina Mutual Life liis., Co. about a dozen shots fired by ;h » policemen and one of the men is crippled...And a block a way you see men cleaning out travels passing out whiskey, beer and wine...there is a loud crash ami you look around in time to see a man with slinlge ham.ner wrecking about |3,000 worth ol store equipment. Yon get off Hastings .itref' iind go down St. Antoine which is fairly quiet except for looting of the few white own stores... you come back up BrusfT stre*‘t and hear the Rev. Horace A White pleading with Neg.'oes from a sound truck to stop loot ing and killing.. But his pleaR produce only negative resulla, for two blocks away you and other Negroes watch white riot ers, On Woodward avenue «irae Negroes from street cars and murd(*r them...yon see Negro’.s autmoboilcs stopped, the occ ip ants beaten and kicked and the vehicle overturned and bnrne.l, and you know that it is imposs ible to reason with a pe watching members of their own race murdered...Now the crov.ci i.s running np Brush street A whit^ man is caught trying to escape through the line...he is dragged from the car, some or) calls him a white so-and-so. his kneed buckle from a blow from an iron pipe and he sags to the pavement covered with a thick coating of pulverized glass anJ dust from red bricks, both be coming pasty as the man’s blood mixes with the powdered gl.TSS and stone...two feet land in his face and the crowd scatters on np the street where anotht-i victim has been cancht. Now you are at Eliot street where Negroes are driving back u mob of about 1,000 whitii.. they are pushed back to John K street but in less than 10 miiuitis they are coming at the NegroeS again, this time behind two policemen with kawn gunii, policemen leading the white n;u'j against the Negroes a hloD)l.y battle is prevented here by tk.: providential arrival of a not squad which begins to throw tear gas into both crowds...you go np Brush street, glad to b» ahled to stop the tears from the gae..At Willis you see a Ne^ro stop a white man and tell him to turn back..you hear the wliite Jman tell the Negro “there aui’i ja nigger in the world gonna lay ' a hand on me” and before he can shove his car into gear, the Negro’s fist crashes into h*.'' sneering face, he is dragged from the car, beaten into pulp and tossed onto the sidewalk..At Warren avenue you see a colort^ii man rnnning towards a dry-clear.-^ ing «hop and In a second yo ) see a policeman running after him...the policeman fires six times, the man halts,- straigh tens up, grabs his grotn, aiid starts spinning as he buckleA in the ^liddle anB falls sidewayii to the pavement., the crow is, angry Service Honor Roll Dedicated at St. Emma ROCK CASTLE, VlSOINIA—The Cadet Coi^ of tiie St. Emma Mlltwy Sehoal, at tm I sive c^rcniony, present is tlie school an Honor Boll containing tlie samM of tlM hwnitraiti at toramr va;lcls new in the service. Tfie students of this boarding high •chool liave eompleted thiir ymw*% wmti i?i pI. HU r.-Mni a^ op and taHn, and are now retnminir tn their howwm |g ail parta of tlM mmitrj. g but helpless for The revolvers "W'orBe and you hijpf Negroes are W. h, COOK, Manager C. C. SMITH, Asst. Mgr, W. W. BARBEE, Pres. | NO HOME CJOMPLETE WITHOUT N. a MUTUAL POUOES •MKOPHH of about a dozen police are men •it'iiMf them. The police take the dead man away in a few minutes his murd er is avenged only 30 feet from where it occurred. A white man is caught driving slowly by the corner..he is dragged from hia car, beaten and kicked, and a.>« one man sta'nds in his face, an other pumps 'six shots into his body which is left lying in the .street for an hour...At the same time another body is lying Stift on Woodard avenue..an aged Negro couple is caught leaviujj a store...the man is beaten and the woman tokl to* run for her life, but before she has got ’0 yards the mob grabs her...lw') white women start pulling hir hair out by the roots and the strong hands of a big, brave white man circle her wrinkle neck and she is choked until she slumps in a pitiful heap to the sidewalk...while this crime i.s being committeed an 18 year old girl is watching from the cttic window Of the Roxy theatre. .. in the attic hideaway with her is a Negro policeman who has also been hiding out for 10 hours...he is armed and y,>u wonder how he can watch the brutal treatment to this old wo man without firing a shot.-.Th" police mill around with the white mobsters on Woodwa'. d avenue, merely looking on a." >regroes are dragged from street cars and automobiles and mur dered... From a crosstown cjir they dtag an old man and his body is left lying in front it Wayne university where just this spring over 2,000 while people turned out to hear Lanj- ston Hughes. But over in the Negro dij- tricts the police are on the job, beatiiig women, children and old men and shooting young men m the back without asking ques- tions...Down on Hastings near Aderaide a big brave, husky ,'00 pound poloiceman slaps a wo man’s face and kills her brother who protests this brutality..in North Detroit two Negroes are killed by police locking for toe killers of a white man...a whit” man is dragged from a stre?f- car and beaten into insensibijity ...another is struck by a bi'irk and his care crashes into a pole white doctor is struck by a st.ine and dies in the hosj)ital. But these are minor incidents . in North end, for downtown police are opening up on Negroes with riot guns...one .policeman is Ktl.- ed by a NegrO protecting hi-; home from white mobstei.*^.. police fire back into the house and two Negroes are sent to the county morgue...at another three family house xwlice lar a siegt* and smoked the occupants ont | with tear gas..the ambulances keep roaring and yon know that more Negroes are being taken lo morgues. You are tired and hungry and lighting and you pray for a heavy rain to keep the factions apart and prevent Detroit being drenched in blood...the fightiLg continues and the whites keep surging towards the Negro sections...the police keep firing on Negroes and you wonder why they don’t fire on the whites who have crossed the “dividing line" ...the rioting i^ getting INDUCT MILITANT EDITOR IN ARMY ALBANY, Oa., (ANP) — A. C. Searles, editor - publisher of the militant' weekly pnblicatior, the Southwest Georgian, surren dered his duties in eivilian life Friday and became Pvt. A. C. Searles of the United Staten army. The induction of fiditor .dear ies was proceeded by a heatel controversy over the arbitrary action of Dougherty County Selective Service board, which stubbornly ignored Selective Ser vice Directive No. 29, which hel^ that newspapers edito'rs ite Sential to the war effort, and thus .eligible for deferment. Presentation of his ease by C. A. Scott, general manager, Atlanta Daily World, to the re cent annual session of the Na tional Negro Publishers’ k?- sociation moved the association to appoint a special eommittet which is to make reprttenta- tiou to war department and selec tive service officiaU . in ■ Waah- ton. >. ,r of three law enforeeBeat of^e- ers of nearby Baker eoanty. Oaa of the trio iadieted was the sheriff. I-ocal seleetive ^rviee ofi*i- cinls in refusing Editor SeatWa request for defemeM held that he was not eliifibk muicr directive No. 29, because he was editing a ‘‘small Negro ae rf- paper. ” Searlea eontended thiit, the directive does not sp«>pify that to be eligible f»r deferment under the order, an applieant must be an editor of a “lar.e newspaper" or a “white news paper. • ~ ' An active worker in erne iile. Editor Searles was an adviMr to the yonnf' conacil of tbf NAACP, chairman of zhm \nights of th» Bond Tab)*, a local youth orsanixatloa; irk an air-raid warden in the Al bany eivilian defease setap. RUPERT HARRIS CO-STARK- EX> WITH CAT'S AND THE FIDDLE^ NashTill« Teno., Juae Posting rave notice* •• tk* grandest musical traai y«t to grac* the nationaUy famed Editor Searles flatly chargei Cluh Plantatiwi, tiris city„ ma- that the local board hastily call- ^oager Itrs. W. K. DBTenpdrt ed him up for induction follow ing the exposnrc by his newi- papcT of the midnight abduction iind brutal lynching of Kbbert “Bobhy” Hall on January 30. which, resulted in the indict ment Iby a federal grand jurv bad dream. disgusted "with the way poiic3 are eonducting - theniaelves /luir- ing this emergency,, but the.e is nothing you can do about it... Against the early evening dark ness can be' s«en the flamta from burning' automobiles on Brush str^t- and 'Woodw*?*^ avenue...the eity is fanned by a cool breeze, there is the rumble of thunder and a flash of announces capacity ba«iiM** due to the honors split mu*ic> ally between RUPERT HAR RIS and hia nevljr Orchestra and the CATS AND THE FIDDLE, fiadio Record ing grroup, headlhiiar th« shtJw. Other highiights oil t^e Bey- ue are Maurice' Helbert, Ir,., Master of Cferemoolea; '3Um And Sweet;’ Jltterbijga Te«^; Victoria ^lyey,* Bkiea'Sinffr; Hohbie and Poster John9«k&, dance teamf; * Rh^hm Wi|JUe, Joy La Joy; OttentAt Dao|c'«r: arid Peclcih' Joip, Cocieiy D«p- BUY WAR BONDS .. sufficiently armed to prtecot their homes and children ....you are resigned to the worst at night, but just before bloody battle, troops start moving i.'. by oi’der of the President anl eity is placed under martial law. You go home and to bed but yoi don’t sleep for you have bc. n through too much and y ;ur nerves are jumpy .. finally, .just as day is pushing back the dawn yon do*e 'oft only to awaken from what yoa thought was a TRAIN UP ^ CHILD- How can I teach my boy thrift and nuike him r«alke the value of a dollar? By taking out m good policy ^ -A W 1. ■ __ -^or mt» futnre ana Htipmp him, save for each premium systematieuUy. In this lif« insurance •an be the first st^ in a. program of Ufa aavinf. Wise fathers t*»ek boys the invaluable habit systematic sai end a N. C. Mutual is (me (rf the* best slaiai:> Yotur local Mitiud has a pin for yoa. aiOBTH GABOUMJI MOfflNII UFE IHSIlBJUfaB Gl c. c. sPAUu>iiia. ifTM.

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