PAGE SIX BUY WAR RONI>« 'IV M > » • THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, 1943 P'irst Annual I ■ I BEAUTICIANS POPULARITY m I f-% Vote For Your Favorite Beautician Her Win A Defense Bond Free And Elected Queen Of Beauticians Help Be I ■ ■ ! “tn-r f"‘St.$rA.OO ; pRizr tPv SECOND $0^.00 PRIZE JuO - ’ THBRD $1 AOO 1 PRIZE 11/ DEFENSE BOND 4 DEFENSE BOND 1 DEFtNSE STAMPS ' ifi: (PTEST fm mmkt w 3RD. CONT^T CLOSES POSITIVELY MONDAY MIGHSTM'H6:0() P.M. EACH COUPON COUNTS FOR FIRST WEEK SECOND W^EK THIRDWEEK FOURTH WEE|( FmiWEEK SIXTH WEEK 10.000 VOTES 9.000 VOTES 8.000 VOTES 7.000 VOTES 6.000 VOTES 5.000 VOTES vWiNlSiRS ANNOUNCED wmht AUGUST m Runs m imm - READ THEM CAREFULLY 1. Any beauticiaii, in-Durham, who has been licensed under the laws of thf stat« of North Carolina and who ia now . t, . ■ ■ ^ ♦ * ■ actively ensragsd in the prActicd of the art of beauty culture be nominated fui a coptest^ant. 2. Upon nomination each contestant will receive 10,000 votes. The remaining votes will be credited each wteek in nccord- ance with the table appesring on this page. 3. A relative standing of a|l contestants will be published in The CAROLINA TIMES each yreek. The actual standing and the winner of the contest will be published in the iasue of August 14, following the close of the contest on August 9. 4. All votes for conteMtanJta D)iist be mailed or brought to the office of The CAR0l^4NA TIMBS not later than Moptlay six O p. m.. during each iveek of the contest. Votes received later will positively not be counted. 5. No person employed by Thd CAROLINA TIMERS or who is a relative of any employee of The CAROLINA TIMES is permitted to partioipat* in th« contest. ' ^ 6. A person may vote as many tim^ as he wishes, for,a single candidate or he niay vote for as many different candidates as he chooses. 7. The contest positively will not open before the issue of Th# CAROLINA TIMES of July 3, consequently co!‘.1estants will only b« given cre(|i| for one nomination of 10,000 votes (blank) appearing in the issue of the CAllOLINA TIMES dated Jun.e 27. The contest will positively close at six p. m., August 9. 8. At the close of the c«pt00t 9 committee composed of three disinterested persons, not connected with The CAROLINA TIMES will count the votes. 9. The official count will be announced at a social to be given on August 12 at which time the persons holding the Ipighest number of votes will be awarded tlvs prizes, and tho holder of the highest number of voti» crowned Queen of the Beauticians. , r CLIP THE COUPON BELOW. INSERT THE NAME OF YOUR FAVORITE BEAUTICIAN AND BRING OR MAIL IT TO THE OFFICE OF THE CAROLINA TIMES 814i FAYEHEVILLE STREET AND START PR OFF WITH 10,000 VOTES. ' ■ ■ a ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ I NOMINATION BLANK CAROLINA TIMES BEAUTICIANS POPULARTTY CONTEST NAM E -9 - - ADDRESS- - V-— Good Foil 10,000 Votes ' ■ 8 lUMMniBmBUHnnniai ■ I