, JULY 81, 194S (OiM’ Advertis«» Art A*$\jrtd Results) THE CAROLINA TIMi'ls if J I f.f ''V Carolina Times SPORTS Lin Holloway, Sports Editor CRACKER '*'V' ■ f vl 5 1 o 4 CHILDREN ENJOY BE t , L I » /• ,/. i'll iM ^ ^ '.S i .!»ii j/i. SPORTS OUT LOOK by. LINWOOD HOLLOWAY Red Caps Lose Oose Game To Atlanta Black Crackers BY UK HOLLOWAY , SPORTS EDITO« LOT WOKS , THE WINNERS EVEN THOUGH he is slowl; but surely nearing the age where all boxera start their backtraeK, Henry ‘Haplc’ Armstrong is still the same buzz'saw fighter he was when his head was adorned by 3 crown. Hank has been in th'> slugfeat field for a long time and has never bad a rundown until be became the must famous box.ev iu the field. When be found his dume clear it, he reing Hu d that graced it, he retired for a while ayd went into business, but the call of the ring was too great, and Henry laid aside his buaiuess wraps to dbn his box ing togs onoe more and see jtho turn of fortune in the squared circle. Since the start of bis comeback career, Hank has made 24 stands and has been the vic tor in the majority of them latest -viatory the Bu^ssaw bung up was that against W-illio Joyce last Saturday in Holly wood. Hank stayed with Joyce the entire ten rounds and hand ed him a sbellaeking ’twill not bo easy to forget. At present, he is in line for another chance to tnke back the lightweight crowa he lost to Fritizie Zivic. Othe/ contenders for a sbot at th> crown includes Beau Jack, froii whose dome defense worker Boli Montgomery knocked the crowii a few months ago. If Futhei' Time doesn’t slow down Henr^ in the nert year, .ye scribe gives odds that he will have regained one of his crowns 2-1 DDEINQ THE present , th hometown baseball ;,eam, tho Durham Red Caps, have turnod iu 15 victories in 16 starts, fov a percentage far above the min imum. Under the direction of Jlooscvelt Ashford, the Red Capa have become one of th3 most feared teams in the semi- pro-division for this vicinity. One of the most notfble facts oonKerning the Red is that every man who is on the squal has another job, and makes base ball his past-time. Another not able faot about the Caps is the ability to turn in a victory. ia Durham at three and hang up another in a neighboring city a', neven. It takes a lot of stamina to win one game *then tmvel thirty or more miles in th? crowdcd conveyance the Caps are forced to use because ■»? ODT laws and then hang up an- /othter tally. The Caps have on their d*juid most of th(> men who were once featured with the Rlapk Sox, the most faniou.s tram Durham has ever produc ed and many of the Lucky Strike teamsters. Local fans will piohnbly remember the days when the Black Sox had as a fiyiture of their squad, Bu 1 Harboe, who has played with t!h‘ Latin Anierican top-flight nino.‘? and Roy Debnam, who only this season, (i^ter receiving an hon orable discharge from the army received a bid to join the Nt;- wark Eagle lineup. The greatest lineup ever to be seen as a local team in Durham included: Roosevelt Ashford behind th? plate, Bud Barbee in the bor, .John Rice at first, J'reeland .se cond, Fathead, Prin-e, third, Timmy Rhem, short and othoi- stars as Roy Debnam, ^!raddock Fred Fairly, James Knuckles, Diris Brown, Lam Barbee, and many other near-greats who were produced right here in the Friendly City of Industry and Fjduc^ation. The line np of th-* Red Caps now is sparked by the pi'esenco of Big Train Co/,art fastball ace who was formerl,.’ li.qted in the lineup of the Ne wark Engles. Between Co/.ar; and Big Jim Paige, the Red Caps have built up a pitching staff that is second to none ui this vicinity. If thei-e was a lea gue formed in this vicinity and tlte Red Capa wwe listed on its rosters. Ye Scribe would picli them to walk off with th:' honors. ' •* * Whilj^in^Jilw? Capitol City, Vf sT scribe had a lengthy pow wow with Clarence ‘Ba'by’ Lightc, who was homo on furlough from the anuy. Cjollegians remembe*’ Lightner as the flashy grid-iil)n man who whn hi.H letter for three years on the North (’ar.) iina College .ejfive^, .Before com ing to North Carolina College, Baby was ihe.triple .threat back on the Washington High School team of Raleigh, who. had i th^ sports scribes all udither with his special edition of broken field running. Another servic.f man who is a noted athlete and who was seen recently was John Speedio ThtmiaB* who • -was- the greatest athlete • who has e\«ir come ont of Hillside higll schoid in Durham.* SpecAild fras an a>-' Durham’s semi-pro Red Caps made an excellent showing be^ fore the Atlanta Black Crackers, top-flight pro team in a gam^ played before a small group ot baseball fanatics in the Durham Athletic Park on Monday Nite, July 27. In the tilt, which the first the Caps have had with pro cont^ders this season, the Red Cflps sparked by the pitch ing Big Jim Page held the visi tors to 7—battered hits, while the locals hit , nly five times on the pitching of Bunn, the pill - toSiSef f(5r th^ 'Black Crackers. Freeland and Brewer lead the batting attack f6r the locals b\- piling up two swats apiecce, while Page who worked on'thv! mound all the gante for the CapiS cook the other bit for his team. Brewer became the chief bat ter for locals by knocking out n three base hit and then baekin? it up with a two-base tally to send in a run. Atlanta 2 0 1 000 2 0 0. Capa BlackCrackers OOO -$p , . ... Errors-Rice, Freetend,- Rhems, Fletcher, Bunn. Runs batted iu - Freeland, Brewer, Jackson, Lea, Harvey. Two base hits, Jackson, Brew er., Three base hits - Brewer, Left on Bases, Atlanta 5. Red- Caps 5 Base on Balls-off Prickett, Page 1, Bunn 1. Strucl’ out by: Page 7, Bunn 10. Hits off.Prickett 3 in 1-2; Bunn ^ in 8 2-J. Hit by Pitcher by: Page (Harvey, Shepard) Wild pitches. Brown. Passed ball. f>e«. Winning Pibebt^r Bunn. Time of Game - 2:30. Uinpire-i Suitt and Payne. BACK UP YaUR 80Y htrtM yrar fvyroll savhg$ fo your family limit oa .the. footb&lL iieJd,. the basket ball floor, and on the tennis eoupt. In the conversation ye scribe had with this fleet-foot wonder, the s-peed King aunounc ed his intention to stick to sport life in addition to his army career. Ye scribe picks such nthletes as Speedio and Baby Lightner to be some of the rea sons for an early end to this Jflp-slaughter. » ft M P«bUc U S Wjir D^Dar«-«vtent CLASSIFICATION BOARD—Two white Army ofBccrs and three Negro educetors compose tlie attlie Army Specialized Traming Star Unit at A. and T. College, Groensbcro, N. C., where qiyilu soldierf^r^,flaakijied for coUt'M tr^inipgj to fit them for specialized Army jobs.Thejj^are. t^^to* '^hts ^pf^or H. R:\Arnette of^'Tacoma, Wasnington, head of the Department of Psychol^ and I ^udktlon at^A. and T.; Second Lieutenant Samuel C. Evans of Paducah, Kentucky; Captain William Sonnier, Rayne, LouisianaWarmoth T ^ibbs. Dean of A. and TT College and educational ad- vigor to the Board, and Dean J. M. Martenna tor 13 years. Dean of the Sctool of Engineering at A. and T The cadet being intem«w«d bas bis .back to the camera. BAND ROUTES... ,Vx.r7;f:;ART3 or r..iYTn>t •' . ....... L , I f ...... 1 i y ■* - c I BL'.'^SKLL .. J OENB POPE , '-A- ■. .. 1’ i;.i-, L i y' In.I. v;AT:OLIi>rA COTTON - >.j !■ J C„;U.’TL.'t£ .. .. \ ^ . i - M! . . I, ’ MiLION LAKSIK Twenty Oreensboor children For six wuckti they utt«. . tVoai ihe C^irlerf i Moore and th** ccaaip from 7:;!0 a. m. ! WasBJIit^tbn-Street schools were j:30 p., ni. whore thty n ei. memb^rg oiE. the hea4th camp three meals a day, p^uti' i|i.; ’ held jointly with the summer in sujiervised play ami rest j> health institute at Bennett iods.. One result of the proj" College, Greensboro, N. C. this was slmwn in the wfiyht iip ii.! summer. of I'rom one half pdm ... \ 3 0 0 OOt) 1 GO — 1 Five Of Bifmingham Barons Are Voted Places In East-West Game By Entuusiastic Supporters BIRMINGHAM, Ala. entire country seems to be in ac cord on the su&ject of the Bir mingham Black Barons, first half winners in the Negro Aimsrican League. If further proof were needed, a look at th* voting on players for the East- West classic should be suffici ent. No fewer than five of the Birmingham stars were voted places on the West squad, i»nd that doesn’t include Manager W. 8. elch, who was named one of the coaches. Last year ha piloted the West team. Pitcher Gread (Lefty) Me- Kinnis, Catcher Paul Hardy, Se cond Baseman Tommy Sampson and Outfielders Loifter Loike' l Th',* and Fdi.\ .Mi-L iiii in ■1! i-all, and it'v im .sue r * that jsoveral ol’ tlit“ citli r Barons polled pli.’iity of v The Black l!:uoa.s ■ their hectic tf i vdiii;'" .a- i. the New "^'ork t*i!l;aji; Negro National Lca^nic ifatne.s .July 27 and at Stailinni- in New Orleans •)uly 20 at Uii-kwoixl (-’ii'l minj^hani. The '‘Di.iir l)i. oars’’ thi>n rcii>«iiii in l!'> ham for a crucial Xcm'u can Leagiii' kih-oiuI x . liaif header with tln' Cliiea>ro (■an Giiiiits .August .1. ‘ With AIoiizd •‘HIu '” their star fir.st bascjnatt, soon for army iinliiction, Black Bamns liav(> i»ri ;lld ’■ . -nil-. T.fj' SK.ji- :i. ;; 1- • ht' i;],, ;ii '.'eilli •; l)r>: Jiiora.’ii-' Ih 1 F, .41; ; J ■V ■ i ■a r .v ' liUid r .' !, thpi- '- ■1 i-’'::?.. ‘i: ... n -(.pj;: The w v- r. tjiic'-ht t».' h,. -'t 1'I i jiiid (!i, -.'thf'r chorc- . thu . (iiLj too;c ia h- a cxpodyHvtt. (M uiiStf;: - fc^.ets 1 3 1 10 EDFEET HASfa^ . f ■ - ‘' 1’ . t 4,. COJtWttl. T'i-'ttrij City, M". I » iio yua • TmM'itan c,itii ’■'ti,'. " v, - t , ’ h: . 0"V>-jr :..'i Li'- u.tr v U2 1:* • "v r ; * * 1 jKina n ■ H! . ut.'.-, Kich; i!li ; AlUi'- Aillr’ Ai :;-a al Staiion Louis May Go On World Tour .Ib'.o ■ 1 ■ ;ii!' ’! ti'*ld riti; W ; ■ n ' Jlri»!‘.‘•: ■ i inulcr Mi.; y A ff th,- .u-in re‘-=t*nt'-il ■I, 1;: -a. . ! Will •' ;TlO li -I : 11.' I) y . M ) T .11 .O ' -vi( ‘- = ELLIS D. JONES ! AND CO. j riineral Directors i iVmhuiaiiL’c Service 1 Fireside Miiiual -Li Burial A.ss*ti SlUFJ'T Phone N.5571 * i ! W ■ -#"!' Btiran 9t P}ibUe RelaUon* U; S. War Dl’P irti.i, rr Stanley J., Gr>gap, *acting Director, Bureau of P d-lii kti^ia, War Department, greets Sergeant Joe Louis, h-!iv>",r- . hi on his arrival. Sergeant Louis, who is cn fmlou ji, ■ uuQ, t* Waaluiigton to confer on plans for his forthcomijig world ! flmriM £(Mts fox boxing w^itioai and physic^ R!‘NI iNG - REMODeJNG AN1> F ' -ERTY M^AGEMENT OF ALL KINDS ) { you have liouses or apart ’ " rrnt or sale list them with us. 1 have insttrance problems caJ* ■ ^vil lit cost* ^ % ,;;0 lissis .ys!

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