CLUBS AND SOCIETY LOCAL AND PERSONAL WOMEN’SWHIRL PHONE L-7423 News for this page must be in our office not later than Tuesday noon each week. That reaching UH later will be published the fol- lowinf? week. Local And Personal Mrs. (i. W. liOtr.Mii !iMil C. K. Aiithony.apccinl onVm l;injirhfer I’.irhiir.i spt’iit thn“i> ni'v of Ihc Diiihnm F>is- wtM'ks ill N;*w York Cily whil> frict ol' tlu‘ Xorih Ciiioliin her (lituuhfcr Miss .h’ssic I/)- Miitii.'il Tjif,> luSurniK'o {'om- ■ j?)Hi w!is sliidyinj' at ('olumliiii I'liny wna a visilor in Iliprh T’liivf'rsity jit )h(! USO Train- I’niiit'Siiinday to the heHwle of ills Inatitutc. Miss l,)irau will lii (Iaii”litt‘r, Mfs. I-'aji Town- )e‘ locnICil nt S[)arlalil)iirj% cs who was taken snrionsly ili South Cai'oliiia. with pntMinionia hist 'vcck. Mr. WMIiam I'ayiic of F)nr- i The lipicati Sunday School ham I'cci iitly took a tlirc' riass of St. .loHe|ili A. M. I'l. weeks rso tratninMT ‘OurS(- at Chiircli has ricccpti il an invita tion to visjl-J4t«-J\Jt“n’s Rilile i‘lass of the West Durham Bap tist Churh, Sunday, Oct. 24. ('ohiinli(a rnfivpil-ity. Mi’ I'aynt' is locati'd at I'clcrs- l>nrj>'li, Vir^itiia. M issf's liillian and, Bc'atri'-;' N., nnd daunht'cr of Mrs. Lnla Warron of Plinton, North ('ar t Frootnan of 1103 Simninn.s litiii sprat the w(>'k end in street was n visilor in the' city Diiharin \^ith their t)it)thcr last week. Freeman is Odell, who is n stndent at.^now einphiyed at Tasth*' Ilay- North (’aroliiia (’olletre and Mr. and Mrs. Kutri(‘h Davis of (i'i'J Price Street. Mrs. Yflinn Johnson, n na tive of BrooHyii, New York hut now I’esidin^f in nuvliaiii was the week end pTiie-t of home of her daiierhter Mr.^. Mrs. Fanie Town^lv of Shaw Manctte Prele of Dunbar St., University at Haleiirh, (’. is very innch impi-oved. Mi^l^ If^fenlriee Freeman, T?. ties,' farm a»id Int>or supply n’nter nrp.i7 WihniniCjton. ! Mrs. T>iitra (Sparkfnan who lifi'i l';'en seriouslv ill nt tho Mr. ^and Mrs. Kiifiis Hop- ' President C. C. Spniildincr oC iTifins and jjranddnnjrhter Mis? th'' North irnrolin.a Mutual (’hristiana Horton of l?oute 2,- T,ife Tnsuranee rompany and Tole Mill l?oad, Durham (’oun- the Meehanies nnd Farmer=i ty, left Thursd.'ij» aftrrnooi* 1 |;ink aUteoded tho launching for New .lersc'v where they of tli* S. S. TJoliert T.,. Viuio will mal ‘ their hoiiH>. Hrahaui wliith took plai.'e at South Laws, Son of Mrs. Tfopkins ae- ' Portland, Maine on October eompanied them on the t'ip. 10. ♦ f**i* j «*:»*♦**♦ Lt. Ben .lohnson, faniou'! Attorney rii.'ijB. "Wjjl!(iamRoi)[ trai'k star of 4%dim)Uia Fniver- and Th’. !!. M. Ueekford of Hen- sity.was truest of Lt. R. diTSon were in thi> eity Inst St;»nl)aek last week. Lt. John- Friday to attend the funeral son left here the week ejid tr> of Prof. 0. Kdwards. return to his ],ost of duty ai ; Catnp Stewart, Oa. j The Psher Hoard ofthe Pii- (’hurch held a pew Miss .Mice Pdiie of 1001 rally at the chureh Sunday South street is visitiiicr friends afternoon at .T-W. Speaker for and relative's in New Yovl and the (weasion was L. F. Austin, AVashiiigton. president of the State Ushers j Assoei.'ition. A total amount of W. G. Phodes, Busines:'.; was raised. . Manacrer of th‘ Pardina Tim- I ■ es attended the funeral of his Miss SadicvSmith nnd Miss brother’s wife which was held nrf)wn spent the w'cek end in in Wilminjrton Tuesday. Richmond vis|tinj3: reVptives land friends. Prof. D. J. Jordan, l.SDl , Fayetteville str^'t is serious-' TTcnry TIunt of New’ Haven, ly ill at his home. Prnf. Jor- Conn. w’as the licmse pruest )f dan is a former member of the Miss Heli n T.-iylor on Umstead faculty of North r'lrrlinn Street, rollesre. »*♦♦♦♦•• ♦ j jjijf.}, of the confusion on William T. Strayliorn, cm- tho home front oi’ipcinatea in ployee of the Norfolk and ill-foiinded rumors that ar! Western ■Kailwav is ill at .his nuhlishetl* and broadcast as home, ti(\7 Dunbar St. , i facts. SCARBOROUGH & HARGEH FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service Phones: Day J-^3721 - Night J-372^ 522 E. Petti|:rew St. illlliiM YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE. Don't be slack with your persons^ ap pearance whether you are looking, lor a job or already on one. We arc snecial ists in all kinds of barberTny beauty culture. FRIENDLY CITY BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR A. ARTIST, Prop. 711 Fayetteville St. Phone N«gro College Women To Receive Nursing Information Ne^ro collejjre women in more thnr 10() schools will te- ceive first hand information on I the new IT. R. Cadet . (’orps during n series of field ; visils by Mrs. Pauline P. Riit- I 1 r, li. N., nnd Miss Orienanm I Uoliins, R. N. They ri'pre.sent the National Nursjnp Council for War Service and the Divi sion of Nurs(> Education, T^. S. I I’liblic Health Service. Mrs. ' ISutler anil Miss Collins h:ive iiist started the tours, which I will continue through Janu- a ry. I Prior to their departure, the | two nurses conferred in New ; York with Miss Lueile Petry, ! DiP(>ctnlr, Division of Nurse Education. The corps is de- siprned to meet wartime nnra- inpT needs and is administered i by the Publie Health Service, Federal iSecurity Apenpy. Roth Mrs. Butler nnd Miss Collins cite the great need for ^ Nepfro nurses in public health I nnd as a ruidinfr force toward ’ the expansion of other health j services. NurSf'S with college hackijrounds they say, are I ]);ir1*.icul£rly drsirablt. The 194.3 goal for the Corp? I is fin.OOO new student* enrolled . in the country’s schools of nursing. •Pecruits are provided free tuition, fees, maintenance, nnd smart outdoor uniforms. In return, they pledge servic; in cs.sential nursing, eithe.' , civilian or military for the duration of the war. 1 j Slates which Mrs. Butler will visit nre ' Ohio, Kentucky, j Tenne.ssee, Missisfppi, Arkan* ‘ sns, Louisiana, Tex.ns, Okla- hoifla n^d Mi«snnri. Mrs. But ler is n. »raduate of the Harlem - School of NursJng, New York icily and served as head nurse I nnd ward instructor at the ■ hospital from 19.37 to 19.39. ; After serving for a year as a! staff nurse in the Chest Clinic j of the City Department '>f j Health, Buffalo, N. Y., she rea [ turned to New York City for i I further study nt New Yorn [University, wh>>re, in 1941, she received her Bachelor of Sci ence degree with major in put)- lie health nursing. Miss Collins will visit Coll eges in Maryland. "Washing ton, D. C., West Yirginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Florida nnd Alabama. Also a Harlem Hospital School of Nursing graduate, she has served as general duty nurs" and ward instructor at the in stitution. In the past year she has been taking ]|t)stgraduate work in nursing education at Columbia fjniversity. New’ Yor^c City. American Soldiers Are Guests Of French Girls At Casablanca I CASABLANCA—American Boldiert an Bareav of Pnblle lUlationa. V. 8. War ike of French girl*, at the American Red Cross Service Club in Caiablanca, historie Siimal Corolla Madam Rogers Is Hostess To Local Cosmetologists Club At Her Home Here With Reception Monday Night Mme J. L. Borers was hostess j ^ to the CosmeLolegist Club on i XllflPrVIQni* Monday eveniny nt her home W/Upvl YWUl 209 Canal Street. Fall flow’ers w'ere arranged adding to the attractiii'eness of the home. Miss Beatrice Freeman, a form er member of the cTiib, but now ft U. S. nurse stationed at Portsmouth, Va. was guest of honor. Miss Freeman spoke of the activities of her w^ork as nurse and the opportunities for beauticians. After the busSness session, Mrs. Rogers served fried chicken, potato salad spiced h.Tin, hot rolls and ice cream and cake ajid coffee. Each member received three colorful baskets of candy peanuts ani gum, as favors of the occas ion. Late in the evening, mem bers of the club showerad Mrs. Pauline Fuller I^ove, bride of a few weeivs with useful house hold gifts. Members present were: Miss Beatrice Freeman, Mr Glowing Trilwte k Paid Prof. Edwards DURHAM — Olowinf tri- hnte was paid to Oa.^too ’ Fdwiil'fta, PHneip»l of th« Whitted Elementary S«h««l and former president of Kit- trell College, at a*r- vlees held October 9tli in Saint .Tnseph A ME Church in th« presence of a larec eon|(ref(a ■ tion trhieh inclvuled mewherji of the family, faenltjr, friendJ* and hundreds of students. The speakers at the funeral included the eollejajniM of the deceased in the Dvrham School System; Shaw VniTer* sity, Kittrell- CoUeire. and the eivic life of Durham. i suPEBnrraTOEiiT op SCHOOLS SPEAKS j W. F. Warren. Siiperintend- ; ent of Public Sohoota of Dur ham, praised Profeiaor Ed- ~ I wards ’ work in the tjratnn for [ Mrs. L. D. Twine of Thomas the last fourteen jtars and de- Iville, N. C. returned home after .iierihed hi* love of ehildrea and 1 visiting Mr. and Mrs. \Y. H. fnith in his faculty as an ont|| I Tapp at 115 Hilkide Avenue, standing characteristic, Mr^ While in the city Mrs. Twine Cora T. Russell spoke for th^ i attended the Founders day’ School Master'* Club. K. TSt’ i exercise at the Twine Memor- Oreen, Dean at South Caroling Mrs. Johnny Woodard, Mi', ial Presbyterian Church, in State College and former deaf and Mrs. Leonard Moore, Ched- honor of her late husband the nt Kittrell College under thi" ter Woodanl and Miss Zelm i Re\'. L. D. Twine, D. D. who deceased, reprt’.^ented Kittr*it Arrington, spent the day at was founder and builder of the . Dr, Arlina Yoon? of the Sluiir Fort Bragg recently, visitin-' church. | FnivcTsitT faculty reprMrntetf Cpl. Tom Woodard, Mrs. Wood- ' ‘ that institatioo. John H; ards son nnd the brother of' The St. Alphonsus Catholi'’, Wheeler, Cashier of the Me- 3 ,Mr». Moore and Chester Wood Church has announced the ii^« chanies and Farmer Baak. fp^ arcl. ing of a kinder garden for pre- : presented the hnsinesa«s • •>»«***• school age children ^l)etween! which Prof. EJwards wa* W H. Thom- ■* to Norfolk Peacock, former in structor in Wilson County will the citt attending the funeral charge, of Mr. James Thomas, father Roosevelt and Winrton Churchill. Casablanca is a seaport on the Atlantic coast of Morocco. The Red Croaa II S™ iB.1 thM »ldim «. p». totougl »ci,ed »d (PhoU. b, U. S. An., Wilson News Mr. and Mrs. as have returned 3 after spending some time of Mr. Thomas. Leaksvilie Young Woman Completes Training for WACs Pvt. Luvenia C. Miller, daugh ter of Mrs. Isabella Robinson of Ifi Hidge St., Leaksvilie, re cently completed Basie Train ing with a company of N*'g'’o members of tho Women’s Army Corps nt First WAC Training /('‘enter. Fort Des Moines, Ta., and has been as signed to tho' photographic department for n special train ing course in all phases of jthotography. Private Miller was a Homo Economics instructor in th" Greensboro, public school sys tem for eight years before she .ioined the Corps in Jnly She was also a free lance photographer and was tha first Negro in North Carolini to pass the State Board of Photographers e.xaminntions. Private Miller was educated Bufmu of Public RelAticna, U. S. War 0«p«i:tmeQt PROMOTED — Major Charity Edna Adams, supervisor of pians and training at the First Women’s I Army Corps Training Center, Fort Janies Morgan Love, Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. B. j pes Moines, Iowa, whose promo Miss Bernice Wood Jen- Mr. and Mrs. William Ros., ^ins and Mrs. Ethel leathers Dew have annaunced hoih tovma\\y of thi.cxty marriage of Adr daughter ‘.ving at present m \Vash- Doris, to Mr. Albert S. Gay of Baltimore, who was formally of this city. , »•**«,**• I Mrs. Mildred Smith has re- Pat Lucas of Newark, N.^.J. 1 spent the week end with hi3 northern cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. part of the country. Pretty, Fitts, Miss M, C-ompton, Mrs. J'efTries, Miss S. Oiwens, Miss Curinghani, Mrs. Faucet t. Miss A. Fields, Miss Q. Washington, Miss E. Stone, Mrs. L. Coleman, Miss Staton, Miss D. Fuller, Mrs. E. Pugh^jknd Miss Sarah Dot son. W. Durham Baptists To Celebrate Annual Homecoming Sunday tion to her present rank was an- Miss Grace Swinej’ has re nounced September 20 by the Wax turned home after spending Department. A teacher in civilian the summer in New York and life, Major Adams is a former com- Philadelphia, mander of a WAC company at Fort ! James T. his homo. Speight is ill at Pes Moines. (Official WAC photo). Shaw President Backs United Ward Fund Drive M iss Arnetha Williams spent several days in the city j enroute home, visiting Mrs. Jesse Bridges. Charles Jam^s is spending several days in New York tak ing in the world’s series. plans to visit in Philadelphia The chureh ehoir rendered “Come Ye Di.'^eonsoUte,’' “O Love That Will Not L*t lie Oo” and the Korth Carolin'i College Octete “Ciwwier* The Bar.” The Reverend J. X. Valeo* tine, pastor of the Church «»d former dean of the Yheolofielil Department at Kittve4l officiated. • In addition to his wil«. Pi^r Edwards is s«rti*ed lljr daughters, Mts. ^ Rulfcr' lock of Cplmnbijt, Ciiilp lina, Mrs. Haael • ^ Norfolk, Yiripnia, axkS'oBC s^ Gerald Alotizo. ^ Tnterment was' hMd’;«t Hope Cemetery 'in C. .. ' 'ff Pall hearers werr prinei of the Negro Scha^ Mes.srs. Pnmk B»irn«lt,' Cheek, J. M. Sehoohr, W. ®. McElrath, P. D. Martb^n:*^ the Rev. J. L. White.. h. racial good will, let us! For th" sake of our own boys, let us give Doctor Robert P. FRESH FISH IN SEASON QUALITY SEA FOOD SMITH’S FISH MARKET 514 Piiie St. Phone R-3491 718 Fayetteville St. Phone Dr. Daniel, on? of the out standing Negro citizens of the state, Avas chairman of the Ne- . I gi‘o Division of the United Daniel, Fimd Campaign of Ra- . president of Shaw University, ^ountv in The annual homecoming day has thi^own his full support . • ,„ember of the of the West Durham Baptist behind tho United War Fund Boa7d of Directors of the Uni- (hurch will be observed Sun- of North Carolina, according ^aro- day, October 17 at 11 o clock ] to a statement released today, A. M. The members of the The United War Fund is re- ~ church are requested to bring presenting North Carolina in their Sunday’s dinner to the the campaign of the National church annex and enjoy a social Fund to raise .■pl2.j,000,000 hour together after tho wor- this fall for use on the milit- ship hour. Rev. W. D. Burton, front, the United Nations of Shaw University, will deliver front, and the home front, the annual sermon. The Rev. | ‘‘The United War Fund,” K. A. Hughes of Wilberforce said Jh-, Daniel, “is a grea^ TTjiiversity, Wilberforce Ohio cboperative project which ,ap- will deliver a brief address, peals to the loyalty and sacri- Other phases of interest will ficial spirit of every good feature the occasion. Music will be rendered by the senior choir and the pastor, Rev. T. C. Graham will have cliarge of the service. ** BUY WAR BONDS ** — Buy War Bonds — in the Leaksvilie Grammar School and Bennett College, High School at Leaksvilie iind recciv*d her B. S. degree in Home Economics from Hamp ton Institute, Hampton, Va. She was a Girl Scout lead er for four years and taught Sunday School for six years. American.” “The welfare of the Negro race has always advanced in a .spirit of cooperation. At this time we have the opoortunity to share in meeting the needs of millions of people wdio do not enjoy the blessings which we have. In addition, this is our ooportunity to make possi ble the continuation of the services to our soldiers which would therwise present a great problem to them when they are not on military duty. '“For 'the sak** of millions who are suffering, let us give I For the sake of inter- ST. JOSEPH A.M.E. CHURCH REV. J. A. VALENTINF, Minister Sunday School 9:30 A. M., Preachingr 11:00 A- M. and 7:00 P. M. ARE YOU DISCOURAGED, DEJECTED, HEAOT- BROKEN? If you are—St. Joseph A, M. R ChurcirJ^ tends to you without price an invitation to join its bers ai)d friends in the renewal of your hope and ft A Hearty Welcome Awats Y«r