DURti/iM /€CICTT Ml^S. '91. HAIUUS, SOOIBi;? EDITOB M Jf«wi For lliis Pacft-Miiat B« Stibmitted B«f«ra 10:00 A. M. M0ii4^]r Back Wt^ PH OHS R-69 13 ffira Sadie Sumner Ingram of Waahington, D. C., flew in Saturday for a visit with Mn. NeU Huntar. Mra. Mamie Sellars and Ed ward Rice have returned to New York after a very pleasant visit in Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Nell Hunter. Mias Marie Faulk is in Tide water, Virginia, spending the month of August with her rela tives, the Burkes. Master Jerome Daniels cele brated his second birthday Sat urday with around thirty tots helping to make the day a gala one. Mrs. Helen Daniels of Win ston Salem is visiting her father, Mr. George Daniels at 519 Pine Street. Mrs. Grace Williams ente^- lained her club and a group of friends Tuesday evening at her home 1507 Lincoln Street. In the pinochle. group Audrey In gram and Dorothy Faucette were gift winners. In the whist group Mabel Powell and Ardell ii'arrington were gift winners. Beatrice Bynum, who is home from New Jersey on vacation, was given guest gift. An ice course with pound cake was served. Enjoying the evening with Grace were Beatrice Bynum, Audrey and Lavonia li^am, Marjorie DeBeriy, Dorothy Faucette, Annie Overby, guests, and Hazel McBroom, Virgfinia Walker, Bea White, Gladys Mc Kinney, Ardelle Farrington, Club members. ' Randolph, Alice Pj^rrison. Mrs. Fannie Clements of Orange, N. J., is the house guest of Mrs. W. A. Daye, 1508 Pine Street. Mrs. Clements will visit relatives Jin Mocksville before returning to New Jersey. Mrs. Vivian Spauidi»g Mur phy has returned to New York after a very delightful visit with kith and kin. She was the house- guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ijsnier in Dunbar Street. Many courtesies were extended Mrs. Murphy during her visit. Mrs. Mary Pearson Hayes ahd sons, Edward and Michel of WMhington, D. C., are home visiting with family members and friends. Mr. and Mrsb Frank Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Massey have returned t« the city after a refreshing vacation in Wash- ton, D. C.; Baltimore, Mary land; New York City; Boston and Springfield, Mass. and Duuglaa Duree Tuole ot Philadelpl^, sp«Bt a day in eity vi^Ung little ,*‘Bnt«h' Tool*, who U reeuperatingt Oosinetolegists Club, Local Number One, met with Mn. Gladys Washington, Monday, August 1. -Attenumg the ineet- uig wer«: Mesdames Margaret Minor, J. A. Adams, Betty now ier, Paniioe Boxley, Mattie fugh, iiUtiiw Johnson %nd Paul me Jjove, Misses i:ter«h Dotson, ir|piUtred (Comptoo, and Idadie l'itts. A delicious repast was served by Mrs. Washington. The next meeting of the -club will be with Mrs. Pauline Boxley at 703 Lee Street. . Mrs. Lucy Walker of Bryn Mawr, Pa., viaited her sister Mrs. Virgie J. Davis during the past week. Mrs. Walker return ed home Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Davis who will spend the remainder of the summer m Bryn Mawr. Don't forget our Sick and Shut-Ins: Mesdames Marion Alston, Irene Gates, Itosa Cle- land, James C. Harris, Dr. Le- Boy Swift, Mesdames Hattie Bass, Hsssie Mitchell, Hattie King, Dr. 1. £. Turner, James Barley, Tom Charleston, Bunny Atwater, Mesdames RUzh Biv- era, Maude Pratt, Laura Shaw, Dr. and Mrs. A. Elder are spending a few days at Atlantic Beach. Mrs. Nora Davis of Ridge way, S. 0., is visiting her daugh ter and family Mr. and Mrs. John Davis on Otis Street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Woodruff of Winston Salem spent the week-end visiting their mother Mrs- Mary Davis in Piedmont Avenue and other family mepi- bers. Monday they, with Mrs. Madge Turner, visited in Ra leigh, and on returning were dinner guests of their aunt, Mrs. Dora Green. Mesdames Rader Prince, Sarah Felder, Dor^ Green and little Carolyn Young and Vi vian Harris, spent two days dur ing the past week with ]^. and Mrs. Frank Atwater in Chatham County. Mrs. Bertha Davis was hostess to the Year 'Bound Garden Club and guests Monday evening at her home on Linwood Avenue. The business deliberations were presided over by the Pres ident Mrs. Roxie Davis. After the business transatibns Mrs. Carrie Mebane, representa tive for Stanley Products, gave a demonstration of her various wares. Guests were: Mrs. R. Bolding of Norfolk, Va., and Mesdames Rose Fortune and J. R, Bold- ing. Club members present were: Mesdames Lil Farrington, Cac- rie Burch, Efl8e C. Day, Allie Dick, Ix>ttie Lome, Hattie Mea dows, 'Charlotte Miller, Flossie Torian, Josie Rich, Leon Rich ardson, Ethel Perry, Ada Leach, Rioxie Riowland, i^lla Austin, Rosa Suitt, Sarah Felder, Maryi Ray, Dorothy Manley, Emma Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson are vacationing in Washington, D. C., and New York City. 1 Mesditmes Emma Ramdolph and Patricia Palmer spent a few days in Charlotte visiting friends. Dr. A. S. Hunter is in Kan sas City, Missouri, attending the National Dental meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Norris, Sr., are vacationing in New York City. Mrs. Barbara Avant and Miss Slallie Norcott are in Detroit on vacation visiting relatives of Mrs. Avant. Among the doctors and their families attending the National Medical Meeting in Detroit are the Grandys, the Donnells, the Thompson, the Cordices, Drs. Mills and Dawson. Mrs. Mae Ryan of New York spent a very restful vacation with her sister Mrs. Maude Wig- fall Hamlet and family. They' spent a number of days in South Boston, Va., visiting Mr. Hami- let’s mother and family. On their return to the eity Mrs. Hamlet entertained Friday eve ning at bridge for her sister. Playing were: Emma Randolph, Grace Massey, Blanche Meadows, Minnie Turner, Lola Riiddick, and Carlotta Holmes. Saturday Miss Blanche Mea dows entertained at “Brunch" for Mrs. R|yan and enjoying this delightful affair with the hos tess and honoree were Maude W. Hamlet, Nell Hunter, Helen Clement, Eula Harris, Evelyn Kennedy, Mae Spaulding, Vie Turner, Emma Randolph, Bess Whitted, and Plassie Harris. Messrs. Julius F., Frediheim, BOOKERTTHEATRE ♦AIR-COKDITIONED* * SUNDAY-MONDAY—AUG. 14-15 * HOWARD DUFF * GSOROE BRBNT in RED CANYON Color Cartoon Action Sport Reel Movietone News * TUESDAY ~ AUG. 16 ♦ WALLACE BERRY ♦ MICKEY ROONEY in SLAVE SHIP Comedy Reel UniTersal News * WEDNESDAY THURSDAY—AUG. 17-18 ♦ TYRONE POWER ♦ DOROTHY LAMOUR in JOHNNY APOLLO Sport»«ubject News Of The Day ^ Also Chapter 6, “JACK ARMSTRONG" * FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—AUG. 19-20 ♦ DOUBLE FEATURE FRANCHOT TONE * ANDY DEVINE ia ♦ TRIAL OF THE VIGILANTES PAUL LANGSTON * GARY GRAY in FIGHTING JACK Al»o Last Chapter, “JESSE JAMES RID£8 AGAIN” (DON'T MISS THI9tt) Added: Color Cartooa *AIR-C0NDIT101IBD4> Lena Hester, Vi “Butch" Toole. Pindle, and Walltown N^ens and VieHs By MRS, C ALLIE DAYE SMC SATURDAY, AUG 13.U, CAJtOLINA TIMES PAGE FIVE RENDiJlS SERVICE Reverend 'laiDert aud cougrt; fauon of the I'ligruu Bapii»i Uhurch of this ctiy renaerm ■ervil-e at the Nortnside .Bap list Church Sunday. alUTiiuou August 7. RETURNS TO CITY JVLrs. Duitiiitt fluuuaU uf Four th bireet lia» returued to tae city attiir u visit witli her broUi er m iUchuioud, V irgmiu. PROPOSED RECREATION FOR THE CUMMUWITY Ihe Bronze *\layor oi Wull- towu, Mr, ijrizeiie Uaye, uiia Council met ,witli the ciiy lu.*- creation advisors \\cdnc!idu> alteruoou, August 3 ut tiiu pru- posed site tor a Walilowu piay- gruund. It is the aim ui this gruup lu securu iur this uuiuuiuuuy u place for its youths and aduitb to go for wholesoniu recreation AT BEAUTICIANS’ MEET Mrs. Calliu Daye spent tlit week-end in WajiUmgtou, D. L. where she euroiied m tiiu iicau- Sarah McCauley, Bessie Jones, Institute. Airs, loia tiobs Lj^on Park News . . By MISS ELNORA JOYNER DIAL L-8%1 Mrs. JVlable H. Itaiusey has re turned to her home in Warren-, ton after attending summer school at North Carolina Col lege. VISITING-SISTER Mrs. AJLma Dodson of Cleve land, Ohio, is in the city visiting her sister Mrs. Elizabeth Hester of Cornell Sitreot. Aliss Florence Brown of Car roll Street is recuperating after a spell of sickness in Lincoln Hospital. Mrs. Atley Smith, aged resi dent of George Street, died Fri day night. ON VACATION Miss Eva Merritt of Kent Street is taking her vacation in Philadelphia and New York, vibiting her mother ^and other relatives. She is accompanied by her yoimg neice. Jewel Merritt. 'Miss Louise Hogan of Kent Street is visiting her father, Thad Hogan of Philadelphia. After spending a week-end visiting in Summerfield, Pete Joyner has returned home. He reports a very pleasant stay. First Calvary Baptist Church was represented fit the Conven tion, held last week in Raleigh, by five delegates, Mrs. Maggie Yotmger, Mrs. Margaret Bur nett, Mrs. Louise Thorpe, Miss Eva Merritt and Miss Helen McDade. has gone to juui Airs. Daye aiiu to attend the iScautieiaiib cuu vention with her which also con venes in D. C. this week. PASTORS’ AID CLUB The Pastors’ Aid Club ol the JSt. John iiaptist (Jhurch luut re cently at the home oi Airs. Jaby on Buchanan Lxteusiou. The meeting was opened m tut usual manner witu the presi dent, Mrs. Jaby, presiding. .tU;- ter a short business session the social hour honormg Airs. Annie Day, a member o£ tiie Club wlio has recently celebrated a birth day, was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Daye was surprised wheu the club members and guests sang happy birthday and pre sented her with a gut. A delicious repast, consisting of fried chicken, tomato salad, potato chips, rolls, ice-cream, cake and candy, was served. Members and friends present were; Mesdames Annie Daye, Sue Bolding, Lelia Gray, Aiable Brown, Sabra Jenkins, Lillie Vickers, and Estelle Cameron. olivf - and wat- wiches, pickit ermelons. .^proxiraately lixty persona enjoyed the friendly hospitality of the Lyon I’ark district. COMING ATTRACTIONS ' Saiq,t John Baptist Church Annual Sunday School Pic nic will be held Saturday, August 13 at Chavis Park, Raleigh, N, C. Sannd rs and cbr.tr auJ mt-in ■' li- rs of tin- JesuH of Pray | *T, Dr.wd of ■rity. t worvhippfl at •M, E. (’hurch. The Ht« vvarfi-. -.{>onaor d th( -wi vice for the beni fit if th> Building Fund for Paucett* Memorial C. M. E. Church. Rr v J. N. Leverette on of thei city’h finest citizens and a verjj , proniisinfj minist-r. Tf he k* , ,, . the fine '.%t>rk of the build ‘ Durham News.,..*,* Bf MISS MARGARET LOUISE STBPHENS Dial 7-4161 VISITORS FROM FLORIDA Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Johnson I of Ja» «« n% ille, Flcwnda, wrr^ pleii^ant week-end house-; itin* il'ffr h-r rtf (% np me line ing. we feel eertain the chun hi will be completed by annn-U; eortfereni'e time V/hii’h is Oet .') ' SICK: Don't frujrt't tlie sick and shut ins. Pay a visit or drop a note; tnko n flower, send a card. Mr.s. iiyiiiin Lunsford of Fourth ytreot, ilr. Fred Brewer of 'Fouth Mr.s. Emma lloieniiiti of Third Street, and Mrs. Liicii)ila flopkiiis of Fifth' Htreel. If ycfti have news, as such Don't forget to get in touch With some member of the News and Views X-6832 GUEST RALLY The Senior Choir of the Saint John Baptist Church held a Guest Rally at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frizelle Daye Thurs day evening, August 4. ice cream and cookies were enjoyed by all. VISITS MOTHER Miss Ella Mae Alorgan o£ Fouii,h Street has returned to the city after a visit with her mother in Kin^tree, S. C. DOLPHIN AND GULF STREAM CATCHES—Some of best catches made by E^'A. Mayer and Party, Danville, Va/and Harry Gorkin’s par ty, Plymouth. GUESTS AT PICNIC Mr. and ]VIrs. Willie Hannah, Mr. and Mrs.-Walter Brown and children of Fourth Street, were guests of the Lyen Park district of the White Rock Baptist Church at their annual picnic held on the beautiful lawn at the home of Mrs. Hester Wil liams on West Pettigrew St., Sunday, Au^st 7. After a short meeting with the leader, Mrs. Effie Cotton, presiding, a pienic table was spreaded. The menu consisted of fried chicken, potato salad, corn, butter beans, cookies, sand- REGAL THEATRE T SUNDAY ONLY—AUGUST 14 * JOHNNY MACK BROWN i BACK TRAILS Serial: GANG BUSTERS, No. 9‘ Added: HIS WEAK MOMENT * MONDAY-TUESDAY—Aug. 15-16 * JOHN WAYNE in SEVEN SINNERS Serial: BRICK BRADFORD, No. 10 Added: PARDON MY CLUTCH * WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY—AUG. 17-18 * (DOUBLE FEATURE) GRE®0RY peck * JANE WYMAN in THE YEARLING EDWARD G. ROBINSON * JOAN BENNETT in SCARLETT STREET Added: MAKING VANITY * FRIDAY AND SATURDAY—AUG. 19-20 * (DOUBLE WESTERNS) ALLAN LANE * BLACK JACK in Marshall Of Amarillo KEN MAYNARD in WHEELS OF DESTINY Serial!'SSA HOUND, Number Four Added: ANDT SAID NO — Plus News Hilltop News . MRS. PORTIA FAUCETTE DIAL 9-3245 WELCOME HOME Meiii()ors of Saint. Matthew C. 51. K. Chnrcii and friends of ]lcv, and Mrs. McEwan an’ family are happy to extend p 'learfy woleonie back Jiome. The McEwans expressed hav ing spent a most enjoyable vaca tion with Mrs. ]\rcEwc1ns’ mother and relations in Norfolk, Va. GUEST MINISTER Wo are looking forward t > havinj; the Ripht Rev. H. 1’. Porter, Presidinp Bishop of'tli^ Third Episcopal District of the C. ^r. E. Churches as onr guest, Sunday, Au'rnst 14. Bishop Por ter will deliver the morning niessajre at 11 o’clock. At 3 p. m. Bishop Porter will visit the Faneette Memorial C. ^r. E. rijnreh on Pine Street of wliieli the TJev. .T. X. Tjoverettc is pastor. GUEST SPEAKER Rev. II. r. Tlarper Presidlni.'. Elder of the Norfolk, Virsri'nia District of the speaker at the 11 o’clock services at St. Matthew TME Church. Elder Harper de- ivered a sonl-stirring sermon on ‘Christianity.” , ^ Music was furnished by the S^'Tlior choir with Mrs. Katie J. Taylor .at the orfran. At 5:30 P. M. Reverend Leon SICK: A card (ir note is a very thoughtful way to say how are yoH today. Mrs, I.uesta Graves of 1.31!i Fargo Street. Mrs. Lulla Villa of .513 Car rington Street. ^fr. William F’n.ter of 102 Chestnut Street. Rev. R. Ff Fulhvood of OlMl Pine Street, Mr. James .\lston of 10().‘l Willard Street. HOME AGAIN Welidiiie home to Mrs. Ali»f Walker who has been vacation ing witli her daughter in Xew York and other nlativrs in Phillv. t*T of Com* :l 4trret. Mr. [ndbyth Mai#' und Air? John?rf(n visit*?fl fri* rid,«* ["• '*(;: anti I'i !ati > s in V. ashington and rtapfii* • hnrcL ..' ■w York n = ^ ntly and stopped ' 'nday. Ar.^ t^ ' in Durham’ to the Heaters i Pantor of the on their way hk.-k to .laek.^jti ' Bapt;^t fT",-;r- h d a- ■ vilie Avenue.. Mi-.^ Dorothy PI 1 ‘er of N’t w York . ‘mother Mr Ida Powe Street CONGRATS To Rev, and Mrs. J. N. Ijcv- erette of 109 Che.stnut Street on two new additions to the fam ily. They have twins, Patricia Anil and Patrick lAm who are doing nicely. LAST RITES The passing of Mr. \V. II. Tapj) of 115 E. Hillside Ave nue brought sadness to his many Trieiids. lie was an outstanding citizen of the conmmnity aud the city participating in various civic organizations. Mr. Tapp was a member of the Doric Lodge of ilasons for a number of years was deuty of the 14th District. Mr. Tapp's loyal ser vices will be greatly misseil throughout North Carolina and especiallj^ in^ his community where he was greatly loved. He was a good neighbor and friend. BLUES AND FLOUNDER — Anglers trolling or still fishing in Oregon Inlet dur ing past week have landed from just a few to 100 or more'' fish per boat. The catches: floiinder early in t^s^eek and blues towards the ^eek-end. \ Sharing in some of the better catches: E. I. Bugg, Durham and Willis Smith, Atlantic Beach; The Ed Gibsons of Ashland, Ky. and Mr. and Mrs. Arch Alexander of Hunt ington, W. Va.; Dr. W. M. Nicholson and party of Dur ham and many others. Everybody, s Pointing Hotp oint REFRiCERATOR $189.95 Up Terms 10% Down, Balance Up To 24 Months J. C. Bissette and Co. BACK FROM VACATION Rev, and ^>rrs. J. Z. Siler ha% returned to th city after vaca tioning in Siler ^’ify. Fayette ville and Sanfonl. ' ^ Dr‘/p .a ’arti r-; r.r Mif Lillian Taylor of Wind j Jint-in^ Tli^y M: ,:')r vHs the Wi i-k-end guest of j P.aih j , M Luih .Mrs. Mary Slnde Bond on P'^ '.v. |ton. Lur. ^iiird. P ■ Street. , ifacon Hester, f'orr. ! - ~ - Isabel H.^Harrl.P.^ - ■Mrs .\lma Johnson Dolsfm,j Willie Rotrer«. F r;,^H fornierlv of Durham, who now; r Tr--' h^r IT- t. lid •‘Pearsontown Society- By MRS. MAQEL POWELL Telephones: J - 4 8 4 1—9 - 4 1 3 4 KK=: SPENDS WEEK-END I Mr. Ed Barnes and brother,! (i. li. Baigies motored to Wash ington, iT C. visiting the somi of Mr. Ed Barnes. After spending a while in ’ Baltimore, Maryland where Mr. G. li. Barnes visited his daugh ter, *Mrs. Georgia B. Currie and his son Mr. Walter Barnes and family. pree btreet. VISITING RELATIVES Misses Eidria and Ethet Cheatham of bouth btreet are visiting relatives and triends in Philadelphia and liro;Kiyu. LEAVE FOR GOTHAM Mrs. Armeiia B. Mills has re turned to her cozy apartment in New York City alter having ASSOCIATION spent s*)uie time in this state. “The Primitive Baptist Church She is the daughter of Mr. G. R. of Durham sponsored its annual! Barnes and sister of Miss Daisy as.sociatiou at the Pearsontown! Marie 3arnes of Fayetteville School on Saturday, Sunday, | Street Sirs, ilills enjoyed a and Monday, August 6-8. Thejpeacefu* vacation at home with affair was carried on with a her relatives and friends of large attendance. They were! North Carolina, were welcomed in the commim-; ity by the neighbors and friends. Everj’one enjoyed a wonderful time. They left hoping to see us again next vear. MOVE IN NEW HOME ilr. and Mrs. G. D. White and son “Tippy” have moved into their lovely new home on Du- VACATIONS WITH SISTER Mis^s Florence Speller of Monfcla ", New Jersey is- spend ing hei "acation with her sister, Mrs. Mudessa Morgan of 615 Lincoln ivenue^ Mrs. Lucy Mor gan is Mrs. Modessa Morgan's mother, also of 615 Lincoln Ave- (Please turn to Page Eight MT. GILEAD BAPT. CHURCH. DOWD STREET REV. HAROLD ROLAND, PASTOR SUNDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1949 9:30 A. M. SUNT>AY SCHOOL LEVI MITCHELL, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON The Pastor “GOD’S LEVELING PROCESS” 6 ;00 P. M.—B. T. U. Hillarj' Holloway and Miss Helen Morrison, Co-Leaders 7:30 P. M.—SERMON _ The Pastor “THE PEftSISTANT HELL HOUND” Mount Vernon Baptist Church Rev. E. T. Bcowne Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1949 — - Y O U T H DAY 9:30 A. M. £. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLYDE RICHARDSON. Soipt. 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Rev. James A. Crawford Second Baptist Church, Roselle, N. J. 6 :00 p. M.—Training Union—Miss Lyda Vanhook. Directress Adult Theme: “The Holy Spirit And Jesus” 7:30 P. M.—SERMON Rev. James A. Crawford ■ Music — Young People’s Choir MRS. REBECCA PETERSON', Organist 215 E. CHAPEL HILL STREET PHONE N-131 “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church \ MILES MARK FISHER, Pastor 9 :00 A. il.—Call To Worsliip Electronic* 9:30 A. M.—Sunday School Ijesson — "Festival Songs,” Psalms 105-107; 111-118. DR. J. M. HUBBARD, Sup-'rintendent l1:00 A. M.«-“THE WIDOW'S MIGHT”—by the P^tor Senior.Choir, Mrs. S. V. Norfleet. Diretress Junior Choir, Mrs. L. W. Parker, Directress 6:30 P.M.—B. T. U. J- Mesdames I«athen ami Siugleton, Co-leadors 7:30 P. M.—Program by District 15 Gospel Chorus, Miss Lean* Roberson, Directr«^

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