DLl^liAAi /OCIETT MRS. P- W. HARRIS, SOCIETY EDITOR All llewt For This Page Muit B« Sut>mltted B«for« 10:00 A. M. Monday Each Weok PH0R£ R-6913 Returns To City Miss Coimtaiiee S. Yomig has returned to the city aiul begun her fall work a« “Rel. Ed. Ad visor” alter another vumnier of wonderful experiences at Wind ham House -The N'at. P. E. Graduate (’enter for ('hiirch Workers — New York (Uty. She studied at Union Theo. !Seni. and Columbia University, in ad dition to an Art course at the Universal Handicrafts S«*hool. Miss Youuk is ajways happy with folk” — the Alston Heardens and other kinl friends. A num- bt*r of attractions in and out of the eity were enjoyed as well as her first plane flijrht hack from Washington to Durham. Week-end With Brother Mr. and Mrs. Wrnon I?os* of Washington, D. C. spent the week-end-with their brother, F. H. Rowland and family. Hostess To Spurlocks Mrs. C. E. Riveria was dinner hostess Friday evening in the Jake Room at the Donut Shop when she honoi-etl Mr uiid Mrs. Everett Spurlock Sharing din.- ner honors with them were their aunt Mrs Xorman of Newport Xews, Va., their mother Mrs. Huth Edwards and brother and sister Mr. anj Mrs. Alex Rivera. Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. P. K. MeCollunj Dr. and Mrs. L. McCollum of Bennettsville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs J. 0. Smith of Pageland, S. C. Mrs. Emma Jennings of Brook lyn, N. Y. and Mrs. Tynie Bid- lock of Chapel Hill attended the Suifct-McCoilum wedding acti vities on last Saturday. Motor To South Crolina Mr. and Mrs. ('ardoza McCol lum motored to Bennettsville, S. C. Sunday and visited their mother, Mrs. Hosa H. McColliini. Returnd^k City ■Mrs. !\Jar\ 11. Hiu'li has re turned ti) the city aft(>r a very plea.sant vacation' visiting rela fives and friends in Philadel- ))hia. New York ('it\ and Plain field, N. J. GARDENERS M^ET The Year Tiountl (iarden Club met Monday aftenuwn at ti o’clock with Mrs. Plassie W. Harris, hostes at her home in Formosif Avenue, Mrs. -Roxie Davis, president, pn>sided over the business deliberations. 'The president greeted members hack from vacations and asked for highlights on their trips. .1. C. Hubbard, Farm Agent for Dui-- ham ('ounty, was the guest speaker and he brrtnglit a wealtli of informatioji to the elub on soil preparation; projjer selec tion of flowers for the right lo cation planting and care of same, rotation of planting and how and where expert advice and information can be obtained along varied lines of cultivation. The club thorou^ly enjoyed Mr. Hubbard, and immediately registered him as a full fledged member. Open forum was then de clared and a lively (luestion and answer periol was entered into, out of which much valuable in formation was obtained. After the business wa.s over the elub en joyed a social hour and enjoy ed a flow’er show of the beauti ful . and varied faJl flowers brought by members. During this h(mr refreshments were served by the liost«‘ss, as sisted by Me.««lanies Roxie Row land, liouise FJIder, Dorothy Manley, Gertrude Long, Alice Farrison and Emma Randolph. Mrs. Harris had invited in her fellow gardners, Meslames Mag gie Waltpn, liouise Elder, Eve- lyj^ pjlder,‘ Evelyn Keinnly, Tsa- dore AHehaux and Miss .Majorie Shepard. Only Mesd.inies Wal ton and Elder f'oinid it conven ient to attend and they enjoyel the fellowship of fellow gard ners. Mrs. Augusta Bowles and daughter Vivian wre gnest also. Gardners enjoying the afternoon were Roxie Davis, Lil Farring ton, Ada li‘a'h, Emtna Ran dolph, Alice Farrison, Roxie Rowland .Gertrude I/on»r, Horo- thy' Manley, Hattie Meadows, Jessie Rich, Mag Kennedy, Ma- I’y Ilender.sion, Annie Mayo, Tjot- tie Ix)we, Mary Green, Allie Dick, Tessie Carrington, Amy StrudAvick, Ros*i Snitt. Katie liOve, Flo.ssie Torrain. Effie C. Daye, Charlottf^ M,iHer. The flowers brought to the 'lnh were shared with sick and convalesant friends bv the hoste.ss. her residence, 1409 Fayetteville Street. Norfolk Week-end Mr. and Mrs, John W'illiams npent last week-end in Norfolk, Va. visiting Mrs. Williams’ fath er, W'illie W’alker of 1521 Chiireh Street Program Honors "Derbyites” The following program was rendered at St. Joseph A. M. E. Church, Sunday, Septembei- 11, honoring Soap Box Derby ^hampions: * -^Selection, Audience; Prayer Pastor,; Solo, Leroy Evans By num; Presentation of Speaker, Ijee W. Smith; Guest Speaker, John W. Davidson; Presentation of Honored Guest—Billy liatta, Durham 1949 Champion; Ash ton Faucette, Durham 1947 Champion; Harold Hayes, Dur- hain 1946 Champion; Bernard Tate, President Student Council Eiditor “Chronicle”, Hillside High School; Alexander Shearin United States Army; Reading. Peter Stanford; Offering — Re marks. Pastor; Mrs. Marj* C. Evans, Sponsor. House-Warmiug A house warming party will be given on Saturday evening, Se'ptember 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Thompson, 807 Willard Street, given by Mrs. Rosa Williams. Clan Get-Together A number of W’^illiams Clan gathered SundaT afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dora Green Fayetteville Street and enjoyed dinner together. The occasion was the visit of cousins Mrs. Au gusta Bowles and daughter Vi vian of Newark, N. J. Enjoying ttiB evening together were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atwater, Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. W'illiams, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alston and son, y\jrs. I-ettie lja*ssiter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W’^illiams, Tom mie W’^illiam.s, Mr. and Mrs Thomas Bailey and son, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Alston and .sons, Mr. and Mi’s. Earl Hill, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jes.sie Las.siter and daugh- and granddaughter, Mr. and ter, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell Rdliffi P>\iiuin and graiid.son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prince, Mr. and D. A. Perry ami son, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Clyde Alston and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams and son, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mitchell and daughter. Willie Williams of Winston- Salem, brother of Mrs Bowles, Mrs. Stella Horton, and grand sons, lioe Horton, Mr and Mrs. Fonnie Horton and daughter. Mrs. Tna Atwater. W^illiam Thomas Atwater. Mrs. Katie Gill. Mr, and Mrs. R. X. Harris, and Mrs, R, MeXeil. VWts Mrs Mitchell Mrs. Anni» Merrick Graham is visiting Mrs. Allie Mitchell at CLUB MEETS The Friendly Circle Club met at the home of Mrs. Floi-ence Boyd on Elm Street, Monday niffht. Sept. 12. Members present were: Mrs. Rosa Allen. Josie Turner. Lu cille Hieks, Mabel Cross, Anna Sellars, Rosa W'illiams, Marj- Johnson- After the busin«*ss ses.sion, a most delicious repa.st was enjoy ed by all. MRS. BURCH RETURNS Mrs. A. B. Burch of 1214 Mer rick Street has returiuHl to the city after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marion Thomas of Orange, Xew Jers(^y and lier sisters, Mrs. Odessa Carpenter of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. Saddie Bell of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs.-Burch i*e- ports a plea.sant trip. LEAGUE MEETS The Laymen’s Ijeague of Saint Titus P. E. Church met in reg-. nlar monthly session, Tuesday evening with Dr. Percy Young at his- home on Xorth Carolina College Campus. The meeting Avas presided over by the presi-, dent, Dr. Young. After a liyel}’ discus-sion on church problems and con structive future plans of opera tion, a swial hour wa.s enjoyed during which time a delicious repast wa.s enjoyed by the fol lowing: R. C. Foreman, A. C. Lanier, P. A. Escofferv, Dr. Ja.s. T.«-e, W. J. Walker, R. C. W. Perry, Dr. J^ S. Thompson and Felix Miller. dao«hf.^r Cherji, Mr» Smith, a; SATURDAY, SEPT. 17ib, 1949 gi'auuaU' ui .soriii « aruiiua Lot- ' ieife, M a n oi ^irs. MarKartit JkiacK and Jim. M. Cj. titrKcc ut inirU Street. lU SEE RELATIVES Albert iliggau> ot iialtimore spent teu days m the city vuiit- lug relati\e«. VISITS BROTHER .^liss Bettie Love of W'aahini;- tcm, D. C., was in the city a «ouple of days an the guest of her brother, Donald of Third Street. GUEST OF THE DAVES Miss Louise Brown of Clark- ton was in the citj^or the week end visiting the Myes on Sec ond Street. Mrs. Mar cell Virginia Beaaon, who before her marriage to Wil liam Henry Season of Winston- Salem, was the Ifiss Marcell Virginia Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Robinson of Asheville. The nuptials were solemnized at a church cere mony in Aaheville with Rev. G. L. Smithj officiating. sue H'alltovn N^hs and VieMS B y M R S. CALLIE DAYE ^ iJW——MW- OtK XtC J WAIST-LINE PARTY The W'illing W^orkers Club of the Saint John Baptist Church had a Waist-Line Party Monday night at the Club Boulevard Beauty Xook. A large group of l>eople attendetl and they had much fun during the measuring of waist. Recordings were play ed and it'freshments were sdr\'ed A very pleasant evening was spent by all-^’ LADIES AID MEETS The I>adies Aid Club of Saint .Toseph A. M. E. Church met W’’ednesday evening with Mrs. Des.sie Turner at her home on Brant Street. This was the first meeting of the club for the fall and vacation pleasures %vere enjoyed by those fortunate to have visited awav RENDERS SERVICE The Community Chorus ren dered services last Sunday ev2- ning at eight o’clock at the 9t. Paul Church in Chapel Hill. A large group of people ac companied the Chorus there, and they were received by a large congregation. The program was given for the benefit of the Go-Getters Club, whose president is Mrs. Minnie James. The proceeds will go to the October rally of the church, whose pastor is Rev. R. L. Upshaw. VISITS MOTHER Mrs. Clara Mann of Philadel phia, Pa., was in the city last during the summer. The busi- ne.ss transactions were pivsitled owr by the president. The minutes and reports were given by the secretary. At the conclusiion of the busi ness, the hostess assisted by her daughter served delicious sandwiches and a cooling bever- age. Club members present were: ilis.ses Marie Fanlk, Hattie Jen- knis. M(‘sdames Thelma Lanier, Carlotta Holme.s. Evlyn Dud ley, Bea Burnett and Plassie Harris. week visiting her mother, Mi-s.' Captola Jones. Mrs. Mann came down purposely to get her chil dren Bruce and Jacquline, who have spent the summer with their grandmother, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Mann is the former. Miss Clara Harris of this city. WEEK-ENDS WITH AUNT . Mrs. Margaivt Perkins spent the week-end with her aunt, and sister, Mrs. Webbie Bolden and Mrs. Lydia Smith of Fourth St. TO NEWPORT NEWS Mrs. Fannie B. Greene who has been visiting in this city for the pa.st month went to New port News, Va., to visit her sis ter, Mrs. Emma Bynum. Mrs. Bynum and her husband were former residents of this section. Mrs. Greene left Fridayfor New York City where she now makes her home. “PHILLYITES” HERE ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris of Philadelphia were in the city for a few days visiting friends. BACK HOME Mr. and Mrs: Nor\vood Maek of Third Street are at home af ter vacationing at their country home near Bahama. Their daughter, Audrey, joined them for a brief visit while they were there. The Ma(fks bad a most restful and pleasant stay. LEAVES FOR LOUISIANA Mrs. Arline Smith left last w’eek for DMlard University, New Orleans, La., to joii^her husband, Paiil Smith, wWo is a member of the faculty there. She was accompanied by their little Firsf Calvary Baptist Church Corner Kent Street and Morehead Avenue REV. H. H. HART, Pajrtor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1949 9 M A. M L SUNDAY SCHOOL RICHARD JAMIES, Superintendent GETS PRIZE Speaking of flowers, the prize went to Mrs. Minnie Jackson on iJecdnd Street. Mrs. Jackson grew red and white Dahlias on the same stalk and red and yel low ones on another stalk. Mrs. Jack.son did not explain why the two colors grew on one stalk. DON’T FORGET THE SICK AND SHUT-INS Drop a note Write a letter Take a flower Send a card Jlrs. Loretta Greene Second Street Miss MjTtle Higgins Club Boulevard Mrs. Ila Thompson Thinl Street Mrs. Emma Holeman Mrs. Sallie Hopkins Fourth Street . Little Bennie Keith Richmond Fourth Street Master Earl Battle Fourth Street Mrs. Lucinda Hopkins Mrs. Vallie .W'atson Mrs. Martha Richmond . Fifth Street Lyon Park News . . By MISS E. J. JOYNER DIAL L-8961 LABOR DAY VISITORS Among the Labor Day week end visitors in the city were Miss Libby Eubaidts and neice Lady Elizabeth Eubanks of New I'ork, accompanied by Mrs. Catherine W'^alters, also of New York. WELCOMED HOME Miss Marion Haskins was wel comed home from New Jersey, with a party given at h^ home, Sunday evening, Sept. 11. Ice cream, cookies, candies and pea- niits were served. Those present expressed themselves as having spent an enjoyable evening. RETURNS HOME Miss Grace Branehe has re turned to her home in Elberon, X^. C. after spending the summer iii Durham with relatives and being employed at Miller’s (Please turn to Page Eight) CASOLIlfA TIMM PAC» !!▼» Principals in the Suitt-McCol- lum wedding which took place recently at the Mt Vernon Bap tist church of this city are, left to right: Miss Wilhelmenia Mor rison, bridesmaid; John Black- well, usher; Mrs. Hazeline Wil son, bridesmaid; L. C. Reece, bride in marriage; MUa Ruby best man; Cardoza McCollum,, Bolding, bri!r rjiid; William grodm; Mr'i. Ruth Suitt McCol-j Brown, usher; Mr*. Annie Dnan lum, bride; Mrs. Hattie Suitf, matron of honor; Jeannie Hollo way, flower girl; Thomas Sui*^t, brother nf- bride who gave the bridesmaid. Standing-' in rear, Frederick Suitt and J Hill, ushers th« Ton Av-nr;; W. Durham hews VIRGINIA STEPHENS FETED ON HER BIRTHDAY On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 10, from 4 :30 to 6 :30, Miss Mary Louise Stephens entertained at her home on Powe Street honor ing her niece, N'irginia Stephens who celebrated her seventh birth day. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon, after which the movies “Woody Pecker” and “Boy Meets Dog” were shown the guests and honoree by J. M. .Schooler. The guests were then invited into the dining room which was decorated with fall flowers and the table held a birthday cake topped with ^ven candles. The gifts were then opened. Assisting with the enter taining were the honorees aunts. Misses Ruth and Margaret Step hens. Favors were presented each gire.st. After singing happy birthday, ice cream and cake topped with pink and green icing were serv ed the following: Jessie W'. Mc Queen, Shirley Cannady, Betrie and Barbara Walker, Evelyn and Booker Kenneily, .Jr., I.rfina .Thomi)son, Sherrill Doris and Kyle Si'hooler. Ijeon Cole. Billy Bowling, Weston Mor rison, Mary Elizabeth and Pear- lie Bailey, Andrew Perry, Gil- lis Richmond, Pailette John.son. liilly Rogers, Patricia Borland, .Marinda Mnmford and the honoree’s sister, Eugenia and (leorgia Stephens. Stephens. | After a brii'f bu-siness sessiion, i a soiial hour was held which honored all members bom in i j .September. i Mrs. McDaniel wht)se birth- lay comes in September was greatly surprisf'd when a hiige birthday cake was presented to her husband. i I Other membt'rs celebrating j Septemb«^r birthdays to whom j gifts were given were Mesdames • Magsrie Siler and Maggie; Thompson. A menu composed of Chicken i sjilad in tomato cups garnished with radishes, potato chips. cor-| nets, ritzs. carrot sticks./Tringer | ale with frozen cherry, frozen fruit salad and cookies was served with the following: Mesdames Maggie Thompson. Maggie Siler, Henrietta Dock ery, Willie Rogers. Addie Howie. Amanda McCollough, Frances Sim.s, Pearlie Bailey. Corinna •lohn.son, Cora Womack. Misses •Tosephine Mebane and E Ruth .Stephens, SEW PRINCIPAL Lyrm Park - hi-.| w.-lcome* to ifs fa' iiity, F. (i Burnette, onr n»*%v principal i.-id two new t*'!iehf*rs M'^-.. M .fackson and Mi.ss Flor> n, 7a mu Jones, FROM N. Y. VACATION Robert f.riu; 7‘en* his vacation in Xc-.v York vi.sit- ing his hrorJi-r ' harles. has re turned tii. his hrtme ,n Powe St, LEAVES CITY Mrs Haffir Wricrht Webb ha.t retumel to her home in Xew York after = vnry plea,sant vLsit ’vit^x »h • I'iiver and Rowers families .n FerrHl Street. STEWARDESS BOARD MEETS The Stewardes.s Board Xum- ber Two of Mount Olive A. M. E. Zion Church met Friday night, Sept. 9 at the home of Mrs. Katie Mcl)ani»‘ls. +14 Powe Street. Devotions were led by Mrs. (’ora W'oniack, after which the meeting was presided over by the president, Mis.s E. Ruth Welcome North Carolina 11:00 A. M.—SERMON The Pastor Mudc by The Choir Miss Mary L. Stephens, Director Eagles, Faculty, and Students WE SINCERELY HOPE YOU HAVE A SUCCESS FUL SCHOOL YEAR. YOUR PRESENT SUCCESS IS YOUR FUTtJRE SECURITY. BACK TO DEE CEE Mrs. Mary Cobb ilorri^on ha.s returned to her home in Wa.sh- i'ngton. D, C.. after visiting her mother and son. Mrs. Mary Cobb and W'eston Morrison of Thax- GARDEN CLUB MEETS Th^ st Durham Garden BIos.som f ' lb nif-t Monday eve- ninz. .■v-ptf'inb*-r at the homi* of Mrs Mattie Plumnit^r af Ca.sw,dl ?lacp. The nif^tinsr was pn^sided by the presitlt^nf. Mrs Maesrie .^iler and after a brief and help ful disen.vsion on fall flow*»r«.' the hostess .^#Tve«l ie*" cream and cakes ropppd with chocolate ic ing to the followin.r nif^mbt^rs: Mrs, Katie MeDanid, Mrs, Maagie Slier and Mi,-vs»'s T>ouise Thompson and Ruth and Mar garet .'Stephens VISITS MRS. BOND Mrs, Katio Hayes if Wind sor, X, (^, spent a few hiHirs, ('Please rnrn to Paure Ei^ht MT. GILEAD BAPT. CHURCH DOWD STREET REV. HAROLD ROLAND, PASTOR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1949 9:30 A, M ' SrXDAY SCHOOL LEVI MITCHELL. Supt. 11:00 A. M. ‘^Newness Of Life” G .OO P M, P. T T’, Hilliary Holloway ^ and Miss Helen Jlorrison. Co-Ijeader 7:30 P. M.' “God Responds To Human Need” 6:00 P. M. Baptist Training Union Richard WiUiama, President ^ 7:30 P. M.—SBRMOH The PMtor FOR THE BEST IN Meats And Groceries COME TO: Dillard’s Self Service DIAL: J-258S 1212 Fayettevifle Street Mount Vemon Baptist Church Re.v. E. T. Browne Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1949 9:30 A. JI. SUXDAY SCHOOL CLYDE RICHARDSOX. Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Pastor 3:00 P. M.—Missionary- Mass Mrs. M, A. Home State Missionary President. Guest Speaker Miss Lyda Vanhook. Directress 6:00 P. M.—Training Union Special Service—“Philemon, A Faithful Church Mem ber. 7:30 P. M.—Sermon Pastor Music — Mount Vernon Male Chorus MRS. E. H. FOGLE, Directress “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church MILES mask FISHER, Pastor 9:00 A. M.—(^all To W'orship Kle«'tronios A. M.-r-Sunday Schoi>l Lt*ss>oii " Psiihiis For Daily l.ivinir,Pvilms I."#; 24 l '«; HR. .1 ,\f HI BBARD, Supennteiulent 11:00—SERMON The Pastor .''enior (.’hoir. Mrs. S, V, Xo'rflf. r. Diro-trt'ss Tiny Tots Choir, Mrs, V W ' Alsi.m. Directr^-s-s 6 :30 P. M. B. T. U. Mesdaweii Ijeathen and Singleton, Co-leaders 7:30 P. M.—SERMON The Psstor Gospel Chorus. Miss Leaua Roberson, Directress

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