Browsing Grower By' FRANK BROWER (For United Negro Prew) COMMUNITY CHEST Dream your little dreanu, . But give to the Conunnnity Chett. Scheme your little achemee. But give your conscious a rest. OiTe. JAMES HAWKINS, Head Sepia Diysion THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT - You already know the work of the (’oramuiiity Cliesf and the organization it sustains, therefon- we van i-oiiut on ytiu to baek and push file t'lifbt ilrive tiiis ycai- . . . 3'oo much Shaw lor ilauipton at tiie l-'ish IJowl this year by one toueluiown. The veteran Hear bridsters had too inneh*field tjeneralship for Coach JetTersoii’s Pirates . . . Arabia Temple and Xoblesj Leioy linrU, Herman .1. llarriS; David 0, Muckle, Morris Kiehiuond, Rob Jones and C'. Tom Vounge ean well be proud of the Shriner’s effort toward the TH and Cancer Funds thru tlie Pish Bowl Classic drawing a capacity crowd. Harris is founder and General Chair man of tli«; Classic . . . Attractive Dorothy Nixon was crowned “Miss Fisli IJowl Classic” as she alighted from her pert Dynaflow Convertible during the half. This department thinks it would und better if the word Lobster oi- Clam would sound better . , . willie Bellamy was definitely the outstanding footballer of the game . . . Instead of Charlie Ventura, Herb Lance entertained at the Town Club . . . The 150 peice lighted high school band stole the show during halftime. RALEIGH RECORDINGS OF PEOPLE AND PLACE . . . Miss Beryl O’Kelly, a student of Hampton Institute and the daughter of Mr. and Mr. A. T. White of Method, N. C. spent six weeks in Mexico this summer. Miss O’Kelly went with a group of white and Negro students and councilors to do playground work with little children in a camp there. This group was sent by The American Friends Organization of Philadelphia. This is a Quaker Organization. There were other groups in other parts of Mexico but only three colored people were sent with this group. Buddy Incorporates His Own Music Publishing Co. Mrs. Blanch Raeford, wife of Mr. Ernest "Raeford, Secre tary of the YMCA in Raleigh, was the Councilor for both white and colored students. Mrs. Elizabeth Yates of Rich mond, Virginia and Miss Beryl O’Kelly of Method, were stu dents. SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE ■— Mrs. Vi Turner of Dur- nain Slopped The Feet last week by guessing the owners as being left to right, Ed Merrick, Arthur Godfrey, and J. II. Whei'ler, so the above smiles of Dr. Kalph Buuche and Dr. C. B, Powell, own er of the AMSTERDAM NEWS seem to muse over the fSecretary- ship of the NAACP, during the Roy Wilkins,Walter White tangle. Bunche has been prominently mentioned as a i»os.sible head of the NAACP. What do you think? Write to this department and give your upiuioiis and suggestions as to the best man to head the 'national organization without too many belt-bjiekiing guffaws from other factions. SILKY VERBAGE AND “SCCOTASH — Miss Mary Glymph married Saturday to James Andrews of Winston . . . Mrs. Amelia Hamlin of Raleigh spent a very pleasant vacation in Mexico. Mrs. Hamlin mootored there with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. White who made the trip to bring their daughter, Miss Beryl O’Kelly back to Raleigh. The Whites and Mrs. Hamlin stayed in Mexico eight days. ' Mr. A. E. Johnson, Principal of Berry O’Kelly {School of iMethod spent a very pleasant vacation in England, France and rtaly. Prof. Johnson made his trip l^jf plane. The members of the Delta Sigma Theta chapter of Raleigh had their first meeting of the year at the home of Miss Margaret Bugg, Saturday, September 17, 1949.' Time: 5:00 P. M. The hostesses were Bugg, Coeiield, Splawn and City. SPICE THAT DISCOVERED AMERICA — Well-known sports writer, Alex Riveria (see pic) has orognosticated the CIAA Champs to be AVest Virginia because of non-loss of man-power, what do 3’ou think . . . About 150 people at tended the City Council meet last week to witness or fight the live or die battle of Fed eral Housing, and it passed. Dr. C. C. Spauld ing, H local leader rose to speak and declared ■‘If it’s going to pass, I have nothing'to say” . , , The BERRY Company got the North Carolina College $5,000 Press Bo3j bid to be built on the 5,000 capacity O’Kelly Stadiuja, the scene of the Virginia State-North Caro lina College Homecoming battle this year according to Jingle Johnson, Ahimni boss . . . Nearly 50 charter members of the Benchwarmers Club made up of young business and professional men met at the Biltmore lx)unpe last week to organize and will meet weekly headed by E. C. “Pops” Turner who also claims only a few candles on his birthday cake . . . Frank Burnett, Pied mont Offieial explained the new rnh>s )f football, iind there will be a weekly nuiin speaker for the Benchwarmers (’lub, a need for this town. A place to go and things to do ... DURHAM ALUMNI CHAPTER BACKS SHEPARD FOUNDATION AT KICK-OFF BANQUET — The initial meeting and kick-off banquet of the Durham Chapter of the - North Carolina College Alumni Association headed by Mrs. Adele Furguson Lafayette was held last Thursday night In the Jade Room. The National Executive Secretary of fl|e association, M. S. Johnson; campaign director of the James E. Shepard Memorial Foundation, J. T. Taylor; Chairman of the Foinulation, Dr. J. M. Hubbard urged the group to got behind the Rmndation and “push.” Th«r« will b« a monthly banquet h»ld by the ch&pt«r, ac> cording to it’s secretary Mite lAa Bast. (Please turn to Page Six) NEW YORK Signaling the expansion of his jnusic publishing intereiita, bandleader Buddy Johnson has completed incorporation of his I Sophisticate Music Company, the music publishing Arm he set up two years ago, which hence forth w ill operate as Sophisticate Music Inc, ^ .\t the first meeting of the stockholders of the new corpora tion hehl Sept. 20 in theSophisti- cnte Music ofllccs at 1(!1!( Broad way. Buddy was elected presi dent, James F, Johnson wJis elected viee-jireHident and Jim JlcCarthy was named to the oflflci'* of seeretarv-treasurer. Buddy, wiio originally set up Sophisticate Music in December, lf)47 ns a publisher affiliate of Broadway Music Inc. for the purpose of handling clearance of bis own t^mpositions, has since expanded the firm to the ))oint where its catalog numl)ers more than fifty seleetiojis and is rapidly increasing. Earlier this year SophiHticate Musif signed act; composcr-iir ranger maestro .Milt Buckner, fortner star of Lionel Ilanip- toji’s bniul, to an exclusive writ er’s ponfract. I’nder terms of the pHct, Sophisticate gets pub lication rights to all original eonipositions by Buckner, which he wHxes with his orchestra for MTJ.M Records Sophisticate Music ii also negotiating for the purchase of the catalog of bandleader Illi nois Jac(|uet’s (HIbert Music Publishers firm, which com prises some 15 original composi tions recorded for RCA Victor by Jacquet and his band Among the publications of Sophisticate .Music since its en try into the publishing field have been such hit songs ns “I Don’t Care Who Knows,” “I’ll Wait And' PrnT”and “Diil ^^ou S,*e Jackie iiobinsoii Hit That HallThe firm's “plug” hOngs include ‘‘I.tively In Hei- Even ing (lown" and “As 1 I>ove Vou.” Cab Calloway Breaks P'"®’’ Cancels ^ London Dafes Record In Seattle This past week The King of iKi -De Ho Cab Calloway and his Cabaliers broke all existing records at the Palomar Theater in Seattle, Washington. Playing to standing room only, Cab re ceived one of the greatest ova tions he has ever had in liis long and suceessful can'cr. There is no d’oubt that Cab’s recent smash engagements have been helped by his latest n'cord re- leas«* on the new 4!) cent RCA Victor Bluebird lable, “01’ Joe 1 ouis (He’s Still King Of Them All)” backed up by “Your Voice.” rndoubtably the best record t'ab has made in the past ten years, RCA Victor has al ready sold over 500,fKX) in the first two weeks since it W’as re leased. Joe Ijouis fans all over the country have been flocking to the record stores to buy this gi-eat tribute to one of the finest athletes this country has ever known. Cab Calloway opc'us the Club Bali ill Xa.shington. D. ('. on Sept. ^lOth for one week. C)ab has already invited Joe Louis to Washington as his guest and elaborate plans have been made to present the President of the Tnited States with a personally autographed record by both Cab and Joe. Roy Brown Giving The Small Towns A Break CONROE, TEXAS Music lovers and entertain ment starved people, living in small towns will be getting a regular diet of major entertain ment in the future if Roy Hrown’a recently launched one man music for eviM-ybody policy catches on. The blues singing maestro will make this the first stop a- mong aniall places he has asked liis booking agents to include on i all subsequent tours. In discussing the new plan with newsmen and columnists in Dallas last week. Brown explain ed the thinking behind what many are tabbing a radical move in the music business. Said the likeable recording favorite “If we are to find new enthusiasts — and new cvstomers — in the entertainment field, there’s no better place to start cultivating them than in the small towns. Its true that there isn’t as much money to pay for larger guar antees but the far sighted en tertainer or band leader can charge off these (KfTerentials to These new fans will later help “promotion and advertising.” swell crowds in the nearby cities. In the long run, the books will more than balance anil we .shall have built a whole new audience. It’s good business as well as a| builder of good will.” ' P'ollowing his one night stand here Saturday night, he will. make stops in such towns as; Winfield, 1/a. and Alexamlria, j La, Ix'tween big dates in other' Texas and I/ouisiana cities. After Devilation XEW YORK N'evotiations for series of London' and continent engage ments for singer Dinah Wash- I ington wi n> broken tiff here last I we‘k on receipt of word of the 'drastic shakeup in the ilritish monetary system. Talks iH'tweeu the London representatives of a Kuroi>ean booking syndicate and the sing er’s managers had almost reaeli- ed the paper signing staie when the deviiluation news prompted a culling off of the whole idea. Plans had been con summated whereby Mis.s Wash ington would have begun a series of personal appearances in London just after the first of the year. ^Following this there would havo been a number of bookings ui other countries that would have kept the popular* chirper abroad for about four! and a half months. Despite the fact the buxom entertainer was to have received an attractive figure, the down ward revision of the dollar value of the pound, changexl the en. tiiip picture so that instead of a large excess, there would have been little profit to show after the deductiou of expenses. The sin^'er, however, is anxi ous to work before a European audience and will make the trip as soon as suitable financial arrangements can be made. SATURDAY, OCT. lit. 1949 Red Caps Booked Solid For Year «’f>LLIXOsWiM>I>. X .f Steve (iili'on and the Red (’aps, who are currently riding high in thi- di»«j derby with their Mereury platter of “Bhi»-berr}’ Hill,” already have In-en «*-f for cla.'s bookings for nntre than a year ahead and have l>een forced to turn down many lucrativf of fers due to their inabilitj' to b in more than one place at a time. The [lopultir instrumental voeal unit recently concliuled a record - brcakinir summer-loiig engiigciiHMit at the -iinart .Mar tinique Club in the Xew .fers.> shore resort city of Wildwood and is hirrentl\ holdintr forth in a six-we-k' eiigaK*'iiieiit at ('hubby’s in .\orth Collings- wood, X. J.. one of the tiift nitei^ ies in the subiirhan Philatlelphia area. To top off their acconiplish- nients, the Hed (’aps recently we«‘ handed a new Mercury recording eonti-iict on t h e strength of .sales of their smash hit platter of “Bliiebevry I111I,” which continues to rise fast in j)opularity . after having pas.sed the sal‘s piark. The group is slated foi' a major wax buihiup on the Mereury latxl and will iit some new sides in Xew VorU in the next few .wveks CBS Show To Be Stacked With Stars “Sr(!AL* HIIjL TLMEH. ■ CnS-'l’V’s joyous ancl tinre- strained variety show, with Wil lie Bryant as master of cere monies, presents an imposiii'j: CASOLIITA T1MXS PAOm TMMMM THELMA CARPENTER ari«ay of guests on (.'BS-TN' Tuesday, Sej)!. 27, augmented by Comedian Timmy Rogers, ballad singer Ilarrv Bellafonte, REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES SEWING MACHINES 26 Years Experience Pick-Up And Delivery ^ J. C. Bissette And Co. 217 East Chapel Hill Street PHONE N-7271 HERE’S BLESSED RELIEf EROM RHEUMATIC ACHES OF NEURITIS It you have tried various things without getting satisfying re lief from the nerve-racking aches and pains of rheumatism, com monly known as neuritis, when caused by a deficiency of the B Vitamins, then read this! Yon owe it to yourself to try HADACOL. Yes, HADACOL, wiiich supplies the elements your system may lack, could be the answer to your problem.. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS • If you wSkDt to buy or sell list with us now. • If you are having managemeut problems, we can help you. • If your property needs repairing or painting, see us. CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE UNION INS. & REALTY CO. 814 FAYETTEVILLE ST. DURHAM. N. C. PHONE J-6521 Fresh Fish In Season Quality Sea Food Meats And Groceries Smith’s Fish Market 718 Fayetteville Street Phones L.7861—R-3491 .YOUR FUTURE OUT.LOOK Bull City Barber College PREPARE FOR YOUR FUTURE NOW Approved by the North Carolina Board of Barber Examiners and the Veteran’s Administration. A. C. ARTIS and G. P. HOLLOWAY, Directors Write Today For Full Information. 408 E. PETTIGREW ST- — DURHAM, N. C. OalfpMt, MIh. April, For th« past fiftMn y«art i wot o »«ml* invalid, uiffcring from i Rh«ifnotluiu I am now Son my Mvonth bottio ^of HADACOL ond tt has givMi mo bl«tsod rolM from tho ochot ond pains. I am oblo do o full day'ft work« somothinfl I havo not boon flblo lo do In rtlo pcwt W yoar#^ f fool fhat tbo manufacturors of luch o marvoloui rom* «dy should bo compUmontod by oppro- clativo poopio who hovo bonoflttod from From DoQulncy, lo. Fob., 1949 My mothor suffortd with Rh»umotism for yoart and had triod noorly ovorything without bon- oflt. Sho ttartod to tolco HADACOL and tho im- provod rapidly. Thorw my fathor mw such an improvtmtnt in hor thot ho srortod .tho trootmont. Nowr ♦honfc* to HADACOL, thoy aro both doing fino. All our proisos fo HADACOL and Its its uso. -4Ars. Ophotia Jofforton. —Mrs. Duol Smitli. Flot Wood, Alo. Mortli, 194* I am 75 ytors old and havo sufforod with Rhoumotism. I stortod to tako HADACOL, md sinco tho socond bottio I throw owoy my wolking sticky ond now I fool oInMit llko a now man. —Mr. Colvin AAooro. From Bogoluso, la. Fob., 1949 I was sufforln^ from Rhsumatism, unoblo to do anything. Triod oil kinds of things. I stortod to tako HADA* COL. Now I can do ony of my work and om doing fino. I roc> ommond it to ovory- body I moot. “Mr. John W. Cortor. IS HADACm A MIRACLE (ORMUIA? No. Ther* U nothing mlraculouf about HAOACOl^ but ■ometlmM tbe Tesults p«>pl« B*t from ita um Mem almost that way. Your doctor can tell you that a continued lack of the B Vita- mini and certain Minerals In your lya- tem will cauae bodily diaordera tuch ai dia- eaaed nerves, resulting I In rtieuinatie aches I and iwlna, conuuonly known as neuritis. I When this deficiency disorder eodsts there Is no known treatment ... no medicine . . . . that win bring irou ^ positive relief except the needed Vltamlna and Minerals. Of couiae, certain types of aches and pains may come from other causes, and you ahould see your doctor reguliffly, but don’t wait Start taking HADACOt. now. HADACOL contains no drugs, no oil, no narcotics—only Mother Nature's nutritional elements. Drugs and medi cines play a relatively unimportant part In the treatment ^ any form of Rheumatism. They give onV tempo rary relief and faU to attack the basic cauae of th* trouble. HADACOL comes to you In liquid form, already dlaaolved so that it will be readily and easily absorbed into the blood stream. After you take HADACOL a >rhU*, hesiUhy sod vig orous blood will surge through your whole bo^, brlatfng five oi Mother ‘ Nature's B Vltamlas and four of bar important Minerals to yeur every muscle, to your nervoui system, and to all of your delicate tissues-and vital organs, thereby helping Mother Nat ure to replace or repair and to even nourish the nerve cells and tissues that may be damaged or sickly as a result of the deficiency of the Vita mins and Minerals that HADACOL contains. The people whose letters appear above are just a few of the thousands and thousands that HADACOL has al ready benefited. Medicines and treat ments didn’t help them—^what they really needed was 'a supplgr of the Vltamlna and Minerals contained In HADACOL. In fact, many persons who suffered, waited and hoped for as long as 10 to ao years—casea dMmed almost hopeless—sre now able to live happy, comfortable lives once again. This Is h^ause HADACOL attacks the source of the deficiency disease. Be fair to yourself. Tejnporary relief la not enough, so try, HADACOL today! HADACOL is easy' to take— pleasant to taste. No matter where you live—no mat ter who you are—if you have tired all tbe medicines under the sun, give this wonderful preparation a trial. ~S0n‘t go on suffering! Don’t be miserable! Get a bottle today from your drug store—HADACOL. Don't wait. To de lay may be dangerous. Reclaim your energy and vigor! Enjoy life! Yes. to fesl your level best—take HADACOL. Sold lo two convenient sizes at all drug stores. Trial siz. only |1.U: Large Family Economy siza %SM. LENA HORNE has sung in Chicago bistros often. She got her first taste here of rising this week. The singer led a party which included Reginald Goodwin, a businessman; William Gold- baum, owner of a cosmetics firm; Ralph Harris, her, man ager; Noleia Kyle, her maid; and Mrs. Lillian Harper, wife of the Chicago DEFENDER publisher, to Caruso’s Rest aurant on the North Side. CARD CHECK: The man ager asked Miss Horne: “Do you have a memftership card?” She didn’t of course. Goodwin and Goldbaum had both been served the night before with out membership cards. Miss Horne aslced bluatly: “Do you discriminate?” The manager nooded. As he herded the party to the door, he repeat ed that nobody was seated with out a membership card and re servation. Thirty people were dining in Caruso’s, which has a capacity of 250. Next day Attorney Luis Kut- ner filed a civil suit on Miss Home’s behalf, demanding tbe maximum $500 damages. Kut- ner also asked Mayor Kennelly to revoke Caruso’s license and the State’s Attorney to open an investigation aimed at criminal action. the siv ]ov(‘ly Jtihileers ancl Roii {{♦‘iliiian and his on-hestra M.'BS TV. 1>.M, KSTi. (NOTE: “Sugar Hill Times” is the new title for the show which has been called “Uptown Jubilee” and The “Harlem Jubilee.”) The fruest r)st*>r iiichule.s ilis.s Thflina l.'arp“iiter, ballad .sing er; the ('hariotfors, widely ap- plaiule«l ((uartet of staee. serp«*n and radio, aiid the rhocolateers, hi^«flyiiijr ewmetiy daiiee trio^ OthtT krupsts art* to bt- aonounc- Harry \Vood is the procram# producer and Paul Monroe is the direetur. Continnities and ori- >:inal f>kpti'hes are written by Robert P Hiiiith and .Tepse Kap lan. RUNNING INTERFERINCE for your family L/ife INSURANCE ruHS interference tor your tami>y. When need arises its benefits block privac.on and despair—teammates of lack of incomc. Life insurance will clear the path to a secure future for those you love. It unites many families for the protection of etch and all. There are more than a million faniiljet now en joying the security that comes from Lif^ ot Georgia teamwork. Lc-arn for yourself the -advantages of Ute insurance. A friendly Life of Georgia agent will gladly tell vou about them today. IFhotos in this ad were posed bv professional models) THE OLD RELIABLE * SINCE IBBl / ■ ■! I ^ I, I DISTRICT OFF.ICE *»om 709 D«poMtor’t Natioaal B«nk Bld^., 123 We*t ft.

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