XOCICTT MRS. P- 'W. HARRIS, BOCIETT EDITOR All Nevi For Thig Pag* Must B« Submitted Befort 10:00 A. M. Monday Sack Week PHONE R-6913 GARDEN CLUB MEETS The Year Kouiul Garden Club met Mouday evening in regular giession with Mrs. Emma Ran dolph in Pekoe Street. Mrs. Roxie Daviii, preiudent, presided over busineaa delibera tions. Mr«. Lottie Lowe, secre tary gave minutes of last meet ing and Imports. The Flower Ex hibit Committee made reports on the affair which is to be held Sanday, Oct. Iti, at the Har riet Tubman Branch “ Y ” be- weer?)the hours of 2 anti 5 ■.'•M) p. m. Your attendance is urged io inspect and enjoy the beautiful flower arranpements. Payments, on special projects were received and Mrs. Roxie Rowland gave a rejwrt on esti mates and sugp?stions from one Nursery. At the close o£ the business, the president introduced Mrs. Charles Jordan to the club and she in a most charming and gracious manner introduced Mrs. B. M. Dorrity, an expert on flower arrangement and quali fied 'judge for flower exhibits in the city, who was guest speaker. Mrs. Dorrity brought a wealth of information to the club on this subject, and her demonstra tion in arrangements were sim ply grand. She really held her audience spell bound in the many and varied ways you can use flowers, vegetables, shrubs, fruits etc., in attractive arrange ments. Prizes w’ere awarded tor a re cent tag selling effort in order to sweH the freasury. Mrs. Lottie Lowe received first prize, Mrs. Mary Henderson, second and Mrs. Roxie Davis, third. Mrs. Mag Kennedy donated the prizes. Mrs. Ivottie I^owe, donate ed the tags. lAt the close of the business and demonstration period, a so cial hour was enjoyed during which time delicious assorted ' sandwiches, jiut cookies,fritzos, nuts and fruit punch was en joyed. Mesilames lUixie Rmvland and Plassie Harris a-ssisteii the hos tess in si'rvinp. The guests Avere Mrs. Charles Jordan, Mrs. B. M. Dorrity, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Dudley, Mrs. Magpie ^^ller. Mrs. ('urtis Wil son, Mrs. Catherine Bonleware, Mrs. Lydia Wray. „ Members present were; Mes- dames Roxie Davis, Tvottie Tx)we, Gertrude Ix)ng,' Hattie Mea dows, Lil Farrington, Mjig Ken nedy, Mary Guen, Tessie Car rington, Roxie Rowland, Mary Henderson, Annie Strickland, Mary Riy, Sarah Felder, Alii# Dick, Ix*na RiichardSon, Ethel Perry, Effie C. Daye, Wilmer Milum, Annie Mayo, Bert Davis, Ada Tjeach, Rosa S*nitt, Flossie Torrain, AHec Farrison, Carrie Burch, Dorothy Manley, Plas sie Harris and Katie Tx)ve. cake presented the honoree. Those enjoying the evening were; Mr. and Mrs. Chartie Torain, Mr. and Mre. Samuel Webb, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nor ris, Cal Roberson, Joe Jenkinji, Misses Mary and. Ethel Stanfield, Miss Bernice Foster, Miss Maj- Morie Norris, and Mr and Mrs. McCowan. Mrs." Tyola Riddick witnessed the Morgan-N. C. College game in Baltimore Sat\irday. “MERRY WIVES” MEET The Merry Wives Bridge Club had its first fall meeting Saturday evening, October 6th with Mrs. Eirtma Randolph hos tess, with meeting at her home, 305 Pekoe Street, Beantifu’l assorted fall flow ers were attractively arranged throughout the home. Tables were set up for a service jind a delicious salad plate with quar tered chicken, pickles, chips, hot rolls and tea was enjoyed before •play began. Dr. Randolph did* the honors in receiving and serving refresh ing drinks, also assisted in ser\'- ing the repaxt. After four progressions scores were tallied and prizes were a- warded. Dr. Ruth Horry,- re ceived the guest prize. Other guests were Miss Rup- .'ert Blanchard, Mesdames Adelle' Butts and Maude Hamlett. First Club prize went to Mrs, Selena Wheeler, second to Mrs. Sadie Hnghley. Other club members playing were; Mesdames Thelma Perry, Frances Schooler, Ethel Berry, LuSybil Taylor, Josephine Cle ment, Plassie Harris. The club expressed regrets at the inability of the pFesident, Mrs. Fannie Robinson attending the opening meeting. Mrs. Robinson is recuperating from a recent illness and it is our hope she will soon he able to join us. SURPRISE PARTY On Monday evening, October 10, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc Cowan and Miss Marjorie Nor ris, at the home of Mrs. Mc Cowan on Club Boulevard Delicions refreahmentu vrere ser%’cd nnd n heantiful hirthdny TO CHARLOTTE ' Mr. and Mrs. Narvy Farring ton, Mrs. Vivian Stewart and C. C. Stowe motored to Charlotte Sunday^and spent the day with Mr. Stowes’ parents. They re port a delightful drive and a most enjoyable stay in Char lotte. “BENCHWARMERS" “Pops” Turner’s “Bench Warmers” about thirty five strong were enlightened and en tertained when Coaches Bill Bell and Picott of A. and T. spoke to them at the Biltmore Hotel Monday evening. Coach Bell exhibited pictures of the A. and T.-Union game and spoke sincerely of “ihe 'de sire to make athletic training niore than m?re sport. Assistant Coach Picott “the fellow who scorel both touch downs against State in the first Capital Classic” spoke interest ingly of experiences of his and other Negroes in professional football. Leroy Walker proved in able “Em Cee.” preaidtid over the buiJueMi. The club motto, ‘‘Ue who plants a flower plants hope” was chosen and plans for the planting and care of fall bulbs were discuas- ed. Mrs. Roxie Rowland was guest speaker and out of her experi ences over the years as a gard- ner and lover of flowers brought to the club much helpful and first hand information. Club members attending were Mrs. Marion Henry, Majorie Lennon, Elmer Peddy, Virginia Alston, Mozelle McLaughlin, Gladys Mc- Kenny, Mabel Powell, Beatrice White, Elenor Lloyd, Hazel Wilson, Nellie _ Toole and Mias Thelma Reeves'. LES FLEURS CLUB MEEJS The T.»es Fleurs Garden Club met with 'Mrs. Waverly Page at) her home on Lincoln Street. Mrs. Lydia Wray,^ president, LOCAL NO. 1 MEETS The Coemetologist Club No. 1 met with Miss Lois Burroughs. The meeting w^s, presided over by the president, Miss Mildred Compton. Those present were Mesdames Marie McMillan, N, J. Curry, Gladys Wa.shington, J. M. Adams, Pauline Boxley, Mar garet Minor, Pauline HaVt, Jes sie Nunn, Misses Jjillie Wells, Sarah Dodson, Alice Blue and Sadie Fitts. Avory delicious re- {)ass was served and enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be with Miss Ethel Owens, 11{)2 Mason Streeti CHAMBERLIN STUDIO OF MUSIC HONOR ROLL Mrs, M. Shearin, Instructor First Honor Roll — Barbara Adams, Bennie Booker, Marsha Holmes. Second Honor Roll — Cather- ine Burnett, Patricia ,Bullock. Billy EatoUf Mrs. Bertinia Fow ler, Evelyn Kennedj', Carolyn Ijennon, Mar>’ MeSane, John McDoiipald, Jacqueline Thorn ton and Aiibra White. MRS. LENIER IS HOSTES.S The Ladies Aid Club of St. Joseph A. M. E. Church met Wednesday ev^^nlng in regular monthly session with Mrs. Thel ma B. Tjenier at her home in Dun bar Street. The meeting was pre sided over by the president. Minutes and reports were given SEA FOOD GRILL It'» New! It’» Different! OPENING ON THE 28TH OF OCTOBER CRABS, FISH, OYSTERS AND SHRIMPS Our Specialty * Steate, ^ops, Fried^Clucken, Barbecue and Hush Puppies BE THEBE ON OCTOBER 28th AND MEET YOUR PBIEWD8. OPB PSICRS ASg mGBT located on pis# dam HOAD off OXFORD HIOHWAY ALL NEXT WEEK Durham County Negro Fair Nash At Fayetteville Street. ,4 One Solid Week, O|:tober 17th To 22nd E.XHIBITS, SHOWf^RlDES—CONCESSIONS Largest Ever Shown In Durham County. ■ GIGANTIC FIREWORKS DISPLAY FREE ATTRACTIONS NIGHTLY 3iK Two Bicycles Given Away Free To Some Lucky Boy Or Girl Frw School Matinees on Wolno3day and Saturday afternoon, every child in school will receive u free tfckt't to Pair Grounds for the»e dates. Open Every Night At Seven P. M. DON’T MISS A SINGLE NIGHT Adults — 40c ^ Children — 20c (Inclvidcd All Federal Taxi*ft) Welcome.. ALUMNI, VISITORS AND FRIENDS ' / To NORTH C A.R O L I N A COLLEGE And HILLSIDE HUGH SCHOOL HOMECOMINGS ✓ 702 Fayetteville Street Durham, N. C. liio fcecJ-elttl'/, jktariu I'aulk. A gilt ol tlowcri* were ordered sent to Jdin. Grant iiob- Uina, mother of Mrs . Carlotta Uolu^es-.We trust Mrs. liybbm.-. will have a speedy recovery. At the close of tne buwuetM a aocial hour was enjoyed and tlie hos- tew, assisted by Miss Faulk ser ved assorted sandwiches, tea anil mints to the following member; Hattie Jenkins, Geneva Mebane, Jackie DeS. Jackson, Carlotta Holmes, Bea Burnett, Estella Nixon, iaicillb Baines, Bea White and Plassie Harris. Mrs. Ida Lee Scurlock who has been undergoing treatment for sonui time is miu.‘h impruvtid. Mrs. Elizabeth Atkins is home visiting relatives and friends. ,David Criag is much better at his home. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Victoria I.rtiwi’enee who pas.sed awav October 11, 19+9. Stmie day 1 hope to meet- you Some day 1 know jjot when To cla.sp your hand in the better land Never to part again. Sadly ini&ied by your daugh ters, son, brother and grandson. The Gilmore Family D011-, (Juuii uutl Mikh'cd l)u>n sou. AT DENISON UNIV. -\li».s Florida KiHher, duutfhter of iiev. and Dr. Miles Mark is enrolled as a treahiuan at the Denison l'niversity,\Granville, Ohio. HHS GRADS AT W. VA. Ainong the 1049 graduates of Hillside High School attending West Virginia State College are Misses Jeanette '\Miitehurat, Dorothy McDougald, Adelle Washington, Eva McAllister, 32 BIRTHDAYS CELEBRAT ED AT NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL HEADQUARTERS Within the last two Months, Aujfust and September, thirty two birthdays i*ave been cele brated in the .\orth Carulina .Mutual home office here. There are more employees and executivua bcu'u in August than any uther iiionth. according to President (J. C. Spaulding who was also born in that month, reaihing his .sevenjy-fifth mark er. AUGUST CELEBRATIONS -VccordiuK to Joseph Uootlloe thf personner maliager of the firm, the birthdays for August weif S, E. Hailey, Mrs. Ethel S. Hi rry, .’.Mrs. Stella H. Cleland, -\Ir. John 11. Davis, Mrs. Jessie (J. Exiun, Dr. Clyde Donnell, W. I*. Fiintall. Jr., Mrs. Oziebel K. Fra/ier. Liiiinda Hargroves, .li>ltn L. Iloiloway, Hazel Ij. lludsuii, Marie 1* Ingram, Mrs. Until II. .Jolin.son, Drusilla Kirk land. .Mr.s. F. L. PP. Mclican, .Mrs. Beatrice .Mason, Marlyn Mayo, Mrs. Betty II Roberts, Dr. C. C. Spaulding, Julia M. Spencer, Mrs. Mae \V. Webb, George Wendell White, and Mrs. Doris Q. Sowell. SEPT. CELEBRATIONS The nine September birthdays SATURDAY, OCT >5th. I94» CAJtOLIWA Tpm PAGl WfWm celebrated at th*- Mutual horae' . office wer«-: B Keliev Brj'ant. Jr., Mrs. James H Henrv, Ola dya V Ht-nsKjii, Litlian J*-ffrli •• Mrs, Helen Jones, Dor% v Keith, Jr., Doris Mebane. Thi-rfi*a B Sowell and I Royal Spauldintr Sam PitJV^raid,, laly>i Faucett*?, Mrs. Dmd« wa» alw ^rpriv ed by the two tiz grades of Ljr- on Park School. Mrs. Dame is rujv. n "tiding in Brooklyn, S. Y. BIG RUMMAGE SALE At 806 W. Chapel Hill Street Sponsored By THE MOTHERS CLUB Of Saint Williams School OCTOBER 14 th —15th FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Homeco^iers! Welcome! N. C. College vs. Virginia State OCT. 15th 3 GOOD REASONS WHY IT PAYS TO EAT HERE You cun always ik'lK-ud on us to From the very moment you sit down to the tiiblc to the minuto you got up every detail is taken ol\re of. You can n-iilly relax. THE DO-NUT SHOP The South’s Finest Eating Establishment **(W07) FOOD IS A JiAHir U'JTII f'S" * *- 336 E. Pettigrew Street ^ Dial 6-0842 W. G. PEARSON, Manager BOOKER T THEATRE * Sunday-Monday—October 16-17* James Stewart June Allyson in The Stratton. Story OOIX)R CARTOON .MOVTETONE XEWS * Tuesday—October 18 * Paulette Goddard John Lund in Bride Of Vengeance MARCH OP TIMK UNIVJIBSAL NEW8 ♦ Wednesday-Thursday—October 19-20 * John Wayne in^ Three Faces West ^~"^E.XTRA AI>PBD ATTRACTION Henri Woode & His Band ★ Ruby Dee - 0 . ‘ * AND ALL a>U>UKI) CAST in . LOVE IN SYNCOPATION LAST THhtLLlSO CTIAFTER—“.TACK ARUSTBONtl’ * Friday-Saturady—Doubleji'eature!—October 21-22 * A1 “Lash” LaRue in Law Of The Lash George Reeves Ralph Byrd ifi Thunder In The Pines ^ CSAPTES KINE, •JVEVIL H0B8E” Lyon Park News . . By MISS E. J. JOYNEK DIAL L-8961 Un .Hiuiday, Mrsi. Mamie !{».>ynold.'s and chil dren, Agjies and rivilc .Manncy, entertained at hc-ir lionii 802 Kent street, their cousin and guest, Mrs, Pauline F. Danie at a'surpriix* birthday party, hon oring her 7!>th birthday. I'roinpt ly at six o’l-luelt. thf ^'iiests: were received at the dor by .Mix, A iena Handolph and Mrs Adeliuv Spaulding,', .\fter ri turnin>r from church and visitin;; friends, Mrs. Danie Ma.s jrn-atly .surpris ed as she opened her (h>r and en- terinp the living n>>m found the guest.s all (|uietly si'ated await ing her arrival. In tlic next room the doors were swung open juul a lovely repass was s.-rvi'd. Af ter the re|)a.ss, the honoree and guests returned to the living room to rind a tnbi*' i)iied hitfh gift.s, all taking part in unwrap- with lots of bcautifni and ns«*ful ping. The snrpriM- un Mrs. Dames faec gave thanks for everything. G-uests present wciv. .Mrs. Hi- sa Artis. Mrs. Sadie Merritt. ] Mis.s Ruhy (Jrissoin. .Mrs. Dan] Goodwin arid F]velyn. IVof and Mrs. X. A. Cheek, Father Stan ley. Miss Connie Voniig. Mrs Ilattie Xnnn, Mrs. P.arnes and Virginia, Prof. anl .Mrs .1. il yehooler, Mrs.. Alena Handolph. Mrs. Mary Xewby. Mrs. Aliee ■Tones, Afr-and Mrs. (’. T. Fitz- jNEWTOH GROVE DOIHOS ' The Mat'- f'homa celebrated 'h -ir P'int Anniverwuy, Sanday ix tober 9th at 2:30 P .M. The anniv-rsary aermon wa>. ddiv- jer d by Rev. H A Dave. There «f*re ehorn^e* from Goldsboro, Ben.^n. Little Field. Mingo Hill Bentonville and Hickory Grove j present jllf HEW HOME 2233 Fayetteville day eT**niag, Ottobtr 3. M 7 3f» £Mb mmebev §mv a p«n»y fur aa many days u tit^ munth . tt ried, in' whieh wr - tK.n. After which a k. i, r. pass wa» tiTv-d ihn follow p^ple: Mrs Mairgi** Di*on, .Mr-f Lizzie White, Mrs. Faruu.- Pa*r Mr*. Mary Blake, Mr* f l/t Imvt-. •Mr#. Marjori*- Blake. Mr^ >(o dewa Morgan, Mr^ Koxk- Md- CoUam, Mr, and Mrs. Mac Me Daniel, Mr and Mr*. Will O’ Daniel and Miaa ^ettie Orwi Pearsontown News . . . Mr. and Mrs. Allison nf Pine Strt^t have mover in their inew home on Far-•»= vilh- ISIIfGER TO APPEAR j The Golden Eeho Sinj/crs of J this city will appear at Kylen By Mrs. Mable Powell ; Temple Phureh on ^nnday af- i temoon. r>etfiber Irtth at 7 M I‘. M Proeepil- wfll i;i> tiiviHr- H. jthe fmthi ominif rallv Evervoni" DINNER GUESTS .Mrs. Sharp, sister of Fiev P CiKjke of Kyles Temple Chnrrh along with Kev. L. Hicks »f IJenderson were dinner guests Sunday of Mrs I>eona Dodson of Fayetteville Street. Thes‘ people helped to graee our audience on la.st .Sunday morn ing at 11:00 o’clock service. VISITS FRIENDS •Mrs, Ora Reynolds of Fayettc- villf Road is visiting friends in and iutjund Washington, D. ('. MISSION PARTY The Home Mis.sion Circle of .Mount Zion Bapti.st Church uave a birthday party at the home of ilrs. Minnie Turner of is cordially invited to attend TO BEREA Mrs. N’ora .\'.irwo^»i >,t W>o Pine Street mttor-tl r,, Bt-r^a X. fV la.st .Sunday mominif to attend the funeral >f hf*r cousin. Mrs. -Vnnie Dunea/i. DINKER GUEST Rev. Mrs. Helen T. Thomas, the great evanareJint of ville. Fla. and Rev S P Cooke were dinner miest on lant Sun day, aftemwn of >frs, Oladvs McKinnie of Diuiston Street Yicyct.jayj r PBOTtcr VtXJR DePtNDEm^ ^ gy^jpoiTcnNG vouc oi IM5URANCE .. ALWAYS mipfmwm ptmprvf! First Cafvary Baptist Church Comer Kent Stmt asd Morehead Atvoim RHV. H. H. HART. Paator ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1949 9 (30 A. M. SUNDAY SCHOOL RIOHABD .TAMys, Sttparintandant 11:00 A. M.—SERMON Thfl PaatoT Mmde by The Choir Kiaa fiiary L. Stephena, Director 5:00 P. M. Baptiat Training Unieii Richard Willjama, Pxaaidant 7:30 P. l£—SERMOH .. -.r- - Th« PMtor MT. GILEAD BAPT. CHimCH DOWD STREET REV. HAROLD ROLAND, PASTOR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1949 A. M. SUXDAY' SCHOOL . LEVI MITCHELL, Supt. ll:CtO A. M.—Sermon .. “The Lord’s^ Unconquerable 300”'’ J. Noal H'ughlev, Ouest MinUter (i:(X) P. M.—B T. U * ^ Hillary Holloway and Mias Helen Morri.son, Co-leatlers 7:30 P. M.—Sermon ‘^The Unfinished Task” 12" wide—Thick shoulder length PAGE BOY CLUSTER CURLS Extra large Clusters €Hfin as pictured ^ i vv ■ Soft. loDg hair J4" wide Mount Vemon Baptist Church Rev. E. T. Browne Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1949 A. M srXDAY SCIK-iOL CLYDE RICHARDSON', Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon : • DISXES BY THE HEMBERS Pastor t) :00 P. M. — Training I’nion MISS LYDA VAXHOOK. Directress .\DT"LT THEME: •PHILUP, A FAITHFUL SOl'L WIXXER'’ Acts 6, .\ets 8 and Acts 21 7:30 P. M.—Report of Delegates Musie Mount Vernon Male Chorus MBS. E. H. FOGLE, Dirv-ctnf»s CHIGNON . (Arge Roll covered with full si.e Page Boy Mixed Grey $1.00 Extra C.O.D. Orders filled promptly Nll-CHARM Hair Prodpts P.O. BOX 363. DIPT. COUMI «TA., NiW YOtK 30, N.Y. “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rock Baptist Church MILES MARK FISHER, Pa«tor ft .45 A. M.—Call to Worship Eleetronies U:30 A. M. ISunday-School Ijt'sson—“C«xl And I'he Xa- tions,”—Isaiah 1:21-28; 13; 19:19-25 DH. J. M. I1UBBABII>, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—Eighty-Third AnniTenary Obaerrancf SEIlilOX .; Dr. R. F Daniel, Pr«f«ident, Shaw Uiiiveriity Senior Ctioir, Mr*. 8. V. Sorfleet, lHrectre«« ^ Mestlanie.s Leathern and Sinifleton, Co-leaders 6:30 P. M —B. T..U. 7:30 P. M.—Prc^azB Spooaored by Mrs. M. K. Goodwin and Mr. J. H. Gattia Gefp«l ^Cbonu, UIm Bebwnea.