PAGE EIGHT THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, FEB. 2Sth, 1950 QfaYGS President W. T. Trent, of likeness, by Dabney Montgomery Livingstone’s new W. J. Trent Livingstone College being pre- chairman of the Booster Club., Gymnasium. (See story, page o). sented a bronze plaque in his The plaque will be placed in ■ Center— Couliuued Ii'om i’age I'ivuJ llie lii'e ol tiie Uuiliaiuiti's Inis begun 10 make its |)ivs«-in;e ii'lt, tiit; Le l-'it-ui' UarUeii Club, ijf Fleur (jardeu Club was organ ized during tile past year. 'Ihere are now twfUty two members in the flub. The purpoM's ol' the club in general are to interest more })eople in growing ilowers, and to teach other niterested persons the .simplest metiiods of suecest'ully growing i>lants. All is not w ork, how ever lor the meui bers. Un Monday, February 13, they invited their husbands to the Center for an evening laxation and entertainment. The surprise of the evening came for the husbands when the wives in field ; .1. (-'. I’riec, «ali.sbury; .St. I’anl, Maxtou; Sampson County High, Clinton; Stovall Higb, Stovall; Liueoin, Chapel Hill; Church Street, Thoniasville; Epj).s lligli, (ireenvilie; IJooKer T. High, Uocky Mount; C. F. I’opc, Burgaw ; iJooker T. High, Clarkton; Atkins High, Kinston Caswell Comity Training School, Yanceyvilie; Madison High, Madison; ('entral High, Xewton Xash County Training School, Xashvillp; IJpclnirch High, lUie- fonl; Sedalia High, Sedalia; HilLside High, Durham; Hidge- view High, Hickory and High Point High, High Point. (Coiitnnicd fnim I’agc Om*) I'cison lligli school; Krcsno State (illegc 1 I'cslio, ('alif.; l$utler I'dllege, Tyler, Tcx., and Cornell university, itliuca, N. V , where he was trained in hotel manage- lliellt. (JiavcH, whose witV is the lor- iht-r .)es,salyn Irene IJaker of .Vhileiie, iH a member of tlie Ux'al .NaAl I' braiicli; YM(,’A, Chi cago I rbun league, Cliicago Ne gro cliambcr ot Commerct*, tlic Cliica^!o Civil l.ilM*rties commil- lec itiid i^uinn cliapei ;\.MH chiuiii .utlier aifiliations in- cliKh- Kappa Alpha I'si frater iiity, Shriners (it^Jnd de'^rce nias- oi’.M and the .\inerieaii Hotel assoelat ion. NAACP— (Contimied from Pag*' One) iKtl be relieved of their obliga lion to n's|»ect the law, sinipl\' heciiusc they regard it as unwise IH’ wrong. \or can personal Iw- liel's or jirejiitiices justify failure to respect the legal rights ot others ,'riie right of all Ameri cans to equal treatment under law is .specifically gnnranteed by the Constitution and laws of the I'nited States . . . 'I’o «-onn- tenaiKH* disregard of such right is to sanction disrt'sjiec't for law and thereby weaken tjie fabric of our society.” Judge Oscar 0. Efird, of Win- serted several square dance num igton-Salem, who has announced bers on the agenda and taught jjg Ug a candidate for their spouses how to swing their Justice of the State partners. Drug stores reported supreme Court. an npswing ni lininieni sales the next day. Officers of tin* elnb are: I’resident L. F. Wray, V'ice president, Virginia Alston; Se cretary, Elma I’eddy; Treasurer L. Mcliaughlin. The Craft Gi’oup, children be tween sir and twelve, had their first part}' of the new year Sat urday, February IbtJi from 4:00 to b :;iU p. m. It w as during the group's craft After a series of games they had a short dance j>eriod. The refreshments consisted of caudy, peanuts, pop corn and ice cream. Sixty-five childix-n were present. Little Joyce Grant added an other year to her great big TWO last Friday. She has now reach ed the ripe old age of THKEE. She shared her ice cream and cookies with the children and teachers of the i*lay Schoi and even remembered Mr. Holmes in the office. The children and teachers of the Play School were very happy to have Eugene Har rington return and to have Jan etta Stewart visit the school. Old Man “Sniffles“ was very bus}' week and caused the following to be absent: Iconise George, Fern Thorpe, Gayle Ray Sybil Kay, Kyle Schooli'r ,Eric Tilman, Cliarles Spaulding. We wish them a speedy n'covery so the might return to school. Rattlers— (Continued from Page Fourj Pitman and Earnest “Tabor” Fears. Fears was out of action most of the game because of an injured ankle, but he managed to render a creditable perforiit ance when Coach U. S Jones called uj^on him for duty. For the Gold Kush of Xavier I'niversity, Thompson was the outstanding offensive stalwart, amazing the yelling fans with his timely hook shots. He made 27 points, lionner and Priestly were of valuable scrviee to Xa vier also. .\ and M Is still undcafeated in S.i.A.C. comp‘tiiion It looks as if she^ is a sun? icjvater I'or the S.I.A.t,’. crown in 19,')0. ciiildren's room, garage tor the tjookmobilc and a stock room, capable ol' housing 42,(MX) vol umes. The Stant'ord L. Warren Lib rary w as founded in Hi lb by the late Dr. A. M. Moore, pioneer Xegro physician of Durham and •second pj'csident of the X. C. Mutual Life Jn.surance Com pany. 'J'he librai'y now contains more than 2rj,tMXJ volumes. Officers are; Mrs. Ij. V. Mer rick, President; J. M. Schooler, Vice - President; Mrs. C. S. Moore, Treasurer; Airs. A. M. Lennon, A.ssistant Treasurer; J. IL Wheeler, Secretary; Mrs. K. X. Moore, Librarian and *Mrs. S. W. Hawkins, A.ssistant Librar ian. The Trustees Are. L. E. Austin, J\Irs. X. G. Cooper, Kev. T. C. Graham, ,1. U. Hubbard, Frank Husband, Ellis D. Jones, »Mrs. C. T. Russell, J. 0. Scar borough, Sr. C. C. Spaulding, Sr. and ^klrs. S. W. 'Wheeler. Mrs. Pat Palmer Hostess To Bridge Club Tuesday evening Mrs. Patric ia Palmer proved a most charm ing hostess w lien she entertained her bridge club “Thirteen” at the Algonguiii Clubhoust'. 'I'he George Wasliin^on motif was i-arried out. After four pri^^rtss- ious were played and talllies added. First prize went to Mrs. Hernice Williamson, Secoiul to Mi-s. Jose])hitie H. White, and consolatioti to Mrs. Afargaret K. Goodwill. Other members Jilay- ing were .Medames Alma Biggers .Martha Johnson, Cyntiiia Smith .Mice Biggers, Adeline Sjiauld- Thclnia Sjiiitli and Early (Jrand- dv and Miss Klon'iice Fitzger- aid. Ministers— (Continued from Page One) tnral workers and students as well as for tlu* general public and may he purchased at Shaw Fnivorsitv. AKA Chapters Hold Founder's Day Program On February 5, the members of Alpha Zeta Omega and AljUia (.’hi Chapters of Alpha Kaiipa Alpha Sorority observed annuai Founder's Day at a program held in the D. X. Duke Audito rium, X. C. College. C-arolyn Smith, grand-daugh- ter of the late James E. Shep- 'ard, founder of the institution, I wa.s mistress of ceremonies, ilu- sie waJi ftrnisheil by the Xorth Carolina College Wonieii’s Glee Club under the direction of Samuel Hill, director of Mu.sic. The featured speaker, Attorney Elreta Alexander, was presented to the audience by Mrs. Beatrice Burnett, liasileus of Alpha Zeta Omega. Attorney Alexander, who is a graduate of the Columbia Uni versity Law School, is practic ing law in Greensboro, X. C. She selected as the topic of her very practical message “Founders.” Following the program at the collcgc, the graduate and under graduate chapters enterained at dinner at the Do-Xut Shop hon oring Attorney Alexander and tw o neophytes who had been init iated the night before. The new sorors are ]\liss Josephine Pope, graduate of X. C. College, who is s(*cretary to the graduate in structors, at X. C. College and •Mrs. Elizabeth I’ratt, graduate of Minor Xormal and X. C. Col- it'ge. At the time the sorority was observing its Founder’s Day one of our group, Dr. Rose But- Library^— (Continued fmin Page One) and. pastor of the Mount Gilead Baptist Church, He will be in troduced by Prof. J. if. S'hool- •r, jiriiicipal of Whitted Ele njentarv s-hoo] and member of the library Board of Trustees. J. H. Wheeler, w'cretary of the Trustee Board and vi(;e-presi- dent and ca.shier of the Me- '’'allies and F''armers Bank will • the closinsr remarks. Tlie I ">i...lir-tion will he by Kev. D, A. », i...r,,, j)nsior of St. ' Church, T' '• I- • ••niiex to the library -'t u eost of over '■ '('Included in it are a* Music— (Continued fi*om Page One) cai technique and choral prac tices. Students participated in group ami mass singing. Con test-Festival material was eni pliasizcd for the various sections and lombined sings, ilrs. Julia \'lucent of Charlotte, C'liairman of the Choral As.sociation, as sisted by ]\liss Chensult, also of Charlotte, directed .section re hearsals for class “a” schools. Roland Allison, Clinton, X. C., assistant by Paul Keid of Char lotte were the directors in charge of cliuss “b” rehtiarsals. A ])revious clinic was held this year for directors of the As.soc- iation in Washington, D. C. Teachers of the X.t'.il.T. Asso- i-iation w(‘rc guest of the School of Music, Howard I’niversity in a two-day session. Di-. Wat reii Lawson, dean of the School of Music assisted by the members of the music facul ty conducteil informative and iiiNj)iring mei'tings for the music teachers. The Band Association, an affiliated a.s.s(XMation of N. C. .M. T. Association, r(‘cenlly held its student dinic at A. and T. College, Gn‘ellsboro, X. Miss 'I'cresji Clagget, ]»resi- dent of the State organization is a.ssiired Irom the not(‘d growth in the attendance of the Clinics, that this tyjie of program A\il] Ix'come a definite f«‘ature of the associations educational pro gram. Sch(»ols repesented at High Point were f.,iiieoln Academy, Kings Mountain. Second Ward, Charlotte; J(>rdan-Selhirs, Bur lington: Plato Price, (’harlottc; Ijci- County Training School, Sanford-; West Charlotte High, Charlotte; Eajstman High, En- Jeanne Crain, cast in the title role in “Pinky,” Darryl F. Zan- uck's production for Twentieth Century-Fox which the Booker> T Theatre is showing beginning March 12 returns to her Southern home after being educated in the North. Her grandmother, Ethel Waters, fails to recognize her at first. Finally, she realizes Pinky has returned and raises her face to the heavens in gratitude. Amey’s Funeral Home 401 PINE STREET 24 HOUR SERVICE —J-297 1 AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS "Respect For The Living And Reverence For The Dead” MR. JOHN HOWARD Mr. John Howard, age 53, of 514 Finley^Road, Chapel Hill, died Sunday February 19 at Lincoln Hospital. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 o’^ock at the Red Hill Baptist Church in Caswell County. CMARLIt % OlLnil, BORN RttHAAOND,^ VA. 1874, WORKED TOR WORE THAN HALF H(S LIFE AS A PRINTER AND A PORTtR •IF0«E FULL PECO&NITION OF H»S TALENTS CAME TO HIM- HIS early STA&t EXPERIENCES CAME IN SMALL «T0O 0UTFIP5. ‘ AHt) HE FINALLY WON PRAISE IN 70HN DRINKWATfrr "ABRAHAM / LINCOLN". IT WAS IN O'NEILL'S .-^MPORER TOHIS-THAT&ILPIN , \ REACHED THE HEIfi-HTS OF ■ \ FAME AND TORTUNE WITH HIS ^ SureRB PORTRAj^AL OF > BRUTU* 30NCS/ CHARUS s. GILPIN- EMINENT DRAMATIC ACTOR ConHnmial ^ FMtnrct ler lii’owne, was delisering the be furnisheil by the Cnited Clio- ininiial Kuunder\ Day juUiress ,''•'I •'^"'•'' 0', I), H. Keck, director. .. . V. iiM 'I'hc invocation will be rendered III Newport .Newh, \ a. i lie ' , * by Ucv. I,. M. Ihompson, pa.stor Cliairman of the I'onnder s l);.y Matthews A.\(K Comniitttee was .\hs. l-’bjrice J. ('imr,.!, and the benediction by Jlolnies. W. Virginia High School Youth Takes Top Prizes IXSTITCTK, W. VA Dorsey Leftwich, a senior at 15yrd I’rillerman High Hchool, took the sweepstake prize, a reg istered Poland China gilt, at the \’ew Farmei's of America Ham l^iicon and !5ig Show Saturday II Beckley, 'i’he youth from Big Stick •iliowfd a first jilace bacon and second place ham among his six juaiificd eutres. The .show sq>onsored by the live XFA chapters of Southern v\'est Virginia, sur[)a.ssed all ex pectations, educators of West Virginia State College and area igh schools said. ^latlsion Broadnax, of Insti- tut(‘, speaking at the afternoon imblic meeting at the Morton li(*aves School, said the chief purpose of the show was to arouse the desire for “fruitful living." Broadnax is head of the department of agriculture at West Virginia State (College. He said the instructional as pects of the competition were imi»ortant in the development of knowledge that is most Ixiiiefic- ial when it is acijiiired in the formative years. Rafeigh YMCA Annual Meeting Monday Night KALEIGH Tlie Fourth Annual Meeting of the liloodworth Strc(*t YMCA will be held Monday, February 27 at 7:30 P. M. officials of the A.ssociation have announced. lieverend J. W. Wiley, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Weldon educated at Shaw, Har vard and Columbia Universities will deliver the annual address. He will be presented by W. H, Quarles, Jr. Adniini.strative As sistant, Shaw University. A special guest for the occas ion will be Arthur W. Hardy of the National Council YMCA Staff, New York (Uty who will bring greetings from the Coun cil. The anTiuul report will be giv- secretary, C. A. Haywood, presi- en by E. L. lUiilford, executive dent of the Board of Manjige- ment will preside. Spedal re ports on the work of the past; year will be presented by rep resentatives of the boys clubs, dormitory, men's work and other departments. The meeting will feature the election of five new members to the Board of Management. Mu.sic for the occasion will jtlie W‘V. U. McCrary, pastor jof the Oberlin Ba]»tiM Church. Bull City Elks Entertain J. F. W. Appointees Club lUill City Ijodge of Elks No. 31 (, entertained the J. Finley W iison Appointees Club, com posed of district deputies, state deputies and Special Deputie« of North Carolina. The meeting was held in the Loilge room w ith Brother L. E. Keynolds ot Greensboro Grand In.spector l)residing. The following officers were electcil for the next twelve months. W. E. Davis, president, Kinston, L. S. Wilcox, llaJeigh, Vice president, L. 1'. Harris, Charlotte, secretary, W. E. Hooker, district deputy Cth dist. Greensboro, assistant fiuancial Secretary, Jasper Carpenter, state deputy, Winston-Salem Treasurer, Mark isley, Kinstou, Sgt-at-Arnis. Rev. K. P. Battle, Elks State President, Chaplain. After the election of officers B. C. McCoy, Exalted Huler of Bull City Ijodge was recommended by the Club as Special De;puty of N. C. The State president ap pointed Di.strict Deputy W. E. Hooker, Public It*lation Officer for the X. C. State As.sociation. After the meeting the Daugh ter Elk.s, under the supervision of the Daughter Kuler, Mrs. El- noa Jackson ajid Mrs. J. Carson, .s»‘rved a very delicious dinner to the visiting Elks. J. C. Crump, Senior Deputy of N. C. installed the officers. The Daughter P]lks were given a vote of thank.s for the wonderful ser vice given visiting Elks while at Bull (Mty Lodge. “INK SPOT KEIfWEY CRACKS INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE CIRCLE NEW' VO UK Another interracial marriage of note has reached the head lines. William (Bill) Kenney of Ink Spot faiiif is reported to have marrieil Mis.s Audrey K. Buchanan, liH, white, of IfiO W. 79th St., last week, during a civil ceremony in Hoboken, N. J. Itc- ‘order Charles DeFa/.io [ht- f(aiiied the rites. Legal Notice NORTtl CAROUN.\) 1»rKJlA.M COirNTV) I ANI> MV VIHTUI': ■! Il»- r Ilf Hiile I'UiituiiiiHl in u cvrtuiii (Ui'il of trust ixwuteU liy .(uiiu's '1*. iliiNit uikI wife, Katie Huiiil, tu K. IL .Mi'rrU’k, Tnmi.c»‘, Uutel April 4, 1K41» mill rcconliMl in liuuk ;4Utj, at page . jri'S, in tin- offici? ot" the of IIc(mI» of IliirliHiii (*uuutyj anil iiii1er itiiil by virtiH- of th«. authority vnnteil ill till' uiiili'rHi){»i‘l uH Hulmtituteil truMti'i' li_v nil iiiHtruineiit of writiiiK ilat»'il the L’-iul ilay of February, iiitd rccorilcd in Hook 191, |>uj{e -U4, III the office of the Register of DceiU of Durhiini ('-iHiiity; default having iH'cn made in the piiynieut of the in h‘bteilnes8 thereby secured and tlie said deed of trust being by the tetriiiM tlicri'of wbject to foreclowre, and the holder of the inilebtedneHN thereby se cured having demanded a foreclosure thereof for te purjww of Hiitinfyiiig s«i(l indebtednes», the undersigned substituted trustee will offer for sah* lit jiublie auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Durham, North Carolina, at twelve o’clock Noon, on the 27th day of Mar. llioO, the hind conveyed in said deed of trust, and more imrticularly de- scrilM'd ji» follows! iiliCilNNINO at a i>oint on the Ivist Margin of “C” Street which point is 100 feet in a south ern direction from the Houtheast intersection of D. Street and C Street; thence South 50 degrees 30 min. tiast 150 feet to a stake; thence South 39 degs. 24 min. West 50 feet to a stake; thence North 50 degg. 36 Min. West 150 feet to a stake on the East mar gin of C Street; thence along and with C Street North 39 degs. 24 Min. East 50 feet to a stake which is the stake and point of lieginning)' and being Ix>t No. 01 of the B. B. Mason and R. E. - TWllard pro])erty, surveyed and platted by R. M. Pickard, Eng., Octolier 20, 1921 and recorded in Plat liook 3, at page 152 in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Tlurham County, State of North Carolina to which reference is hereby made for a more parti cular description. See Peed to .Tnmes T. Bass and wife, Book 184, page 589, Tlnrham County Registry. TTirS SALE will remain open for ten days to receive increase bids, as required by law. Dated this 33rd day of Feb., 1950. M. HUGH THOMPTON, Attorney J. S, STEWART, Substituted Trustee SCARBOROUGH & HARGETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS 522 E. Pettigrew St. 24 Hour Ambulance Serrice Phone J-372) Miss Bernice Hoskins died February 15th. Fun> erl services were held Sunday, February 19th at the Morehead Baptist Church. Interment was at the Beechwood Cemetery. MR. JAMES ATWATER Mr. Jameg Atwater of 906 Milton Avenue died February 20. Funeral services were held Wednes day February 21, interment was at the Beechwood Cemetery. MISS ROSA BARBEE Funeral services for Miss Rosa Barbee of 200 Powe Street were held Wednesday, 3 p. m. at the Mt. Sinai Church. Miss Barbee died Tuesday, Feb ruary 21, 1950. Burial was at the Church Cemetery. Durham^s Greatest Furniture Event Extended Through This Week _L WE HAVE REFILLED COMPLETELY ONE TREMENDOUS FLOOR OF 5000 SQUARE FEET WITH NEW PIECES FROM REGULAR STOCK CARPET) RUGS And ROLLS, Now Included THE R. E. QUINN COMPANY 215 E. Main Street Opposite Court House 16 OZ. CAN PHILLIPS’ Pork AND Beans 2 ‘'o* 19c ‘ PILLSBUHY'S Piecrust 2 for 33e STOKELY^ Peach Halves No. 2 Can 24c TALL CAN Sardines 14c JeUo 3 22c VEGETABLE OR TOMATO Soup PER CAN QUAKER Grits 12c 13 OZ. KELLOGG’S Corn Flakes 17c Navy Beans lOc PER LB. Rib Stew 29c PER LB. THRIFTY Bacon 39c PORKY PIG Sausage 29c Collards LBS. 15c Mlard's Self - Service 1212 FAYETTEVILLE ST. Phone J-2585 For FREE DELIVERY