DR Periodical Dcik« UnlT Library SEW K LLEDI New Farmers Donate Building To Orphanage Photo at the top shows W. R. House, president of the State Branch of the New Farmers of America, present ing the new Carver Vocation al Building to Superintendent T. A. Hammp of the Oxford Colored Orphanage on last Sunday. The New Farmers of the State have raised over $52,000 during the past eight years for the Orphanage. The photo at the bottom shows Supt. Hamme introduc ing Dr. Harry V. Richardson, president of Gammon Theo logical Seminary of Atlanta, Georgia, tlurd from Mr. Hamme’s left. Other persons on the platform include mem bers of the Bqiar4 of TrMstees and some of the other ^ignitai:- ies present for the occasion. Final Rites Held For Miss Donnell l-’liiul rites I'ur Miss I vii M. |)()iin'll. ol’ l/ii\vsiiii Street, Wd'e lielil )it W'liite l{(M-k r>)i|itist Chiircli (HI Wednesilay, April T), with file l{e\’. M. M. I'’isher, j)as- tor, (inieiiiliiip:. Mis.s Domiell (lied .Monday inoniiii^ lit !l:4')iit Liiieoln Hos pital iil'ter ralliiij' ill eiirouti' to liittle Uivei- ScIkkiI on 'I'lmrsday ()!' last week. I’orii in Diirliam, daughter oL' the lat(‘ Walter A. Donnell and •Mrs. Martha i'arluuu Donnell, the deeea.sed s|)('iit all her adult, )jfe as a teaeher in the publie jicliools ol' North (’arolina, serv ing for many years as teacher a.ssist^uit prLiieipal of tho (Imuville Elfiiieiitary and ili^di l!ii;|if^ol Shi! also served as Jeamies Supervisor of l‘itl Poimty. ]’or tlu* jiast six years, she has been a teacher at the Lit tle stiver IUkIi School in Dur- }>ain County. ,Mlss Donnell was eiliieatod in the city schools of High Point, the Hit'll Point Nornuil and In- duHtrial School and llaniton in stitute, Hampton, Va, Slu* was a I'aithtul membt'r of \Vhit* li^jck Baptist Church of Durhnni und Sycanuye Hill nuptist (’hiireli (»f Oreenville, She was a member of tlie Hoard of tli(' ilari'iett 'I'ubman Braneh of the YWCA and a member of the I’topia Club. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Lewis of New York City nnd Mrs. Catherine Thtmipson of Durham; two nephews, Par ham Shaw and Walter Shuw und un uncle, ,). 11. I’arhani of Dur- hmn. MISS IVA DONNELL Registrar B & P Meeting Date Changed Regular monthly Durham Business and Professional meethig scheduled for Sun day, April 9 has been post poned until Sunday, April 16 at the Algonquin Club House, featuring a panel dis cussion led by C. E. Boulware. Mrs. Bernice Ingram Wil liamson, newly appointed registrar for the Pearson School precinct in Durham. Mrs. Williamson who is own er of the Dunbar Realty and Insurance Comany is the first Negro to be appointed as Registrar in Durham. Mrs. Williamson will assumer her duties with the opening of the registration books for the May primary. Howard Prexy Speaks At N. C. College Dr. Mord»*eal \V. -Tohnson, president of Howard Univeiuity, the nationIftrgest. college with a predotniniuitly Negro student body, siiitl in a vesper address in Dube Autlitorium at North Carolina College Suuduy after- u(H)n that MOid power or willing ness to suffer for the sake of changing the minds of those you love ’ ’ is one of the ways to change the evils of s»>gregation anti race discrimination The Washington educator re cently returned to this country rom India where he studeied at first liatid the results of the late Mahatma Gandhi’s teach ings. As a result of his observa tions in India, the educator §aid t li e “peaceful revqhition wrought in by Ga|idhi is qne q£ the great miracles ever wrought. Th|-ough ill Gaudlii’s teaeh- i|igs of no|i violence aud love, Dr. Johnson said the Indian mas ses iittd overthrown two cent uries of BritiHh rule and “wre«‘ked conipletely the mostl despicable system of segregation and diHcrimjnation that ever ex isted, Dr. Johnson repeatedly em- pliasizel the value of Christian hive for only through love as (‘xemplified in the life of Christ, and (iandhi can man find real peace and freedom, he said. After his addres.s. Dr. John son saitl the death of Dr. Charles Drew, the Howard profe.ssor of surgery who i)ioneert»;l in blood plasma re.searcli, was “a stagg ering l(KSs to Howaril Tniversity and to Freedman’s Hospital.” Dr. Drew was killed when the i-ar he was driving overturned near Hurlington Saturday morn ing. The Ilow'ard president) praised Dr Drew a.s “a brilliant surgeon, a first rate research man, and an able teacher.” Howard University has one of th(> two medical schools for Neg- rM‘s in the United States. Fh-. Drew was a graduat^^ of the Mc Gill University Medical School, Montreal, Canada. At Howard, he had sueeessfully trained nearly a dozen yonng Negrq sur geons for natiojial boards in sur gery. iV. C, Teachers Association Repudiates Trigg; Gives $500 For Aid To Suit 4- Anderson 4- Named To * Top Post Entered ni H«‘con(l OlasH Nfatter at tlie Pont Office at I>irhnin, \ortli Carolina, under Act of March 3, 1879, FOR 25 YEARS THE OUTSTANDING N EGRO WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINAS VOLUME 28—NUMBER 14 DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, APRIL 8th, 1950 PRICE: TEN CENTS Supreme Court Gets Segregation Issue The « : f!;‘ . li.-i'i 1.1 : minual .‘d the ! tri.. Search Continues Incubator Baby For IJHOXX, *\. Y, With mystery shroinliiig an incident of a missing baby, ali ot New Vork has made much fuss over tlic disupearancc of a lU day old Negro girl who isu 'ti where she slioukl be, in an in cubator at the Lincoln Hospital. The baby, Clianetu iio'lden, weighed only two pound and 11 ounces. Why anyone would want to take the uiiclail infant from an incul)ator and how they escaped with her ari; the two (questions baffliug local police. Already they have thoroughly checked laundry chutes, opening sewer drains, incinerators, pipes auijl wiiat not. Thuj,' *.uve taken, the 500 bed iiosi'ital aiiart in a futile search. Hut there is no trace of Chaneta. '{'wo hospital attendants are bt^ll.g hehl for (piestioning. 'I'liey are Doris Williams, a nui-se and u Airs. Hpeneer who was on duty in the baby’s ward. IJoth are Negroes. Miss Willias was the last per.son to see Chaneta (at 8 p. m. Thursday). The baby’s mother, Mrs. Anna Negroes. Miss Williams was the Harlem, had been released from City Hospital, where her daugh ter was born, just one day b(>fore the disappearance. However, she went t« Lincoln Hospital to sl'c the child but was tokl it was feeding time. One hour later the alarm was sent out. “The worst .sluK-k .Mrs. Holden related with a shudder, “was when the police came to my home and went through my dresser drawers looking for Chaneta. Do they think I'd kidnap my own child?” The pretty wife of a GI radio at\d telev,ision stu dent, it is her belief that through aji accident or perhaps nSgHgence, Chaneta was drop ped or injured and the attend ant or nurse was frightened in to hiding the child. Police believe (!haneta is still (Pleaiie turn to Page Kight) New Shaw Head May Come From Present Faculty UALKKlll Hhaw Universit.v ina.r seek a president from the ranks of i'aeulty membiTs Mow employed. This was the opinion of a re- spotisible trustee of the univer sity here 'I'uesday following a m(*eting of tht* full trustee board. “If we g‘t a man here, it looks to me now tliat man will be Dr. Harri* or Dr. Strassner,” the llrusif‘0 .>ai(l, Fi'irtii otiu'r sourci‘s, however, it wa.s iiulieated that although Dr. .Velson II. Harris, dean of the Shaw Sumnier Sehool and a well known educator, ami Dr. W. H. Strassner, dean of the Shaw Divinity Sehool, were “g(MMl men,” they are now tlu' current favorites of the board. Also not on the favored list at ttiis time is Dr. Wendell C. Soinmerville, eu(*entiv(‘ secretary (Pleast' turn to Page Eight) t WASHINGTON ! Three suggestion involving seg regation were land in the lap ot It he I'liited States Supreme ■Court thi.>» week when Attorney !General J. Howard McGrath re- 'qiiested tliat the Court .strike itown the ."iO-year old doctrine of “st'parate but equal' ac- eoiiunotation> fui white and Ne- "riH‘s. The Attorney tii-neral ib-elar- ed that segregation, as practiced (in the I nited States, is uucon- .stitutionai and un-Aiuerican. Kep. Sam Hobbs. (D. i of Ala bama eouiitered with the a.>.st-r- tmn that •';(«! Ahiiigiit> wa.-, Ilie aiitlior ot ^^elrl■e^'atlun. ' ^MeCiatli and Howard weri' .i!i[)earnii; Ix ture the nation - \iii-tie.st trilmnal in a -a.se UAI.KIGH T rs •='»rh .-i.i.iat. ,,f I>r. ,V li t .ill 11)., •■r .r.rra-i-on- >- i»f the -nr .,i t,, ap- .11*! ill the ‘■- now I- -urT'. •• follow'd • rtrani-'atiou 2' vvars ->r t If '.-ii' the Dr. Charles Drew, noted blood plasma export, whose untimely death in an auto wreck near Burlington early Saturday morning, rocked the nation. Dr. Drew was enroute to a medical clinic to be held at Tuskegee Institute in Ala bama. Noted Physician Fatally Injured In Auto Wreck Near Burlington here last Saturday morning and t(K>k the life ot Dr. Charles Drew notel blood plasma expert, when iiroiiglit liy a .Negro, Elnu'r \\\ j‘''' hi”i,. 'pr Hellili'l'Soll . of Wifchinglon, j^''“ t terie';. (agam^t the Suutheru Railway j''*’'!’' “ I for its policy of M'givgating Ne-1''‘" >^er ta '\ uroes 111 dining ears. | > I'iie .liistiee D-partiueut. with I ^ iii\ersi*' i lOiidorsemeiit of I’resideiit Tru-i''"'' 'man, is suiiporting Hendei-s»n’> I I'lainis, as well as the two other I ea.se.s now )tending liefore the ! court. “God .Vliiiighty was tiie first, aiitlior of segregation," said Hobbs, “111' made mankind tlif- ferent in color and facial char acteristics but siiid he loved all alike, 1 never heard anyone blame him for being discrimin- atetl against.’’ Representing the Southern Raihvav was Charles Clark. He .stated that Congre.ss had re- ! fused, for more than 70 years, jto cluuige segregation laws, ^ w hich reflected the wishes of i the Aiiiei’icau people. Allen ! Crenshaw appeared for the in- {terstate Commerce Commission, i The ICC has left the matter of segregation up to individual I earriers. I The other two ca.ses involved (actions brought by G. W. Mc- Laurin of (Oklahoma and Her- linaii Marion Sweatt of Texas Hariilil L >. R Pop'', and .- i vatives rc -j-r ■ a-k-^x'iat-ion. = propnaf.' iloo HUali/at i'iii - ■! =oi pendin^ m f -il=-r:il ( lid tl:i.. tn-r the reci.rd >f *i ■ ciVfP a peri-d ' more, d'clar * ■ mi.^r 'iiiei • .-s/ n tn.-t Tai'.' in the a>,.->i>ciation "i history a.- well as a far cry from the day , when tlle "rnele T uli ." iud “Aunf Dinahet.ntro'i-d the on^an- izatii'U !i«-k, ,iud barrHl and fhi-Mttled n.v .r^empt, at lib'-ralism. The di'ei^iive .ti tii.ii i.f the a.sj»- (M'iation 'jT-w .iuf of reportN that the [>re>irientia! i-iiudidacy of Dr h\ L. ArkiiiN. President of Winston-Salem Ti-ai-hers I’ol- lece. was suppi,»rT»*l by an alleir- etlly dis-j-rumled eotn- posel ot Triir'.;. r-iIHu', and Pope. The ’'itatr* s teaehi r> over- w helminirlj' e|t*.*ted A. H. An derson. priii-in«l of K'^di^-rly Park IliL'h .School, ^al- ••III. as ]>rfsident other nssricFaTion nfiii.’ers e- ileefi“’, . M. l..,l » , I. I’.lake, ■ :'riuei,iiu, ’ ■ fiTKiriutre Hiirti ^ I nr - Mi- Wil- iij.cr’ isor. \’urth- - .I.i -k'Mi) r. ronl i l: V 'V n H ■ .'i • . ;:i trejiH I * -! 111- Kda■ larnii'aii, S()aw Ihil^iirh. W. G. l!. Han High Bl'RLINGTON j widow .Mrs. I.enore Drew; his Death rode the highway "eax jMi's. Nora Drew; three daughters, Beebe !(, Charlene, 8 jagain.st universities in their re- and Syh ia •»; and one son, Char- ispeetive states to deterinine whe- 4. Two sisters and.aither st'gregation is a violation To Preach Here Rev. R. D. Underwood, D. D., j)astor of Mount Zion Baptist Church of Rocky Mount, who will conduct revival services at White Rock Baptist Church April 10 through 21. Rev, Underwoo4 is considered one of the most forceful preachers in the state. his uuto, which he was driving, left the roail and turned over several times. Hiding with Dr. Drew' at the tinn> of his fatal crash were Drs. .lohn R. Ford, Walter R. John son and Samuel lUilloek. Drs. l>ull(M-k and flohnson escaped with minor injuries and left for Winston-Salem after being treat ed at Alamance (icncral Hos pital. Dr. Ford, who was more s«‘riously injui-ed, was confiiunl in the hospital with a fractured arm and .sevi'ral other injuries about the body. Th.(‘ three surviving phy sicians, all of whom were as,so- ciated with Dr. Drew at Freed man's Hospital, Wasliington, D. C., Avcre (Miroute to a medii-al clinic at Tuskegtn* Institute, Alabama. Highwa.v patrolmen who in vestigated the wi’cck tohl repre- iHentatives of the (^.VROLIXA TIMES that in their o])inion Dr. Drew went to sleep while driving and the car ran off the highway .suddenly awakening Dr. Drew. When he attenipti'd to get the car back on the high way, he lost control resulting in the fatal era.sh. Funeral seiwices for the noted physician were hekl Wednesday at otie o’clock at the Iflth Street Haptist Chnr‘h in Washington. Surviving Dr. Drt'w are his brother also survive. jof their Constitutional rights. Ex.-e„:r eluded Mrs I niversity, Rielia rilsoii .'s'-hiiul, S,.iiii.(. I ivfeat of the Triir'-' supportel eandidai-y of Dr. Atkins was viewtnl by many teachers a.s the most siirnifieant .let of the mt'et- (iov. SM»tt, iii publie aeknow- leilireinent of the Triirir apoint- ment to the State Board of Education, first of its kind in the South in recent years, admit- te*l Friday niirhf whUe deliver- inir an atUires-s to the iLssocia- tion that the euntroversal Ra leigh edueator was perhafxs not the best choice for the spot. Dr. TriL'ir apparently enjoye«l however, the iliihious distinction of serviiiir as burr of the Gover nor’s very funny .fokes Amoinr Dr. Triurir's activities ilurinir the coiiv *t!tion was an at tempt to defeat the teachers, move to appropriate for the school equality suits. He diii not act ilirectly, however fi>- stead. and in typical Trigg fasli- ion, he prodiled W. B. Wicker, (Plea;^* turn to Page Eight) When Death Rode The Highway For Dr, Charles Drew Here are the remains of the | Drew was riding when he met car in which Dr. Charles 1 death on a highway near Bur lington last Saturday mora* ing. — Photo by Stanback.

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