ifl THB CAROLIlfA tIMES SATURDAY. DEC. 16th, 1910 rcitK.ii 'it Mi" l’ltii>ni M. i . ; n ; outtoin^ Chairmen of • HLr-.r: -. Comniiitee On W V With Minority Groups of the Planned Parenthood Tv ration of America. Lef', R F. McL.’urin, Internation al ’ eld Orpanizer, Brother- ' 1 ^f Sleeping Car Porters, V' • York suc- ■ ims. iwc a7 rr:: n hv John L. Procope richt'>. Superintendent, Pro vident and Free Dispensary, !% ;l imore, Md. The meeting of the Commit tee at which Mr. Procope was elected, was held in the na- national headquarters of the Planned Parenthood Federa tion. Mr. Procope also suc ceeds Mr. McLaurin as a member of* the Federation Bo.ird of Directors. BROADW^AY BITS . . JUNIOR CHOIR of CAME- By Miss Geneva Buie RON GROVE HOLDS MEET- 'i-istint linic «nl ING neftt-va Buie, iif ' Tiie Junior Choir of Camor- havi- r.‘f»ir.’)"il honi(* on Grove Church held its repu- a short vacation lar mectiri" nccpnibor 0th at tlip Rhcp Bnip in ;cluirch. Plans were made for a Christmas program and carols were practicpfl. under the di- . C T. r/.ND GIVES CONCERT The U t‘ t uunti Ti aiiiin;- r.iiin! of ''.■Hi'‘'ird -ir ii ■oiici'rt, 1 ici-i-'- ' IT > ill t! N'ortli Carolina ColhMre in Dur i.iiiii W r> Wicker, w.K till' CELEBRATES ANNIVER SARY I!(>v T. Tiii'k, of 8anfor ! I'.'IflirafiMl his 3C>tli anni^-.Tsary (if till' First Ha’ i> f'hnrch romitly. >Tnsic \v:i-^ by the fx'c County Troinin" S'>booi Chih and Band. Mr. Wilcli i r wn'' iitiost spenker. MISS BAINES FETES BRIDGE CLUB Miss l.ucillc Hiiincs was liost 1 ss last ^fonda.v to her hridtr' , i ln!t iit tlic Al'rouquin ^'lult : 1 ous‘. (i-ucst playpfs for tlf 1‘vi'niny; wtp I\Irs. .Ios(»])hiiH* Whit.' and .Miss Evfin*>-clvn Vi Ial. A delicious nu‘nu was served, iiftcr M'hich tallies wore drawn and four projrressions of bridge played. Prizes were done u] beautifully in Christmas wrap [)in;rs and were awarded as fo! lovs: Guest prize to Misc Vidul, first club ]7riw to Mrs. Tsabol Harden, with second to Lydn Butb Betts. Other chib members enjoying Miss Raines’ hospitality were: Mesdames Mable Davis, Arnelle Robinson, Juanita Beatty. Can- dis Pemberton, Jlable Wntso)i, Maudell Searlette, and Oeorixin Whitted. May the season give you peace 1950 AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ; I 'nu'uts to . fery ])art of ;s'ohi' To our manjr friends, new and old, and to friends still to be, w» want you to know how much we appreciate your con- fld May tm« happineM in all of its fullness b« yours this Christmas, and may th« coming New Yaar b« on* of health, success, and good cheer. North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company DuHbam, North Carolina C. C. Spaulding, President 'No Homt Compitt* Without North Corolino Mutual Policies' Apex News - : I hi' .Ui'-^ujuury Circle of Ilol- h.aid Cii;i,..'l A. .d. E, Zion I' uircii Jioiii [iniver Mervice at I the lioiur of 1'. i'. Hatley last nii'ht I'or tlif beucfit iiii Ids riiotlier, Mi'«. J’ciinie IJut- ley who has been sick for aomc tiiia*. Mrs. Hatley was preseul- etl *.3.50. l''uneral H.Tvices^ wen* held frffln Mitchell Chapel A. M. K. Zron Church last Tup.sday for i.imes Millifjan who died of in Miries received in an automobile ■ ('('ident on November 19th. iiw. ♦U.iiy ii. i urter, l.i-i UrJI&jll; li.il, IVullbUS ilU. !>i iiii^aiy (.I'uuil ui liL-r Ucauti i ul in»v\cr t^urui U and bliu h) ki.op li ill lip lop biiupe. iiui -uiiicii nou I Uf looiiiiig run- :io\\u juoru bi-i,‘iu,se sliu now i.ii.s llu J)cp and eiieig^ to g. I uui and \v iiii siucc slic sturlea liuv^ig :iAi;A':Uij. Her hv.s teiu wu.s (t.;i'icifiit iJi Vitaiuui., Ji-1 Xiaciu, and iron whicli ilAijAi’OL contains. Here is ^Mrs. Carter's state ment : '' JSel'ore I started tak- 111”- HAiJAs'Ui/ 1 Jiad an aw i'ul liard time with aelies auil pains, yecjus like all tiie wiud would have to tio is blow a iiltle and i woukl catch cold. J. had an awful hard time sleep- inf—seems like all 1 did was sleep between pains—just cat naps all nijflit long. Then I heard one day how other folks were beinu helped by HADA- 1 have taken three bottles of HAI'.ACClj and the chaiifi;e is ama/.iny: no more aches atnl pains iincl sleep whj'. I sleep H hours without wakin^j up. I feel woiuieiful- -just wonderful thanks to llADACOL.” Thousands Are Thankful for tile- way it has helped their systems which lacked Vitanuns li-1, 1>'2, Iron aiul Xiacin, \'es, even htindrcils if doctors have ivcoiiunenileil HADACOH to their patients. Ant I the.se important \ i~ taiiiiiis jiii.i Jviin;ra s in HADA- C»»1j come to you in spec;;.I liquid I'oriii .so that they | (iiiickly absorbetl and assimilHte i in th,- blood si roam, ready to go ri^ht to work at once. IIADA COL even h 'ips to build up the led biiswd cells 1 \vhen Iron is needled) to cai’ry these precious ; I 'mcnts to . fcry lM)dy. Relieves Cause of Your Trouble ; from Such Deficiencies I’.\!)ArOij now makes it ])0ssib!e for yon to relievo^ the : f-tiv.' c.ius.' of vairne aohes an! paiii.s and a p'oiieral run-down i-on(l';*>>n wh n due to deficien cies of Vit ;mins 15-1, B-2, Iron :'ud Xiacin, So why be satisfied with symniomatic ndief whou ■'■oil can now ivlii've the cause with HADACOL . . . Yes. re- lievi* tho.se di ficipneps directly! So wliat arc you waitiii" for.' Why continue to suffer? Wiiy be miserable? Know what it means to iret that woifderful. wonderful uADA('()L i'eelin-! Jlake up your iiiind tb;it you’ll start this very tlay and take H.XDACOL. I ll.\l)AC()l, eosts only a small j amount flaily and is sold on a strict moneydiaek ruarantee HADACOL must help you, or it costs you nothing', Trial-size bottle only ,tL2'). Large family or hosnital si"('. If your drui'idst does not have HADA COL. orler it dircct from the Lel’bnje Corporation. Lafay- ‘tte, Ln. -.\dv. The flo.spel Chorus of Holland k CHKISTMSS IS C0MIH6 seiecT *ouK /^ofuU YhOW! j SERVICE PRINTING CO. DIAL: N-7462 504 E. Pettigrew St. Free T-V Show And Food Specials We Offer You A Television Show While You Shop Here For The Lowest Prices In Meats And Groceries. s p tTcTa L S Maxwell House Coffee . . 93c Pinto Beans, lb, . . , 12V^c Baby Lima Beans, lb, . . 12c Salt Herring, 3 for . . .10c Wiilioms' Store 604 PINE ST. DIAL: L- 1 93 1 Chapel Cb«rdi apipeMad oa program Imrt. Suuday night at .\iouiit Zion Baptist Church. iirs. Uoxie Hmall roporta a very enjoyable trip spent in Washington, D. (J. visiting her lion. UeT. C. V. AlfCoy was dinner guest of Mr. and Mre. 0. tt. Las.sitcr last Sunday, Rev. and Mrs, N. D, McClain and daughter were dinner guest at the home of Mrs. Vata Las siter last Sunday. Ihirham Cotinty TeMhei* Amo- _th«ie ehlldMD. At tlie end of ^ addrm memben of the Mdi- enee asked quest.ioas, and a live ly discussion followed. elation met with the City Abmj- ciation to hear the noted speak er. Pointing out certain definite symptons of maladjusted child ren, Dr. Jordan gave several possible remedies which will aid the classroom teaCher in meet ing, diagnosing, and helping This meeting was the first in a series centered around the AssoeiatiofS *8 interest for this year, “Mental Health, a Potent Factor in The Total School Program.” Dr. A. M. Jordan Gives Remedies For Maladjusted Children Dr. A. M, Jordan, Professor of Education at the University of North Carolina and a nat ionally known author and lect urer, addro.^ed the Durham As- swiation of Public School Teachers Monday afternoon in the auditorium of AV. G, Pear son Elementary School. The DON’T KICK! FOR: REAL ESTATE RENTING INSURANCE REPAIRS AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Large Three Room Office Space, Located 814 Fayette ville Street For Rent Lights, Water and heat furnished. ■See: UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. Telephone: J*6S21 814 Fayetteville St. Durham, N. C. ^ioXe^ AT YOUR SERVitRI M AKE NEW YORK your number one playland—truly the won der city of the world. And when in New York arranci for «ccommodations here—the finest in hotel Mnrle* ;aMriac to a distinguished clientele. Smart new bar, cocktail and dining room all video equipped. Convenieat coffee Enjoy superb servicesuperlative food. 300 outside toonM'~ modern and fireproof. At your service because you'ra ahntya welcome. Write today for particulars. William H. Brown, Rttidtnt Mgr. Seventh Avenue, 124-125th Street * New Yoric 27, If. Y. UPTOWN, NIAR IVIRYfNIN* •OWNfOWN Gallagher & Burton’s Blended Whiskey *105 '^VsQT. M&J FINANCE CORP. ♦ Auto Loans * 213 Rig«bee Avenua (Back Of Post Offica) Phone J-5271 SAVINGS NOW UP to $10,000 NOW-DOUBLE PROTECTION I Federal Insurance on Savings in this institution has been increased to $10,000 per saver under a new Act of Con gress. This new double protection is in addition.to 29 years of promoting thrift and home ownership in this community without a single loss to a depositor. Liberal dividends are paid twice yearly. Come in and open an insured Savings Account here now 1 Mutual Building and Loan Association Current Dividends 3% Per Annum 114 W. PARRISH STREET DIAL J-ll5t DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA BLENDED WHISKEY • 86 MOOf • 73%% ORAIN NfUTRAi SPIRITS • GALLAGHIR. 4 iUKTON. INC., iRISTOL, PA. Classified and Mail Order CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ONE WEEK $ .04 PER WORD TWO WEEKS 04 PER WORD THREE WEEKS 03 PER WORD FOUR WEEKS 03 PER WORD Minimiun words—13. In estimating cost, count each initUJ abbreviation and group of numbers as one. The publisher reMrm the right to accept or reject all copy. DELL'S LAUNDERETTE 514 Pine Street The most modern Waahett* ia the city. Will call for and deliver clothes. Wet wash or finish work. We appreciate your cooperatioa. DELL. HELP WANTED Male Or Female MAKE Extra Money. Sell Christmas Cards. 25 for $1.00 with name. Samples free. Also 20 beautiful box assortments. Cyphers Card Co., 75 West Huron St., Buffalo, N. Y. Durham’s Newest Sport Sk«p ROYAL SPORT SHOP For the best shoe ihin«, cigar* ett^ cigars, gum, candi^ ioda% and men’s sporting goods. SLICK LEATHERS, Dur ham’s best boot'black. WALLACE DICK MITCHSLL Prop. Young woman house work no cooking two children own room and bath good salary — Lagin, 34 Brokaw Lane, Great Neck, Long Island, New York. Fumol Moth Protection. Save your clothes. Remember Moth knows no season. Rush your clothes today for first quality cleaniag plus Fumol Mo^ pro tection. ROYAL CLEANERS, 538 E. Pettigrew Street. Expert Barbers, Beauticians Sanitary and approved methods BULL CITY BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR Dial L0912 For Appointments O. P. Holloway, Owner New Method Loundry Aa4 Dry cleaners Quality • Serdce 405 Roxboro St. DIAL 6959 End “Gray Hair” Blues With LARIEUSE! ALONE?...OR ALLURING? No need to let gray hair make you feel miserable, unwanted—when it’s so easy to give your hair gorgeous new color witn Godefroy’s Latieuse Hair Coloring! Larieuse goes on so easily and quickly— leaves your hair softly shioina, young- looking. Permits attractive new hair styles and permanents, too I Get Godefroy’s I.arieuse Hair Coloring— in the red box—at voor cosmetic counter now. It’s the dtp*ndahl* hair coloring used and approved for more than 50 years! Caudon: Use only as directed on UbeL •ODirKor Mrs. co. • ssio oiivi vt, • §i, iouis », mo.

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