THE CAROUNA TIMES SATUBDAT, NOV. ISth, IMC PAGE EIGHT ^ BROWSING WITH BROWER BY FRANK BROWER HELP CHANGE THE WORLD It is better to light iusf one candle, Than to curse all the darkness in the work. UNO IKE’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OUR MOTHERS, USA— The closing of our banks past Tuesday reminds us that our new President h»s a grave responsibility in his campaign promise to end the Korean war . . . An Armistice is a tem porary suspension of hostilities be tween two nations at war, by mu tual agreement. A local armistice may be arranged by any part of the opposing forces; a general armis tice can be effected only by the commanders-in-chief or by the home governments. The Armistice applied for by the Germans to end World War 1 was signed at 5:00 A. M. on November 11, 1918, in the Forest of Compiegne. On the same site, France signed the German dictated armistice terms on June 22, 1940; armistice between France and Italy was concludw in Rome two days later . . . There was an Armistice for VD and VJ Days, and now the mothers are expecting too soon VK Day . . . also a hard pill for Ike to swallow is his prom ise of reduction of taxes which will take some time . . . How ever, it must be done before 1956 if his party expects to com plete in the next big fight. NATIONAL NEWS TELESCRIPTIONS—A card to this desk asks if Rencher Harris has paid off his poUtical bet with Ike’s man, Alex Barnes . . . Well-known “Puss” Owens of Richmond was buried at his home last week in Oxford . •. . We didn’t even know he was sick . . . National Headlines: Fabulous ex-light weight champion Beau Jack shines shoes of President Ike at National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia, while his manager is chef of the same kitchen . . . During TV Wrestling from Hollywood, a fan .flipped a cigarette into the mop long hair of Jungle-Boy, and set the forest on fire and nearly broke up the fight... Senator Wayne Morris is in a position to cast key vote in the new 83rd Congress. NOTE WALTER WINCHELL — We don’t go along with Josephine Baker’s Red language in Argentina, but we do challenge your choice of words Mr. W. W.... "She could have adopted one of many United States block babies available,” „ whe nyou neglected to say “or one of the many Hebrew Girl Scout Troop No^ babies ” Maybe one of your bastards conceived aftet mid-1 maxed Girl Scout Week with a night on your beat nightly, especially ONE . . . Congrats to very timely and interesting pro- Pearl Bailey’s slap at Baker . . . The Mack Ingram case of eram at the close^of Sunday “Leering” at 75 paces began again in Yanceyville after a School on Sunday, November 2. year’s ricess or ‘cooling off” period ... Be glad to live in ; program consisted of the Durham in stead of Moscow or Caswell County where the Ceremony the History of slogan is "Vote for Stalin or Don’t Vote, Respectively; for the. ® ^ A Pr/MY»ic«» ann tnp «incrin0 of “fiiir ball and track teams. A native of Jamaica, tlie Brit ish West Indies, and a 1952 Mor gan alumnus, Rhoden gained in ternational fame as a member of the world's record breaking 1600 meters Jamaican Olympic Relay Team. He was a member of Mor gan's championship relay teams and NCAA meters champion while at Morgan. LaBeach, like Rhoden, is a na tive of Jamaica and was a mem ber of the Jamaican Olympic Team. He is a member of the Morgan State College champion ship sprint relay team. Only Baltimorean jn the group is Bragg, who is the grandson of the late Father George Bragg, rector of St. James Episcopal Church. Former National AAU and NCAA sprint champion, Bragg won the 100 meter dash in the 19S2 Olympic trials as a member of the American Olym pic Team. Edward N. Wilson, Morgan registrar and Athletic Commit tee member, is in charge of the assembly program. Assisting him in addition to Dr. Fraser and Coach Hurt are Dr. George H. Spaulding, Dr. C. R. Campbell and Augustus Moseley, student member. 30 Girl Scout Troop 87 Sponsors Program life you save may be your own" Logan Building ... (30). COUSIN FRANK A. AND T. AGGIES TO BATTLE VIRGINIA STATE NOVEMBER 15 GREENSBORO I tough battle for both teams and The A. and T. Aggies take on I both will be “up” for this one. the undefeated and untied Vir-1 Doubtless, Virginia State will ginia State College here Satur- shoot for a big score through the day, November 15 of this week in a football game which shapes up as one of the most important clashes of the season. While the Petersburg outfit is favored in the contest, by reason of its rec ord for the current season, this may mean little when the two earns begin bumping heads here in the Greensboro Stadium. Sal Hall’s underdog aggrega tion upset the favored Aggies last year in the Capital Classic dishine out a bitter defeat which knocked them out of the confer ence title. This is one which the Aggies have not forgotten and by reason of this fact the game may turnout to be a gen uine grudge battle. At least, Bill Bell’s- boys tiave just about the same opportunity as rested in the hands of Virginia State prior to the Classic. This is one which Virginia State will have to win. The Ag gies want it equally as badly. Defeated once in a surprise by Morgan State College, the Aggies should be rough for the remaind er of the season. They always are, after dropping one such as the homecoming setback. Of course, Virginia State baasts of the best, if not the best, aggrega tion in the conference. They con sider having gotten by Virginia Union that the team is well in Joe Black (Continued from Page Five) tended the athletes additionally by Dr. Carl Murphy, a member of the Morgan Board of Trus tees; Morgan Coaches EMward P. Hurt and Talmadgb L. Hill; Dr. Eugene D. Byrd, president of the Morgan Alumni Association; and Louis Randall, president of the Student Council. Black, a native of Plainfield, N. J, and a 1050 graduate of Morr. gan, jumped from the obscurity of an unknown rookie into na tional prominence almost over night last season with the Dod gers, turning in a magnificent record in relief. At Morgan . Black, who won the 1952 World sight of the conference title, if ] Series opener for the Brooklyn they can get by the Aggies. “Bums,” was a member of the From any angle it is to be a championship football, basket- air, but all reports show that the te&m has been equally effective on the ground. A. and T. should correct some of their passing de ficiencies and fleety backs such as Jack Gibson and Donald Quarles should prove trouble on the ground. It is generally agreed that this one should be about the best in the CIAA for the current sea son. This should be definitely settled come kickoff time on Sat- urday at BiOO P. M. -30- Promise and the singing of “Our Chalet". The following scouts participated: Emma Johnson, Patricia Johnson, Donnie Mc Neil, Scarlett McNeil, Mary Ann Thorpe, Blanch Gooch, Gloria Rogers, Anger Hart, Jackline Tucker, Carolyn Shaw, Patricia Burton, Loretta Adams, Jean Tyson, Sylvia Daye, Ar- dlia Sanders, Ann Gilmore, Le- nora Kelly, Brenda Edwards, Iris Higgin, Rella McMillan. Miss Ruth Thompson, Leader and Miss Clarice Thorpe, Assis tant Leader. This is the first Girl Scout Troop to be sponsored by the Mount Gilead Baptist Church with the Reverend Harold Ro land,. pastor. Miss Victoria Cannady who was crowned “Miss Petson County High School” at its Homecoming October 17. The eorosation took place in the auditorium of the Roxboro Elementary School. Miss Can nady is a member of the senior class. r mt MUttN COMMMY. UMrKNCEaUM. IMOMM - tUNOCD WWtRn . N noof • ISK UMM NEUTRAL SPIRITS Daddy Grace (Continued from Page One) which tended t9 tie Biahop Grace iji with Becton murder “due to jealousy,” aides of the Portugeese born niinister whose churches extend from New England to Cuba and West to California, said: “If he did make such state ments, then he’s liable for suit.” Attorneys for Bishop Grace announced this week they are just about ready to go to court with their suit against the maz- azine which published the charges in its September 1952 is- In making the first official public statement about the sen sational murder of Elder Becton in 1933, the House of Prayer of ficials—for the first time—gave public credence to the idea that Bishop Grace had led his group into a position of pre-eminent dominance in cultist regions, both numerically and financial ly- started Out In The Sonth ‘Coming up from the *tent day’ in the South in the middle Twenties,” the elders say in an official statement, "Bishop Gritce with his faithful followers has built one of the greatest organi zations of today with more than 3,000,000 members and millions of dollars worth of property. He also has hotels, apartment build ings and land—aU for the peo ple of his parish.” Denies Magazine Story Equally as bitterly denied was the report carried by the maga zine which said that “This House of Prayer has as its financial backers some white men who are the actual owners of this chain of chiirches of which Bi shop Grace is head; that these men are interested only in the financial angle of this chain.” The magazine also said: “Bi shop Grace travels from place to place all over the country. All monies collected are turned over to the hands of the white men.” “A damnable lie,” said the elders of this accusation, and pointed to Bishop Grace’s having the Metropolitan. Life Insurance Company move its Harlem of fices from the block at Eighth Avenue and 125th Street in New York City, which he had pur chased, because they wouldn’t rent the ground floor offices to Negroes. “Bishop Grace is working for his people,” the elders said, “and any charge to the contrary is a lie.” “Bishop Grace only uses what God gave him to give the the people,” the elden con- tlnne In their statement. "Thus we find millions today who are content with the true goapel of Jesns Christ as he preaohei it again. The Lord said: 'All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire,’ . , . Kev. Ui 8.” Never Met Becton Bishop Grace made it known that he had never met Elder Bec ton, and that there had never been any hostile feelings be tween them. “There was no rea son wliy there should have been,” he said. “Elder Becton had his crowds and I had mine, so there wasn't any friction.” In fact, said Elder M. F. Spencer, secretary to the Gen eral Council of Elders of the House of Prayer, "Elder Becton himself once said there were on ly two preachers in Philadalphia, himself and Bishop Grace.” Charges Jealousy Among Negro Preacher* The General Coimcil said that jealousy among Negro preach ers, especially the Baptists, were the basic causes for the efforts to “crucify” Bishop Grace, as they put it. “There were forty-four preachers who had him arrested more than sixteen times,” they said. "If he was the type of mur derer, surely he would have taken revenge on those who per secuted him.” It was pointed out tliat Cap tain Kelly’s claim that the white slayer of Elder Becton on the night of May 21, 1933 was member of Bishop Grace’s Phil adelphia church, could not have been true, because House of Prayer records show no such member, and also show .that Bi shop Grace held no baptizings of members in New Jersey other than one at Lawnside in 1930 Bishop Grace, the General Council says, was in the South when the Becton slaying rocked the East. “That’s a vicious lie,” was the bishop's own comment on the charge that white people get the monies raised by the House of Prayer. Among lush New York prop erties owned by the House of Prayer is the swank 595 Edge combe Avenue building, one on Riverside Drive, the entire block of Eighth Avenue and 125th Street, and many other proi)er- ties all over the nation. These revelations clearly abaw.that Bi shop Grace and his group are far ahead of Father Divine and any and all other religious cult leaden in the USA. Churches End Financial Rallies Two churches, pastored by Rev. Eli B. Thompson, have re cently closed successful rallies that netted more than $1800. On October 26, Mill Hill Bap tist Church, located in Person County, ended the morning ser vice with a total collection of $273.26. The evening service was in the form of a program by the Social Savings Club which re sulted in a total of $142.21 be-* ing raised, or a total for the day of $414.41. On November 9, the Warren Chapel Baptist Church, pastored by Rev. Thompson raised a total of 1,461.56. Warren Chapel was organized in 1909 and now has a member- of 211. Both churches have pros pered greatly under the leader ship of Rev. Thompson. LeMoyne (Continued from Page One) Panl P. Onthrle, vioe-prMl- dent; L. S. Conart, aeeretary- treasnre, and George W. Gore, past president. The above persons Join with the following persons to form the Association’s executive com- mitte; Richard V. Moore, J. T. Gaines, Rufus E. Clement, W. K. Payne, and F. J. Rogers. President Hollis F. Price of LeMoyne is host for the con vention. 80 Trotters (Continued from Page Five) the globe trotters all over the country. If we don’t appear in Baltimore and Washington now, we may not get back to either city the rest of the regular sea son.” The Trotters complete sche dule for the following week is: Nov. 13, Providence; 14, Phila.; 15, New Haven; 16, Baltimore (afternoon), Washington La Baker (Continued from Page One) umnist. Nevertheless, accord ing to this spokesman, an in vestigation is going on con cerning Miss Baker but no de cision has been reached. 80 Mack Ingram (Continued from Page One) that Ingram did not chase her or run at her, nor did he speak to her. She stated he was com ing up the road in his car about five miles an hour and “kept watching me with his head out of the window.” She also stated he was driving on the wrong side of the road and was not watching where he was going. “When I heard the motor stop, I started running as fast as I could,” she said. Ingram was first convicted of an assault In the Yanceyville Re- cordM-’s Court and sentenced to two years. Carolina Times Uncovered Story It was not until a confidential representative of the CARO LINA TIMES'in Yanceyville re ported the matter to 'his paper that the stoiy was given interna tional status. Other newspapers throughout the nation and in foreign countries quickly follow ed the publishing of the story in the CAROLINA TIMES, which later was adjudged by the Asso- $eagnun’$ WHIM** $eagram’$ BLENDED WHISKEY MJ Preoi. tS% Crmin Neatnl Spirit! Btagnm-DMIUn Corporation, Chrytltr Building, Now York THEY GROW SO FAST • • • • But you can keep their cherubic babyhood through the years in professional photographs. After - naptime appointments at your convenience in your own home by calling .... STANBACK STUDIOS PHONE 4-7171 (1710 FAYETTEVILLE STREET elated Press as the fifth best news story of the year. It has been acknowledged far and wide that had it not been for the alert ness of the TIMES representa tive, that Ingram would have been railroaded to prison. The maximum sentence he could have received was two years. The mere fact that Judge Armstrong only gave Ingram a suspended sentence of six months, sustains the belief of many that an apparent notorious attempt to railroad him to prison for two years by the Recordw’s Court of Yanceyville was un justifiable. The six months sus-' pended sentence was apparently more of an attempt by the court at face saving for a segment of determined citizens for convic tion in Yanceyville and Caswell County than a 1}ellef on the part of the Presiding Judge tiiat In gram was guilty of any offense. Attorneys. representing In gram were: Fred Upchurch, Sr., and Jr., ^ the local white law firm of Upchurch and Up church, NAACP Attorneys Mar tin A. Martin of Richmond, Va., and C. O, Pearson of Durham. Solicitor Ralph Scott, represent ed the State in the case. 30 Pictured above is Mrs. Earle Talley Herring, who did her high school and teaoher:tntar-. Ing work at Mary Po^r In stitute, and college work at North Carolina College. She has done further stady at A. and T. College. Mrs. Herring is a teacher in the primary de partment at Boxboro Elemen tary Sdiool. She has been with the school since It was ori ginated In 19S5. _ COLLEGE VIEW DRIVE-IN APEX ROAD — DIAL 9-2255 SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAT-WEDNEBDAT CALVARY SCOUT Rod Cameron THUB8DAY-FBIDAY THE BIG CARNIVAL KIRK DOUGLASS L_ SATURDAY « OKLAHOMA JUSTICE JOHNNY MACK BROWN Big News At Your COLLEGE .VIEW DRIVE-IN New equipment has been installed to improve the llglit on the screen by 100%. You and members of your car will be admitted to see one of the above pictures, by presenting this ad to the ticket office. THANKSGIVING CLASSIC N. C. College Eagles -Vs.- A. And I College Aggies TUUimJlOVEMBEItl? 2:00 P. M. Durham Athletic Park See The Great Rivalry BASKETBALL GAME IN THE NEW NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE GYM 8:01 P. M. Dedication of New Gym, Dec. 8-9 6 years oll3

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