rAOl TWO in CABOUNA nms SATDBDAT, DIO. IS. IWt Cbc Cai^a Publkhed Every Saturday By THE CAROLINA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. 518 East Pettigrew Street Durham, N. C. Phones: 5-9873 — 5-0671 — 3-7871 Member National Negro Preu Awociation VOLUME 30—NUMBER 47 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1952 It it absolutely impossible for the CAROLINA TIMES to guarantee the exact time oj publication or location in the paper of uruolicited articlef, but vMl strive to conform with the wishes of its reading public as near as is humanly possible. Entered as Second CUm matter at the Post Office* at Durham, North Carolina under the act of Mareh S. ISIt. National Advertlalnc Bepreaentative Interstate United Newspapers, 545 Fifth Avenue, New York 17. New York. Branch Office: 5 East Jackson Boulevard. Chicaco. Ulinois. M. B. HUDSON Business Manager D. W. STITH Circulation Manager City EkJitor L. E. AUSTIN Editor and Publisher AUEXANDER BARNES Managing Editor ADA HANNAR S MONTHS 1 TBAB 8IJB8CBIPTION RAXES: IZ.tO FOREIGN COUNTBIES 93.00 3 TEABS Per Year $4.00 $*.00 Food And Drug Protection For The American People It is not quite clear to us just why the United States Supreme Court voted to bar criminal prosecution against food and drug manufacturers who refuse to allow federal authorities into their plants. The ruling of the nation’s highest tribunal indicated that the wording of the law is faulty to the ex tent that it is hard to determine just exactly what it means. If this is true, we think Con gress should rewrite the law it\. order that the American people may be protected against unscrupulous manufacturers of foods and drugs. If such ma.iufacturers are going to be al lowed to prepare their products for human consumption without some kind of restraint or federal supervision, the people of this country may as well prepare themselves for a sad awakening. The very fact that some of these manufacturers are desirous of barring federal inspection is evidence that there is a dead cat up the line and that he may end up in a can of sausage or some other be- lieved-to-be edible meat. The same is true about the manufacturers of drugs. This newspaper does not believe that all food and drug manufacturers in this coim- try are dishonest, but experience proves that a large per cent of them will resort to unscrupulous practices in an effort to obtain greater profits in their investments. To al low such persons to roam at large in this country as manufacturers is no less than al lowing any other criminal to do the same. We do not believe that the Supreme Court meant to protect such persons or manufac turers from the eyes of federal inspectc»rs. The court probably found itself without the proper authority to enforce prosecution. Such authority is that of the people, whose agency in such matters is the Congress of the United States. Whatever the status of the matter, it should be attended to 'inune- diately in order that the people of this coun try may be protected against persoM whose sole purpose is to make profits without re gard for the health and happiness of their fellowmen. Tlie Stupidity Of Prejudice Jim Crow Or 'Apartheid', The Answer Must Be The Same." UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATIOtr /M any gangster’s. % There is little or no hope that Negroes of Caswell County will be able to extricate themselves from their unhappy condition. Unless some agency or organization outside of the county comes to their rescue, 25 or 50 years from now may find them still groping in the darkness of grossly inadequate educa tional facilities. We think the Caswell County situation of fers a great opportunity for the North Caro lina Teachers Association to go to the rescue of some of its members who are working and sacrificing beyond duty to teach under conditions that are only a little less than criminal. Not only will the Association bring relief to Negro teachers of that County, but to its innocent and helpless children who are being taken advantage of by unscrupul- educational officials. Immediate action in the federal courts is needed and we doubt that the Negroes in the County have the courage, know-how or the funds to undertake such a stupendous task. It is our opinion, however, that the inequalities are so great that once the ac tion is started attorneys will have little trou ble obtaining a favorable verdict in the mat ter. Down in Columbia, South Carolina they have imprisoned John H. McCray, editor and publisher of the LIGHTHOVSE AND INFORMER, militant Negro newspaper of that city. McCray was sent to jail by prej udiced whites under the pretense that he violated his parole in connection with a libel case. The real cause behind McCray’s imprisonment is that he, through his paper, waged a consistent fight against discrimina tion of his people in South Carolina. The prejudiced white people of that state hope by sending him to jail to stop the publica tion of the LIGHTHOUSE AND INFORMER and undermine McCray’s influence with his people. It will be recalled that the Progressive Democrats of South Carolina of which Mc Cray is chair^nan, led tl>e fight for the abolishment of the white primary in South Carolina. A number of whites in that state have never recovered from the blow and are determined to get the man who engineered the movement. Reports coming from South Carolina are to the effect that instead of killing McCray’s influence and stopping his paper, his imprisonment has reacted exactly to the'op- posite. Hundreds of Negroes and progresr sive whites are subscribing to the LIGHT HOUSE AND INFORMER who never thought of doing so before. In addition Ne gro firms, and some white ones, are bujring more advertising space in the INFORMER than ever before. There is most always something about wrongdoers that makes them lose their pow er to think straight. In committing crimes persons will do stupid acts that usually lead to their apprehension. The same law ap pears to govern those who engage in prej udice against their fellowmen. That prejudiced whites in South Carolina are so dumb as to believe that imprisoning or persecuting McCray would lessen his in fluence or destroy his newspaper is ridi culous. Instead McCray is now considered a martyr by an ever increasing number of his people who for the first time have been driven to his side as supporters. We conunend the Negroes of South Caro lina for what they are doing to lend support to this courageous newspaperman who has done so much to focus the searchlight of public opinion on the dark and dirty deeds done against Negroes in their state. We urge them to continue to pour subscriptions in to the paper and by that way show that they believe in this great man who is willing to pay the price of leadership. Negro Education In Caswell Cou^ Elsewhere in this issue of the CAROLINA TIMES is the stark story of the deplorable conditions existing in the Negro schools of Caswell County. As bad as they are In some other counties of the State we are of the opinion that CasweU County tops them all. Several times in editorials of this newspa per we have voiced our opinion that there are aections of eastern North Carolina in sad need of missionaries to work among cer tain elements of white people on the matter of the rights of Negroes. The Caswell Coun ty case now forces us to admit that there is at least one other county of the State outside of its eastern part in which missionaries are also needed. It is hard for the average person to under stand how anyone who has been exposed in the least to the teachings of the Christian religion or Democracy as practiced eVen in the remotest southern regions of this coun try. could impose upon a helpless people such deplorable educational dur ing theae modem times. Frankly, we do not bo’i«v^ that any ordinary procedure can im press upon the white people of Caswell County the error of their ways. It will prob ably take some carefully trained members of their own group to go into that area and slowly teach them that the school laws and other laws of this country apply to Negroes as well as other citizens. That the story discloses a group of Negro ministers of the county as opposing any ef fort to organize their race for the purpose of bettering its condition is no surprise to us. Wherever you find ignorant white lead ers you will find ignorant Negro leaders who are always ready and willing to sustain the whites in any of their foul deeds, so long as the Negro leaders are allowed to stay one step in front of the masses of their own group. There is no type of leader as vicious as a Negro preacher hell-bent on maintain ing a stranglehold on his people for his own personal gain. Behind the cloak of religion, while holding up hell and the devil as the certain end of all who oppose him, he fright ens the untrained minds of his people into upholding him in deed that are as criminal as Spiritual Insight "This Nation Under God" By Reverend Hea-old Roland Pastor, Muunt Gilead Baptist Church "..Obey my voice...I will be your God...Ye shall by my people.”Jer.7:23. Israel as a nation got off to a good start: She was rooted and grounded in God and the Moral Law. The very heart of her Co venant with God was the moral law. The law became the link to bind the creature and the Creator Israel rested the foun dation of the nation on God and the moral law. She gave priority to God in the very foundation and structure of the nation. She built on the solid rock of God and the moral law. The nation grew to majestic heights of spiritual and material granduer. to happen in Israel: She broke the Covenant she made with God. She disregarded the moral law. She forgot the simple prin ciples of ethical conduct. Israel, in the violation of her Covenant and the shameful dis regard for the moral law, saw the destructive termites of de cay and ruin eat away the foun dation of the nation. Obedience was the key to divine power... WASHlN^irOri AND SMALL BUSINESS Washington governmental ac tivity Is at a inall'i pace In this 'tween admlnistrationf interim. • * « But there has been no BUcking off on ipendtaic money. • • * There’i a "hush before the ftorm” atmosphere. New Ad ministration! la pledged to Immediate cuts I In spending; taxes. « • • Hie qneatli to: “Can Eisen-: hower dellv-l •rt" * • * Viewing ter- rifle pressures HtPdtr now Elding, many say no. Ob- vioualy, biggest imme^ate cuts can be made in European aid programs which have already cost taxpayers over $35 billion. • • • • For example, on a tyrical day MSA gives another $13 million. • » • nie breakdown is Interesting. Almost $1 million went to France to pay her for ocean transpor tation of free goods. Another $1 million went to Communist Tito’s Yugoslavia for U. S. coal and coke. There are vast coal resources in much closer Eng land and France, but as long as til* U. S. will give commodities to Kuropean nations, they are not compelled to work out trade among ftemselves. « * « Britain atoo reoelved $6 mll- Uen in American petrolenm. « * • Britain had big supply of Iran ian oil until British oil monopoly and Iran disagreed on royalty tams. • * * Independents are anxioaa to trade la Iraalan ell bat tear Brttlah - government - backed threats ot British oil monopoly. • • • Littla wonder U. S. labor feels right to use boycott when world By C. WILbON HARDtR witnesses British boycott of Iran existing because U. S. tax payers dig deep to supply Brit ain with needed oil • * • Becently snrrey showed IT, S. family ot fonr today needs $60 per week Jnst to exist. But on a typloal day, II. 8. gives away enoDfh to sapport 213,766 fami lies, or almost 1 mllHon Amerk cans for a week. « * « Can Eisenhower change this? In view of Ids European years, Washington wonders. * * • Britain’s Anthony Eden Is “va- oatimlng” tor two montlis In Elorida. Other Europeans nabob* arrive dally. Magaslnes featnre articles snch as English historian Arnold Toynbee’s that urge U. S. merge with Enrope. Observers say “merge” used in this con nection means “give as more.” • * * Congress can be the most po tent force in years. With both Houses almost evenly divided, it is evident voters gave no “land slide mandate” to White House. Rather, voters retained solid el ements, cast out extremist fringe of both parties. * * • To meet promises, immediate tax cot may be sought t« lieneflt only a few huge operations, but totd snm of redaction will make Impressive headlines ignoring fact more tlian 4,6M,0M Inde pendent businesses will continue under staggering tai^ burden. 1^ # * ’ Congress will be in a quandary. Most .Congressmen have good judipnent, but are human beings. Judgment can be swayed by un relaxed pressure. Minorities at home, allied with polished plead ers from abroad, will exert pressure to sell Congress that heavy grants to Europe are a “sacred obligation" at America. To offsef this propaganda. Cong ressmen will need a much great er indication ot the grass root sentiment from home. “Obey my voice and I will be your God...” Now what about our nation in relation to God and the moral law in tliis critical hour? In the beginning we too laid well the foundation of our nation upon the essential Spiritual-Moral values'of Judaism and Christi-" anlty.-'The founders were God conscious, lielievers in the moral principles of the Ten Command ments. All history reminded them of the indispensable value of the moral law. On our money we inscribed..“In God We Trust..”on our money We further recognized the common Father hood of God with the following inscription:..“Epluribus Unum” which means from the many one. We got off to a right start by giving due recognition to God and the moral law. And yet nations drunk with the wine of pride and power somehow begin to wander, drift away from God and forget the moral law. In Israel the termites of bro ken sacred vows began to eat away the once strong foundation which rested upon God and the moral law. We see similar signs in our own God-Blessed nation. We see termites af indifference, carelessness, injustice, greed, bribery, spiritual sickness and moral decay. We are beginning to forget God. A passion for things and plaasure sweeps the nation. The result is a wave of godlessness which grips the na tion. Corruption is,'widespread and deep-seated. This nation which began under God and the moral law is drifting. Are we not guilty of the prophetic indictment. Listen . . "trust in lying words . . . walk after other gods . . . oppress the stranger . . . the fatherless . . the widow...shed innocent blood... steal..murder...commit adultery., swear falsely....bum incense to Baal ... walk after other gods whom you do not kneyr... I call ed you but ye answered not... (Jer. Ch. 7) What do we see? We see a nation suffering from a severe case of moral decay and soul sickness. The prophet wrote the prescription. A sel fish, stiff-necked, arrogant and prideful nation refused to take her medicine. There is but one WITHIN And AMONG Alfred F. Andersen | Dear fellow seekers...Due to a mixup the last part of the ma terial on Basic Education in In dia did not get printed last week. But rather tiwn present it tills week I would like to share with you some material just re ceived ff(ftn AMERICANS FOR SOUTH AFRICAN R E S I S- TANCE of 513 West leath St., New York 32. N. Y. This organi zation issues a Bulletin periodi cally which all interested per sons ought to receive. In addi tion to this they try to assist the non-violent movement in South Africa with financial, political and moral support. Most of the reports we get about the movement in South Af rica follow the usual sensational line of newspapers by reporting the violence and bloodshed. Most newspapers also fall in with the “Une” handed out by the South African Government tliat this violence is a direct r«- ;ult of the PASSIVE RESIS TANCE MOVEMENT as direct ed by the AFRICAN NATION AL CONGRESS. The last Bulle tin issued by the Americans lor South African Resistance quotas from a letter of Blaninal Gandhi (son of Mahatma Gandhi, and leader of the non-violent move ment in SoCith Africa^ which clarifies this point. “Tlte struggle tias'so far gone very smoothly. There is a tre mendous amount of provocation on the part of the authorities. Instead of the police being pull ed up for excesses, it is being given full encouragement to act ruthlessly and unscrupulously. You must have heard about the riots in Port Elizabeth. They are not in any way connected with the Passive Resistance Move ment. But every effort is being made to link them up with it. The Minister of Justice is adamant in ignoring public demand for an impartial judical inquiry to get to know the truth. In the absence of that there are of course all kinds of rumours. It seems the whole thing began from the brutality of a police officer who shot an African dead while going to arrest him for a paltry offense.” Here we see one of the crosses tliat a non-violent movement must bear; that of being mis understood and mis-identified. There are always the extremists among tiie revolutionaries who are unable to control their an ger. As soon as there is a move ment underway, their restraint (wiUch has been out of fear rather than spiritual courage) lets down and they start spitting in the face (so to speak) of the officials to whom they have cow- towed out of fear a while earlier, “the truly non-vioient revolu tionary is not ntotivated by eit her fear or anger, but c.it of compassion; compassion for the oppressors and oppressed alike, realizing that the oppre^d largely “know what they do.” To those who want to get a true picture of the salvation of South Africa I would strongly urge you to write to AMERI CANS FOR SOUTH AFRICAN RESISTANCE and get first hand information about the spiritual movement headed by Gandhi’s son. This organization also has other literature at very low cost which gives the true picture in Souh Africa. It Js very important ttiat we keep in touch with the “soul” of his South African movement tor it is essentially the same struggle we liave to face in tti coontry; i. e. the insistence that the religious life must be lived on week-days as well as Sunday. Otherwise freedom of religion degrades to freedom of ritual only. The reason why the Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church is now being “crucified” is t>e- eause in a small way they tried to make their religion more than a Sunday ritual. It’s fine to have separation of Chturch and state, but when the Church takes the hindmost and it satisfied with it we have a sad sad situation, as sad here as in South Africa. Are we in America going to wait too until we too are immersed in violenee (as we increasingly are in American outposts)? If the response I’ve had to this col umn is any indication we cer tainly are a pathetic apathetic lot. But I guess that’s all we can expect from a soul-squelched age. God help us; oh we need it! Broad^ange Antibiotics Seen Mininizing Infections As Cause 1/1 nOfrafnf AirGT LnHuuirtn The broad-range antibiotic wonder drugs have provided doctors with a “potent new weapon” against infections re sulting from childbirth, report two scientists of the Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital, Jer sey City, N. J. As a result of a stu^y of 434 cases ‘of puerperal (post'Child- birth) infections and their treat ment with terramycin and other broad-range antibiotics. Dr. Ed ward Sattenspiel and Ray F. Chesley rfport that these drugs “are an invaluable aid in re ducing infections to the strange position of a ntinor factor in maternal mortality.” The study of the broad-range result to follow such a condi tion; a'nATION WILL DU OF MORAL DECAY AMD SPIRI TUAL SICKNESS. What is the great moral of history? It is “The nation that forgets God shall perish...” The cry of this hour is that this nation may have a new birth of spiritual and moral vi gor. How? By returning to God and the moral law. This luitton under God can have a new birth of spiritiud and moral awaken ing. Have we not forsaiien the true God and his altar? Are we not worshipping at the altar of Baal? Have not we gone out after other gods? We no longer rely on spiritual and moral pow er. We are trusting in material power—the power of uranium ■and hydrogen. We have deserted the God standard. Now we are on the gold standard! We bow reverently at the shrine and al tar of the almighty Dollar. It used to be “In God We Trusts’, Now it is the Almi^tty Dollar we trust. Tlie cry of this daiie hour now must be: LBT US GXT BACK TO GOD. We must go baek before this nation “Under Ood can have a New Birth in moral and spiri tual power..."The way of God and the moral law leads to true happiness, health and peece... “Obey my voice..;ni be your God..." antibiotics in puerperal infect ions by the Jersey City medical scientists is the most extensive yet reported. In the current issue of the Bulletin oi the Margaret Hague Maternity Hospital*, they state that results achieved by penicil lin in bringing down fevers m women who have just delivered were inferior to those achieved by terramycin, aureomycin and chlaramphenicol. Failures in the treatment of 95 women with pennicUlin amounted to 38 per cent, whareas terramycin was successful in 95 per cent of the cases in which it was used. Fail ure rates with chloramphenicol and aureomycin were 13 per cent and 18 per cent, respective ly. Use of the broad-range anti biotics is the latest in a series of advances in childbriths care which have cut the incidence of of maternal morality to eight in 10,000 cases. Ten years ago, be fore the antibiotics came Into wide use, this figiu-e was 38 in 10,000. It is estimated that in fections account for 30 per cent of maternal mortality. The other leading causes of death in childbirth are hemor rhage and shock (accounting for 30 per cent) and the toxe- niias of pregnancy (accounting for about 25 per cent). Medical authorities believe that the mor tality rate can be reduced de cisively in all three of these areas, and that construction of new hospitals in geographical areas where the percentage of fatalities is higher than the na tional average will also play a large part. In some communities the maternal morality rate is down to less than .05 per cent. Dr. Sattenspiel and his associ ate, Mr. Chesley, believe that “ the optimal l^tial treatment of puerperal infection is with a broad-range antibiotic,” and state that “results with these drugs are superior to those with penicillin.” _

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