Ike Administration Will Pass Civil Rights Bill>T GOP Solon ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ¥ ¥ ★ ★ FALSE ARREST VICTIM TRIES SUICIDE "Darfe - Skinned Man” Beats Jim Crow KALEIGH—dark-ikinned nuui whs identified fiimaelf m a Moorish-ABnerican of the Moclem faith won by defaalt In a diort- lived akirmlib OTer public MKrecation here laat Friday, Uchard D. Bey, 42, who listed hla home a* Newark, New Itt- ley, waa freed by loeal Court Judce Albert Doub who dianlMed a oaae acainit him when he was arrested at the bus station terminal here for refusluf to move from the white waiting room. Bejr was arrested at the bus terminal here Wednesday aft ernoon by two poUeemen after, it was reported, station empioyeai had not been able to get him to move from the white waitinr room. Bey aeeompanied the polieemen willincly to the veliee station, but told arrestinc offieer B. L. Bandelph that he was not a Negro. “1 am a Moorish Amwiean and a hmnan b«lng,” he was quoted ■« layinc. The offloer reported that Bey further stated that altfcoufh be was a native of Troy, New York, he had lived in Newark fer the past 21 years. He insisted that his ancestors were bom in Bfwoeeo and that he had adopted the Moslem reilflon sometime ago. When his ^ase eame before the eity court Friday, court officials were unable to find a law under which they could eonvict him. Acting solicitor H^rry McMullan, Jr. said a section of flie law governing inter-state commerce “empowered and directed the DtUitiee Commlsilon to require the establishment of separate rest rooms for white and colored races.” But apparently there la no law covMlng segregation in the waiting rooms, he added. Judge Doub ordered the charge against Bey dismissed without testinMUiy. — FOR THIRTY YEARS THE OUTSTANDING WEEKLY OF THE CAROLINAS Entered a$ Second Clou Matter at the Po^ Office at Durham, hiorth Carolina, under Act of March 3,1879. VOLVMB to—NUUBIB DDBHAM. N. 0., SATVKDAT, JAN. 24, ItU PBICE 10 CENTS Mother Of 13 Pumps Five Slugs Into Body Of Hubby I I. ^_J[—■—I— 11-I. AL. Durham Chain Reflects Austin For 2nd Term The Durham Buslaws and Professional ClMte «teeted of ficers for the year and present ed prizes, in conjunction with the Durahm Council of Garden Clubs, at the organization’s reg ular meeting Sunday,«Jan. 10. L. E. Austin, editor-publlsher of the CAROLINA TIMES, was re elceted-pfsgidont-of-tlw Chain - tor a second term. Other officers elected are W. G. Rhodes, first vice-president; Mrs. P. H. McNeil, second vice- president; J. J. Henderson, treas urer; R. K. Bryant, Jr., secre tary; Mrs. L. M. Harris, assistant secretary; D. F. Reed, publicity and program director; and Mrs. J. DeShazor Jackson, assistant ^blicity and program director. New members of the board of directors are J. J. Henderson, Charlie Jackson, G. D. White, Jr., and J. H. Wheeler. Winners, prizes awarded to winners in the decoration con test and donors of the awards were as follows: Mrs. Lula Jackson, 10 dollars. Mechanics and Fanners Bank; Mrs. Mary Scoggins, five dollars. Mutual Savings and Loan Asso ciation; L. B. Frasier, automobile wash and wax Job, Speight's Auto Service; Mrs. A. W. Perry, box of personalized stationery, Service Printing ComiMuty; Mrs. W. R. Bick, an electric hair dry er, Radio Electric Company. Also, Mrs. Ernestine Holmes, a picnic ham, Dillard’s Self-S^- vlce grocery; Mrs. Sophronla (Please turn to Page Toi) Two Dead In Separate Shootings In Alamance During Past Week-End GRAHAM Two persons were shot to death near Burlington hn-e Sat., in separate incidents. George Vlneeftt, year-oldf father of 13 children, and Billy Gibson, both died late Saturday as a result of shootings. Vincent was shot five times -with a .22 calibre pistol by his wife after an argument at their home, located in the Morganton community near Burlington. Mrs. Vincent told Sheriff C. H. Moore that she shot her hus band because he was threatening her witB a heavy wrench handle after he had forced his way in to a room she had locked for her safety. It was not known early this week whether any of the 13 children witnessed the shooting. Vincent was shot around foiu- O’clock Saturday afternoon and died in a Burlington hospital about two hours later. Slugs from the .22 calibre pis tol struck Vincent in the head, neck, right arm chest and stomach. Mrs. Vincent had the Sheriff called immediately after the shooting and was arrested at her home. She. was placed in Al amance jail pending a hearing. Oibson was shot in the stomach later Saturday night with a .12 guage shot-gun, and he died a few minutes later. Henry Edgar Williams, Who is alleged to have shot Gibson, told Sheriff Moore that he shot Gibson because his wife had told him that Gibson struck her. Williams said he got his gun after his wife told him of the in cident, walked to a small store a block away, saw Gibson sit ting inside, pushed the door open and shot him. Williams was arrested at the store and jailed on a mitfder charge. Annual North Carolina Institute And Woriohop Of Cosmetology To Convene In Durham Jan. 25-K Durham will again play host to the North Carolina Institute and Workshop of Coametlogy, which will officially open Sim- day, January 2B, at 7:30 P. M. at the Mount Zion Baptist Church on Fayetteville Street, Reverend Wm. H. Fuller, pastor. Mrs. Mar garet S. Joyner, Supervisor of all the Mme. C. J. Walker Beauty Colleges, will be the guest speak er. Others appearing on the p*«> gram will be Mrs. Beade Ollmer, Greek Letter Organi sations; Attorney J. H. Wheel er, President of Mechanics and Farmers Banks; Dr. B. P. Bandolph; Mme. 1. Q. Bogen, (Please tiun to Page Ten) Attendance Of Bias Schools is Challenged KING WILLIAM, VA. The legal fight against Jim Crow in public schools toook a new and complicated twist last week as NAACP lawyers chal lenged the validity of compul sory school attendance based on segregation laws. Attorneys for the National Association for the Advancement' of Colored pie filed an appeal on January 9 on behalf of Negro parents of West Point, Va., who were con victed of violating tjhe- state’s compulsory attendance law be cause they refused to send their children twenty miles out of town to a Jim Crow high school over which the town’s school board has no jurisdiction. The so-called “West Point school strike” came about when the school board closed the Ne gro high school in that town and ordered parents to send their children to Hamilton-Holmes High School, twenty miles out side the corporate limits of the town. When the Negro parents refused to do this and presented their children to the all-white West Point High School for en rollment, admission was refused on the ground that it would vio late the state’s segregation laws. But, states the NAACP brief, “the school authorities of the Town have not afforded any other public secondary school to which their attendance can law fully be required although de fendants at all times have t>een ready, able and willing to send their children to such a school. IM Calhoun, (far left) brilitaat It-year-tid North Oaroltaw College hurdler, is shown catching Milt CampbMI (tar riglit) la ths 70 yard high hurdles at the Washington Evening Star games held at the natioB't espltol last week. Calhoun nosed oat Camp- bsll, Plalafleld, New Jersey high sdieel star whs exesUed In ths kardisB at the Olymples lart summsr, in the Ant ttns -si t.S, Jwt two tenths ^ a second off the world record of 8.S set by'Dlck At- telsy. nie VMdy Calhoun, who hails from Gary, Ind., is set to take part la the Fhiladelphla Inquirer games at Constitution ii»n this week-end. Shewn In the center Is Joel Shankle of Duke Uni' verslty who finished fourth In the event. DESPONDENT MAN WRONGniLLY JAUD TWKE Attempls Siidde In Jal cLAREmE jams A 2t year-old man tried to cMonitt suiride in tts DatfesM County Jail last Wednesday night In an attsav te wifte ttmi chapter to a series of perteps one sf tte sMst ssfirt—sis ssO sf eoincidenecs that fate can ^in. Clar»«e..(Buster) Jones, a mild mannered chap, was rtlssssd from LinMln Hospital Snnday after what he hopes Is the cad t* a series of unhappy Incidents, both apparently invohriagsMnss sf mistake, identity. Jones’ story may well refute the oM numlai, “lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” Jones was taken to the hospital from the city Jail here anvty Thursday morning where he had tried to hang hImmeU ia Ub csO from a noose fa^ioned out of his underwear. At the hospital where he was pronoanced mentally balnassd, the obvioasly distraught, and distnrbed Jones told repsrtsts aad police that he tried to "end it all” because he felt the cards were M well stacked against him that no matter hew hard he tried, he was eertala to fall victim to some unlucky incident. In brief, here is Jones’ story concerning the two cases of ads- taken ideatlty which made him want to stop living. A little over a year ago while travelling from Georgia, where he had worked in a pulp mill, to his home in New Jersey, he sts» ped off in Lanrinburg, intending to stay there for a few hours. His grandparents live in nearby Mazton, and he planned to see them before going on to New Jersey. Before he could get over to nearby Maxton to see them, poHrf arrested him on the streets for the robbery of a service statlsa in Lanrinburg. He was convicted and sent to prison at LilUagtoa where he sored nearly 13 months of an IS months aenteac*. Released on parole for his good behavlM' f^om the lillHagtea prison a few days ago, he decided, with 13 dollars ia his pocket, and a fifth grade education, to continue his journey to New Jersey which was forcibly interrupted by the prison term. He stepped off the bns at Durham and while strolling down main street near the main police precinct station, was spotted by police and arrested again, this time for the murder of a Baltimore druggist last June. The arresting officers nabbed him because they thought he fitted the description of the murderer supplied them by an artist’s drawing of the suspect. The artist's sketch was made from a verbal description given police at Baltimore. Although Jones protested his innocence, stating that he waa yerying a prison term in LUlington at the time the murder was commltted~;;he was lodged in Jail and stated that he was beatea by officers who tried to get a confession from him. (Please turn to Page Ten) The accomplished and widely heralded choir of Central Baptist i In foreground are Dr. D. C. Roane, choir director and Mrs. Church, Wilmington, which will appear in concert at the Mount Carolyn Williams LaMar, accompanist. Vernon Baptist Church, Snnday night, January 25, 7:30 P. M. An The Beverend E. T. Browne to minister of the host church; bnprcssive and deeply inspiring presentation U assured. The public while the Reverend B. Irving Boone la pastor at Central, is cordially invited. I Kansan Tells INCC SmIis Ta $$$ WASHINGTON The Eisenhower Administra tion will pass Civil Rights Legis lation declared Senator Frank M. Carlson, Kansan, to the 300 members of the newly formed National Council of Republican Leaders at an organization meet ing held at Odd Fellows Temple, 9th and T. Street, N. W. Senator Carlson pleaded with delegates from 36 states and the District of Columbia to be tole rant in a pioneer mood which this Admirflltratlon will wage to bring full democracy to all citizens. The new organization was formed upon the call of Thur man L. Dod|on, Washington At torney and well-^nbwn Republi can leader, to clarify the rela tionship of Republicans workers with the Republican Adminis tration in a statement of policy which was adopted by the coun cil. The group declared the ques tion of laison with the National committee can and should be worked out and further dedi cated themselves to the task of channelizing such activities that will bring about complete har mony by retaining and increas ing Negro support by the Repub lican party. Serving on the conmiittee with Mr. Dodson were P. G. Porter of Kansas; Alexander Bames, North Carolina; Harold Flowers, Arkansas and Miss Ro berta Church, Tennessee. Elected as permanent chair (Please turn to Pa«e Ton) Belief Elxpressed That Slash By Advisory Group Would Hamper Graduate Program An attempt by North Carolina j mittee hearings is expected to College officials to have the col- come from officials at the Uni- lege’s original request for build ing funds restored by the Statie legislature appeared in the of fing as reports were made public here this week that the institution's request for nearly four million dollars in construc tion was turned down by the State Advisory Budget Com mission. The college had requested the Advisory Budget Commission to ask for funds totalling $3,783, 172 to construct biology, com merce and education buildings, a student union and a graduate women’s dormitory. Funds for none of these construction pro jects were requested by the commi.ssion in its recommenda tions to the State legislature laat Thursday. Informed sources 4|ay college officials will in'all like lihood re-submit the request for construction funds at hearings, to be held soon, by a joint com mittee of the State senate and House of representatives on ap propriations. Originally, it was the opinion of many observers tiiat the col lege undertook an expansion of its graduate program only on the contingency that several per manent improvements, including {he new building projects turn ed down by the advisory budget commission, would be made versity of North Carolina who gave their support to plan to ex pand NCC’s graduate program on the condition that facilities would be expanded. F^ar Was expressed by many early this week that the grad uate program at NCC would have to be curtailed drastically if the legislature refuses to grant the request for building fimds. 'The Advisory Budget Com mission also rejected much of the request for permanent im provements at 14 other state institutions. These institutions sought 41,3 million dollars in new construction, but the com mission approved of only 2.4 in construction and repairs. The Commission did recom mend a hike in operating ex penses for the college for the (Please turn to Page Ten) Waste Paper Drive Here Sunday, Feb. 8 Enters Md. Univ. BALTIMORE Louis Randall, Morgan State College Student Council Presi dent, has been admitted to the University of Maryland' School of Medicine’s first year class, 1952-53 Randall, the third Morgan student to t>e admitted since 1950, has been accepted pending successful completion of the cur rent academic year. A senior, Randall expects to graduate in June and to matriculate at the University of BAaryland in Sept. On Hospital Staff MIAMI, FLA. Moimt Sinai Hospital has just added two more Negro doctors to its staff. Dr. Samuel H. John ston ip the Roenteenology De partment. and Dr. William A. Patterson, Jr., to the Depart ment of Internal Medicine, ac cording to a recent announce ment by Mr. Max Orovitz. the President of the Mount Sinai Hospital Board. This step follows the appoint ment earlier this year of Dr. Au brey Warren Henry to the ntedi- cal 'Staff of the hospital. Dr. Henry’s'appointment was the first time in the SoutU that a Negro physician had fcs:«n given staff privileges in a voluntary white hospital. Don’t throw away your old newsoaoers, boxes, atssszines or what have you as far as puper is concerned because the Hillside High School P. T. A. win rid" you of it Sunday, Feb. 8th at 1:30 P. M. Please tie paper in bundles as securely as possible and put on curb in front of your home. Sugport for the new construc-1 Trucks will make pick-up be- tion projects at the joint com-1 tween 1:S0 and 4K)0 P. M. .'t3g3gacas3g:.ca=:isj:=:’=a-y:^ > Vespers Speaker Dr. ■srry V. Blebsriissa •( Gsuisisa Tfcsslsgissi Ssaala- sry of Atlaata. Georgia, will be the speaker at' North Cara- Uaa CsOv*^ swtIm Saaday. TW ssrrlss starta,^at Um coUogo^ B. N. Daks tariusi at 4dt m Bjmara V ii^ac—*

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