/ m cJkmouMA tnoM BATVKDAT. IAS. U. IMI DU10L4M SOCIETY NOTES All NewM For TkU Page Muat B* Submitted Btform Ten A. M. Monday Of Each Week MRS. P. W. HARRIS, Society Editor—Phone 6-6913 ^Aaaoeiate Kditon Mbs. Mamt. Powxll, Peariontovm—iPhone 9-4134 Mt!w M. L. Stbphkm, Weft Durham—iPhone 7-4164 Mbs. N. J. Cubby—West End—iPhone 7-8862 m™ Rachbl Ntnm—Hickttown A meeting of the official staff of the First Aid Department of the Interdenominational Ushers Association was held here at the Home of Fred Hines, 705 Pine Street, Sunday, January 18. A roundtable discussion of the First Aid program for the srear was held. Those present were Mrs. J. W. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parks, Mrs. Viola Brodie, Burch Coley, Mrs. Lena Wise, C. B. Noel, and Mrs. Norwood. After the meeting those present were served with a light r^MWt. FAMILY REUNION—On Christmas day, Mrs. Cora McAdams had all her children and grandchildren at her home on Glenn Street for Christmas Dinner. This was the first time the family had been together for eight years. Everyone had a merry time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Earsley Autry, and diil- dren, Patricia and Lois, from Roanoke, Alabama; Robert Mc Adams from Tuskegee Institute, Alabama; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McAdams and children, Doris and ErneiBt, Jr^ tram Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brooks and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Mc Adams, Jr. and Claudie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and diil- dren, Sylvia and Jerry Giles and Miss Christine McAdami) aU of Durham. GARDEN CLUB HOLDS MEET—The Lyon Park Rose Gar- dren Club held its first meeting for the year, Monday evening, January 12 at 7 o’clock at the Algonquin Club House with Mrs. Sophronia Green as hostess. The meeting was called to order by the president and a beautiful poem was read by Mrs. Thelma Allen pertaining to flowers as she opened the Garden Gate. A business session was held during which time reports from various committees were made. The program committee presented a very nicely outlined program for the new year and many activities were discussed. A fellowship hour followed the business session. Refreshments were served to the following members; Mes- dames Alice Jones, Josephine Hoskins, Beatrice Roberson, Mattie R. Canty, Fannie Tapp, Notie J. Curry, Victora Joyner, Sophronia Green, Pearl Brown, Thelma Allen, Marfarette Burnette, Eliz abeth Bullock, Flonnie Smith, Mable Freeland, Elnora Smith, M. W. Webb, Mary Hardy, Elizabeth Heater, and little Joan Mar tin. Mrs. Pearl Brown thanked the hostess for such fine hospital ity. The next meeting will be with Mrs. M. W. Webb, 1200 More land Avenue. IMPBOVED—The many friends of Bunnie Atwater are hap py to learn that he is improving at his home, ^though still con- Cined to bed. We hope for him continued improvement. COUPLE ENTERTAINED ON ANNIVERSART—On Thurs day, January 15, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lyon of 1002 Fourth Street were entertained on their 27th wedding anniversary by Master Kenneth Goss of 1003 Third Street at his home. The Lyons were delightfully surprised when after watching television shows, Mas ter Goss served them with delicious refreshment. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all and Master Goss proved to be a charm ing host. VISITOBS FROM PHILADELPHIA—Mr. and Mrs. Ira ‘Jack’ Harris of Philadelphia were the recent housegueat of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holloway of Elizabeth Street and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. George of Dupree Street. VISITS PARENTS—John Markham, Jr., a member of the Air Force made a recent visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Markham of Thaxton Avenue. BIBS. COCKRAN HOSTESS TO CLUB—On Stmday, January 18, the Friendly Circle Club of Saint Mark A. M. E. Zion Church met with Mrs. Lottie Cockran, 823 Maplewood Avenue. The meeting was opened with devotionals led by the president, Mrs. Odessa Alexander. Minutes of the last meeting were read and sdopted. After the business session, the hostess served a very delicious dinner to the following: Miss Eva Satterwhite, Mesdames Sarah Cameron, Carrie Grant, Odessa Alexander, Annie Thompson, Florence, Parker, Fannie Green, Louise Frazier, Elizabeth Brown, Guy Mazyck, Matthew Green and Rev. S. P. Perry. . Rev. Perry gave some very interesting remarks for the b^ terment of the club. Guy Mazyck thanked the hostess for her One hospitality. Everyone left declaring Mrs. Cockran a perfect hostess. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Sarah Cameron, 003 Carrol Street. LADIES AXILLARY OF AMERICAN LEGION MEETS—The Ladies Auxiliary 'of the American Legion Weaver Mcl^ean Post, Unit 175, held their first meeting of the year January 14 at the Stanford L. Warren Library. A very helpful talk was given by the president, Mrs. Trumilla Smith on forgetting the past and looking toward t^ future. Gifts were exchanged among the members. Those present were Mesdames Trumilla Smith, Mattie Lee, Minnie Savage, Rebecca Trapp Banks, Victoria Staten, Naomi Goldston, Hattie Lee, Servater Evans, Mary Lowe, Trilly Gooch, Flonnie Rogers, Laura Strayhorn, Alice Burton, Clorena Fleming and little Gloria Ann Evans. GARDEN CLUB MEBTS—^e West Durham Garden Blossom Club held its regular monthly meeting Thursday night, January IS at the home of Mrs. Margaret Allen on Thaxton Avenue. The Garden Gate was opened by Gardener Margaret Stephens aft» which a brief business meeting was held. At the close of the meeting a delectable menu was served the following members: Mesdames Carrye Cole, AUene Brown, Per- celle Markham and Misses Margaret, Ruth and Mary Louise Steph- VI8IT8 MOTHEB—On Sunday, January 18, Mrs. Mary Slade Bond of Williamston, N. C. visited her mother, Mrs. Bariasa Slade who is recuperating at the home of her sister, Mrs. S. P. Satterfield. “Respect For The Living And Reverence For The Dead” AMBULiANCS;,SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24 — HOUR SERVICE — 24 DANIELS—Miss Geneva Daniels, age 8, of Bonte Two, Spring Hoite, died at Dnke Hospital, Jannary 15 after a short peried •( UlBeesi. Funeral service was held Sunday, Jan. It at Becky Chapel Baptist Chnreh in Franklin Connty. Interment was la tke ehmrek te$uetety. BOLEB—Charlie Boler of 2812 Mnlberry Street, died Jaaaary If at KMiekerhexer Hospital in New York. Funeral •wlce was held TBesday, Janoarjr 2* at S'M P. M., from the New Bethel Baptist Chwch. Interment was in Beediwood Cemetery. MBS. MeDADE HONOBED WITH SUBPBISE BIBTHDAY PABTY—Sunday evening, January 11 at 6 o’clock, the Misses Lucille and Mary Baines honored Mrs. Lillie McDade with a sur prise birthday party at their home on Alston Avenue. The taotae was beautifully decorated with Oladioli, pom poms and rad and wbite camatians. The ttavetetion Quartet sang two selections, Mrs. Katie Smith and J. R. Holmes sang a solo accompanied by T. R. Webber. After the honored guest recovered from her most startling ■unnrlaa, pictures were made by C. R. StanlwckanA the guests were lad into the dining room for service of ice creaatt, cake, peanuts and candy. A beautiful birthday cake decorate the center of the table with two tall red candles. Those hewing to make this a real surprise vllere Mrs. Edna Rogers, Mrs. Mayi>ell McNeil, Mrs. Beatrice Carson, Mrs. Annie McDade, Mrs. Lucy Cannady, Miss Mary Holloway, Mrs. Laura Bailey, Mrs. Julia Adkins, Miss Alma Hughes, Mrs. Laura Pumett, Mrs. Hattie Pruit, Mrs. Flossie Torain, Mrs. Mattie McLaughlin, Mrs. Pecola Pointer, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Leonard, Mrs. Jessie {Hoore, Mrs. Eva Southerland and daughter, Virginia, Mrs. Mar garet Tucker and daughter, Rlchardleen and little Linda, Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and family, Mrs. Dorsey Smith and Mrs. Lillian Gilmer. Fun was had by all, especially Mrs. McDade. STEWABDESS BOARD NUMBER TWO OF m6uNT OLIVE MEETS—On Friday night, January 16, Mrs. Mary Taylor and Miss Lula Boldware of Mulberry Street were co-hostesses to Stewardess Board Number Two of Mount Olive Church. -The meeting was presided over by the president and After a devotional period a brief btisiness session held. During the business session it was decided that the same of (icers be retained for another year. At the close of Ute meeting a delectable menu composed of assorted sandwiches, co'coalhut cake, andy and peanuts was served the following memlwrs: Mesdames Maggie Thompson, Willie Rogers, Katie McDaniels, Pearlie fiailey, Letha Jackson, Addie Howie, Miss Ruth Stephens and Rev. J. Z. 8U«-. * Mrs. BSary Rotierson of Powe Street is visiting relatives in Washington, D. C. IMFBOVING—Dr. H. H. Hart, pastor of First Calvary Baptist Chiurch, is improving nicely at Lincoln Hospital. RETURNS TO DETROIT—Mrs. Norvel Smith has returned to tier home in Detroit, Michiga^, after a' two weeks visits to the Misses Stephens on Powe Street. CHABIBEBLIN STUDIO HONOB BOLLS^First Honor Roll: Helen Davis, Claudine Dayne, Ann Humphrey, Evelyn Marshall, and Patricia Spaulding. Second Honor Roll:: Gwendolyn Andrews, Betty Goodloe, Carol Ann Morgan, Winnefred McQueei), Gayle Ray and Charles Stanback. Mrs. John C. Henderson, who prior to her marriage on Jan- uary It was Miss' Evangelya Anna Vtdal. Mrs. ■endersop daughter of Mrs. Aane M. and John Emile Vidal of New Bed ford, Massachusetts. Sergeant Henderson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Henderson of Fayetteville. Currently serving with the United States Air Force, Sergeant Henderson is stationed at Barksdale Air Force Base, Shreveport, Louisiana. The don- ble-ring ceremony took place in Fayetteville. DAUGHTEBS OF DOBCAS—The Christmas season brought much happiness to the memliers of the Daughters of Dorcas Club as they in turn shared in a large measure in ttie good cheer and happiness of others. On the evening of December 18, Mrs. Flon- nie Goodloe’s home was the scene of Christmas festivity. The beautifully lighted and gaily decorated tree greeted you as you en tered. Beneath were the presents that brought delight and strengh- tened the fine t>ond of fellowship among the memliers. “Silent Night” was the opening numiier. Devotions continued with meditations and sweet were the Christmas carols as all lis tened to them on the record machine, brought for thi'is use by President Rush. Some 100 or more cards bearing greetings and good cheer to many, including the usual ones to sick and bereaved were reported lent by the club’s cheer card custodian. What fun and how delightful it was when each person found out Ayho had placed so useful and beautiful a gift on the tree tor her. The menu, well, it was "tops” and everyone enjoyed every thing—but one had to look in on the “Party for the Blind” held on the evening of January 8 at the W. D. Hill Recreation Center to see the real spirit of Dorcas in action. Although the evening was Inclement, cars galore, had been secured under the chairmanship of Mrs. O. S. Lee and some “crowd to behold” was gathered of our “sightless” friends who were made merry and given delicious refreshments. Mrs. Effie Cotton, chairman and her committee, had snow white laid tables beautifully trimmed with green centers and a Irage bouquet of gladtolt, Irindiy furnished by Fiortst Long. Around these all were seated and was everyone filled! You should have been there to have witnessed. After the feast, games were played and songs sung in which all took part with child-like simplicity! Mrs. Ethel Hubbard and club members were grateful to Di rector at W. D. Hill’s, Mrs. Hargroves, for her assistance in mak ing the fun at games such an enjoyable addition to the evening’s entertainment. A number of the Lyon’s Club members were present as was Miss Daulson and Mrs. Ray Moore, who share so largely in the activities of the Library Comer for the Blind. NEW ARRIVAL—Mr. and Mrs. Brooklyn McMillan are the proud parents of a son born Monday at Lincoln Hospital. Mother and son are reported as doing nicely. The McMillans also have ) daughter, Ann. Mrs. McMillan is the former Miss Mae Henry Alston. HOLDS ANNUAL LADIES NIGHT—The Beta Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity held its annual Ladies Night Friday evening.at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Artis, 129 Masondale Avenue. It was indeed a gala affair and those who availed them- lelves for this fellowship were indeed benefitted. Hubbards, Sr. Entertain Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Hubbard, Sr., were at home to the Daugh ters of Isis and their husbands on Sunday, January 11, from 5 to 7 o’clock P. M., at 612 Dupree Street. Mrs. Hubbard, the Illus trious Coramandress of Zafa Court No. 41, was a very charm ing hostess in honoring the mem bers of the Court. The dining rootn table was beautifully decorated with a lace cloth and a five-tier cake cover ed with white icing centered the table. The top of the cake was adorned with a minature figure representing the Goddess of Isis. The guests were served punch, cake, nuts, and mints. Daughters Edna F. White and Marie C Mof- fit presided over the punch fctowls at each end of the table. Daughter Mary H. Pamplin offi ciated at the guests’ registry. Approximately 54 attended the affair and all expressed ap preciation to Dr. and Mrs. Hub bard for the splendid hospitality shown them. The above seene shows a portion «f the andknee which attended the first New Year’s Caa»cn- tion sponsored st the White Rock Baptist Church here Sunday, January 11, by the Durham braash «f the NAACP. The group heard a review of the year’s accomplishments of the organisation, liaiMied to a roundtable discussion and were introdueed torthe first Negro graduates of the Univerrity of North Carolina Law School. Deltas To Stage Jabberwock; Miss Alveta Hudson Featured . RALEIGH, N. C. Raleigh Deltas will stage their Fourteenth Annual Jabberwock in Raleigh Memorial Auditorium March 13. Featured this year will be* Alveta Hudson, dance instructor in the Physical Edu cation Department of North Carolina College in Durham. Miss Hudson, nationally known exponent of the dance, will be featured along with several of her troup as a special attraction between skits. The skits will t>e limited to six and will be presented by local civic and social organizations on a competitive basis. The program wUl be in the form of a TV variety show. Each participating organization will interpret a popular song in what ever way it chooses and the ones judged best will receive prizes. The Queen of the Jabberwock will be crowned again this year and the young lady receiving this coveted title will occupy an important spot on the pro gram. " Panama Bright and his Or chestra from Durham will fur nish instrun^ental music for the Jabberwock program and will play for a benefit dance which will follow the skits. Proceeds Also attending the affair were three Daughters and their hus bands from Ralei^. from the night’s performance will be used~to augment scholas- ships and for charity activities. Spearheading the 1953 J^b- berwock Extravaganza are Dr. Catherine Middleton and Mrs. Floreiss A. Turner as co-d»aIr- men. Heading sub-committees are Wilmoth Carter, Programs; Mrs. Victoria Moore, Tickets; Mrs. Harveleigh White, Queen contestants; Josephine Jervay, Skits; Mrs. Mary Culler, Pro gram Advertising; Doris Malone, Backstage; and Mrs. Rosalie Williams, Publicity. ■a=eatagriwrftriwt-ieat- GLANCING AT THE GIRL SCOUTS Hi Girl Scouts BY WILHELMINIA MOBBISON **LUUe Old Mother Weleomet You** Saint Joseph A. M. E, Church Reverend D. A. Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, IflSa 9:30 A. M. Sunday School W, G. Rhodes, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon; High Sowing The Pastor 6:00 P. M. A. C. E. Lxaoue Winfred Martin, President 7:00 P. M.—The C. I. C. Club Will Render A Program (Please turn to Page Ten) Scarborough and Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS -24 24—Hour Ambulance Senricc PHONE 3-3721 . 522 EAST PETTIGREW STREET BROWN—Miss Dorothy Brown of Route 2, Durham died at Lincoln Hospital, January 15. Funeral service was held, Sunday January 18 from Cain’s Chapel. Interment was in the Ohurdi Cemetery. " MAKINS—Joel Makins of HllUboro died at Lincoln Hospital, January 16. Funeral service was held Wednesday, January 21 at Diekerson Chapel Church. Interment was in the Chnreh Cem etery. JACKSON—Albert Jackson died in Braoklyn, New York Jan uary IS. Final rites were held Monday, January 19. Intenneat was in Beechwood Cemetery. MUBFHY—Frank Murphy of Stephen Street, died in a train accident January 16. Interment was in Bnrgaw, North Carolina. LUNSFOBD—Willie Lunsford died January 16. Funeral was held Tuesday, January 20 from Clegg’s Chapel Church in Penan County. Interment was in the Church cemetery. LYONS—Gordie Lyons of 408 Macon Street, died at Dnke Qospital, Saturday, January 17. Funeral service were lield at the Northside Baptist Church, Thursday," January 22. Interment waa In the church cemetery. SBUTH—James Smith of the Old Chap£t Hill Boad, died Jan uary 18. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. DAVIS—Baby Robert Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dav is of 904 Tancey Street, died January 18. Interment was in Beech- wood Cemetery. Are you alive at>d alert? Now is the time to make your troop one of the best. International Friendship Week is just around the corner. Your troop can plan its own little pro ject for this world-wide oc casion. Put on your thinking caps. Learn of^what Girl Scouts are doing all the world. Rememtier the Girl Scouts’ birthday is March 13th.. All birthdays can l>e made enjoy able. Hats off to Troop 187 lead by Misses* Ruth Thompson and Clarice Thorpe, who are both sophomores at the Norjh Caro lina College at Durham. Mrs. Lula Booker, Field Executive for the Julia Warren Girl Scouts, performed the Investure Cere mony for 20 girls of this troop. Now that you are Tenderfoot Scouts, work on your Badges,^ you might become a First Class or Second Class Scout. A WORD TO THE LEADERS Congratulations Mesdames Gladys Dawkins, Pearl Grigsby, I. M. Harden and Miss Annie Lee Cobb upon receiving five- year pins as scout leaders. The Julia Warren Leaders Meeting will l>e held on Monday, February 2 at 7:30 p.m., at the Stanford L. Warren Library. Please be present. " If you have any scout news call 5-0643 after 6 P. M. This is a weekly column, please sup port it. . So long until next week. Hse»»eii I IS wnmm! Saint John Baptist Church THIRD STREET WALLTOWN REV. L. 1C. €KX)€« Pofltor SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1953 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. Ebenezer Baptist Church 1410 GLENN STREET REV J. A. BROWN, Poator SUNDAY, JAN. 25, 1953 9:30 A. m; Sunday School W. W. Barbek, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Pastob 6:00 P. M Baptist Trainino Umoii Miss Mattie Markham, President SUNDAY NURSERY, Miss Ella J. Lonq, Supervisor* 7:30 P. M.—SiRiiCoir - Pastor Admire Jomu, Supt. 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Pastor 6:30 P. M Baptist Training Union 7:30 P. M.—Sermon Pastor Miss Mart Justice, Ii^vm Woods, Organists “A FRIENDLY CHURCH" White Rock Baptist Church MILES MARK FISHER PASTOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1953 8:45 A. M.—Call To Worship EUectronics 9:30 A. M.—Sunday School Lesson: "Christian Hum ility und Forgiveness” Matthew 18. , Prof. J. M. Schooler, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Rev. Nathaniel Gaylord Shaw University Senior, Choir, Mrs. V. W. Alston, Directress Young People’s Choir, Mesdames Morrison and Parker, Directing 6; 30 P. M.—B; T. U. J. L. Lassiter, Director 7j^30 P. M.—Ordination Service for E. J. Colay, Deacon. ^ “The Office of a Deacon” — The Pastor District Reports Gospel Chorus, Miss Leana Roberson, Directress First Calvary Baptist Church ReTerend H. H. Hart, Pmtor SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 1953 9:30 A. M. Richard James, Supt. Sunday School ll:fl0 A. M.—Sermon MUSIC.. PAflTOB SENIOR CHOm .Miss Mary L. Stcphen, Organist 6:00 P. M. Training Union Richak) WiLLiAMS,..President 7:30 P. M.—Sermon. Mount Vernon Baptist Church REV. E. T. BROWNE Pottor SUNDAY, JAN. 25. 19S3 9:30 A. M. PAflTOB Clyde RicBARiisoN, Supt Sunday School, 11:00 A. M.—Sermon PAsroa 6:30 P. M — TRAiNiNa Uianr Sabjeet; Can We Cenvinee Lost Millions ’Rut God Loves Tilem? Text: Lvke 6;27-3S Miss Lyda 'Vanhook, Director 7:30 P. M. uimc Mrs. R. S. McCollum, Organist Gospel Sinflsn Wilmington. N. C SENIOR CHOIR NO. OKI

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