r AGE BIGHT tRB CAftOUNA TDMK8 ,/ SATDBDAT, JAN. X4, ItSI DR. E. STANLEY JONES, WORLD FAMED RELIGIOUS FIGURE receives congratula tions from Rupert Seals. Lexing ton, Ky., senior who is superin tendent of the Sunday School at the Florida A and M College, following an address by Dr. Jones to the Famcee student body last week. Others in the photo are left to right, Beatrice Drew, Doris Bentley, Mary Alice Bames, Tallahassee, and Cyn thia Clark, Jacksonville. (Staff photo by H. Jones of Fam cee) Letters From A Wife Abroad Dear, We left beautiful Lugano yesterday, with much regret-we were at leisure in that beautiful Alpine resort town for three nights and two full days and we did just as we pleased; we rowed around on the lake, we hiked up the mountain sides, we rode up and down the funiculars both night and day—Ruth and Pau line went to the top of Mt. San Salvator on the funicula—and we shopped to our heart’s con tent or should I say to our franc’s extent! On one of my hikes I found a little shop tucked away in one of the hills-the handerchiefs were too beautiful to resist so I pinched off some more of the railroad fare (you are going to meet me in New York, aren’t you?) Everyon* wished that we might have had one of the five day stops in Lugano. After lunch, we were whisked to the railroad station in hotel, station wagons where we board ed an electric train for Lucerne. Dolly had intended to make this trip in the buses but some of the troupers had almost fainted looking out on the lower slopet of the Apennines so he hurried ly got reservations on the train. The railroad climbs the lower lopes of St. Goddard, a moun tain knot of the Alps, and then burrows through it in a tunnel that is nine and hall miles long; twenty six feet wide and twenty one feet high—personally I would have rather seen St. God dard’s Pass, the most celebrated of all the Alpine passes, than to OAV (No. 1 of a scries) The First Road was probably a foot-wide track through a barren, boulder-strewn land where prehis toric man moved cautiously from haunt to haunt in search of food, warmth and lodging. Acent Later, Indians and other aborigines blazed trails through wil dernesses, trails which guided their users safely from one settlement to another; to well-stocked lakes and hunting grounds, t» watering spots and caves. After That, man discovered that certain animals could be useful in carrying both himself and some of his goods from place to place. The Most Important step of all in establishing transportation routes was the invention of the wheel. Man kind iiad now uncovered a remark able secret, a secret that enabled him to trek with all hit belongings almost anywhere he wished to go. Now The Highway was assum ing ,a place of importance in every nplion'seconomy. Without good roads there could be litlle contact between citi^ and towns, between countries themseive*. Up To The Beginning of the present century the stress and strain placed on tiie average highway were not too great. But with the develop ment o( the automobile there came a vastly new situation. T^ay Good Highway* are among the most important needs of any nation We Americans have be come a country of motorists; not only do we constantly use passenger cars (nr business and pleasure, but a- »teadily increasing perceaiage of goods is transport^ by truck and IxaJler. Our lugbways are the arteries of the nation; tb^ carry its very Ufeblood. have sat in fear, in the darl^ness of such a long tunnel; this tunnel was begun in 1872, finished in 1880 and the railroad finished in 1882 although the route was first used by the Longobardi in the sixth century. As the train sped out of the tunnel, we sight ed “The Wetterhom”, easily re cognized by its jagged and sharply pointed shape. We came into a busy station at Lucerne-yesterday was some sort of national holid^sr and everyone came into town to cele brate. We ran into another A- merican tourist group in the station-of course we were given a close once over and question ing: “Where are you from”, “Who sponsors you?” “How are you being treated?” We left them with mouths hanging open when they learned that it was just a pleasure tour—we crossed a very wide street to our hotel and it wasn’t long before little Casma had gilien out the mail and everyone was busy visiting with loved ones. We have all the front of this hotel too but it looks right into the railroad station and some flashing neon signs. We were able to look down on the celebration in the street from our balcony-the people had on masks and carried lighted lanterns; the people were in a gay mood and the rathskeller in the hotel was real ly jumping. We walked out in the crowds after dinner trying to place the shopping centers but my knees were still creak ing from that 400 step climb, so Daisey and I turned in early. I don’t know yet what mountain this is we can see from our bal- it looks like a huge delicious frosted cake-isn’t it funny that I’d think of a cake? and you know I love cake with a lots of goo! You say you have not received any of the cards we have written you? Have you heard any one in Durham say she has had a card? I certainly hope we have put enough stamps on those cards to get them out of Europe. I sent all my children cards from Rome-sure hope they get them. There is a peculiar custom over here about cards-you may write five words for the price of a postcard, any more and it be comes a letter and you pay letter price! Ruth has spent a young fortune in cards and stamps. I didn’t find out until we were leaving Venice that we could get those packages of postcards and scenery for a pack of cigarettes. Some of those who had been to Europe before, came stocked up and used the cigarettes for legal tender. We walked this morning to sight see. WE went to see an oil painting called “The Grand Panorama”, commemorating the passage of the French army at Verrieres on the Swiss border. The canvas measures 14,800 sq. ft. and covers the walls of the round hall and represents a landscape in the depths of win ter. On entering the round hall we found ourselves facing the Swiss village of Verrieres close to the French border; on one side one sees the customs house of Meudon, in the background can be seen the long range of the Jura mountains. The church has cony but It Is snow covered antJ been taken over for & Aospltal and the villager* are bringing provisions for the helpless suf ferers; a trata, one v«b of which is real, is carrying the wounded to the hospital. The canvass seems alive with its thouaandt of life-sized people. ’The guide said the artist, Castres, was showing in oil that the Swias did everything in their pwwer to help the French in the Fran- co-Prussian War. We went outside one of the city gates to see the Lion of Lu cerne. This celebrated lion was hawn out of solid rock by Thor- waldsen, a Danish sculptor, and commemorates the Swiss guards who perished, almost to a jnan, in defense of Louis, the six teenth. The rock is sixty feet tiigh, tlie lion lies in a recess in the center, a little stream flows down on one side of the rock and gathers in a small pool at its base; the lion has been pierced by a broken lance but his hugh paw is still protectingi the Bourbon shield; there is a look of pain on the lion’s face. Nearby is the Glacier Garden, Nature’s own monument. There were nine potholes of an old glacier. Water triclUing through the fissures of the glacier gave a rotary motion to the stones v.rhich fell into the fissures; the stones hollowed out the holes in the rocks and were felt in them after the glacier melted. The giant pots were discovered in 1872. American Historical Series \ Louise H. Elder, Charles A. Ray, Five of the six members of \ Mrs. A. M. Tucker, and Mr*.' Theology at Oberlin, Ohio and the American Historical Series 1 Ray N. Moore. j {g a secipient of th6 Master of Planning Committee whic\i held Wednesday night’s discussion Sacred - Theology degree from its second forum at the Stanford, was entitled “And Taxes". jthe Union Theological Seminary L. Warren Public Library ot The next discussion will be in New York City. He was the 8 o’clock Wednesday night, are | held on Wednesday, February 4. | dean of the Hood ’Theological shown-here. Reading left to right I The subject utill be: “To Secure Seminary at Salisbury and for back to camera, Mrs. H. T. Ham-1 These Rights" mond, discussion leader, Mrs. A & T Religious Emphasis Weel( Features Rev. W. E. Carrington nine years was professor of religious education at Howard University in Washington, D. C We crossed and recrossed the A. & T. Voc. Ag. Students Begin Student Woi1( GREENSBORO live,” said the speaker, “there is| The annual Religious Emphasis nothing more important than be- Sprencr Bridge, one of the two' Week, just concluded] Ing able to rid ourselves of the picturesque covered wooded last Wednesday (Jan. 14) at A. | tensions with which we are faced bridges, dated 1408; the cross- and T. College, again featured from day to day.” He gave what beams of theroof are decorated the Reverend W. E. Carrington, he considered four sure remedies GREENSBORO with a series of paintings called pastor of the Saint Catherine A. ‘ for the relief of tension which Sixteen seniors from the the “Dance of Death”. Long- m. E. Zion Church of New Roch-i which Included: Get rid of fear; School of Agriculture at A. and fellow describes the scenes of elle, New York, who has con- forget the mistakes, failure and|T. College left the campus last death having fun with poor hu- ducted the activities for the past misplaced confidences of the week for a full quarter of prac- man beings in his “The Golden lo years. The four day program, past; try not to run away from tieftteacbiB# irx VocaMonal Agri- Legend”. designed to lift the spirit out-1 the ugly realities of the past and , culture under the supervision of The weather is delightful, the look of the students and faculty ' finally, find “an effective and, C. E. Dean, teacher>trainer at the flowers are beautiful and grow at the institution, drew larger. vital religion, a religion which college. in profusion, but always you audiences than ever before, ac-' will give you peace of mind, turn your eyes to the snow-cap- cording to Rev. Cleo M. McCoy, j in addition to'the regular gen- ped Alps. This is truly nature’s director of the Religious Educa- eral student assembly, Rev. Car- garden spot-it is no wonder that tion Department at the college,' rington conducted Individual its people are peace loving and the sponsoring organizatioK. I counseling with students, prayer want to keep their land from be-1 Carrington opened the and group meetings, coming war *0™- religious series with a special 1 The prominent minister is a I notice your letters are reach- worship in the Harrison graduate of Livingstone CoUege, mg me sooner now. We are re- auditorium last Sunday at Salisbury, holds the Bachelor when he spoke from the subject, of Divinity and Master of Arts “Living Under Tension.” “In the in Religious Education from the uncertain times in which we Oberlin Graduate School of ceiving lots of mail from the States. It is exciting to see Cas- ca coming with a batch of letters and cards for you. We spend tomorrow at Inter laken, then on to Paris for five days. It will be August 1 when we get to Paris and only 26 more days before I will see you. Do you know. I’ll be very glad to sec ye olde mug again. Be sweet 7 ? 7 ? 7 g£se»xtit t iswuime! HUNTER $030 $065 M PINT W4/5QT. •WIieea DMIIIiag Co., Inc., Loalavllle, Ky. Blendod Whiskey MJ Proof 65% Orale Neutral Spirit*. STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR in 10 MINUTES . . . You get a waterproof job and your hair will stay straight for 20 days or more. KONGOLENE Is the otiftinal hair uraightcner USE ONLY Iforfnaighccflinjfl shoner strands rto 4 inchcs)| STILL LEADING AFTER 40 contMuliv* y««r« Aik for ICongolene at any drug store. Use only u la^l direcn. ]///Mir irmttbt tsmtu mfflyym.mik, KONGO CHEmiai CO., MC ao4 Wm* ItMh itTM* MfHrYOItK,N.V. During the period ending on March 9, the stndenta will get “on the field” experience with general procedures of gniding rural yonth and adult organl- (atioM and will alw faave op portqoity ot developing basic teaching skills and classroom techniques. Practically all of the group has had vocational agriculture instruction and in high school and according to Mr. Dean, it represents one of the most prom ising classes in the history of the iiutitution. Here follows a list of the in stitutions to which the students will repotr and their names: Tyrrell County Training School, Colimibia, Wallace Owens and Evander Chen^; Mary Potter High School, Ox ford, McKinley Mayes and James Bryant; Catawba - Hosenwald High School, Catawba, Cleophas Williams and Aldon L. Carson; Douglas High School, Lawndale; John H. Walker and John V. Bamer; Little River School, Bahama, Maurice M. Robinson and Jeremiah Wills; Washing ton High School, Reidsville, Alpheus B. Howell and Morris McKoy, Central High School, Hillsboro, John Champion and Clifton C. Farrar; and Pleasant Grove School, Alamance Coun ty, Charlie T. Rodwell and Wil liam E. Askew. Ciiesterfield GoesToA.&T. GREENSBORO Gilbert H. Caldwell, a junior In the School of Education and Science at A. and T. College* has been recently appointed campus representative of Ches terfield cigarettes) a leading national cigarette manufactur er. His duties will entail the promotkm of tobacco products among students and faculty on the campus. Young Caldwell is the son of Rev. and Mrs. G. H. Caldwell of Claflin College at Orange burg, S. C., and is a transfer student from Sam Houston College of Austin, Texas. ArCESSIBILITYil Customers who prefer to use Cash and Carry Dry Cleaii- ing service will find our plant eAy to get to and asnii«d parking space. We are located near the major Coed stiww which makes it easy for you to bring, and ««ii tor j«Nir clothes when you stop or drive to and from wcrt;. DURHAM ULNDRY COMPANY DBT C1.BANINO Cerster Oregaon sad Peakody Streeto Pk«M A Complete Electric And Transportation Service DUKE POWER COMPANY Dial 2-151 Corner Mangiim and Parrish Sts. BLENDED WHISKEY M.8 ProoL 65% Grain Nentnl Splriii Statram.DittUUrt Corporition, ChrytUr Bmildiiit, Nmt York Painting, Papering And Repairs Experienced Workers THOMAS GREENE Day Phone 5-7751 — Nig]bt Phone 4-1045 508 MASSEY AVENUE DURHAM, N. C BANKERS’ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Durham, North CaroHna Conservative - Solid - Dependable IT’S AjN EASY liATTER TO CALL YOUR DOCTOR, BUT WILL YOU/HE ABLE TO GOVBR THE COST? If You Are Not Saenre, WHte Or See One Of Our iSmmfti Immediate^ Abotit Oor'&os- pitalization Plan, And Hmlth And Acddent XDuraranee. SOUTHERN FIDELITY MimJAL INSURANCE COMPANY Agents: Thomas Nichols and H. C. Davis S27 Elm Street DU 303S1