NEGROES DENIED USE OF WINSTON-SALEM AUDITORIUM BBTBIAli AFTBK U TBABS — Jlnnie Toodk, SS (weond ftom left), who hac lerved S8 yttan in prison for murder, won a retrial before recorder*! Judge McKay Skillnuui in Detroit, AflchiKaa l«et' week. Pteadinc Toung** case before JTiidce Skillman (riglit) ii a'^r- nejr Wintara Levin. Young waa granted the retrial and wiH be allowed to to.aeeoBd degree murder. (Ne«tpre(e Photo.) Board Members Decry Action WINSTON-SALEM The School board of this city voted three to two last Wed., to deny Negroes use of Reynolds auditoriuiA here. The auditorium, constructed in 1922 and used by the Rey nolds (white) high school, is supported by municipal funds. Reportedly, many events of general cultural and educational value to the community end which are not strictly school af fairs are held at the auditorium. Rev. W. R. Crawford, only Negro member on the board and ^ of those voting against de fying Negroes use of the build ing, called the action of the board un-Christian and un4emo- cratic, and declared: ‘‘We are not conditioning our minds to accept what is happening.” Another member of the board,' Mrs. W. K. McGee, who also voted against denying Negroes use of the building, suggested tliat the question of who ^ould use the building be left up to civic and cultural groups which sponsors programs at the audi torium. Those who voted for keeping the strict no-Negro policy were C. P. Walter, Mrs. Henry Clod- felter and George Lentz. “ An auditorium - gymnasium committee whichs studied the matter for several weeks, issued a report which held that the auditorium was a part of the Reynolds high school. It stated that the city was given land for the Reynolds high school and auditorium by Mrs. Katherine Johnston, daugh ter of R. J. Reynolds, in 1/922 with the stipulation that a pub lic school be maintained on the property. “In consideration of these facts,” the committee’s report read, “the committee ■ recom mends that the present policy of allowing white persons only to use this auditorium be con- (Please turn to Page Eight) Iwo Durham Scouters Recejve Award Of Silver ^ver Here Silver Beaver Awards were presented to two Durham Scout ers during the annual meeting of the Area Division of the Occoneechee Council of the Boy Scouts at Hillside High School Cafeteria here Wednesday night. Receipients of this award were: R. Kelly> Bryant, Jr., Chairman and Dr. Joseph N. Mills, Vice- Chairman of the Durham Divis ion Committ^. The awards were presented by P. A. Williams and J. C. Hubbard, respectively. The Silver Beaver Award is a distinct honor for it goes only to those who render “noteworthy service of exceptional character to boyhood” and is made only by the Executive Board of the Na tional Council of the Boy Scouts of America, upon the nomination or recommendation of the Jocal Council’s Awards Committee. Service of the recipients, there fore, has been recognized by their fellow Scouters, and that record of service, after careful investigation, has been confirmed “noteworthy” and “of exception al character” by the Executive Board of the National Coimcil. In addition to his many other connections, Bryant has served in Scouting since 1943 when he began as neighborhood commis sioner and later advanced chair man. He now serves as chair man of Durham Divisional Com mittee and Scoutmaster of Troop 187 at Burton Elementary School. Dr. Mills ha^ been active in Scouting since 1930 when he helped organize Troop 55 at Hill side High School, the first Negro (Please turn to Page Eight) ★ • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ¥ ¥ ★ ★ I IHEII WRECKS :F0R THtRTY YEARS THE OVTSTAND iNG ITEEJiXF OF THE CAROLIPIAS Entered as Second Class Matter at the Pott Office at Dtirham^Aorth Carolina, under Act of March 3,1879 DURHAM. N. 0., SATURDAY, JAN Jl, 1953 PRICE 10 CENTS oora, WHAX HB'SAID—Ouulea E. WUson (oimter), ex-prealdeirt tt Oeiieral Motors and not-yet-oonflrmed Seoretarjr of Defense, tells a good eaa” whte Mrs. Wilion appears diaconoerted and JaoUe Bobin- SOB la aaoaaad. WHaon waa reeeiving the 19BZ Oeorga Washington Oarvor Memorial butltate award In New Yoric at Ute Thereaa Hotd for Us ootetMding contributions to human welfare. His oonArmation aa Defense e«retary was not approved at the time. (Newspreea ** ~ VOLUME SO—NUMBER 1 Run-A-Way Car Kills Two Boys* In Twin City Three persons were killed when struck by an automobile in separate accidents. A 40 year-old Fayetteville man was killed Saturday night at Dunn and two youths were killed Monday night at Win ston-Salem. Archie Malloy was the vic tim of the Saturday night ac cident at Dunn. He was struck by a car driven by Percy Bare foot of Roseboro. Barefoot said he didn’t see Malloy until it was too late. Coroner Grover Henderson ruled the accident unavoidable. Freddie Psnnisgton, 15, and Sherman Burell, 11, were kill ed Monday night when a car driven by a whlt« woman went out of control and crashed in to a crowd on the sidewalk in the eastern section of town. Two others were injured in the crash. They are James Cooper, 16, and Miss Mary E. Fair, 23, who were hospitalized with minor injuries at Kate Bittings Reynolds Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Mae C. Master, 51, of this city, driver «f the riui-a- way antomobile, and her^hni- band, Frank, 56, were hospital ised with face lacterations and shock. Police said Mrs. Mastem was making a right turn at Clar- mont Avenue and Fifth Street, and in attempting to avoid an- oQier* car InaEIhg a rigHT Turn, lost control of her automobile. The car struck a fii% hydrant, went- up on the tidewalk «nd crashed into the group of three boys. It then kept going for 40 feet, chasing Miss Fair who saw the car coming and ran screaming. It overtook her and knock her down and then struck the stairwell to a dup lex house before stopping. (Please turn to Page Eight) Boy Starts To Church, (Robs Safe Instead OXFORD A 15 year-old youth started to Sunday school on Jan. 14, but strayed from his course and robbed a safe instead. The unidentified youngster is charged wUh robbery of a safe at the Wilson Tire Company. He 'told police that he entered the Main Street establishment through a back door which he said he found unlockedi*^ he passed on his way to Sunday school. He was picked up by Police Sgt Nathan White who stum bled on evidence against the lad while investigating another break-in. In questioning, the young boy confessed to the rob bery and admitted he entered the Oxford Implement Company a week earlier and robbed the drink dispensing machine. He told officers tiiat he spent the stolen cash, amounting to $600. None of it has beeil re covered. FUNERAL RITES HaD HERE FOR N. C. IflmUl OFFICIAL D. C. Cafes Can Bar Negroes, Says Court Vesper Speaker Dean John H. Satterwhlte of Livingstone College will be the vespers speaker at North Carolina College’s Sunday aft ernoon services Sunday, Feb. 1. Dean Satterwhlte will speak at 4:30. The College Choir will furnish music for the program. Dr. 1. N. Mills and B. Kelley Bryant, Jr., received the award of the Silver Beaver at » meeting of the Area Division of the Occeneechee Council of B oy Scouts of America here at Hlllalde high Mhool WedoMday night. The award, one of the hlghe st In Scouting, is made to persona who have rmder- ed "noteworthy service of exceptional character t o boyhood.” J. C. Hubbard, extreme left, and P. A. Wlllla ms, extreme right, are shown as they presented the Sliver Beaver awarda t« Dr. Mills, second from left, and,Mr. Bryant. WASHINGTON Restaurants here in the na tion’s capital may legally re fuse to serve Negroes accord ing to a ruling of the District of (Columbia Appeals Court here last Thurd|Uiy. In making the /ullng, the court killed tw* laws made In 1872 and 1873 wklch barred discrimination In eating places because of race. Chester H. Gray, assistant corporation counsel for the District of Columbia, said that the case will be carried to the Supreme Court. , The Appeals court held in a *5-4 opinion that the district’s old legislative assembly, which passed the laws in 1872 and 1873, had no power to pass laws. The assembly was a kind of city council established by Congress in 1871 to govern Washington. It lasted only three years. No attempt was made to en force these laws until 1950 when Thompson’s resturant re fused to serve three Negroes. The appeals court decision, written by chief justice Harold Stephens, held that even if the laws were valid they had been repealed when all District of Columbia laws were codified in 1901. He said that any change in the laws “were better left to Congress.” UNC Negro Grad In Council Race ^ GREENSBORO . J. Kenneth Lee, second Ne gro student to i>e graduated from the University of North Carpiina Law School, has en tered the race for City Council here. "* Lee, who is practicing nere, filed last Friday for the Coun cil race. His filing brought to tliree the number entered so far in the race. Others tfre William Burke, assistant superinten dent of Cone Mills Corpora tion Power Plana and R. D. Hayworth, retired detective sergeant. Dr. William Hampton, al ready a member of the Coun cil, has not yet filed for re- election. Fathers To Be Honored At NCC Fathers of North Carolina College’s students will be hon ored here February 6-8 during a week-end that will also fea ture a special Midwinter Sports Carnival and Homecom ing. Dean John L. Stewart has planned, in cooperation with the college’s men’s organiza tions, a .full round of social, religious, and entertainment activities for the visiting fath ers who are being offered housing and meals on NCC’s campus. Fahers are expected to ar-' rive on the NCC campus Fri day evening to register at Chidley Hall. They will be guests at the cage contest be tween the Eagles and the Yel- lowjackets and afterwards the fathers will be entertained at a smoker in Chidley Hall’s North Recreation Hall. A tour of the campus on Sat urday will precede a movie of the 1952 world series at 2 p. m. Officers' and members of men’s't>rganizations will t»e in troduced between 3:35 and 4:30. A banquet will bie held in the College Cafeteria at 6, another basketball game will find th efathers as hosts at 8 NCC vs. Lincoln) and a get acquainted party will be stag ed at 10:15 in Chidley Hall. Special religious services are scheduled for Sunday. Funeral services for Martin A. Goins, assistant secretary of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, were scheduled for Thursday aft ernoon at three-thirty at the Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church here. Goins died at his home early Tuesday morning around one o’clock following a short ill ness. Death was caused by a heart ailment. He was 68. Goins was also a memt>er of the board of directors and as sistant secretary of the Bank ers’ Fire Insurance Company. Officials of both companies, the North Carolina Mutual and the Bankers’ Fire Insurance Company, as well as members of the Saint Joseph A. M. E. Cliurch, of which he was a member, expressed profound regret at the passing of Goins. North Carolina Mutual presi dent W. J. Kennedy, Jr., said: ‘'The entire North Carolina Mutual family mourns the passing oT as^tanl secretary M. A. Goins. Mr. Goins de monstrated the intrinsic values of formal business training in that he performed every task assigned to him with dignity, clarity and accuracy.” Goins was t>orn in Riciimond, Indiana, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Emerline Goins. He received his scholastic training in the Richmond pub lic schools and attended the Richmond Business college where he finished a general business course. Post graduate work in business administra tion and commercial law at Northwestern University com pleted his formal education. He began his career as a bill clerk with the Pennsylvania Railroad in Richmond, In diana. He next came South to MARUN A. GOINS Greensboro where be served at A. and T. College as secre tary and taught courses in ac counting and business Sdmin- .stration. Goins joined the Mutual stslf in September, 1916 and began work in the Statistics depart ment He sCTved^^as" manager of the ordinary department and as assistant manager of the company, in that order, before being elevated to in 1932 to assistant secretary ship, in which capacity he served until his death. (Please turn to Page Eight) AT LONG LAST! The people who use the Fet- tigrew - Fayetteville Street In tersection, will be happy to know that a stop light will be installed at this intersectioB oa or about the first week la February. This announcement came as a special release to the Carolina Times from R. W. Flack, Durham City Manager. Lukewarm Proposal On Civil Rights Offered As Substitute WASHINGTON After their hopes for paving the way for passage of civil rights legislation were* dash ed with the defeat in the open ing days of the new Senate session of a motion to curb the filibuster, proponents of civil rights legislation came up this week with a lukewarm civil rights proposal as a com promise on the controversial issue. Senator Hubert Humphrey, (D.-Minn.), said Monday that a compromise proposal on civil rights had gathered some encouraging response from Southern senators. A leading exponent of tough civil rights laws, Hunli)hrey proposed that a presidential commission be set'up to sur vey racial discrimination. This commission 'would have no enforcement powers; It could only make recommendations. The well-known liberal sen ator from the State of Minn., admitting that the proposal was a compromise, stated that it was frankly designed as a “moderate” step which might get through the Senate with out provoking a filibuster. Many observers on Capitol Hill agree that a compromise on civil rights seemed inevi-i table, especially in view of the fact that the motion to curb the filibuster received such a smashing defeat apd in view of the past" record of Re publicans, now in a majority, in aligning with southern De mocrats to kill civil rights proposals. But, these observers point out that while the compromise if followed up, could open the way for effective civil rights laws, it may serve to be made use of as “political fodder” for the conservative members of the Senate and thus create another stalemate on the issue. Presumably, this conserva tive element could iwint to their support of the lukewarm compromise proposal and say with some degree of truth that it indicates that they are supporting civil rights legis lation while at the same time they may refuse to do any thing concrete to help secure passage of civil rights laws. Senator Humphrey’s' propo sal would set up a presiden tial civil rights commission to survey the duties and activi ties of federal agencies in such fields as housing, em ployment, education, health and nursing. It would have the power to nake only recommendations to the President, Congress and local agencies, but no power of enforcement. Some powerful southern De mocrats are known to feel that a compromise on civil rights issue is possible, as long as it is not a compulsory “FEPC" measure. Humphrey said tie has had friendly reactions trom some of them for his new bill. WARNING! Reports have reached the ef- fice of the Caroliaa Tbnes that one Leon Lewis has beea re- prescntlag hhaself te peisaaa in and oat of North Carallaa as being a representative of the Caroliaa Times, which Is untrue. Any person «r perseas kaatt- Ing the whereaboals' of this man will do this aewspaper a favor jtf it will ieiegTaph, col lect, &e editor iaaasediately. All anUiorisad represeatativcs of the CareUaa Ttanes have of ficial Press Cards mt the paper and will gladly shaw thcas ap- m ^uest Ferssas uaahie la da so are daahUeas ini pastors, and the Caroliaa TtaMS will aot ha held rsspaaaihto far say traaaaetiaa sude with tbooi. TUm KMTOB