rAOB TWO m cABOLDfA nsm satckdat. jan. si, itn Pvblithed Every Saturday By THE CAROLINA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. 518 East Pettigrew Street Durtuun, N. C. Phones: 5-9873 — 5-0671 — 3-7871 Membpr^ National Negro Preu AMoeiatkm VOLUME 30—NUMBER 1 SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1953 It is absolutely impouible for the CAROLINA TIMES to guarantee the exact time of publication or location in the paper of unsolicited articles, but will strive to conform With the wishes of its reading public as near as is humanly possible. Entered bs Secand CUM matter at the Poet Otflces at Durham, North Carolina under the aet of March 3, IS7*. National Advcrticinf Bepreaentatlve lateraUte United Newipai^em, 545 Fifth Avenne, New Torii 17, New York. Branch Office; 5 East Jaekaon Boulevard, Chlcaco. IlUnois. L. E. AUSTIN Eldltor and PubUsherADA HANNAR City Editor ALEXANDER BARNES Managing EdltorM. B. HUDSON Business Blanager WILLIAM COOK Circulation Manager SCBStRIPnON RATES: S MONTHS 1 TEAR .. FOREIGN COVNTRnS 3 TEARS Per Tear |4.00 It.oa The Proper Treatment Of Persons Under Arrest ^ious sd Deat- The Carolina Times looks with disfavor on the apparent unwarranted ing which a policeman of Durham adminis tered to Clarence Jones, an innocent Negro, who was placed under arrest here several days ago. In so doing we think that we will have the support of every decent citizen of this city, all of whom are anxious that the Durham Police Department be kept on the high level at which it has operated undjer the leadership of Chief H. E. King. We would not like to see the department revert to the days when officers of the law in Durham gained entrance to homes by kick ing down doors, and resorted to beating up and shooting down Negro citizens on the least provocation. A man who has been placed under arrest is at the mercy of the arresting officer and should be protected by that officer rather than abused. Certainly if he is not resisting arrest no decent or intelligent policeman should feel it his right to force a confession out of him by beating or administering some other punishment. To guess that the arrest ed man is guilty of a crime merely because he meets the description of one wanted for such is not enough. An officer at the law should know and after knowing he should use only the necessary force to keep his prisoner under arrest. It so happens that the suicide attempt of Jones failed and that later he was proved not to be the person sought and, therefore, was released. Had he succeeded in his ef fort to take his own life, because of despond ency over being wrongfully beaten and the prospect of serving another term on the Aiad for a crime he did not commit, we think the arresting officer would have at least been guilty of contributing to his death. This newspaper has for the past several years stciod behind our police department. In several instances we have given it the benefit of doubt in cases involving what ap peared on the surface to be questionable methods in perfecting arrests. have done this because we have had an abiding faith in the type of men who now compose the Dur ham police. We would not like to lose that faith, and it is our sincere hope that a similar occurrence as that surrounding the arrest and treatment of Clarence Jones will not again occur in this city. Lone Negroes In Wliite Groups At Winston-Salem the lone Negro mem ber of the City Board, the Rev. W. R. Craw- ford,^te fighting an alt-out "battle lo allow members of his race to use the Reynolds Auditorium, a tax supported school build ing. Both the building and the land were donated to the city by Mrs. Katherine S. Johnson of the Reynold’s family with the stipulation that “if the city shall fail to main tain a public school on this property for a period of three years, the property shall re vert to the heirs of Katherine S. Johnson.” At a recent meeting of the school board, Rev. Crawford and one other member voted to abolish a “white only” policy which pro hibits Negro citizens and taxpayers from using the auditorium, but forces them to pay taxes for its support. The one other member was Mrs. W. K. McGhee who stated that ‘.^he question should be left up to vari ous civic and cultural groups of the city.” In protesting. Rev. Crawford labeled the policy “unchristian and undemocratic.” In his reply to the chairman of the board, who stated that he had talked to many citizens who told him that they felt that “the time is not quite ready,” the Rev. Crawford shot back; "Of course the time is never ready If we never make steps for It.” Mr. Craw ford continued, “We don’t know until we make steps in that direction. A few Ne groes have attended events at Reynolds white came out white and those who went In black came out black. Either we are out of line or we’re not ready for progrMS.” iHere you have a new type of lone Negro Tlie United Nations Must Not Let Them Push Back The Clock" Spiritual Insight . "The Unfailing Word" By REV. HAROLD ROLAND Pastor, Mount Gilead Baptigt Church “Heaven and earth diall pass away, but p%y word shall not pass away . . . —^Matt. 24:35. me. Job says “Thy WORD HAS KEPT MEN FROM FALLING” God’s word gives courage to en dure : This is one of the great We need the understimding 1 needs of our times. God’s word support of the unfailing and im-j banishes our fear. God’s word perishable word of God. Amid j changes our 'weakness into the perishable we need the as- \ strength: God’s word is a light surance of the imperishable.for Life's dark places. ’There is too much pessimistic i Let us, then, turn to God’s and hopeless thinking in our. word that we may be able to times. I know of a sure remedy | find the courage and power to for the atmosphere of gloom I ENDURE. and doom: IT IS THE UNFAIL-1 We need a change of diet! ING WORD OF GOD. Do you What can be expected of those mean it isj that simple. Yes! The r^edy is cniiy meditative, careful and prayerful reading of the Eternal word. God’s word will drive away the gloom. The word of God gives the assurance that there are something that do remain and shall not pass away. Every mortal, sinful creature of a passing moment nee^ this a^ surance. We need the words that Isiah spoke to his nation during the disruption of his times:..“THE WORD OF GOD SHALL STAND FOR EVER.” God’s word is eternal. God’s word serving on a board with whites. This is in-1 «‘ves strength rknow, for many THE MORNING. Fe^ on the who feed on a diet of gloom and^doom? We see and hear it almost everywhere—the news papers, the radios, the maga zines and televisions. Feed on despair and you will become a despairing cry baby. Thus may 1 suggest, my friend, that you change your diet. Get off the diet of gloom "and dooiSr Cease being A GLOOMY GUS ANITA ture the mind and the soul with LIFE-GIVING VITAMINS OF THE SPIRIT. Physically, vitamins are es sential—your doctor will tell you that. 1 am a Physician of the soul or spirit—I prescribe spiritual vitamins as found in the word of God. The word of God represents the best source of spiritual vitamins revealed to man. In prayer and meditation feed your soul a daily portion of the BREAD OF HEAVEN. Why are we steering from spiritual malnutrition and un der-nourishment? Why' do we have full stomachs and empty souls? Why do we have big bank accounts and poverty stricken souls? Feed on th^ word daily and see your out look and mood change. Why die of starvation when you have the vast store of riches of V/OEFUL WILLIE! Take your j your heUvenly Father? Now isn’t it silly—it is downright stupi dity! Be wise—wake up and live! There is a famine in the land. The word of God inspires and nourishes the things we need most; faith, love, self-sacrifice stand on the word of God. Feed on the. word of God. I have 'ound this helpful: READ THE WORD AND PRAY BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE IN deed refreshing and points the way to other Negroes who happen to be members of boards, committees and other groups where! they find themselves in the role of the only Negro. For experience has proved that only in rare instances do these Negroes take defi nite stands against established polices op erating against their own people. We commend Rev. Crawford for his forthright stand for democratic principles in this region of the nation that is trying des perately to prove that it is possible to have one brand of democracy for whites and an other for Negroes. When Negroes living in the South take such^stands, they are not only safeguarding' people. For in the end the white citizens of this country cannot escape reaping the cer tain harvest that comes from allowing one group privileges and benefits that are denied another. are the times it has strengthened word of God- i' nourish and nu- and deep inward peace of soul. WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS Learning The Hard Way North Carolina College officials are learning the hard way that you can’t do business with Hitler or any of his kind. They awakened last week to discover that the promise made them last year by officials of the University of North Carolina that if NCC would accept a Doctor of Philosophy course in education, they would help the local college get its appropriation approved by the State Advisory Budget Commission, was just as worthless as the so-called prom ise of 40 acres and a mule made Negroes dur ing the Civil War. ^ What ^CC officials should have told UNC officials was, first get the appropriation approved and we will talk to you alwut the Ph.D course. As it now stands the college has a phoney Ph.D course in education on its hands and no monty for a buildiog^to house it, to say nothing about money for other buildings it had requested. As quiet as it has been kept about the only resj)ectable increase that has been ap proved for NCC has been that of the presi- j dent’s salary that was hiked $3,000, in an! apparent attempt to keep hin\ from kicking j the traces in this most notorious scheme of' the State to keep Negroes out of the Univer- j sity of North Carolina. If the appropriation is not finally ap proved before the curtain is rung down on the current session of the legislature, we hope and trust that when action is brought in the federal courts to gain admission to Ph.D training in education and in other! fields, that N. C. College officials will at^ least keep their noses out of the affairs and j assume a hands off attitude. Trying to forsee the future is a hobby In Washington today. The loothsayerf are unsure. For one thing, the nature of some ap pointees to high adminiitrative officials Is puzzling. Therefore, for the first tima in two decades, the platform of the incoming party is being read and re-read doubly to seek clues to the fu ture. • • Many see in] this ^tform a retnm of snmar credltl reculailoas, sack I known past as Begala-I Uon W. C. W. Hardw e • • Several months ago, Congress took away from the Federal Re serve Board the power to eon- trol consumer credit. But in the GOP platform, it is stated that one project wiU be “a Federal reserve system exercising its functions in the money and cred it system without pressure tor political purposes.” * * • The restoration of the power to control credit will be backed by some of the blgfer flnaBclers of the naUon. Many tt these peo ple cUm consnmer credit jro- dnceS' inflation, does not eoeoar- age perseaal savings. • * • On tile other hand, those op posed to credit c»i^ls take stand. ’Hiere is nothing wrcpg with people buying out of hi- come,, the produce of Amasi^an factories. It is probably an wx- penslve system at dlstributkn due to interest charged the bv- er, but this is overcome by me movement of merchandise. * • • There la bo precedent for the American system of tootellmset boy In*, St any time in the world. However, In no other oenntry In file woiU haa.lt ‘ iniirmw it i By C. WIISON HARDER far ae many propie to eajoy, and eventnaly awn. ae mach gooda. • • * Many of the financiers who de plore easy consumer credit in the U. S. are deeply involved in gov ernment guaranteed Marshall Plan and Mutual Security finan cing of European plans. • • • For example. Communist Ti to’s Yugoslavia has a cominitt- ment of $132,900,620, and almost an of thl« committment is held by the Chase Natknal Bank of New York. • • • goad eredit risks. « * • Credit extended Yugoslavia merely goes to build the state controlled Industry o a Com munist regime. • • e Bat iee Amerlean has a repa- taUea fSr meeting Wp obllgn- Mens. OredH half of Amerloaa tadaatry and baalaeaB gaha by this credit system, e e e Ihen comes the arguuMnt that credit to Joe American builds up Inflationary forces. Birt Jaist the oOwr day, hi M sme miner traaaacUsa af Urn MBA. fMt.SM bs V. S. waa sHonstnd is bay espfss ta Canada ta aeal Sa Demnaifc. • * • Many Washington observers feel ttie biggest alngle defect ot ttie rederal government In ap proaching proUems ot eradit and iirfiatinn, is tfaa neglect of gov- ermnmt to considt wifli thoee who know the sub)ects. en and the nsHsa'a tndepeadaat haaiMaamsa, wk» weric dsaely with the people ef Anwtea, have a "graaa rests** piutaie aaOke these si«Bged la latwastlMwl taaaotag. Tkcae are tte pesgie whe mast live tr. (sr. sad wiih the AaMTleaa scsasmy. 4-H Foundation Meets At A.&T. College GREENSBORO The camp site eommittee of fh» 4-H Club Foundation of North Carolina, Inc., was given full authority to procure im mediately, adequate camp fa cilities for Negro 4-H Club mem bers in the state, in a decision reached in the annual member ship and board of directors meeting held last week at A. and T. College. A drive which began in 1951 to procure funds for the estab lishment of a camp for the boys and girls and to, generally im plement the 4-H Club program in the state appeared nearer reality following the meeting last week. William C. Cooper, 4-H specialist of the A and T Extension Service- stated that the camp should be ready prior to the end of the year. E. Ray Hodgin, treasurer of A and T College, who also serves as treasurer of the foundation, reported that the organization has now on hand nearly $30,000 of the original goal of $50,000. Plans Were completed through which the balance will be raised prior to the end of 1953. Present plans for the camp call for the construction of four basic buildings to include; a kitchen, dining hall, assembly and recreation building, infir mary and workers quarters. Cabins will be constructed by the participating counties on a ctraperative basis. All of the offices were re- WITHIN And AMONG Alfred F. Andersen Dear fellow seekers....If we are correct in our interpretation of the F. O. R. Statement of Pur pose, that lU central purpose is to implement the F. O. R. com mitment to seek to make love “serve a% the true guide of per sonal conduct in all circum stances”, then we may rightly be asked how it has become so generally thought of as an anti war organization; not only by non-members but by some mem bers as well. We ackonwledge this problem and turn now to an attempted answer. It is one thing to mouth platitudes about “brotherly love”, ••The Kingdom”, etc., and it is another thing to "do the will”....“of Him who sent me”. It used to be derogatory to say that a thing was "a dime a do zen”; but this would be a gross overstatement as words are used today. Words are so cheap and plentiful that many of their creators gladly pay people to take them away. This may sound like vulgar metaphor; but .isn’t it essentially accurate? A case in lk>int is the peace talk of the ma jor powers today. Less peace talk and more peace action would certainly be welcomed by all of us. It is this that the F. O. R. recognizes. It makes very little of ita written statement ot purpose. It asks rather to be judged by its implemented (active, living, functional) purpose as evident in the living complex. And fol lowing from this point it feels instinctively that for the bulk of mankind, the greatest threat and temptation to the life it would demonstrate is the modern military state, whether American, Russian, .or other wise. That is why it feels, as we have felt in this colunrn, that when speaking to the “general public” ita first re sponsibility is to make cle^ that here is one group that will not fall in line. Here is one group which still stands in es sentially the same relation to the military state as the early Christians did to the Roman Empire of their day. In short, in answer to the state’s demand that it be regarded as morally superior to all other considera tions the'F. O. R. replies that it cannot acknowledge this; tliat iU prime loyalty remains with something, to be sure less tangi ble, but also something more inalienable with corresponding inalienable rights and responsi bilities of which it can embrace no coiitfadlctTons' And Cheie is the practical consequence) some of the demands made by the modem military state do contra dict this more basic inalienable loyalty...notably militarism it self! Therefore it is notably up on militarism as such that we (the F. O. R. still speaking) fo- cus our objection and thereby (as far as the general public and the state is concerned) attempt to honestly clarify and repre sent what is our highest loyalty and our commltted-to way of life. We offer this as the essential explanation, then, fOr the gene rally narrow interpretation of what the F. O. R. most basically stands for. As with every organization there are minor contradictions and side-excursions which the F. O. R. and its individual mem bers make from this ideal as stated. Human failings inevi tably enter in. But nevertheless my observation has been that tlie more basic commitment is often returned to as ,a deter miner of policy and specific di rection in the life of the F. O. R. Having said this, there is one point consistent with the essen tial F. O. R. position which seems to me Important and which, due to practical involve ment, has not been generally re cognized by the F. O. R. itself. It will take several installmenta of this column to make clear what I mean and to be persua sive. But at least we can give a hint here at the start. We have said that one practi cal consequence of embracing the F. O. R. position is the moral impossibility of accepting militarism as a means of settling disputes. This puts the F. O. R. outoide of the modern military state, since militarism* is one of its biggest projecta and one to which Its whole economy and politics is oriented. To t>e sure, the motive claimed is the pre vention of aggression police- wise. But it is quite clear that militarism is overwhelmingly accepted as the ultimate means and ^ a ligimimate means. This is a direct contradiction of the F. O. R. position. How, then, can F. O. R. members con tinue to be, and to consider themselves (ye even seek to be come!) full participating mem bers of the military state? A state is characterized by the or der it would administer and the means'it would use to adminis ter it. And F. O. R. must con sistently maintain that the means are most important in that they determine largely the order that m fact resulta. If the means accept^ by the modern state is so overwhelmingly mili tarism, How then can the F. O. R. accept as members persons who remain full state citizens, let alone be an agent for said state in securing financing for its program? MARYUND EXTBISION SffViCE APPOINTS irs HRST NEGRO DKIRin HOME AGENT WASHINGTON Appointment of the first Ne gro district home demonstration agent in Maryland has been an- nouriced by the Maryland State Extension Service in a report received last week by the U. S. Department of Agricidture. The agent is Mrs. Ezelle M. Gregory who resigned from a similar supervisory position in Texas to accept the newly cre ated post in Maryland on Jan. 1. She will superviae seven home demonstration agents in eight counties and the city ot Baltimore. ’These workers as sist homenuJcers with problems in home management and home improvement, such as meal plan ning, food preservation, and the purchasing, making, and repair ing of clothing. « Mrs. Gregory ‘kays one of her first jobs will be the develop ment of a , home demonstration and 4-H club program designed to meet some of the major needs of homenuikers. She says she expecta conferences with the homemakers to reveal a need for increased emphasis on nu trition and consumer education. The district agent was reared in Texarkana, Texas, and was graduated from Prairie View A. and M. College, Prairie View, Texas, in 1938 with a degree in home economics. She has done graduate work in her field at the University of Minnesota. Her experience in home dem onstration work goes back to 1940 when she was appbinted home 4emonstration agent in Navarro County, Texas, with headquarters at Corsicana. She later held a similar position in Tarrant County with headquar ters at Fort Worth. And during the height of the wartime food emergency, the home economist supervised food conservation ac-’ tivlties in 18 north east Texas counUes. Since 1949, she has served as district home agent of these same counties. Mrs. Gregory’s appointment brings the Maryland Negro Ex tension staff up to seven home agenta, seven farm agents, and two supervisors. elected which include: J. H. Wheeler, Durham, President; Miss Mabel Pow^, Clinton, first vice-president; S. J. Whi taker, Enfield, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Idell Randall, secre tary and Mr. Hodgin, treasurer. W. J. Kennedy, Jr., president of the Nq^ Carolina Mutual Xiife Insurance Co., of Durham, was elected to the board at di rectors to replace C. C. SimuI- dlng, deceased, ahd E. S. Mc Leod, Lexington, was elected to replace George Coble of the same city. Others attending the board meeting were: R. Flake Shaw, Greensboro; H. R. Reeves, Ay- den; H. V. Floyd, Louisburg; Mrs. Emma Johnson, Qarys- burg; H. N. Dowdy, Washington; A. G. Thompson, Lumberton and Dr. F. D. Bluford of A. and T. CoUege.

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