PACE FOUR - tiih CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1953 Mrs. Flossie Webb of this city, announces the engage ment of her daughter, Helen K. Jones, to Mr. Leroy Drake of Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Drake, o former resident of thi« city, i« the son of Mrs. Agnes Drake of East Brodenton, Florida An early date in September has been set for the wedding. DURHAM SOCIETY NOTES ALL NEWS FOR THIS PAGE MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE TEN A. M. MONDAY OF EACH WEEK » J MRS. P. W. HARRIS, Society Editor — Phone 6-6913 ASSOCIATE EDITORS MRS. MABEL POWELL, Pearsontown—Phone 9-4134 MISS M. L. STEPHENS, West Durham—Phone 7-4164 MRS. N. J. CURRY—West End—Phone 1-8862 MISS RACHEL NUNN—Hickstown MR. AND MRS. JOHN R. MORRIS and son of Philadel phia, Penn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Sim Holloway of Hamlin Road, Durham. Mrs. Morris is the former Miss Anna Holloway. Little Jeanie Holloway, niece of Mrs. Mor-' ris will make the return trip with them to spend the remaind-* er of the summer. **•*•**• EARLIE E. THORPE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eural E. Thorpe of this city recently completed final requirements for the Ph. D. de cree in history. This degree will be conferred by the Ohio State University at the Aufust convocation. Thorpe’s dissertation was written on “Negro Historiography in the United States.” Garden Clubbers Tour Members of the Lyon Park Rose Garden Club visited the gardens of several members during its regular meeting held Monday evening, July 13. The group first met in the g&rden of Mrs. Alice Jones and then toured the gardens of several other members. After the tour, the club met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Hester where the business session was held. Following the regular opening rituals, the min utes were read and approved. A general discussion was held in connection with the club picnic to be held July 27 at Bald- , win’s Farm. After-th»busineaa soafiion a program was presented by the chairman, Mrs. Notie J. Curry, in the form of a flower arrangement made by Mrs. Margaret Burnette. The hostess served a refreshing menu. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Fannie Tapp and Mrs. Thelma Allen. Special guest for the meeting was Miss Mary L. Stephens. Members present were Mesdames Fannie Tapp, Mat tie R. Canty, M. W. Webb, Thelma Allen, Notie J. Curry, Pearl Brown, Alice Jones, Daisy Green, Alliner Randall, M^ Hardy, Beatrice Roberson, Ora Rich, Sophrgnia Green, Elizabeth Bullock, Sadie Mebane, Allen Mebane, Elnora Smith, Margaret Burnette, Effie Young, Mable Freeland, and Elizabeth Hester. Mrs. Randall thanked the hostess for her hospitality. Josey-Massey Nuptials Announced Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Josey, Sr., of 1313 Glenn Street of this city announce the marriage of their daughter, Etmice, to Private Willis E. Massey of Memphis, Tenn. The marriage was solemnized February 20th, 1953 at Fort Bragg, N. C. The reception was held Thursday night, July 2 at the home of the bride’s parents. They are spending their honeymoon in Memphis, Tenn., and Saint Louis, Mo. «•••••** White Rock Sunday School Class Pcinic Class Number Eight, Adult Department of White Rock Baptist Church School held its annual picnic, Saturday, July 18 on the Tally’s Farm, Roxboro, N. C. A barbeque menu, home made cake and ice cream were served the class mem bers and friends. The picnickers enjoyed games, boating and fishing. Mrs. E. R. Hubbard took highest honors in fishing. Enjoying the picnic with members of the class and their families were Mr. and Mrs. R. C. George, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Michaux, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. John son Ray and daughters, Mr. Joe Gamble, Mrs. Julia McDan iel, Mrs. Lucy M. Bryant, Mrs. Earnest Pratt, Masters Ed ward Charleston and Ronald Black, Miss Anita Page and members of the Tally families. Luncheon Guests Of Mr. And Mrs. Powell On Monday, July 6 Reverend and Mrs. Edward Sw«in of Chapel Hill were the luncheon guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. James Powell of Fayetteville Street. Miss Cheatham Vacations In New York Miss Ethel Cheatham of South Street is spendii^ her summer vacation in ,New York City visiting relatives and friends. Miss Cheatham is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cheatham of 1615 South Street. Mrs. McKay Fetes Kyles Temple Group On Monday, June 29 Mrs. Lillian McKay proved to be a charming host^ when she entertained mem^rs of the A. and B. Missionary Circle at her home on Dunstan Street. The devotionals were conducted by Mrs, Mildred Williams followed by Bible quotations by all begiiming with the let ter M. The business session was presided over by the presi dent, Lillian McKay. Secretary Alease McKinnie gave min utes and reports. A fine program also came from the treasurer Mrs. Mabel Powell.. The group was very hapw to have a new member, M^. Queen Toon, join the club. 'The group was g1«H to wel come member Magdalene Llewellyn back to the club. She has been out sick for a few months. After the business session, the hostess assisted by Mrs. Elveta Monroe served a delectable two course chicken din ner. Members present were Mesdames Lucille Starks, Mag dalene Llewellyn, Mildred Williams, Lillian McKay, EHveta Monroe, Martha Armstrong, Alease McKinnie, and Mable Powell. The group adjourned to meet next with Mrs. Alease McKinnie on Dunstan Street. ***•*•*• Hospital Auxiliary Holds Meeting On Monday, July 13 the Lincoln Hospital Women’s Auxiliary met at the Nurses Home on Linwood Avenue. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Virginia Alston. Minutes and reports were given by the secretary, Gladys Rhodes. The various committees made their reports. The meeting was really a success and each member is look ing forward to a prosperous future. The report concerning the dedication held May 10 at the hospital was given. The group is still recruiting' for new members. If interested please eali Mrs. Alston at 9-1640 or Mrs. Wray at 3-6182. Mrs. Spann Hostess To Benefit Club The Pearsontown Benefit Club met at the home of Mrs. Spain on Brant Street, Sunday afternoon at 4 P. M. with the president, Mrs. Mary Blake, presiding. The meeting was opened with a devotional period after which the business session was opened. The annual picnic which will be held July 19 was discussed. Iwo new members were taken into the club. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Maggie McGee. Club Welcomes Two Members The Friendly Workers Sick Club met Saturady evening, July 18 at the home of Mrs. Minnie Atwater on Ferrell Street. *The club paid seven dollars for sick benefits. The club wel comed Mrs. Holloway and Mrs. Williams back to the club. After a short business session the hostess served a delicious dinner to the members present. Mrs. Alice Hill thanked the hostess for her gracious hospitality. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Kffie Weaver, 2301 Otis Street. •***•••• Mrs. Elveta Monroe Back In Durham Mrs. Elevta Monroe of Cornwallis Road has returned to the city after spending a week’s vacation in New York City visiting relatives and friends. Picnic Scheduled For Baldwin’s Farm District 12 of White Rock Baptist Church held its annual summer picnic on July 20 at Baldwin’s Farm. A large num ber of members, friends, and guests were present. Different games were played and enjoy^ by the children. Baskets of food were placed on the table and ice cold drinks. The next meeting will be held August 16 at the home of Mrs. Mamie Merritt on East Glenn Street. Geers Entertain Houseguests Mr. and Mrs. Crusoe Geer had as their houseguest during the past week-end Mrs. Geer’s sister and brother. Mrs. Geer’s sister, Mrs. Bertha Monroe, hails from New Rochelle, New York, and her brother. Dr. O. B. Taylor, makes his home at ^oxville, Tenn. They visited family members and friends in Oxford, Creedmoor, Franklinton Raleigh. Mrs. Mon roe accompanied Dr. Taylor to Knoxville and will spend a week with his family before returning to New Rochelle. Our sympathy to the J. W. Jones family in the loss of their love done, Mrs. Bernice W. Jones. «**•**•* Mrs. Emma Randolph enjoyed a visit with homefolks, the Lees of Eufoloa, Alabama during the past two weeks. Durhamites Visit Abroad Mesdames Radar Prince, Ethel Perry, Stella Alston, Mr. John Allen and Matthew Atwater left Saturday for a visit with their brother, Frank Atwater, Jr., in Chicago, and their sister, Mrs. Vtrgie Proctor and brother, Tony Atwater in Los Angeles, California. They plan to make numerous side trips to places of interest along the route. ******** Return From New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Allen, Mrs. Bessie Doby and Mrs. Janet Gilmore motored to Newark, New Jersey for the week end and visited with family members, Mrs. Ara Abraham, the Robert Boyls, Tom Williams and Mrs. Jane Bynum. The Bynum children, Felicia and Joe, Jr., made the return trip and will spend the month of August with family members. ******** Returns Home From Durham Visit Miss Mary Bumpass of Mount Vernon, New York has re turned home aner a most delightful visit with her neices, Geneva Mebane, Mary, Margaret and Ruth Stephens and nephew, George Stephens. *«•**••• Omitted Last Week The names of Mrs. Julia Truman Wheeler and Mrs. Fannie Taylor Johnson were among those showing courtesies to Mrs. Buchanan during her stay in Washington. These per sons were not mentioned in an item last week concerning Mrs. Buchanan’s visit. We are very sorry about the omission and trust this will clear up matters. ******** Spaulding’s Fete Washington Couple Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spaulding, Jr. entertained at ‘‘Open House honoring Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sterling of Washington, D. C. Around one hundred friends called to meet this charming couple. Mrs. Sterling is Mrs. Spaulding’s sister. I AMEVS FUNERAL HOME "HBSPICT FOR THE LIVING, AND REVZRtNCK TOR THE DEAD" ...Phone 3-2971... 24 . . . HOUR SERVICE ... 24 LAMBULANCE SERVICE • FUNERAL DIRECTORS IBt SCARBOROUGH & HARGETT FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24 . . . Hour Ambulance Service ... 24 Phone 3-3721 522 E. Pettigrew Si KIRBY—Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Kirby of 912 Elis abeth Street were held Sunday, July 19 at White Rocli Baptist Church. Burial wag^ held in the Hiclutown Cemetery. JONES—Funeral services were hrid for Mrs. Bernice W. Jonca of 207 Nelson Street, Wednesday, July 22 at the Safait 'Htns Episcopal Church. Burial was held in Glenview Memorial Park Cemetery. WEAVER—Funeral services for James Henry Weaver, Route 1, Morrlsville were held Thursday, July 23rd at the Shiloh Bap tist Church. Burial was held in the Church Cemetery The Bailey-Boulware wedding party shown immediately after the ceremony in Greensboro. Miss Joselyn E. Bailey Is Married To Mr. Frank L Boulware, Jr. GREENSBORO The marriage of Miss Jqselyn, Elizabeth'Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Smith, to Mr. Frank L. Boulware, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.' Boulware, Sr., Winston-Salem, took place Saturday, July 11, 9: 30 a.m. at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church in Greensboro. The Nuptials were solemnized at a High Mass sung by Father Columba Murphy, O.F.M., as^ sisted by Father Catjean Foley, O.F.M., as Deacon and Father J. Andrew MuUin, C. M., as sub- Deacon who also performed the ceremony. Assisting also were Rt. Rev. Monsignor Hugh A. Do-, Ian and Rev. Vincent T. Swords^ C. M. Escorted by her stepfather, who is Dean of the Technical Institute, A. and T. College, the bride wore a gown of whitei ChantiUy lace over off-white satin and a sweetheart finger tip veil of nylon tulle trimmed wiLh Cha.itiLy lace. The vi»il was held to the bonnet bv a cluster of imported orange blos soms and seed pearls. She carried a nosegay of white roses, pompom Chrysantheums, white Asters with a marker of white Orchids and a white Rosary. She wore a Rosary with the Lord’s Prayer engraved there on, the gift of the groom. The bride’s mother wore a) Copen blue lace and crepe over taffeta and white accessories^ The mother of the groom wore beige lace with blending acces sories. The eight bridesmaids wore white embroidered organdy over varicolored taffeta slips, sweetheart hats with short veils, made on the same pattern as the bride’s small pearl accesso ries, the bride’s gift and each carried a nosegay in harmony with the color scheme. Miss Mary Peek, Greensboro, was maid of honOr, and brides maids were the Misses Olivia Boulware, Winston-Salem, sis ter of the groom, Phyllis Mc Cullough, Mt. Vemon, N. Y., Genevieve Madison, Jersey City, N. J., Paula delle Donne, New York City, Peggy Tonkins, Peg gy Lamb and Margie Devlin, all of Greensboro. Harvey Allen, Winston-Salem, was best man. The ushers were ■Thad Boardman, Jersey City, N. J., Billy Bro\vn, Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Julius Peek, Joseph A. Bailey, II, Nathaniel Webster of Greensboro, Waddell Boulware, Winston-Salem, and J. A, Howell, Statesville. Carolyn Coleman, cousin o£ the bride, was flower girl, Tur ner Rice, ring bearer, Garnett Shoffner and Vincent Rice were Altar boys. Mrs. C. E. Kempton served as organist. The Misses Beverly, Burgess, Thelma and Madeline Simpson sang. Out-of-town guests were( Joseph A. Bailey, Sr., Chicago, 111., father of the bride, thej Misses Alma E. Bailey, New York City, aunt of the bride, Mary Fitzgerald, Detroit, Mich.^ and Sheila Smythy, New York, Frank L. Boulware, father oil th^ groom. White Plains, N. Y., Mr.’ arid Mrs. E. D. Wilson, Kings Mt.‘, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ross, Miss Esther Wentz, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Berrien, Garrett Elroy Phillips, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Friende, Mrs. Madge Neeley, Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Allen- and others of Winston-Sa lem; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yokely, High Point, Mrs. Lloyd Thomas, Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. HoweU, StatesviUe, Mrs. R. B. Hand, Kings Mt., and Joseph Bailey, Miss Viola Chandler, AsheviUe. Annual Bible Training Camp Held At The Lincoln Academy In Kings Mountain; Large Attendance A Bible Training Camp, Charlotte’s first, was held at Lincoln Academy in Kings Mountain, sponsored by thei Mecklenburg Baptist Inter-Ra cial Commission. The camp be gan July 13 and lasted through July 19. Campers between the ages of nine (9)_ and sixteeq (16) were representatives of the various Baptist Churches in the city. Some campers were sent as guest of First Baptist Church and Myers Park Baptist Church with Rev. C. C. Warren and Dr. George W. Heaton, respectively, serving as ministers. Representatives and guests at tending from Second Calvary (Baptist Church were; William Harmon, Jr., Bobby Maddos, Vernon D. Alexander, Jose phine Oliver, Dorothy Allen, Jackie ad Betty Johnson, W. Travis Alexander, Ulysees Ford. Jr., Barbara Simmons, Eva Mae Horton, Harold Blackwell and Annette Blackwell. one by Christian experience. Miss Barbara Ann Henderson, Archie Haywood and George Johnson attended the camp last week sponsored by the Baptist Inter-racial Commission at Lin coln Academy. On July 23rd the pastor choirs and congregation will be the guest of Rev. T. F. Fraylon at Mt. Sinia Baptist Church in observance of the pastors’ 25th anniversary. On Friday night, July 23rd the Brotherhood club is sponsoring a hay ride an^ Bar-B-Q at Pleasant Valley Church the Rev. Mack Foster ia pastor. PLEASANT HILL BAP'HST CHURCH Mrs. Eddie Mae Smith Reporter Sunday momiBg the Revr J. E. Fiddmont’s theme was “Jesus Answers Job” Immediately fol lowing the BTU services Sunday evening the pastor talked alMut during the evening service “The Reflections of A Christian Llv.^ ing*’ There were five new mem bers admitted to the church foui; as candidates for baptism and “Little Old Mother Welcomes You” Saint Joseph A. M. E. Church Reverend D. A. Johnston, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 26th, 1953 9:30 A. M ^ Sunday School W. G. RHODES. SUPERINTENDENT 11:00 A. M.—Sermon .-...•Pastor 6:00 P. M. A. C. E. League WINlFKtD MARTIN, PRESIDENT 7:00 P. M.—Sermon , Pastor “A FRIENDLY CHURCH" White Rock Baptist Chiirch WHITE ROCK SQUARE MILES MARK FISHER, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 26th, 1953 8:45 A. M.—Call To Worsihip Electronics 9:30 A. M.—Sunday School Lesson— “Growing in Christlikenesi,’' Ephesians 4:16, 11-16. ^ PROF. J. M. SCHOOLER. SUPERINTCNDCNT 11:00 A. M.—“On Taking A Vacation" Pastor .SENIOR CHOIR. MRS, V. W. ALSTON, DIRECTRESS 6:00 P. M. 1 Baptist Training Union J. U. LASSITER, DIRECTOR 7:30 P, M.—Doctrinal Sermon Pastor Baptizing — Disttict Reports Gosjjel Chorus, Miss Leana Roberson, Directress SAINT PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH By Lonrina Caldwell Sunday July 14th, Rev. Jamn F. Wertz preached from the theme; Using Your Religion As Something Extra. The Young Adult Choir directed by Mrs. Zenobia Hagans furnished mu sic. At 7:30 P.M. the Matron Club of the church presented a program with Mrs. Pecolia Huntley presiding. Mrs. Queen Ellis, Mrs. Florence Harris, Mrs. Annie B. Watson, Desoto Elli son, L. J. Jones, Mrs. Jessie Pinkney, Mrs. Maggie Jones, Mrs. L. G. Green, Mrs. Margar^ Wertz, Mrs. Naomi McCain, President and Rev. Wertz, pas tor, took part in the program. Musical groups who were guests on program were Hickory Grove chorus of Hickory Grove AME Zion Church, Men’s chorus, of Tenth Street Presbyterian Church, Gospel Choir and the Young Adult choir of St Paul^ First Calvary Baptist Church SUNDAY, JULY 26th, 1953 9:30 A. M. — Sunday School RICHARD JAMES. SUPERINTENDENT 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Rev. S. V. Wells MUSIC - - SENIOR CHOIR Miss Mary L. Stephens, Organist 6:00 P. M. — Baptist Training Union JOSEPH HERROO. PRESIDENT 7:30 P. M.—Sermon ..*Rev. S. V. Wells Ebenezer Baptist Church 1410 GLENN STREET Rev. j. a. Brown, Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1926 9:30 A. M Sunday School W. W. bARBEE, SUPERINTENDENT 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Pastor 6:00 P. M. Baptist Training Union MISS MATTIE MARKHAM. PRESIDENT SUNDAY SCHOOL NURSEI«Y-MISa ELLA J. LONO, SUPERVISOR 7:30 P. M.—Sermon Pastor Mount Vernon Baptist Church REV. E. T. BROWNE Ptutor SUNDAY, JULY 26, 1926 9:30 A. M Sunday School CLYDE RICHARDSON. SUPBRINTENDCNT 11:00 A. M.—Sermon Dr. A. L. James Pastor of the First Baptist Church Roanoke, Virginia 6:00 P. M. Baptist Training Union Subject: “Men Still Die for Freedom** Text: John 15:20. MISS LVDA VANHOOK. OIRECTRCSS / M.—Sermon Pastor Browne MUSIC ~ Senior Choir Number One Mrs. R. s. McColhjm, Organist

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