SPORTS CLOSE-UPS BY FRITZ POLLARD (For Global) NEW iUKit This Marciano-LaStarza fight coming up in Sep tember IS the tamest thing to come along m tne sports field m a long time. It's a far cry from tne days of the old Joe Louis fights when the town would be buzzing for weeKs ahead, and excitement would nm high. In tiiose days, Hotels and rooming houses would be book ed solid a montn abead of the fight date, restaurants and bars would make preparations tor increased business, and people would get ready to entertain out-of-town relatives who came to tne ngnt irom halt way across the country, and sometimes out oi me country. Tne heavyweight tignt in those days was a coioriux contest and joe i^ouis tilled tne hill as a color- lui cnampion. INegroes lelt tney had something riding on joes every puncn, and wnen he bad stalked his prey, and nnauy went lo worK systematicaUy beating him down, every INegro teit it symbouc oi his own struggle to prove himgcif a man and command the respect of all. But then, Joe was more than a Negro champion. He was such a clean fighter and such a great champion that he brought a distinction to the championship that will be hard for anybody else to auplicate. , l^es, Joe was an all-time great. He reigned m a colorful manner without pretentiousness or gaudiness, and earned re spect in and out ot tne rmg. This atlair coming up on Sep tember IS certainly dull«nd diab In comparison to the days of the tttown bomber. *' VVe see .where Mai Whitfield has come up with another record. '1 He Olympic UUO-meter champion set the new world record for 1,UUU meters this week, clocked in 20.8. The pre vious record was established last October by OUe Aberg of Sweden. Uis record was 2:21.3, Also competing in the race at liiskilstuna, Sweden was Keggie Pearman, representing the New York Pioneer Club who Unished second. Koy Campanella is still on Us hitting streak and doesn’t shotv any signs of cooling down. He. has already set a record for runs batted In among Catchers for the second season, and seems to be making a strong bid for the UVP award again this year. Interviewed during one of his hitting streaks re cently, Campy was asked if he thought he would reach Babe Buth’s record. Campy repUed that he doesn’t think In terms ^ of streaks or records. He Just plays each game as it comes along and does bis best all the time ... Which is probably why lie is one of the game’s greats. The Rookie of the Year Award is going to be a tough one this year. Junior GUiiam and Bill Bruton at times seem about neck and neck. However, since GiUiam had a little rest, he returned to second base and has figured prominently in every win the Dodgers have chalked up. As of this date, we would say Gilliam has the edge. He doesn’t raise much sand, and he's not a flashy player, therefore, he may not at tract attention immediately. But the kid has class and has proved he really belongs. He would have to in order to re place the old firebrand Robinson. (Cm SCHEDULB) FOK WORKBS IN DRIVE 10 GET JUi KXt HIGH SCHOOl SIAOIUH A meeting of aU campaign workers in the Negro campaign to raise funds for the North west High School football sta dium has been set for 5 P.M. Sunday, at West Charlotte High School. W. Howard Moreland, Chair man of the entire Negro section of the campaign, has set in mo tion plans to raise a minimum of $5,000 in the campaign, this siun to be supplemented by 910,000 to be raised in the whit* community. The football stadium facilities at the Northwest High School will cbst $40,000, but $20,000 of this sum will be allocated to the project by the Board of Edu cation, providing the community raises the first $20,000. \ The meeting has been planned so that “generals, “colonels”, and “captains” working under the direction^ of Howard More land may receive their final in structions. Mr. Moreland was appointed co-chairman of the campaign by a local publisher, Thomas Robin son, who will head the entire campaign. Mr. Robinson sa^d the Solici tations Review Committee is meeting to consider all details of the campaign. The start of all solicitations is being delayed un til the Solicitations Review Committee puts it’s stamp of ap proval on the campaign which lias been planned so that it wiU not conflict with the United Ap peal which will be launched October 19. Mr. Moreland has appointed the following ten “generals” who, in turn, will each appoint ten “colonels” to ^ork with them: C. L. Blake, W. G. By ers, Alexander Dykes, N. G. Edwards, I. T. Grahm, J. E. Grigsby, Arthur Grier, William Malone. T. M. Martin, W. H. Moreland, Dr. E. h. Rann and Fred Williams. The “colonels” already ap pointed are: Mrs. Gwendolyn Cunningham, Miss Lienora Grier, Mrs. Mable RusseU, B. D. Ro berts, Mrs. Martha Johnson, Roy Perry, Bari Colston, C. H. Beck with, W. B. Harrison, Mrs. S. E. Harrison, Miss Buelah Moore, Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph, and Romeo Alexander. Opening Dates For Schools In Buncombe County Set; County Schools to Start On August 2(th STEPHENS-LEE HIGH OPENS GRID DRILLS ASHEVILLE Some 59 hopefuls answered the call to Stephen-Lee High School opening footbaU drills being i^held on the HiU Street School-grounds. Included in the first reportees were some 25 candidates out for the first time. Coaches C. L. Moore and Dod son Blakely face the task of put ting'together'a teem whieh will be able to face up to a tough ten game schedule, with tibe opening game three weeks away, when the 1853 edition ot the FootbaU Bean take on West Cbarlotte High in the local sta dium the night of September 17. Head Coach Moore indicated that the lob of getting a formid able team ready wUl be depen dent on the dinding of adequate replacements to fiU the holes left by graduation last year. However, one of the most en couraging signs is the return of Wayne Coleman, who last year was hampered through out the season with injuries. Coleman was Moore’s best tail back in the single-wing attack, which he will use again this year. Moore has indicated that he wiU vary this single-wing offense with the use of the spUt ■•T't. Also to be heavily counted on this year will be Co-captains Billie Gardenheight and Ar nold Jones. Gardenheight is a tackle *%hile Jones plays end. Both performed weU lor the Bears last year, who compUed a 4-4 record. In addition to opening at home against West Charlotte on September. 17, the remainder ot the Stephen-Lee Schedule is as foUows; Sept 35, Dudley at Greensboro; Oct. 1, Carver at Spartanburg; 8, Brewer, here; 15, ThomasviUe, here; 23, Gas tonia, herel 29, Lexington, here; Nov. 5, Simms at Union, S. C. 12, Winston-Salem, here and Nov. 20, Carver at Splndale. more than ever buried in the second division. For all the sparking of Hank Thompson (who got the only extra base hit against the Dod gers’ Carl Erskine), there Just doesn’t seem to be any life left in the Giants. They’re m re signed that they don’t look even interested in making the run for third or fourth place, which could mean earning $775 for 3rd place and $338 for fourth in the share of the World Series’ monies. Moreover, if they don't watch out, the Cincinnati Red- legs may oust them from 5th place, which would be an envi able spot for the Redlegs, es pecially with Afonager Rogers Hornsby battling for his job. ASHEVILLE County schools will . open August 26 and city schools will open a week later on August 31. Allen High School, a private school for girls will begin reg istration on September 1st and classes wUl begin on the 3rd. All schools report being ready to open on schedule, al though in the case of Liiving- ingston Street School, con struction work Is stlU in pro gress and the building and grounds will not be ready for full unrestricted use. Both city and county schools are anticipating larger enroU- ments this year. There will be a marked increase in the number of children entering school for the first time. Children may en ter public school for the first time i they are six years old be fore October 15, 1953. There have been very few changes In the teaching staffs In the city and county schools. It Is known that Black Moun tain’s Carver Elementary School will add one teacher if there is an increase In enroll ment. C. U. James Is principal of the county school which is housed In a building new as of last year. At ShUoh School of which J. C. Daniels is principal, Miss Elsie AUen will be the new librarian, filling a vacancy creat ed by the transfer of Miss FraiV ces Owens of Livingston Street School where she will fiU a vacancy created by the retire ment last spring of Mrs. Janet Kebe. It has been reported that Stephens-Lee is to have an ad dition to the faculty, but the name of the person and the po sition could not be learned as the principal, Mr. Frank Toli ver was out-of-town. Listless Giants Will Finish In Second Dhrision NEW YORK Shackled with a three game loss to the Brooklyn Dodgers, the Giants not only continued to make Cholly Dressen look good as a prophet (“The Giants is dead,” be nl4) but seemad oatom^ Jl6i* DnmXBD IRCMC AMERICAN GRAIN 90 PROOF. fBACaUMOIfnUBRS OOKP., MBW YORK. N. Y. The reports received from most principals stated that their teachers had many varied experi ences during the summer just about to end. In addition to the usual number which attend summer school or work in re creation programs, many of the teachers traveled extensively during the summer, with prob ably Supervisor of Schools, Mrs.. Lucy Herring covering the great est amount of territory with her travel over a great portion of Europe. Mrs. lierring is expected to return to Asheville sometime next week. All principals report their bnildings to be in good shape maintenance-wise. With the ex ception of construction work which has been in progress aU summer on Livingston Street school. No major repairs or improvements took place in the schools during the vaca tion although at the HUl Street School earth-moving and grad ing of the front plsyground was completed. MORGAN TO OPEN TRAINING MINUS MANY GRADUATE VETS BALTIMORE, MD. A sensational year in track has not dimmed Morgan State CoUege’s love of the gridiron! That was evident here this week as "official greetings” were sent to thirty-three Mor gan footbaU players urging them to report for “duty” September 1. That wiU be the initial day of practice for the fifty-three Bear eleven which sees its first real action here September 26 against Central State CoUege of Xenia, Ohio. Twenty-seven lettermen re ceived Jhe summons to practice. A great many of the returning Bears are la^t year’s freshmen. The veteran Bear squad has been whittled down by gr&dua- tion of some of the crack l^rgan gridders. Missing from the ranks wiU be: Roosevelt Brown, co-captain and All-American taclUe who’s trying out with the New York Giants; Irvin Locust, 1952 Bear co-captain yiiom Eddie Hurt of ten called “the best end in the East”; Carl “Jet” Whitted, game back of Durham, N. C., who is now a second lieutenant in the Army; Haward Quann, Hemp stead, N. Y. back; Ernest Lind say, Baltimore, Md. guard; Mat thew Marcus, end from Balti more, Md., who is also a com missioned officer in the Army. William Buford, tackle of Asheville, N. C., and Lawrence “Larry” HarreU, back of High Point, N. C., take over the co captainships vacated by Brown and Locust. Beyond that, the Morgan coaching staff cannot say how the team will shape up this year. Dodger Players In Better Way For $$ Raise PITTSBURGH The spectacular drive the Brooklyn Dodgers are putting on in their race to the finish certainly wUl mean one thing to the Brooklyn front office—a heavy payroU for the ‘54 season. For the drive is a team one with almost all of the 26 players contributing to the flourish. Last year it was mostly Joe Black solely responsible for the flag for the rest of the team played only normal and a few below par. Thai the owners had only to reward Joe with a 100 percent raise and throw in some extras for a few deserving. But this year it is different. AU of them are standouts from Campanella and Hodges to Fu- SPACE SHIP BANK MOOTINO COIN — to pfay with — to coy* with It “SHOOTS” pennies, nickels/ dimesl Offerad at fast than evr cost—ONLY This clever new, ALL-METAL Rocket shooting coin bank (not sold in stores) makes a useful, wonderful, low-cost item for every child In the family. Come in; see the fascinating way it worksl Educates while it amuses; and how the kids do "go for itl” 8% inches long, virtually indestructible, crttrac- tively boxed, with key included for mom or dad to guard. OfflUD A$ A SPiCIAL SiRVICI tXCLUSIVlLY b/ Mutual Savings And Loan Ass’n. All Accounts Insured Up To $10,000,00 ^ 112 W. Parrish Street Durham, N. C. SATDRDAY. AUG. 29, 1988 CAaOLDTA TDtn nOlflTB rillo and Snider to a flock of pitchers with a top notch bull pen to a splendid array of second line players. Yes, Mana ger Charlie Dressen will tell you that he gave them all chances to make some extra money and if they keep on at it, the front offi ce will have a hard tinn» to cope with these boys on salaries. Louis liefuses Mantle Of RaceSpokesman ■ NEW YORK Joe Louis, former heavy weight champion, said today he was often troubled by the fact that people generally consider him “a spokesman for the whole Negro race.” Writing in the cur rent issue of S£I£ Magazine, just released, the Brown Bomber told of his constant fear that he “would do or say something wrong and shame or harm col ored people everywhere.” Louis stated his “toughest fight” has always been the fight within tiimseif not to “do things tliat would only stir up trouble and make things worse than ever for others.” “I don’t pretend to be any great authority on racial rela tions,” Louis said, "and certainly I don’t kid myself that my toughest fight wiU change the nature of the world.” Louis asserted in SEE tliat "the American Negro is very slowly but surely winning the fight against prejudice. It’s been a hard battle but I think the final round is coming up in our life time,” he added in the SEE Magazine article. Frick Takes Dim View Of Extra Play-Off CHICAGO Though it would make a lot of money for the Milwaukee Braves and the Chicago White Sox and give the west some consolation for not being in the World Se ries, Baseball Commissioner Ford Frick is dead set against any match between the color ful two clubs, who have the mis fortune to trail the Yankees and the Dodgers, in their respec tive leagues. On commenting about the whole proposition which gets aired before the executive coun cil this week, Frick had this to say: “I don’t want games be tween a couple of second place clubs to detract, in any way, from tl^e interest in the World Series. I have no doubt that the Braves and the White Sox would draw a lot of attendance, but that is hardly a strong argument as far as I’m concerned.” Howard Gridders Hay Have To Rely Heavily On 15 Lettermen WASHINGTON, D.C. Fifteen lettermen, includmg three All-Conference , players, will be among the 40 candidates reporting at Howard University Tuesday, September 1st, as prac tice sessions begin for the 5)th year of varsity football at the University. Three weeks of two-a-day drills have been scheduled for the Howard team. The sessions begin at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. siM will be open to th* public. With the two-platoon system now outlawed, the Howard coaching staff plans to revert to the single-wing offensive pat tern. The system was last used at Howard in 1946. Since that time, the Bisons have employed the “T” and "Spllt-T’ forma tions. According to the Howard coa ches, the switrii ftan the **T” to the sfaiclewlnc was not ■ matter of prcfereite* bat • a»- cessity considering the tialities of this year's sonnel. Three-foorths at- the 1952 backfleld is cone and the Bisons will not have a n—onsd “T’ quarterback in this year's squad. Few, If any, oi the 1M> Bisons have played single-wtnc football, but the offensive switch is considered a calculated risk. September, 26, Bluefield at Howard Stadium; October 3, West Virginia State mt Charles ton, West Va.; 10, Virginia Un ion at Richmond, Va.; 17, Mor gan at Howard Stadium; 24, Johnson C. Smith, at Howard Stadium; 31, Allen at Columbia, S. C.; November, 7, Hampton at Howard Stadium; 14, Delaware State at Howard Stadium, and 26, Lincoln at Philadelphia. Haughty Grambling Tigers Shoot For Rainlww After 3 Lean Years GAMBLING, LA. Anybody who doesn’t paint a verbal villian mustache on the Grambling Tigers for the com ing campaign is considered an old fogy, at least a year behind the time, by local seers. The haughty Tigers will launch fall drills Thursday with the rainbow in sight after three bitter years of search. Everybody seems sure of a winner but the coaching staff, who finds the situation extreme ly embarrassing. Coach Eddie Robinson and his staff admit the spirit is high, but avow that they will be will ing to eat crow if the boys are not^ suffering compound frac tures and triple contusions by mid-October. Lack of team depth and a belt tightened by one-platoon foot ball are the major problems facing the staff. However, the final tabulation should be happier than they pre sently allow. Chief assets are a wealth of hefty linemen and s fast and shifty backfield featuring ex- G.I. “Bellpepper” Patterson, Big Willie Gamer and phantom hipped Elvin Spears. Odds On Buns NEW YORK Betting men are already warning that the Brooklyn Dodgers may for the first time in history be the favorites in the World Series. Of Course, as far as Harlem is concerned, the Brooks are already the favorites but they have yet to be so in serious betting circles. Lucky Strikes ■ ■ ■ by JOE BLACK Oarl Furlllo is enjoying bis best season as a ball player this year. Re’s hit ting well over .300 and is fighting it out for the top hitting honors. £0s fielding, as usual, has been sensational. And this is the guy a lot of people thought was through because his batting aver age fell to a lowly .347 last year. There can be no doubt about it, Carl has fooled them all and has made what I really think Is the “comeback of the year." PuriUo had trouble with his eyes last season and couldQt see the ball clearly. Just as he would start to swing he would lose sight of the ball. It became a blur. He had an eye operation this past winter and now is as good as new. Whenever 1 mention Furlllo’s name to ball fans, the first thing they ask me is: “Can he really throw that hard?” Well, take it from me... he can! He makes tlie kind of plays that folks win be talking about for years. He plays that tricky right-fleld wall at Ebbets Fleki as though he built It. Furillo broke into organised baseball as a pitcher back in 1941, but he hit and fielded so well that he was switched to the outfield That was a switch that really paid off for the Dodgers. And horell a switch that will paj off tor all you dgare^^e smokers: Switch to bet ter-tasting Lucky Strike and get» cleaner. fnaher.jmoother taste.. puff after puff! Furillo smokes Luckies ... and so do fellows liks Campanella, Reese, Hodges and Snider. So, come on... Be Happy —Oo Lucky, toda^l bSrUch Calvert nmded ‘ otjewe (URDU* BOTTUOW TM CAtVERT MSTILUNC Ctt ■^nMOSS. MO,XWUTIUI. K« Calvert RESERVE $2-30 PIN'I $3.65 cuiTirr marruxM* ooftHimrrioii NSW YORK cmr MEiMi «ittsn n.t mm. w% mm Mmu immi